project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

New scenarios for the industrial production of aromatic and medicinal plants in traditional Catalan farming system
Nuevos escenarios de producción industrial de planta aromática y medicinal en los sistemas agrarios tradicionales de Catalunya

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The project aims to analyse the behaviour of different commercial varieties of a number of aromatic and medicinal plant (AMP) species that could be grown on a commercial scale in different farming scenarios in Catalonia.
We have chosen species with a good market demand for both the dried plant and essential oils and which can be adapted to different growing conditions.
During this working period, we aim to collect enough information on crop management, including mechanisation, especially for weeding and harvesting, and industrial processing systems (drying and distillation) that help design a strategy for real, large-scale farming.
At the same time, we want to see if this type of crop has an impact on pollinating insect populations and if they could be compatible for cultivation in special protection areas (SPAs).


The objectives are to:

 Assess the agronomic response, chemical composition and cultural and mechanisation needs for large-scale cultivation of certain AMP species.

Obtain a real, confirmed analysis of the economic and technical viability of industrial-scale production of some AMP species introduced as possible crops in the agricultural systems in Catalonia.

Observe the compatibility of the cultural management for these crops with the conservation of steppe bird species in the areas declared SPAs thereby including AMP farming as  an alternative in SPAs.

Assess the impact of these crops on biodiversity by measuring their role as enhancers and maintainers of pollinating insect populations


Los objetivos son:
1. Evaluar la respuesta agronómica, la composición química y las necesidades culturales y de mecanización del cultivo a gran escala de algunas especies de PAM.
2. Obtener un análisis real y contrastado de viabilidad económica y técnica de la producción a escala industrial de algunas especies de PAM.
3. Observar la compatibilidad del manejo cultural aplicado a estos cultivos con la conservación de las especies de aves esteparias en los espacios agrarios declarados como ZEPAS para  que el cultivo de PAM sea un alternativa 
4. Valorar el impacto de estos cultivos como potenciadores de poblaciones de insectos polinizadores.


Work will be conducted in 4 areas:
Agriculture: monitoring farms to evaluate yields of biomass and essential oils and their quality. Define a large-scale production scenario
Environmental: compare crop management and phenology of these AMP species with the bird species nesting in SPAs and thus needing special protection measures, and assess the role of AMP crops as enhancers of pollinating insect communities.
Biomass transformation technology: compare the commercial possibilities of existing drying and distillation facilities, choosing the best for scaled-up production.
Marketing: samples of essential oils and dried plants  will be used to carry out a national and international market survey.


Se trabajará en cuatro ámbitos:

Agrícola: Evaluación de los rendimientos de biomasa y aceite esencial. Definir un posible escenario de cultivo a gran escala.

Ambiental: contrastar el manejo del cultivo y la fenología de estas especies de PAM con las especies de aves de las zonas ZEPA  (que necesitan medidas de protección especial). Evaluar el rol de los cultivos de PAM aumentar el número de insectos polinizadores.

Tecnología de transformación de la biomasa: compararlas posibilidades comerciales de instalaciones y equipos de secado y destilación existentes para hallar la mejor para una producción a gran escala.

Comercialización : Asistencia a ferias nacionales e internacionales.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

EUR 179 870.00

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

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    Forest Sciences and Technology Centre of Catalonia

    Project coordinator