project - Research and innovation

Mechanistic modelling of the vertical soil organic matter profile
Mechanistic modelling of the vertical soil organic matter profile

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The vertical distribution of soil organic mater (SOM) in the profile may be important due to depth-dependence of physical, chemical, and biological conditions, and links to physical processes such as heat and moisture transport. The aim of this thesis is to develop a dynamic and mechanistic representation of the vertical SOM profile that can be applied for large scale simulations as a part of global ecosystem and earth system models.


The vertical distribution of soil organic mater (SOM) in the profile may be important due to depth-dependence of physical, chemical, and biological conditions, and links to physical processes such as heat and moisture transport. The aim of this thesis is to develop a dynamic and mechanistic representation of the vertical SOM profile that can be applied for large scale simulations as a part of global ecosystem and earth system models.


The vertical distribution of soil organic mater (SOM) in the profile may be important due to depth-dependence of physical, chemical, and biological conditions, and links to physical processes such as heat and moisture transport. The aim of this thesis is to develop a dynamic and mechanistic representation of the vertical SOM profile that can be applied for large scale simulations as a part of global ecosystem and earth system models.


The vertical distribution of soil organic mater (SOM) in the profile may be important due to depth-dependence of physical, chemical, and biological conditions, and links to physical processes such as heat and moisture transport. The aim of this thesis is to develop a dynamic and mechanistic representation of the vertical SOM profile that can be applied for large scale simulations as a part of global ecosystem and earth system models.

Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Agricultural sectors
Crops (generic)
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1 Practice Abstracts

A model structure called SOMPROF was developed that dynamically simulates the SOM profile based on above and below ground litter input, decomposition, bioturbation, and liquid phase transport. Furthermore, three organic surface horizons are explicitly represented.

The SOMPROF model, combined with the Bayesian calibration scheme, offers valuable insights into the relevance of the different mechanisms to the SOM profile. However, equifinality remains a challenge, particularly for distinguishing different SOM transport processes. Improved representation of liquid phase transport and incorporation of additional observations may reduce these problems. In the future, SOMPROF can be incorporated into a terrestrial ecosystem model and calibration results can be used when deriving parameter sets for large scale application.

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Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Wageningen University and Research Centre

    Project partner