project - Research and innovation

LANDSUPPORT - Web-Based Land Decision Support System
Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment

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LANDSUPPORT is an operational platform to tackle agriculture/forestry/environmental issues dynamically over large areas (e.g. Europe, Nation, Region, Local site): i) as bottom-up process, starting from stakeholders necessities; ii) preserving a relative high spatial detail, enabling land management at local scale; iii) implementing a nested multi-scale approach in which modules of the modelling chain can be chosen according to the scale of interest, filling the gap between large scale issues and local scale policies implementation and actions; iv) incorporating socio-economic scientific criteria into the operational multiscale DSS approach.


LANDSUPPORT è una piattaforma web progettata per la gestione agricola/forestale/ambientale a diverse scale (dall'Europa alle Regioni). Il progetto ha 3 obiettivi principali: a) supportare l'agricoltura/la selvicoltura sostenibili, b) valutare i trade-off tra diversi usi del suolo (pianificazione del territoriale) e c) mettere in atto le politiche sulla gestione del territorio derivanti dalla PAC e dai SDGs 2030 nell'agenda dell'UE e delle Nazioni Unite. LANDSUPPORT funziona: i) come processo dal basso verso l'alto; ii) con un elevato dettaglio spaziale, consentendo la gestione del territorio, iii) con un approccio multi-scala iv) incorporando i criteri scientifici socio-economici


LANDSUPPORT will work as driver for rural development. The project represents a scientific and technological innovation focusing on sustainable land and soil management aiming at developing a web-based smart geoSpatial Decision Support System (S-DSS) devoted to:

-support sustainable agriculture/forestry;

-evaluate trade-off between land uses;

-contribute to implementation, impact and delivery of about 20 European land policies in the European Union. More than 100 operational tools will be at disposal of stakeholders for multilevel applications (viticulture, forestry, ecotourism, etc).


LANDSUPPORT vuole essere uno strumento operativo, un driver per lo sviluppo rurale. Il progetto rappresenta un'innovazione scientifica e tecnologica incentrata sulla gestione sostenibile del territorio e del suolo allo scopo di sviluppare un sistema di supporto decisionale geoSpatial (S-DSS) basato sul web dedicato a:

- agricoltura / selvicoltura

-valutazione dei trade-off tra diversi usi del suolo;

-contribuire all'attuazione ed implementazione di circa 20 politiche territoriali europee nell'Unione europea. Più di 100 tools informatici operativi saranno a disposizione delle parti interessate per applicazioni multilivello (viticoltura, selvicoltura, ecoturismo, ecc.).


In literature a very large range of available DSS tools can be found for facing agriculture, forestry and environmental issues. However, these are typically designed to tackle a specific problem/scale/end-user group. Instead, LANDSUPPORT aims at managing land resources in an integrated way:

-developing integrated interdisciplinary modelling chains and approaches for informed decision making

-data management (WP2, WP4) and modelling (WP3) capable to handle very high spatial detail using, as far as possible, physically based modelling engines (also HPC codes) such as biophysical modelling thus including evaluation of uncertainty.

-developing procedures (type of modelling, data, open source, HPC) to allow replicability elsewhere (WP6)

-developing a large set of applications in agriculture, environment and spatial planning producing.

-over four geographic scales: European Union, 3 Nations (Italy, Hungary, Austria), 2 European Regions (Campania region, Zala County), 3 European pilot sites (Valle Telesina (IT), Marchfeld, (AU), Keszthely (HU). (WP5,6)

By achieving the above interconnected scientific and technical objectives –will deliver RUR03-2017 challenges/scope and by doing that will contribute to implementation, impact and delivery of about 20 European land policies – listed in table 1.1b – including European Decision n.529/2013 on LULUCF, RDPs (Pillar I and II); CAP; COM(2013) 659 final; 7th Environmental Action Plan; 2030 Agenda for SDG (N. 2, 3, 15.3); Dir 2000/60/EC; Dir 2007/2/EC; COM 2006/231, COM (2011) 571 final, 2001/42/EC and 85/337/EEC, Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC and connected National and Regional policies. (all WPs;)

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 6999771

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

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Project partners

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