project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Pearl Mussel Project – Farming for nature in a vibrant rural economy.
Pearl Mussel Project – Farming for nature in a vibrant rural economy.

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Ongoing | 2018 - 2023 Ireland
Ongoing | 2018 - 2023 Ireland
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The project aims to design and implement a voluntary results-based agri-environmental scheme that will help protect the endangered freshwater pearl mussel & the wider environment.

To achieve this goal, the project will pursue the following spe­cific objectives within eight priority freshwater pearl mussel catchments:

Protect and enhance the conditions of the freshwater pearl mussel rivers by maintaining & improving natural habitats.

Deliver an opportunity for farmers to earn an additional income from their land by receiving a payment for the delivery of a defined environmental result.

Provide sustainable benefits for biodiversity & river ecosystems, while supporting a vibrant rural economy.


Scéim dheonach chomhshaoil talmhaíochta, atá bunaithe ar thorthaí agus a chabhróidh le cosaint a dhéanamh ar an diúilicín péarla fionnuisce agus an mór-chomhshaol, a dhearadh agus a chur i ngníomh.

Chun a bhfuil de rún againn a bhaint amach, gabhfar do na sainchuspóirí seo sna hocht n-abhantrach diúilicíní péarla:

Dálaí aibhneacha na ndiúilicíní péarla a chosaint agus a leasú trí ghnáthóga a chothú agus a fheabhsú.

Deis a thabhairt d’fheirmeoirí sna habhantracha ar ioncam breise a thuilleamh óna dtalamh trí íocaíocht a fháil as toradh sainithe comhshaoil.

Tairbhí inbhuanaithe a chur ar fáil ó thaobh bithéagsúlachta agus ó thaobh éiceachórais na n-aibhneacha agus tacú le geilleagar bríomhar tuaithe


Project activities include:

  • Developing and implementing a results-based agri-environmental scheme which will financially reward farmers for delivering environmental benefits.

  • Community outreach to promote environmental awareness amongst local communities in each of the project areas.

  • Promoting innovative agriculture by supporting novel approaches to land management that are relevant to the aims of the project.

  • Developing market opportunities for agricultural producers that complement the project’s overall environmental targets

Supporting research and development relevant to the aims of the project.


Gníomhaíochtaí an Tionscadail:

  • Scéim chomhshaoil talmhaíochta, atá bunaithe ar thorthaí agus a thabharfaidh luach a saothair d’fheirmeoirí as tairbhí comhshaoil a sholáthar, a fhorbairt agus a chur i ngníomh.

  • Obair theagmhála a dhéanamh chun feasacht ar an gcomhshaol a chur chun cinn i measc na bpobal áitiúil i ngach ceann de cheantair an tionscadail.

  • An talmhaíocht nuálach a chur chun cinn trí thacú le cur chuige úrnua i leith na bainistíochta talún a bhaineann le haidhmeanna an tionscadail.

  • Deiseanna sa mhargadh, a chuireann le spriocanna iomlána an tionscadail, a fhorbairt do tháirgeoirí talmhaíochta.

  • Tacú le taighde agus forbairt a bhaineann le haidhmeanna an tionscadail.


The freshwater pearl mussel is a mussel species of clean rivers that is on the verge of extinction in Ireland and western Europe, where populations have declined by 90% over the past century. The primary cause of this decline is related to altered and intensifying land use.  The species is on the IUCN Red List, and is one of the 365 most endangered species in the world. It is listed for protected under the EU Habitats Directive.


In Ireland, eight river catchments contain 80% of the total Irish freshwater pearl mussel population, and are known as the ‘Top eight catchments'. While these rivers support the highest remaining numbers of freshwater pearl mussels in Ireland, these populations are also undergoing a slow decline, and face extinction unless action is taken.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IE06RDNP001 Ireland - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
South-West (IE)
Other geographical location
West, Border

€ 10000000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

1 Practice Abstracts

The freshwater pearl mussel is a mussel species of clean rivers that is on the verge of extinction in Ireland and western Europe, where populations have declined by 90% over the past century. The primary cause of this decline is related to altered and intensifying land use.  The species is on the IUCN Red List, and is one of the 365 most endangered species in the world. It is listed for protected under the EU Habitats Directive.


In Ireland, eight river catchments contain 80% of the total Irish freshwater pearl mussel population, and are known as the ‘Top eight catchments'. While these rivers support the highest remaining numbers of freshwater pearl mussels in Ireland, these populations are also undergoing a slow decline, and face extinction unless action is taken.


Healthy populations of freshwater pearl mussels are only found in extremely clean rivers, so their presence indicates a high-quality environment that benefits the local community and wider society. These benefits include clean water, flood and climate regulation, natural landscapes, and high levels of biodiversity.


The Pearl Mussel Project will work closely with farmers in the ‘Top eight catchments’ to develop positive farming practices that will help to protect the endangered freshwater pearl mussel and also benefit the wider environment. The project will use a results-based approach, whereby farmers receive a score for the delivery of a defined environmental result, with higher scores getting higher payments.

The freshwater pearl mussel is a mussel species of clean rivers that is on the verge of extinction in Ireland and western Europe, where populations have declined by 90% over the past century. The primary cause of this decline is related to altered and intensifying land use.  The species is on the IUCN Red List, and is one of the 365 most endangered species in the world. It is listed for protected under the EU Habitats Directive.


In Ireland, eight river catchments contain 80% of the total Irish freshwater pearl mussel population, and are known as the ‘Top eight catchments'. While these rivers support the highest remaining numbers of freshwater pearl mussels in Ireland, these populations are also undergoing a slow decline, and face extinction unless action is taken.


Healthy populations of freshwater pearl mussels are only found in extremely clean rivers, so their presence indicates a high-quality environment that benefits the local community and wider society. These benefits include clean water, flood and climate regulation, natural landscapes, and high levels of biodiversity.


The Pearl Mussel Project will work closely with farmers in the ‘Top eight catchments’ to develop positive farming practices that will help to protect the endangered freshwater pearl mussel and also benefit the wider environment. The project will use a results-based approach, whereby farmers receive a score for the delivery of a defined environmental result, with higher scores getting higher payments.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • The Pearl Mussel Project Ltd

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Agricultural advisors throughout west of Ireland

    Project partner

  • Con Curtin

    Project partner

  • Evelyn Moorkens

    Project partner

  • Farmers across eight catchments in west of Ireland

    Project partner

  • O’Connor Pyne & Co.

    Project partner

  • Wetland Surveys Ireland Ltd

    Project partner