project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Meals of insects reared on agricultural by-products for feed production (FEEDS)
Farine di insEtti allevati su scarti agricoli pEr la proDuzione mangimiStica (FEEDS)

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
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The PS-GO FEEDS aims to introduce, adapt and transfer to Tuscan farms an innovative biotechnology, which uses insects with biorefinery tasks, to transform agricultural wastes and by-products into proteic meal and fats, to be used in the formulation of feeds for aquaculture, broilers and pets. Achieving this goal provides an income opportunity to the agricultural sector, enabling it to compete on the new market that originated from the opening to the use of insect meal in feeds for fish and, in a close future, for chickens.


Il PS-GO FEEDS ha l’obiettivo generale di introdurre, adattare e rendere trasferibile alle aziende agricole toscane una biotecnologia innovativa, che utilizza gli insetti con compiti di bioraffineria, per trasformare gli scarti e i sottoprodotti agricoli in farine proteiche e grassi, da impiegare nella formulazione di mangimi per acquacoltura, avicoltura e pet. Il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo fornisce una opportunità di reddito al comparto agricolo, mettendolo in grado di competere sul nuovo mercato originatosi dall’apertura all’uso di farine di insetto nell’alimentazione animale.


The coordination and dissemination activities are specifically envisaged in the announcement; the project's core is the construction of two pilot plants, one (WP2) for the rearing of soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) and flour beetles (Tenebrio molitor), grown on the agricultural wastes, and the other one for the composting of the residues of the breeding activity to produce a quality compost (WP3). The scientific partners of the project will supervise the plant, the production (WP4) and the processing of the flours produced and their use in feeds for fish, broilers and pets (WP5 and WP6).


Oltre alle attività di coordinamento (WP1) di divulgazione (WP8), il core operativo del progetto è costituito dalla realizzazione di due impianti pilota, il primo (WP2) per la produzione di insetti, mosca soldato (Hermetia illucens) e verme della farina (Tenebrio molitor), a partire dagli scarti dell’azienda, il secondo (WP3) per la produzione di compost di qualità dai residui degli allevamenti della WP2. I partner scientifici del progetto provvederanno alla messa a punto dell’attività produttiva (WP4) e di trasformazione delle farine prodotte e del loro utilizzo in mangimi per pesci, polli da carne e pet (WP5e WP6), oltre che al networking attraverso RRN e EIP Agri (WP7).


With the Reg. (EU) 2017/893 of 24 May 2017, the breeding of insects was authorized for feed purposes, offering the opportunity to introduce a new breeding activity on the farm. The possibility to use agricultural waste and by-products with low (or zero) cost, to obtain high value products and to introduce concrete elements of circular bioeconomy, make it a very interesting technology. The construction of plants of this type is currently not within the reach of the agricultural entrepreneur, because it requires extensive technical and scientific knowledge on various aspects: type of agricultural waste, insect breeding techniques, compliance with existing regulations. The activity of GO aims to create a prototype of a plant in a pilot company using a network of skills able to address the various aspects related to this activity.
The search for alternative protein sources for animal feed is a deeply felt need in the livestock sector, due to the strong environmental impact of crops and fish meal destined for feed use and for the costs that protein meal sprouts on the market. A wide and recent scientific literature supports the suitability of insect flours in the feeding of both fresh and salt water fish. Moreover, by 2021, the authorization for the use of insect flours in poultry farms is foreseen in EU countries: chicken feeds naturally also with insects that provide a very high share of digestible protein.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP010 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Toscana
Main geographical location

€ 352186.48

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

PS-GO FEEDS project was born with the aim of suggesting an alternative protein source for feed, starting from agricultural wastes and by-products. The basic idea was to reuse some agricultural waste and by-products (vegetable waste and dust produced by cleaning cereals before storage in silos), produced by a Tuscan agricultural cooperative, L'Unitaria, to rear two insect species, Hermetia illucens and Tenebrio molitor. PSGO FEEDS aimed to introduce, adapt and transfer to Tuscan farms this innovative biotechnology, which uses insects for bioconversion, to transform agricultural waste and by-products into proteic meal and fats, to be used in the formulation of feeds for aquaculture, broilers and pets. Achieving this goal had provided an income opportunity to the agricultural sector, enabling it to compete on the new market that originated from the opening to the use of insect meal in feeds for fish, chickens and pigs. The obtained results are encouraging and support the idea to rear insects as a possible alternative to traditional proteic sources in feeds.

The pilot plant was set up and the production of dried insects was realized. Proteic meals were used for feeding tests on fish, poultry and pets.

The goals reached in the project were

a) optimization and validation of the production process of dried insects;

b) set up of guidelines which allow the replicability of the project in accordance with the regulations in force on breeding, feed, hygiene and animal welfare;

c) formulation of feeds suitable for fish and poultry feeding;

e) to reduce the competition between food of plant origin used in both human and animal nutrition;

f) the possible use of frass as soil conditioner.

La diffusione di notizie sul progetto ha portato a stabilire rapporti con diverse realtà del mondo produttivo, del mondo scientifico, degli enti regolatori e di gestione politica ed economica. E’ stata molto importante la consulenza del CiRAA, della USL Pisana e dell’IZS Toscana Lazio e il loro contributo ha permesso di inquadrare l’attività di allevamento degli insetti nel corretto quadro normativo e di sicurezza igienica.

In forza di ciò, le informazioni divulgate, sotto forma di linee guida per la gestione dell’allevamento, forniscono criteri rigorosi di aderenza alla normativa e permettono fin dai primi momenti di muoversi correttamente nella progettazione di una nuova attività.

Il territorio regionale toscano rappresenta un ambito di elezione per la bioconversione dei sottoprodotti agricoli. Il settore della produzione primaria è molto sviluppato e parimenti importante è l’attività delle industrie agroalimentari di trasformazione che generano una grande quantità di scarti e sottoprodotti, molti dei quali adatti alla bioconversione tramite l’azione degli insetti. In generale, abbiamo riscontrato la necessità di approfondire la conoscenza della distribuzione e della consistenza dei sottoprodotti potenzialmente utilizzabili nella produzione degli insetti, per poter rispondere concretamente alle richieste di informazioni sulla fattibilità di questi nuovi allevamenti. Per quanto riguarda la trasferibilità ad altre realtà territoriali regionali, i risultati ottenuti da FEEDS sono facilmente esportabili, soprattutto in regioni vicine che, per condizioni “agricole” sono molto simili a quelle toscane

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Project coordinator

  • Mori Iacopo

    Project coordinator

Project partners