project - Research and innovation

Organic Farming Innovations Network Europe

Project identifier: 2024HE_101183127_OH-FINE
Ongoing | 2024 - 2028 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Italy, Switzerland
Ongoing | 2024 - 2028 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Italy, Switzerland


The European Union aims to have 25% of agricultural land in organic production by 2030, as outlined in its Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy. Achieving this goal will require doubling the current growth rate of organic agriculture, making the transition a complex but urgent process. 
Transitioning to organic farming is a complex decision-making process for farmers. It requires major changes in farm management, investment, and skills development, which may conflict with traditional farming practices. Therefore, the creation of multi-stakeholder knowledge-sharing networks that foster innovation and facilitate knowledge generation is particularly important while incorporating economic, social, and environmental indicators and adopting a bottom-up approach that prioritizes stakeholders' perspectives. This is essential if we are to move towards more sustainable agriculture.


Organic farming relies heavily on knowledge. However, there remains an urgent need to deepen this knowledge to make organic farming both more sustainable and more productive. Aiming to establish a pan-European Organic Farming Learning Community, OH-FINE will bring together experts, resources, technology, learning culture, and strategy to foster the integration and sharing of organic farming knowledge across diverse European regions. This framework will incorporate economic, social, and environmental indicators while adopting a bottom-up approach that prioritizes stakeholders' perspectives.
OH-FINE will help to facilitate and promote the transition to organic farming, while at the same time supporting capacity building for farmers in the post-conversion phase. A new Decision Support System (DSS) ICT tool will be developed to maximize the use and transfer of the project results. OH-FINE will provide valuable insights into the transition from conventional to organic farming, focusing on essential regulatory, technical, and economic considerations. This forward-thinking approach will not only tackle present challenges but also help shape the future of sustainable agriculture across cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, and livestock.


OH-FINE aims to support and advance organic farming through a comprehensive and collaborative approach. The initiative focuses on assessing the needs of farmers both during the conversion to organic agriculture and in the post-conversion phase. It seeks to gather and analyze existing knowledge on organic farming practices while identifying the knowledge requirements of various stakeholders in the sector.

To facilitate this, OH-FINE will establish a Pan-European Organic Farming Learning Community, supported by a Decision Support System, regional knowledge hubs, cross-visits, forums, knowledge generation through co-creative field experiments, development of practical materials such as videos and technical documents, and cross-fertilization with operational groups and other European projects. The emphasis will be on promoting knowledge sharing through a bottom-up approach.

The project will also conduct case studies to test innovative techniques, technologies, and farming strategies. Additionally, it will offer training and capacity-building programs, including workshops, seminars, farmer exchange programs, and advisory services for farmers.

Lastly, OH-FINE will carry out impact assessments to evaluate how the proposed methodologies enhance competitiveness in the organic farming sector, foster knowledge exchange, and accelerate the adoption of innovations and best practices.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon Europe (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Type of Horizon project
Other Horizon funded projects
Project acronym
CORDIS Fact sheet
Project contribution to CAP specific objectives
  • SO2. Increasing competitiveness: the role of productivity
  • SO3. Farmer position in value chains
  • SO4. Agriculture and climate mitigation
  • Environmental care
  • Preserving landscapes and biodiversity
  • Vibrant rural areas
  • Protecting food and health quality
  • Fostering knowledge and innovation
Project contribution to EU Strategies
  • Reducing the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides and/or use of more hazardous pesticides
  • Fostering organic farming and/or organic aquaculture, with the aim of increased uptake
  • Reducing the use of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture
  • Reducing nutrient losses and the use of fertilisers, while maintaining soil fertility
  • Improving management of natural resources used by agriculture, such as water, soil and air
  • Protecting and/or restoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services within agrarian and forest systems
  • Improving animal welfare

EUR 3 823 271.80

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

EUR 3 823 271.80

EU contribution

Any type of EU funding.



Project coordinator

  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • TEAGASC - Agriculture and Food Development Authority

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • SGGW - Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego

    Project partner

  • AFOA - Stowarzyszenie Forum Rolnictwa Ekologicznego Im Mieczyslawa Gornego

    Project partner

  • IPTP - Institut Po Polski Kulturi

    Project partner

  • BIOSELENA - Fondatsiya za Biologichno Zemedelie BioselenaIOSELENA

    Project partner

  • LAMMC - Lietuvos Agrariniu Ir Misku Mokslu Centras

    Project partner

  • LEUA - Lietuvos ekologiniu ukiu asociacija

    Project partner

  • SEAE - Sociedad Espanola De Agricultura Ecologica

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • FiBL AT - Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landabu Österreich

    Project partner

  • EV ILVO - Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw- En Visserijonderzoek

    Project partner

  • BETANIA - Betania Legio S.L.

    Project partner

  • ACN - Ass. Cittadinanzattiva APS

    Project partner

  • INAGRO - Provinciaal Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap In Privaatrechtelijke Vorm VZW

    Project partner

  • Autonoom Provinciebedrijf Hooibeekhoeve

    Project partner

  • FiBL Switzerland - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

    Project partner