project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Organic plantation of traditional and resistant apple tree varieties to solve spontaneous vegetation management problems and rodent mammals control
Implantación de una parcela ecológica de manzanos de variedades tradicionales y resistentes y resolución de los problemas de manejo de la vegetación espontánea y del control de los micromamíferos roed

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main objectives are to strengthen the organic apple production system with traditional and resistant varieties and to solve the two most important handicaps in organic fruit production identified in the Girona fruit area: control of spontaneous vegetation and small rodents, mole (Microtus duodecimcostatus). The specific aims are: the production, restoration, preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, the production of fruits with high added value and the promotion and cooperation for innovation of both fruit growing and research sectors.



Los objetivos principales consisten en consolidar la producción ecológica de manzana de variedades convencionales y resistentes, y, resolver los dos obstáculos principales del manejo ecológico identificados en el área frutícola de Girona: el manejo de la vegetación espontánea y el control de los micromamíferos roedores (= ratas de campo). Los objetivos específicos son diversificar la producción, restaurar, preservar y mejorar la biodiversidad, añadir valor a los productos agrícolas obtenidos, y, fomentar la cooperación para la innovación entre los sectores productores y de investigación.



During the 2015-16 winter season a new organic apple orchard was planted with conventional and resistant varieties. A specific pest and diseases control strategy was applied: to avoid rodent damage (Microtus duodecimcostatus) several preventive methods have been used, such as planting trees at the same level of the alleyways (no hill lines) and the protection of the orchard perimeter with wire mesh partially buried on earth; the spontaneous vegetation control in the apple trees lines was done by a retractable tractor device with metal fingers.



Durante el invierno de 2015-16 se ha realizado una nueva plantación ecológica de manzanos con variedades convencionales y resistentes. Se ha aplicado un programa de defensa sanitaria para el control de las enfermedades y plagas más importantes y el manejo de la vegetación espontanea. 
Para evitar daños por los micromamíferos roedores (Microtus duodecimcostatus) se han adoptado métodos pasivos preventivos como plantar a nivel del suelo (sin caballón) y proteger el perímetro de la plantación con un tela metálica parcialmente enterrada. El control de la vegetación espontánea en la línea de los árboles se ha efectuado con una máquina acoplada al tractor provista de un brazo retráctil de dedos metálicos.



This project consists in the plantation of a new organic apple orchard with two different types of varieties: conventional organic and resistant to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). A specific pests and diseases control strategy (taking into account the most important handicaps identified in organic apple orchards management in Girona since 2002) will be applied to demonstrate the viability of the organic fruit production.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Lleida

€ 123104.81

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Venanci Grau Marull

    Project coordinator