project - Research and innovation

LANDMARK: Land Management Assessment Research Knowledge base ( EU H2020 project)
LANDMARK: Land Management Assessment Research Knowledge base ( EU H2020 project)

Ongoing | 2015 - 2019 Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, England, European Union, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, Switzerland
Ongoing | 2015 - 2019 Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, England, European Union, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, Switzerland
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LANDMARK is a European Research Project on the sustainable management of land and soil in Europe. The questions that LANDMARK aims to address are: “How can we make the most of our land? How can we ensure that our soils deliver on the many expectations we have of our land?”. These expectations (or ‘demands’) include:

1.Primary productivity (agriculture and forestry)

2.Water purification and regulation

3.Carbon sequestration, cycling and regulation

4.Provision of functional and intrinsic biodiversity

5.Provision and cycling of nutrients.

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LANDMARK is a European Research Project on the sustainable management of land and soil in Europe. The questions that LANDMARK aims to address are: “How can we make the most of our land? How can we ensure that our soils deliver on the many expectations we have of our land?”. These expectations (or ‘demands’) include:

1.Primary productivity (agriculture and forestry)

2.Water purification and regulation

3.Carbon sequestration, cycling and regulation

4.Provision of functional and intrinsic biodiversity

5.Provision and cycling of nutrients.

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The overall scientific aim of LANDMARK is to: comprehensively quantify the current and potential supply of soil functions across the EU, as determined by soil properties (soil diagnostic criteria), land use (arable, grassland, forestry) and soil management practices.

The specific project objectives of LANDMARK are to produce:

1.For farmers & advisors – a Soil Navigator

2.For legislators – a framework for monitoring of soil quality and soil functions that is applicable across Europe.

3.For policy makers – an assessment of policies that can ensure that we ‘make the most of our land’.


The overall scientific aim of LANDMARK is to: comprehensively quantify the current and potential supply of soil functions across the EU, as determined by soil properties (soil diagnostic criteria), land use (arable, grassland, forestry) and soil management practices.

The specific project objectives of LANDMARK are to produce:

1.For farmers & advisors – a Soil Navigator

2.For legislators – a framework for monitoring of soil quality and soil functions that is applicable across Europe.

3.For policy makers – an assessment of policies that can ensure that we ‘make the most of our land’.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Project acronym
Agricultural sectors
  • Cereals
  • Crops (generic)
  • Livestock (generic)
  • Other permanent crops
  • Viticulture
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1 Practice Abstracts

•Pillar 1 will deliver a Decision Support Tool for Soil Husbandry, stratified by pedo-climatic zone and land use

•Pillar 2 will develop monitoring schema for regional and European application, testing of discrimination of indicators identified inWP3

•Pillar 3 will deliver an options document for future policy tools for functional soil management

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Project coordinator

  • Wageningen University and Research

    Project coordinator