project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Operational Group BOSQUES 3.0. Digitization and remote sensing of the sustainable use, biodiversity and resilience of Spanish forests.
Grupo Operativo BOSQUES 3.0. Digitalización y teledetección del uso sostenible, biodiversidad y resiliencia de los bosques españoles

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General objective: Creation of new IT tools for users for the sustainable management and enhancement of Spanish forests. 
Specific objective 1: Digitalisation and registration of the national forest area with a guarantee of sustainable management for target users.
Specific Objective 2: System for the identification of changes in vegetation cover using remote sensing techniques to improve the resilience, biodiversity and sustainable use of forests.
Specific Objective 3: Strengthening and improvement of forest and forest product value chains. Enhancing social and economic aspects.


Objetivo general: Creación de nuevas herramientas IT para los usuarios de la gestión sostenible y puesta en valor de los bosques españoles. 
Objetivo específico 1: Digitalización y registro de la superficie forestal nacional con garantía de gestión sostenible para los usuarios objetivo.
Objetivo específico 2: Sistema de Identificación de cambios en la cobertura vegetal mediante técnicas de teledetección para mejorar la resiliencia, biodiversidad y uso sostenible de los bosques.
Objetivo específico 3: Fortalecimiento y mejora de las cadenas de valor del bosque y sus productos. Potenciación de los aspectos sociales y económicos.


Comprehensive tool for the management and monitoring of the certification process. Integration of digital mapping of certified surfaces and their automatic characterisation based on external environmental and socio-economic data.
Image processing chain implemented in cloud technology and change mapping. Remote sensing and updated image information based on Sentinel 2. Coordination between users and agents. Strengthening Monte - Industry. Generation of "Open Forests" web portal for information visualisation.


Herramienta integral para la gestión y monitorización del proceso de certificación. Integración de cartografía digital de superficies certificadas y su caracterización automática en base a datos ambientales y socioeconómicos externos.
Cadena de procesado de imágenes implementada en tecnología cloud y cartografía de cambios. Información de teledetección e imagen actualizada basada en Sentinel 2.
Coordinación entre usuarios y agentes. Fortalecimiento Monte – Industria. Generación de portal web “Open Bosques” para la visualización de la información


The Circular Economy Strategy, and the Climate Change and Energy Transition Bill, the current and future agreements of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change aim to take the lead in achieving a low-carbon economy where the forestry sector is indispensable and irreplaceable in its role as a carbon sink.
A new EU regulation on deforestation-free products will require companies marketing commodities, including wood and wood-based products such as furniture, to know where they come from, for which digitisation and geo-referencing of sustainable forests will be key.
The importance of generational change through investment in digitisation, technification, professionalisation and advice for young people so that they see this forestry activity as more attractive, supporting sustainability based on the bioeconomy and guaranteeing a rejuvenation of the rural world.
This volume and type of information requires efficient control and management in order to enhance the value of forest management and provide society and consumers with data in real time.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDNP001 España - Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
A Coruña, Sevilla

€ 352139

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • PEFC ESPAÑA - Asociación para la Certificación Española Forestal

    Project coordinator

Project partners


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