project - Research and innovation

NARA: TraiNing on Agriculture and posthaRvest fruit and vegetables through sustainable best prActices
NARA: TraiNing on Agriculture and posthaRvest fruit and vegetables through sustainable best prActices

Completed | 2015 - 2016 Cyprus, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, European Union
Completed | 2015 - 2016 Cyprus, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, European Union
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main objective of the NARA project has been to contribute to the improvement of the professionalization of young farmers in Europe, especially those of horticultural sector. To this end, the project partners have worked for 2 years on the development of an online training platform that offers free training and in five languages in six cross-cutting areas of high interest to the target audience: food security; Post-harvest technologies; Logistics and marketing; Soil, water and by-products; Packaging, and entrepreneurship. The project has been funded by the ERASMUS Program.


The main objective of the NARA project has been to contribute to the improvement of the professionalization of young farmers in Europe, especially those of the horticultural sector. To this end, the project partners have worked for 2 years on the development of an online training platform that offers free training and in five languages in six cross-cutting areas of high interest to the target audience: food security; Post-harvest technologies; Logistics and marketing; Soil, water and by-products; Packaging, and entrepreneurship. The project has been funded by the ERASMUS Program.


In the framework of the project project, different activities have been carried out that have contributed to the development of the main result of the project: the design and construction of an online platform that offers open and free training for the horticultural sector.

The training platform is available through the link:


In the framework of the project project, different activities have been carried out that have contributed to the development of the main result of the project: the design and construction of an online platform that offers open and free training for the horticultural sector.

The training platform is available through the link:

Additional information

If you want to have further information about the proyect, please visit:.

You also have a direct access to the offered training in this link:

Project details
Main funding source
Other EU research and development funds
Project acronym
Agricultural sectors
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Fundación Parque Científico Tecnológico Aula Dei

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) – University of Catania

    Project partner

  • Marketmentoro

    Project partner

  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

    Project partner

  • Tecnopackaging

    Project partner