project - Research and innovation

IPMWORKS - An EU-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM strategies
IPMWORKS - An EU-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM strategies

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Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 France
Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 France
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The objective of IPMWORKS is to promote the adoption of IPM strategies, based on a EU-wide network of farmers, who will both progress further in the adoption of IPM – through peer-to-peer learning and joint efforts – and demonstrate to other farmers that holistic IPM “works”; i.e. allows a low reliance on pesticides with better pest control, reduced costs and enhanced profitability. IPMWORKS will coordinate existing networks promoting IPM and launch new hubs of farms in regions or sectors where IPM pioneers are not yet engaged in a relevant network.


L'objectif d'IPMWORKS est de promouvoir l'adoption de stratégies de protection intégrée (PIC) contre les bioagresseurs, en s'appuyant sur un réseau européen d'agriculteurs qui progresseront dans l'adoption des principes de la PIC - grâce à l'apprentissage entre pairs et aux efforts conjoints - et démontreront aux autres agriculteurs que la PIC "fonctionne", c'est-à-dire qu'elle permet une faible dépendance à l'égard des pesticides, une meilleure maîtrise des bioagresseurs, une réduction des coûts et une amélioration de la rentabilité. IPMWORKS coordonnera les réseaux existants et lancera de nouveaux groupes dans les régions ou les secteurs.


Under the project IPMWORKS, existing IPM networks in five European countries (FR, DE, NL, CH and UK) will be pursued and new hubs (new demo farm groups) in 14 European countries will be established. Hubs are groups of typically 10-15 farms in the same agricultural sector and the same region, where farmers can interact, meet frequently to exchange knowledge and experience on IPM strategies, and have specific activities for in-farm design of IPM-based strategies. All farmers with their "hub coaches" are ready to support demonstration events, communicate, and provide requested information to describe their IPM strategy and evaluate their farm performance.


Dans le cadre du projet IPMWORKS, les réseaux existants dans cinq pays européens seront poursuivis et de nouveaux hubs (nouveaux groupes de fermes de démonstration) seront établis dans 14 pays européens. Les "hubs" sont des groupes de 10 à 15 exploitations agricoles, où les agriculteurs peuvent interagir, se rencontrer fréquemment pour échanger des connaissances et des expériences et avoir des activités spécifiques pour la conception de stratégies. Tous les agriculteurs et leurs "accompagnateurs" sont prêts à soutenir les événements de démonstration, à communiquer et à fournir les informations requises pour décrire leur stratégie et évaluer les performances de leur exploitation.


The reliance of European agriculture on pesticides is high. Across most European farms (excluding organic), the protection of crops from pests (insect pests, diseases, weeds, and others) to avoid crop yield losses relies mainly (and even sometimes exclusively) on pesticides. This high pesticide use has led to increasing concerns about their impact on the environment and on human health and can cause long term technical problems as resistance.

Conforming to Directive 2009/128/EC on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (SUD), EU Member States have established national action plans, some of which explicitly target the decrease in reliance on pesticides. Reducing pesticide use is considered as the best way to minimise exposure of the environment, animals and human beings, and therefore decrease negative impacts. The SUD promotes Integrated Pest Management, i.e. a combination of alternative approaches and techniques contributing to regulating pests to keep the use of plant protection products to levels that minimize risks to human health and the environment. According to this directive, compliance with IPM principles is mandatory for all professional users of pesticides throughout EU Member States and has been since January 2014.

Despite the SUD and national action plans, the overall use of pesticides in the EU has not decreased since 2011. One major problem for the promotion and monitoring of IPM adoption is that IPM is a flexible concept. The big challenge for European agriculture is to broaden this group and promote the more general adoption of advanced IPM. IPMWORKS aims to achieve this by using “success stories” on IPM, as these have proved to be a powerful validatory demonstration tool. It will also engage with, and use existing IPM demo farms.

Additional information

Dans la plupart des exploitations agricoles européennes à l'exception des biologiques, la protection des cultures contre les bioagresseurs reste très dépendante des pesticides afin d'éviter les pertes de rendement. Cela a suscité des inquiétudes croissantes quant à l’impact sur l'environnement et la santé humaine et peut entraîner des problèmes techniques à long terme tels que la résistance.

Conformément à la directive 2009/128/CE sur l'utilisation durable des pesticides (SUD), les États membres de l'UE ont établi des plans d'action nationaux, dont certains visent à réduire la dépendance à l'égard des pesticides. La réduction de l'utilisation des pesticides est considérée comme le meilleur moyen de minimiser l'exposition et donc de diminuer les impacts négatifs. La SUD encourage la protection intégrée des cultures (PIC), c'est-à-dire une combinaison d'approches et de techniques alternatives contribuant à réguler les bioagresseurs afin de maintenir l'utilisation de pesticides à des niveaux qui minimisent les risques.

Néanmoins, l'utilisation globale des pesticides dans l'UE n'a pas diminué 12 ans. Un problème majeur pour la promotion et le suivi de l'adoption de la PIC est que la celle-ci est un concept flexible. Des agriculteurs pionniers à travers l'Europe testent et mettent en œuvre avec succès des stratégies avancées en obtenant de bons résultats avec une faible dépendance à l'égard des pesticides. Le grand défi est d'élargir ce groupe et de promouvoir l'adoption plus générale de la lutte intégrée avancée. IPMWORKS vise à atteindre cet objectif en utilisant des "exemples de réussite" qui se sont révélés être un puissant outil de démonstration. Il s'appuiera également sur les fermes de démonstration existantes.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 6,000,005

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.


Currently showing page content in native language where available

18 Practice Abstracts

The farm is located in Níjar, Almeria, SpainAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Greenhouse area: 3 ha• Sweet pepper, tomato and watermelon crops• Biological control use, releasing natural enemies in the crop, and interplanting flower stripsMAIN PESTS• Aphids in sweet pepper and watermelon crops• Whiteflies and Tuta absoluta in tomato cropsSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Plastic mulch to prevent weeds and maintain soil moisture• Plantation of several species of beneficial plants (with flowers) to provide habitat and food resources to natural enemies• Mating disruption using pheromones• Biological fungicides• Sticky traps to monitor and reduce whiteflies and thrips• Release of natural enemies• Soil bio-solarization to reduce pathogen loadMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Limit or even eliminate in the short term the use of pesticidesKEY CONCLUSIONS• The farmer understands the benefits of increasing biodiversity: pest pressure diminishes via a boost in biological control.• Released species live longer, have a higher reproduction rate and a control efficacy. Several beneficial insects arrives spontaneously.• The entire system, including the acquisition of extra plants and biocontrol agents has a cost which is the same as for control with pesticides in previous years.• The effect of biological control is far better than the effect of pesticide treatments. The biological balance avoids that aphids cause damageLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• Practices that often require a gradual increase of observation and knowledge, especially during the “transition” from conventional agriculture.Link to the complete booklet :

La explotación está situada en Níjar, Almeria, Níjar, Almería, EspañaCONTEXTO AGRONÓMICO DE LA EXPLOTACIÓN• Superficie de invernaderos: 3 ha• Cultivos: pimiento, tomate y melón• Uso de control biológico por conservación, con sueltas de enemigos naturales en el cultivo y siembra de plantas reservorio y bandas florales en el invernaderoPRINCIPALES PLAGAS• Pulgón en pimiento y melón• Mosca blanca y Tuta absoluta en tomateESTRATEGIAS APLICADAS- Mantillo de plástico para evitar las malas hierbas y mantener la humedad del suelo- Plantación de varias especies de plantas beneficiosas (con flores) para proporcionar hábitat y recursos alimenticios a los enemigos naturales- Interrupción del apareamiento mediante feromonas- Fungicidas biológicos- Trampas adhesivas para controlar y reducir la mosca blanca y los trips- Liberación de enemigos naturales- Biosolarización del suelo para reducir la carga de patógenos OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL DE LA AGRICULTORA• Limitar o incluso eliminar el uso de plaguicidas en sus invernaderosCONCLUSIONES• El agricultor entiende los beneficios de aumentar la biodiversidad: el nivel de plagas disminuye a través del control biológico.• Los auxiliares viven más tiempo, se reproducen y actúan mejor. Además, muchas especies entran de forma espontánea.• El sistema, incluyendo la adquisición de plantas y agentes de control biológico tiene un coste similar al convencional que usaba anteriormente.• El efecto del control biológico es mejor que el de los tratamientos químicos. El equilibrio biológico evita que los pulgones causen daño al cultivo.LIMITACIONES DEL SISTEMA• Estas prácticas requiren una dedicación de tiempo para observer y mejorar , especialmente durante la transición de agricultura convencional a ecológica Enlace al folleto completo :

The farm is located in Jabbeke, West Flanders.AGRONOMICAL CONTEXT- Highly specialized in hydroponic cultivation of strawberries nursery and production)- Varieties: Sonsation and Elsanta- Horticulture area: 6,7 ha- Biological control, releasing natural enemies in the cropMAIN PESTS• Strawberries: Spider mites and aphids, Powdery mildew in late cropSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Releasing natural enemies against aphids• Sticky traps to monitor & reduce whiteflies and thrips• Tolerant cultivar• Reduced no. of Fungicide sprays and Using low riks PPPs against Powdery mildew if possibleMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE GROWER- A sustainable and profitable strawberry crop with a limited use of insecticides and fungicidesKEY CONCLUSIONS• The farmer replaced almost all his insecticide sprayings by natural enemies. He experimented during the project also with natural enemies to control aphids, but the strategy is time consuming and more expensive, than a pesticide application. Moreover, it asks a lot of expertise.• Low risk plant protection products are used against Powdery mildew, but Mathias is still looking for other alternatives.• A good climate and growth is maintained to reduce the infection by Botrytis. Further no alternatives are used yet, because the offer is very limitedand the efficiency is mainly lower. LIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM- Practices need more time for monitoring and more knowledge.- Some strategies are not ready yet to use in practice, because they are too expensive.Link to the complete booklet : B6

De boerderij is gelegen aan Jabbeke, West-VlanderenAGRONOMISCHE CONTEXT- Gespecialiseerd in substraatteelt van aardbeien (plantopkweek en productie)- Rassen: Sonsation en Elsanta - Oppervlakte tuinbouwbedrijf: 6,7 ha- Biologische beheersing, uitzetten van biologische bestrijders in het gewasBELANGRIJSKTE PLAGEN EN ZIEKTEN- Aardbei : Spintmijten en bladluizen, Witziekte in najaarsteeltenGEÏMPLEMENTEERDE STRATEGIEËN• Uitzetten van biologische bestrijders tegen bladluizen• Vangplaten om te monitoren en reduceren van wittevlieg en trips• Tolerant ras• Beperkt aantal fungicidebehandelingen / Gebruik van laag risico gewasbeschermingsmiddelen tegen witziekte indien mogelijkHOOFDDOELSTELLING VAN DE TELER• Een duurzame en rendabele aardbeienteelt met een gelimiteerd gebruik aan insecticiden en fungicidenBELANGRIJKSTE CONCLUSIES• De landbouwer verving bijna al zijn insecticidenbehandelingen door biologische bestrijders. Tijdens het project experimenteerde hij ook met biologische bestrijders om bladluizen te beheersen, maar de strategie is tijdrovend en duurder dan een toepassing van pesticiden. Bovendien vergt het veel expertise.• Tegen echte meeldauw worden gewasbeschermingsmiddelen met een laag risico gebruikt, maar Mathias zoekt nog steeds naar andere alternatieven.• Een goed klimaat en een goede plantontwikkeling worden gestimuleerd om de aantasting door Botrytiste beperken. Verder worden er nog geen alternatieven gebruikt, omdat het aanbod zeer beperkt is en de effectiviteit vooral lager ligt.BEPERKINGEN• Strategieën hebben meer nood aan tijd en expertise. Sommige strategieën zijn nog niet klaar voor gebruik in de praktijk , omdat ze te duur zijn Link naar het volledige boekje :

The farm is located in Monte Pisano (Tuscany), ItalyAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Contiguity between woods and centuries-old olive groves on terraced land with dry stone walls, grassed edges and related water canalization systems• High slopes• Olive trees varieties: frantoio, moraiolo, leccino, local varieties• Non-irrigated cropsMAIN PESTS / OLIVE TREES• Insects: Olive fly Bactrocera oleae, Asian bed bugs ( Halyomorpha halys• Cryptogams: Olive caries (Phellinus fresianus), Olive mange (Pseudomonas savastanoi)• Weeds: Black locust (Robinia)STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Pest monitoring using chromotrophic traps• Grazing of hens under trees to help control fly larvae• Planting of aromatic and melliferous plants to increase pollinators and to maintain a balanced olive grove ecosystem.• Soil fertilization using bio-shredded pruningsMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Economically sustainable solutions and strategies as an alternative to chemistry.KEY CONCLUSIONS• The farmer fully understands the benefits coming out to his farm from a correct management of biodiversity and existing ecosystem services.• Especially after Dimethoate, the base product in the fight against the olive fly, was banned, his multifunctional choices are aimed to a complete renounce of chemical treatments to safeguard health of environment, workers and consumers.• Innovative methods are tested: own-produced essential oils used as a repellent and canopy spiders monitoring to consider the predation of olive fly spiders in the canopy.• The complexity of his cultivation system leads to a considerable workload, but there seems to be a high level of general satisfaction, of him and his entourage. LIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• The great difficulties linked to the characteristics of the territory and the difficult mechanization require support from the political institutions.• Complex system results in increased workloa Link to the complete booklet :

L'azienda si trova a Monte Pisano (Toscana), ItalyCONTESTO AGRONOMICO• Contiguità tra bosco e oliveti secolari su sistemazioni terrazzate con muretti a secco, ciglioni inerbiti e relativi sistemi di canalizzazione dell’acqua• Pendenza elevata dei terreni coltivati• Varietà di olivo: frantoio, moraiolo, leccino, varietà autoctone• Coltivazioni non irriguePRINCIPALI PARASSITI / OLIVO• Insetti: Mosca dell’olivo Bactrocera oleae, Cimice asiatica Halyomorpha halys• Crittogame: Lupa o Carie dell’olivo Phellinus fresianus, Rogna olivo Pseudomonas savastanoi• Infestanti: Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia)STRATEGIE IMPLEMENTATE- Monitoraggio dei parassiti con trappole cromotropiche- Pascolo di galline sotto gli alberi per aiutare a controllare le larve di mosca- Piantagione di piante aromatiche e mellifere per aumentare gli impollinatori e mantenere un ecosistema olivicolo equilibrato.- Fertilizzazione del terreno con potature biotriturate OBIETTIVO PRINCIPALE DELL’AGRICOLTORE• Adottare soluzioni e strategie economicamente sostenibili alternative alla chimicaCONCLUSIONI CHIAVE• L’agricoltore comprende a fondo i benefici che possono derivare alla sua azienda da una corretta gestione della Biodiversità e dei servizi ecosistemici esistenti.• Soprattutto dopo che è stato bandito il Dimetoato, prodotto base nella lotta alla mosca, le sue scelte multifunzionali sono tese ad avvantaggiare l’oliveto rinunciando a trattamenti chimici e salvaguardando la salute dell’ambiente, di chi lavora e di chi consuma le sue produzioni.• Vengono testati metodi innovativi: oli essenziali di produzione propria utilizzati come repellente; monitoraggio dei ragni della chioma, come predatori della mosca dell'olivo.• La complessità del suo sistema colturale comporta un notevole carico di lavoro compensato però da un alto livello di soddisfazione generale, suo e del suo entourage.LIMITI DEL SISTEMA• La Le grandi difficoltà legate alle caratteristiche del territorio e alla difficile meccanizzazione necessitano di un supporto da parte delle istituzioni politiche.• Il progetto potrebbe aiutare l’olivicoltura del Monte Pisano ad essere riconosciuta come l'ultimo vero baluardo al mantenimento del sistema terrazzato e allo sviluppo agro-ecologico di quest’area. Link al libretto completo :

The farm is located in Meis , Rias Baixas, GaliciaAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT- Alvariño grape: native Galician variety- 3 hectares of vineyardsMAIN PESTS• Downy mildew Plasmopara viticola, Powdery mildew Erysiphe necator,Botrytis cinerea, Grape moth Lobesia botrana, green mosquitoSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Non-chemical method of mating disruption used to suppress grape moth populations• Reduced soil tillage• Cover crops• Pest monitoring and use of Decision Support Systems (DSS)• Installation of bat boxes to increase moth predationMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER- Reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activity while maintaining crop profitability.KEY CONCLUSIONS• Agronomic issues Soil management using organic fertilisers and technical cover crops will reduce the dependency on chemical fertilisers.• Economic Cost reduction is achieved due to less use of chemicals and cover crop management while maintaining crop productivity.• Environmental Increase awareness and dissemination of more environmentally friendly techniques.• Social Increase environmental and economic sustainability, which will have an impact on the active population in rural areasLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM- Climatic limitations due to humidity and high precipitations in the regionLink to the complete booklet :

La explotación se encuentra en Meis , Rias Baixas, GaliciaCONTEXTO AGRONÓMICO• Uva albariño, variedad autóctona de Galicia.• 3 hectáreas de viñedos.PRINCIPALES PLAGAS• Mildiu (Plasmopara vitícola), Oídio (Erysiphe necátor), Botrytis cinerea, Polilla del racimo (Lobesia botrana), Mosquito verdeESTRATEGIAS APLICADAS- Utilización de un método no químico de interrupción del apareamiento para suprimir las poblaciones de polilla del racimo.- Reducción del laboreo del suelo- Cultivos de cobertura- Seguimiento de las plagas y uso de sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones (SAD)- Instalación de cajas para murciélagos para aumentar la depredación de la polilla PRINCIPAL OBJETIVO DEL AGRICULTOR- Reducir el impacto medioambiental de la actividad agrícola manteniendo la rentabilidad del cultivo .CONCLUSIONES• Cuestiones agronómicas La gestión del suelo mediante el empleo de abonos orgánicos y cubiertas técnicas disminuirá la dependencia de abonos de origen químico• Económicas Se consigue una reducción de costes debido a un menor uso de productos químicos y la gestion de cubiertas manteniendo la productividad del cultivo• Medioambientales Ampliar la sensibilización y divulgación de técnicas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente.• Sociales Aumentar la sostenibilidad medioambiental y económica, que repercuta en la fijación de población activa en el ruralLIMITACIONES DEL SISTEMA- climáticas debido a la humedad y las altas precipitaciones en la region. Enlace al folleto completo :

The farm is located in Svetinje, IvanjkovciAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• Vineyards 500 haMAIN PESTS/DISEASES• European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana, European grape berry moth Eupoecilia ambiguela, American grapevine leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus,Grapevine powdery mildew Erysiphe necator, Downy mildew Plasmopara viticola, Grey mould Botrytis cinerea, Grapevine trunk diseases, ESCA STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Non-chemical method of mating disruption used to suppress grape moth populations to reduce the number of insecticide applicationsMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• To decrease the use of pesticides and to use the mating disruption method against grapevine and grape berry moth.• Environmentally friendly productionKEY CONCLUSIONS• The farmer replaced insecticide treatment with the IPM method to control the grape moth. Dispensers were used and the farmer monitored the number of male moths on pheromone traps weekly. Before harvesting, farmer learned to recognize damaged bunches and evaluate their percentage.• The method is plant protection products residue free method and by reducing the use of pesticides it contributes positively to a sustainable environment.• Educated buyers pay more and more attention to where and how the farmer grows grapes. Satisfied customers consequently influence the better economic and social position of the growersLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM- the price is less acceptable, due to the cost of installation dispensers and labour costsLink to the complete booklet :

Kmetija se nahaja na Svetinje, IvanjkovciKMETIJSKA RABA • Vinograd 500 haGLAVNI ŠKODLJIVCI/BOLEZNI• Lobesia botrana, Eupoecilia ambiguela, Scaphoideus titanus• Erysiphe necator, Plasmopara viticola , Botrytis cinerea , ESCAIZVEDENE STRATEGIJE- Uporaba nekemične metode prekinitve parjenja za zatiranje populacije grozdnega moka, da se zmanjša število uporabe insekticidovKLJUčNI SKLEPI• Kmet je nadomestil tretiranje z insekticidi z metodo IPM za zatiranje grozdnega sukača.Uporabil je dispenzorje in je tedensko spremljal število moške populacije sukača na feromonskih pasteh. Pred obiranjem grozdja se je kmet naučil prepoznati poškodovane grozde in oceniti odstotek poškodbe.• Metoda je metoda brez ostankov fitofarmacevtskih sredstev in tako pozitivno prispeva k trajnostnemu varovanju okolju.• Izobraženi kupci so vedno bolj pozorni na to, kje in kako kmet prideluje grozdje.• Zadovoljni kupci posledično vplivajo na boljši ekonomski in socialni položaj pridelovalca.OMEJITVE SISTEMA- cenovno je manj sprejemljiva, zaradi stroška namestitve dispenzerjev in pomanjkanje delovne sile Povezava do celotne knjižice :

The farm is located in Albernoa, Beja, PortugalAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• Varieties in the vineyard: Touriga Nacional, Alicante, Syrah, Aragonez, Trincadeira, Tinta Miúda, Arinto, Alvarinho, Sousão, Touriga Franca, Viosinho, Alfrocheiro, Roupeiro, Antão Vaz, Encruzado• Regenerative agriculture and biological techniques• Diversified farm: Vineyards (133 ha), olive grove, permanente grassland, animal productionMAIN PESTS• Main weeds: Conyzas, malvas and grass• Main pests: Green leafhopper and aphids• Main diseases: Downy mildew, powdery mildew, scale, scoriawoodSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Mulching and inter-row key line sub-soiling to reduce soil compaction• Use of sheep grazing to reduce use of shredders and inter-row weeders• Permanent cover crops between rows and around field borders• Plating of hedgerows and pollinator mixes to provide on-farm habitatsKEY CONCLUSIONS• Due to IPM and other techniques, the cultivation system has become more and more technical over time, which has added complexity• The farm has become less dependent on external factors as they no longer use herbicides nor pesticides, only biologic products• Although vine is a permanent crop, it has been integrated with different vegetation covers, permanent grazing and other plant structures such as shrubs and flowers, which improves the biodiversity of surrounding areas• Most pests are very well managed using mainly biological, cultural and mechanical practices MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Adapt agricultural practices to climate change and incorporating them into the surrounding landscape, in order to implement a more sustainable and “risk-free” agriculture• Less dependence on external factors, such as reducing the need of organic material• Improve conditions for employees and surrounding communityADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM• Less dependence on external factors by replacing herbicides with more innovative and sustainable techniques, which are environmental harmless• More access to environmental certifications linked to the sustainability of the grapes produced with positive consequences on the promotion of the winesLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• New techniques may require more skilled labour, a resource that is very scarce today, especially in the farm region (Alentejo)• Practices that lead to additional production costs and huge crop adaptation at the beginning Link to the complete booklet :

A quinta situa-se em Albernoa, Beja, PortugalCONTEXTO AGRONÓMICO• Castas: Touriga Nacional, Alicante, Syrah, Aragonez, Trincadeira, Tinta Miúda, Arinto, Alvarinho, Sousão, Touriga Franca, Viosinho, Alfrocheiro, Roupeiro, Antão Vaz, Encruzado• Aplicação de agricultura regenerativa e práticas biológicas• Exploração diversificada: Vinhas (133 ha), olival, pastagens permanentes, produção animalPRINCIPAIS INIMIGOS DA CULTURA• Principais infestantes: Conyzas, malvas e gramíneas• Principais pragas: cigarrinha verde e aranhiço amarelo• Principais doenças: míldio, oídio, doenças do lenho (Esca, escoriose)ESTRATÉGIAS IMPLEMENTADAS- Mulching e subsolagem entre linhas-chave para reduzir a compactação do solo- Utilização de pastoreio de ovelhas para reduzir a utilização de trituradores e de mondas entre fileiras- Culturas de cobertura permanentes nas entrelinhas e à volta dos limites dos campos- Plantação de sebes e misturas de polinizadores para criar habitats nas explorações agrícolas PRINCIPAL OBJETIVO DO AGRICULTOR• Adaptar as práticas agrícolas às alterações climáticas e incorporá-las na paisagem circundante, a fim de implementar uma agricultura mais sustentável e minimizando os riscosCONCLUSõES PRINCIPAIS• Devido à proteção e produção integrada e outras técnicas que se têm vindo a introduzir, o sistema de produção tornou-se cada vez mais técnico ao longo do tempo, o que aumentou a complexidade do sistema• A exploração tornou-se menos dependente de fatores externos, uma vez que já não utilizam herbicidas nem inseticidas, apenas produtos biológicos• Embora a vinha seja uma cultura permanente, foi integrada com diferentes coberturas vegetais, pastagens permanentes e outras estruturas vegetais tais como arbustos e flores, o que melhora a biodiversidade das áreas circundantes• A maioria das pragas são muito bem geridas utilizando principalmente práticas biológicas, culturais e mecânicasLIMITE DO SISTEMA• Novas técnicas podem exigir mão-de-obra qualificada, um recurso muito escasso nos dias de hoje, especialmente na região da exploração (Alentejo)• Práticas que conduzem a custos adicionais de produção e a uma enorme adaptação das culturas no início do processo Ligação para a brochura completa :

The farm is located in Tourinha, Mafra, PortugalAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Open air crop rotation: lettuce with 4 plantings per year and Portuguese cabbage (only in winter)• Selection of varieties resistant to the main diseases• Utilised Agricultural Land = 5 haMAIN PESTS• Lettuce: caterpillars , thrips (Thysanoptera), Botrytis cinerea, Downy mildew and Fusarium• Cabbage: caterpillars and aphidsSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Resistant varieties• Cover crops and flowers to provide natural enemy habitat• Release of natural enemies• Use of plastic covers to reduce herbicide needs• Application of bio-fungicidesMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Achieve the best quality of products: produce a clean and "beautiful" product with reduced use of PPPsKEY CONCLUSIONS• The producer has a high degree of mechanisation on the farm and therefore he has fossil energy use and energy costs, but he is trying to improve with some ideas to reduce the use of machines. He intends, in the future, to replant, in each season, without soil mobilization• The cultivation system has become more and more technical over time, which has added complexity• As it is practically the same crop all year and although the tasks vary from day to day, every week, the processes are repeated, which makes the work a little monotonous• There is more work in summer than in winter, which limits the distribution of work throughout the year. The problem of the lack of skilled labour is of great concern to the producer• With the major improvements at farm level, the producer can deliver a hazard-free product to customers, generating added value for his companyDISADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM• Difficulty in large-scale production, which can limit the availability of food and thus make it more expensive for consumers• Possibility of requiring more manual labour, a resource which is very scarce• Lack of affordable and more sustainable production solutions and knowledge Link to the complet booklet :

A quinta situa-se em Tourinha, Mafra, PortugalCONTEXTO AGRONÓMICO• Rotação de culturas ao ar livre: 4 plantações de alface por ano e de couve portuguesa apenas no inverno• Seleção de variedades resistentes às principais doenças• Recurso ao controlo biológico, utilizando fungos, bactérias, ácaros e plantação de faixas de flores• SAU= 5 haPRINCIPAIS INIMIGOS DAS CULTURAS• Alface: lagartas, tripes (Thysanoptera), Podridão cinzenta,Míldio e Fusarium• Couve: lagartas e afídeosESTRATÉGIAS IMPLEMENTADAS- Variedades resistentes- Culturas de cobertura e flores para criar um habitat para os inimigos naturais- Libertação de inimigos naturais- Utilização de coberturas de plástico para reduzir as necessidades de herbicidas- Aplicação de bio-fungicidas PRINCIPAL OBJETIVO DO AGRICULTOR• Atingir a melhor qualidade dos produtos: produzir um produto limpo e "bonito" com utilização reduzida de PFsCONCLUSõES PRINCIPAIS• O produtor tem um elevado grau de mecanização na exploração o que, aumenta o uso de energia fóssil e os custos com energia; mas está a tentar melhorar ao ir considerando alternativas a esta utilização. Pretende, no futuro, replantar sem mobilizar o solo• O sistema de produção tem-se vindo a tornar cada vez mais técnico ao longo dos anos, o que tem vindo a adicionar complexidade ao processo• Como a alface é a cultura principal durante todo o ano, embora as tarefas variem ao longo das semanas, os trabalhos repetem-se, o que torna o processo produtivo um pouco monótono• Existe maior quantidade de trabalho no verão do que no inverno, o que limita a distribuição de trabalho ao longo do ano. O problema da falta de mão de obra especializada é uma grande preocupação para o agricultor• Com as grandes melhorias ocorridas a nível da exploração, o produtor consegue fornecer um produto sem riscos para os clientes, gerando um acréscimo de valor para a sua empresaDESVANTAGENS DO SISTEMA• Dificuldade de produzir em larga escala, o que pode limitar a disponibilidade dos alimentos e, assim, torná-los mais caros para os consumidores• Possibilidade de exigir maior trabalho manual especializado, um recurso que é muito escasso• Falta de soluções de produção acessíveis e mais sustentáveis e de conhecimento Ligação para a brochura completa :

The farm is located in Hollola, Päijät-Häme, FinlandAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT55 hectare fields• Strawberry and green asparagus• Crop rotation: grass-grass-winter oilseed rape/winter cereal-faba bean-cereal/oil hemp• Organic farmingMAIN PESTS• Weeds : Sonchus , Elymus repens• Strawberry: phytonemus pallidus and Botrytis cinereaSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Cover crop mixes and maintaining green cover year-round• Biocontrol using mites to control Phytonemus pallidus• Use of bio-fungicides• Plastic covers and grass strips between rows to suppress weedsMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Reduction of tillage• Improving environmental diversity in the farm ecosystem• Increasing green cover in fields through the yearKEY CONCLUSIONS• Cultivating without chemicals needs more planning• The whole farm ecosystem must take for consideration• Most important thing for also pest management is that the soil is in good growing condition and there is lots of good microbes Link to the complete booklet :

Tila sijaitsee Hollolassa, Päijät-HämeessäVILJELY• 55 ha• Mansikka ja vihreä parsa• Viljelykierto: monilajinen nurmi 2 vuotta-rapsi tai syysvilja-härkäpapu tai öljysiemenhamppu• LuomuTÄRKEIMMÄT KASVINTUHOOJAT• Rikkakasvit: valvatit ja juolavehnä• Mansikan taudit: harmaahome• Mansikan tuholaiset: mansikkapunkkiTOTEUTETUT STRATEGIAT- Peitekasviseokset ja viherpeitteen säilyttäminen ympäri vuoden.- Biologinen torjunta punkkien avulla Phytonemus pallidus -kasvintuhoojan torjumiseksi.- biosienimyrkkyjen käyttö- Muovipeitteet ja nurmikaistaleet rivien välissä rikkakasvien tukahduttamiseksi. TAVOITTEET VILJELIJÄNÄ• Vähentää maan muokkausta• Ympäristön monimuotoisuuden lisääminen• Kasvipeitteisyyden lisääminenJOHTOPääTöKSET• Kemikaalittoman viljelyn onnistuminen vaatii enemmän suunnitelmallisuutta• Koko maatilan viljelytoimenpiteet on huomioitava• Kasvinsuojelun onnistumiseksi maan kasvukunnon on tärkeä olla hyvä. Myös maamikrobitason tulee olla hyvä. Linkki koko esitteeseen :

The farm is located in Hooglede, West-FlandersAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• Cultivation in plastic tunnel greenhouses• A/B – fertilization system• Drain and recirculation• Utilised Agricultural Land = 3 ha plastic tunnels for zucchiniMAIN PESTSZucchini : Powdery mildew, Aphids, Whitefly, PythiumSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Substrate cultivation in pots• A/B fertigation system with recirculation strategy• Virus resistant cultivars• Plastic mulching against weeds to minimise herbicide useOBJECTIVES AND MOTIVATIONS OF THE FARMER• Substrate cultivation as an evasion technique for soil-borne pathogens• Cultivation without herbicides• Transition to an almost organic system, as is the rest of the farmKEY CONCLUSIONS• By moving away from soilbound cultivation, soilborne diseases like fusarium are evaded.• Oomycetes like Pythium are to be controlled with hygiene measures.• Recirculation of the fertigation water optimizes the irrigation and nutrients in the cropping system• As complement to the organic farming practices in the other crops on the farm, biocontrol is used to control aphid populations• Labour organization and time needed is optimized! Link to the complete booklet :

De bedrijf is gelegen in Hooglede, West-VlaanderenAGRONOMISCHE CONTEXT• Teelt in plastic tunnelserres• A/B – bemestingssyteem• Drain and recirculatie• Oppervlakte voor de courgettes onder afdekking = 3 haBELANGRIJKSTE ZIEKTEN EN PAGENCourgette: Witziekte, Bladluizen, Wittevlieg, Waterschimmels (Pythium)GEÏMPLEMENTEERDE STRATEGIEËN- Substraatteelt in potten- A/B fertigatie systeem met recirculatie strategie- Virusresistente cultivars- Plastic mulch tegen onkruid om het gebruik van herbiciden te minimaliseren DOELSTELLINGEN EN MOTIVATIE VAN DE TELER• Teelt op substraat als een strategie om bodemgebonden ziektes te vermijden• Teelt zonder gebruik van herbiciden• Zo veel als mogelijk volgen de teler een biologisch teeltschema, in lijn met de rest van het bedrijfAls het toegestaan zou zijn om te telen in substraat voor biologische landbouw zoals in de Verenigde Staten, zouden we graag overstappen op het biologisch telen van courgettes. BELANGRIJKSTE CONCLUSIES• Door af te stappen van grondgebonden teelt worden bodemziekten zoals Fusarium vermeden.• Oomyceten zoals Pythium moeten worden bestreden met hygiënemaatregelen.• Recirculatie van het fertigatiewater optimaliseert de irrigatie en voedingsstoffen in het teeltsysteem.• Als aanvulling op de biologische landbouwpraktijken in de andere gewassen op de boerderij, worden biologische bestrijders gebruikt om bladluispopulaties onder controle te houden.• Arbeidsorganisatie en benodigde tijd worden geoptimaliseerd!Link naar het volledige boekje :

The farm is located in Leven, Fife, Scotland - UK, part of the IPMWORKS network, Scottish Arable HubAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Crop Rotation: Winter Wheat Spring Barley Break Crop (Bean, Pea, Linseed, Oat or cereal/legume intercrops)• No Till Regenerative system• 340 ha arable areaMAIN PESTS• Grass weeds – mainly Brome and Wild Oat• Yellow Rust/Septoria in Wheat & Rhynchosporium/Ramularia in Barley STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Straw rake before drilling cover crops• Roller crimper to destroy cover crops before sowing• Increase rotation diversity, including cover crops• Intercropping of cereals and legumesMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Limit inputs of PPP’s to minimum to reduce financial risk with holistic approach to IPM.• Improve soil health through no-till crop establishment and grow cover crops for living roots over winter.• Work with nature rather than against it.KEY CONCLUSIONS• Moving away from ploughing means less work and energy used for establishment but this has been replaced by other operations to make the no-till + cover cropping successful• Grass weed burden remains the main issue in system – double straw raking to target brome before sowing cover crop has helped• Climate restricts potential to eliminate PPP use completely but targeted use gives significant reductions in input cost for both spring and winter crops• Diverse rotation with several species reduce disease and pest build up; inclusion of legumes reduces overall fertiliser use• Green cover, less soil disturbance and fewer fungicides help build a healthier soil rhizosphere with higher soil organic matter leading to healthier cropsLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• Grass weed burden increase which often comes with a yield hit, requiring additional work to control and adding complexity to the system.• Wet, mild climate means PPP’s use cannot be eliminated fully as crimping alone not effective for cover crop destruction and disease epidemics often occur during critical periods.Link to the complete booklet :

The farm is located in Leven, Fife, Scotland - UK, part of the IPMWORKS network, Scottish Arable HubAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Crop Rotation: Winter Wheat Spring Barley Break Crop (Bean, Pea, Linseed, Oat or cereal/legume intercrops)• No Till Regenerative system• 340 ha arable areaMAIN PESTS• Grass weeds – mainly Brome and Wild Oat• Yellow Rust/Septoria in Wheat & Rhynchosporium/Ramularia in Barley STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Straw rake before drilling cover crops• Roller crimper to destroy cover crops before sowing• Increase rotation diversity, including cover crops• Intercropping of cereals and legumesMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Limit inputs of PPP’s to minimum to reduce financial risk with holistic approach to IPM.• Improve soil health through no till crop establishment and grow cover crops for living roots over winter.• Work with nature rather than against it.KEY CONCLUSIONS• Moving away from ploughing means less work and energy used for establishment but this has been replaced by other operations to make the no-till + cover cropping successful• Grass weed burden remains the main issue in system – double straw raking to target brome before sowing cover crop has helped• Climate restricts potential to eliminate PPP use completely but targeted use gives significant reductions in input cost for both spring and winter crops• Diverse rotation with several species reduce disease and pest build up; inclusion of legumes reduces overall fertiliser use• Green cover, less soil disturbance and fewer fungicides help build a healthier soil rhizosphere with higher soil organic matter leading to healthier cropsLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• Grass weed burden increase which often comes with a yield hit, requiring additional work to control and adding complexity to the system.• Wet, mild climate means PPP’s use cannot be eliminated fully as crimping alone not effective for cover crop destruction and disease epidemics often occur during critical periods.Link to the complete booklet :

The farm is located in Bački Vinogradi, Vojvodina, SerbiaAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Crop rotation: potato, corn, sunflower, barley• Processing according to the principles of Regenerative Agriculture• Cultivable area: 60 haMAIN PESTS- Colorado Potato Beetle- Potato black spot and Potato blight- Ambrosia, White goosefoot and Scutch grassSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• No-till• Inter-row cultivation• Delayed sowing• Cover crops• IntercroppingMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Improvement of the quality of arable land• Reduction to the application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides,• Reduction of the participation of mechanical work and human work• Integration of agricultural activity into the surrounding landscapeKEY CONCLUSIONS• Using IPM and Regenerative Agriculture, by harmonizing agronomic practices with natural processes and the environment, we reduce the pressure and impact on the natural environment.• As a result we get a reduction in the use of energy, human labor and inputs. At the same time, we increase the economy and profitability of productionLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• Sandy soil and the need for irrigationOPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOP IN FUTURE• Work on further increasing soil health. Increasing soil moisture capacity in order to reduce the need for irrigation.• Further reduction of pesticide application, with particular emphasis on minimizing herbicide use.• Further development of cover crops and combined crops (combined sowing of barley and peas, for example)Link to the complete booklet :

Farma se nalazi u Bački Vinogradi, Vojvodina, SerbiaAGRONOMSKE KARAKTERISTIKE• Plodored: krompir kukuruz suncokret ječam• Obrada po principima Regenerativne poljoprivrede• Obradiva površina: 60 haGLAVNE BOLESTI I šTETOčINE- Krompirova zlatica- Crna pegavost krompira (Alternaria) i Plamenjača krompira- Ambrozija, Pepeljuga i ZubačaSPROVOĐENE STRATEGIJE• No-till• Međuredna kultivacija• Odložena setva• Pokrijte useve• Međusekovanje GLAVNI CILJEVI POLJOPRIVREDNOG PROIZVODACA• Unapređenje zdravlja parcele i oko parcele.• Osim azotnih, potpuno izostavljanje pirmene mineralnih đubriva.• Redukcija upotrebe pesticida u što većoj meri.• Povećanje održivosti gazdinstva.KLJUčNI ZAKLJUčCI• Usklađivanjem agronomskih praksi sa prirodnim procesima i okruženjem, pomoću IPM-a i Regenerativne poljoprivrede, smanjujemo pritisak i uticaj na prirodno okruženje.• Kao rezultat dobijamo smanjenju upotrebu energije, ljudskog rada i inputa. Istovremeno povećavamo ekomomičnost i profitabilnost proizvodnje.OGRANIČENJA• Peskovito zemljište i potreba za navodnjavanjem Link do kompletne brošure:

The farm is located in Valdorba, Navarra, SpainAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• 160 ha• Wheat-Barley-Wheat-AlternativeMAIN PESTS• Yellow rust / wheat• LoliumSTRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• No tillage• Resistant varieties• Delayed sowing datesMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Trying to reduce the use of pesticides but maintaining high productivity and profitabilyKEY CONCLUSIONS• Very small plots which difficult the management of the farm• The most difficult pest to control is Lolium. The control has improved since he delates the sowing date• The use of fungicides decreses with changing climatic conditions and the use of tolerant varieties in wheat. Link to the complete booklet :

La explotación se encuentra en Valdorba, Navarra, EspañaCONTEXTO AGRONOMICÓ• 160 ha• Trigo-cebada-Trigo-Cultivo alternativo• No laboreoPRINCIPALES PLAGAS- Roya amarilla / Trigo- VallicoESTRATEGIAS APLICADAS- No labranza- Variedades resistentes- Fechas de siembra retrasadas OBJETIVO Y MOTIVACIÓN DEL AGRICULTOR• Tratar de reducir el uso de fitosanitarios manteniendo una alta productividad y rentabilidadCONCLUSIONES• Parcelas pequeñas que dificultan el manejo de la explotación.• El problema más importante es la gestión del vallico. Este problema se ha mejorado con el retraso de la fecha de siembra en algunos cultivos• El uso de fungicidas se está viendo reducido por una menor presión debido a las condiciones climáticas de la primavera y al mayor uso de variedades tolerantes. Enlace al folleto completo :

The farm is located in Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lipnowski, PolandAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• Farm size: 100ha• Crops: beetroot, winter rape, cereals (bristle and regular wheat, rye, triticale) grown without ploughing, peas, catch crops * Crop rotation: sugar beet->wheat->winter rape->wheat->pea->wheat (or rye/triticale)->sugar beet• Catch/Cover crops: winter catch crop for beetroot, straw left in the field, after rape, oats and phacelia as a catch crop before wheat; phacelia, lupins and oats before peas• Animal production: pigs 1000 head per yearMAIN PESTS• CEREALS: aphids, fusariosis , powdery mildew, rhinchosporiosis, septoria,• RAPE rape beetle, turnip gall weevil, sclererotinia,• SUGAR BEET aphid and cabbage moth, Cercospora, Leaf Spot• PEA Fusarium wilt, Legume root rot• WEEDS common windgrass , comon poppy, red root amaranth , cornflower, field chamomile, lambsquarters , volunteer rape, grasses STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Attraction of beneficial insects and pollinators• Biostimulants• Selection of resistant varieties adapted to soil and climatic conditions• No-tillage cultivation of cereals• Nighttime precision application of PPPsMAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE FARMER• Innovation and development of the farm's potential• use of cereal mixtures, research and continuous search for the most effective varieties• Improved farm profitability• Reduction of PPP doses (30-50%) by using better and better adjuvants• Sharing knowledge and experience with other farmers,• Testing new machines and technological solutions, certification for quality systems and striving for agriculture and carbon agricultureKEY CONCLUSIONS• Analysis of soil, its structureand profile, selection of varieties resistant to drought, diseases, heat stress and appropriate crop rotation and the use of catch crops.• Management of fertilization and PPP including pest monitoring analyses, and the use of adjuvants alongside with water acidification in order to reduce the dose of PPP used.• Rethinking whether the use of PPP is necessary and economically justifiedLIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• Costs of purchasing modern equipment - need to be careful not to over-invest in equipment• Integrated Production and carbon farming are the next challengesLink to the complete booklet :

Gospodarstwo znajduje się w województwie Kujawsko-Pomorskim, Lipnowski, PolskaKONTEKST ROLNICZY* Uprawy: burak, rzepak ozimy, zboża (pszenica oścista i nieoścista, żyto, pszenżyto) uprawiane bezorkowo, groch, międzyplony* PŁodozmian: burak->pszenica->rzepak ozimy->pszenica->groch->pszenica (lub żyto/pszenżyto)->burak* Poplony/Międzyplony: poplon zimowy pod burak, słoma pozostawiana na polu, po rzepaku owies i facelia jako międzyplon przed pszenicą; facelia, łubin i owies przed grochem* Produkcja zwierzęca: Trzoda 1000 sztuk rocznieWielkość gospodarstwa: 100haGłóWNE SZKODNIKIZBOŻA mszyce, pluskwiaki równoi różnoskrzydłe, fuzarioza, mączniakprawdziwy, rynchosporioza zbóż, septoriozaRZEPAK słodyszek, chrząszcze, zgnilizna twardzikowa, chwościkBURAKI mszyca, śmietka kapuścianaGROCH fuzaryjne więdnięcie, zgnilizna korzeni roślin, strączkowychCHWASTY miotła zbożowa, mak, szarłat szorstki, chaber bławatek, rumian polny, chaber bławatek oraz, komosa, rzepak samosiew, rumian jednoliścienneWDROŻONE STRATEGIE- Przyciąganie pożytecznych owadów i zapylaczy- Biostymulanty- Wybór odpornych odmian dostosowanych do warunków glebowych i klimatycznych- Uprawa zbóż bez orki- Precyzyjne stosowanie PPP w nocy CELE I MOTYWACJA ROLNIKA• Innowacyjność, rozwój potencjału gospodarstwa, stosowanie mieszanek zbóż, badanie i ciągłe poszukiwanie najbardziej efektywnych odmian, rentowność gospodarstwa, zmniejszenie dawek ŚOR (30-50%) przez użycie coraz lepszych adiuwantów,• dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniem z innymi rolnikami,• testowanie nowych maszyn i rozwiązań technologicznych, certyfikacja w systemach jakości oraz dążenie do rolnictwa 4.0 i rolnictwa węglowegoGłóWNE WNIOSKI• Analiza gleby, struktury, profilu, dobór odmian odpornych na susze, choroby, stres cieplny oraz odpowiedni płodozmian i stosowanie poplonów/ międzyplonów.• Zarządzanie nawożeniem i ŚOR z uwzględnieniem monitoringu agrofagów i analiz oraz stosowanie adiuwantów i zakwaszania wody, w celu obniżenia dawki stosowanego ŚOR.• Przemyślenie, czy zastosowanie ŚOR jest konieczne i ekonomicznie uzasadnione.OGRANICZENIA SYSTEMU• Koszty zakupu nowoczesnego sprzętu Link do pełnej broszury :

The farm is located in Spicchiaiola, Volterra (Tuscany), ItalyAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• 300 ha in a hilly area including 700 olive plants and 0.4 ha of vineyard and forest• Limited crop rotations (cereals, forage crops, pulses)• No or very rarely grown warm-season cropsMAIN PESTS• Weeds: Italian ryegrass , Brassicacee ,Phalaris spp .• Cereals fungi diseases: Rusts, Septoria, Take all disease STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• No fertilizers or pesticides applied• Resistant cultivars• Early sowing and false seedbed preparation• Mechanical weeding• Intercropping wheat with lentil, sulla or cloversMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Reduce weed pressure and improve N soil content.• Cope with summer drought and have the soil covered.• Increased knowledge of intercropping which could be a good compromise to produce lentil which has a good price but is not easy to be grown as a sole crop (difficult harvesting and weed control)KEY CONCLUSIONSThe way to organic farming full implementation• The combination of no fertilization and high soil tillage frequency and depth can deplete the soil fertility in the long term, it is important to find a good amendment or organic fertilizer• The transition to lower tillage operations can improve fertility and reduce the workload• The crop species are diversified but the rotation is limited to winter cereals and legumes• Intercropping techniques, cover crops and better residues management can be crucial factors and can give multiple benefits (cope with summer drought, improve soil fertility, reduce weed pressure, having a double revenue)• Landscape diversification (trees, field margins, agroforestry) can help in soil fertility and erosion reduction.LIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM• The post harvest lentil and durum wheat separation is not easy and results in higher workload.• The lentil relay seeding is more precise but it is prone to summer drought.• The contemporary seeding is better for water requirements but the machineries are not optimized for seeding two crops in alternate rows Link to the complete booklet :

L'azienda si trova a Spicchiaiola, Volterra (Toscana), ItaliaCONTESTO AGRONOMICO• 300 ha in una zona collinare incluso 700 piante di olivo e 0.4 ha di vigneto, più bosco• Rotazioni limitate (cereali, colture foraggere, leguminose da granella)• Assenza o rara presenza di colture estivePRINCIPALI AVVERSITà• Infestanti : Loietto, Brassicacee , Phalaris spp .• Malattie fungine dei cereali : Ruggini, Septoriosi , Mal del piedeSTRATEGIE IMPLEMENTATE- Non vengono applicati fertilizzanti o pesticidi- Cultivar resistenti- Semina precoce e preparazione del falso letto di semina- Diserbo meccanico- Intercrocio del grano con lenticchie, sulla o trifogli OBIETTIVO PRINCIPALE DELL’AGRICOLTORE• Ridurre la pressione delle infestanti e migliorare il contenuto di N nel suolo.• Convivere con la siccità estiva e manenere il suolo coperto.• Le consociazioni possono aiutare e essere un buon compromesso per produrre lenticchia che spunta un buon prezzo e non è semplice da coltivare come coltura pura (difficoltà alla raccolta e nel controllo delle infestanti)CONCLUSIONI CHIAVEIl percorso verso la completa adozione della agricoltura biologica• La combinazione di assenza di ferti-lizzazione e l’alta frequenza di lavora-zioni del terreno può diinuire la ferti-lità del terreno nel lungo period, è importante trovare un valido ammen-dante e/o uno o più fertilizzanti orga-nici• La conversione verso un sistema con lavorazioni ridotte può migliorare la fertilità e ridurre il carico di lavoro• Le specie coltivate sono diverse ma la rotazione è di fatto limitata a cereal vernini e leguminose• Le consociazioni, le colture di co-pertura e una migliore gestione dei residui colturali possono essere fattori cruciali e dare molteplici bene-fici (convivere con la siccità estiva, migliorare la fertilità del suolo, ridurre la pressione delle nfestanti, avere un doppio reddit)• La diversificazione del paesaggio (alberi, siepi e margini dei campi, pratiche di agroforestazione) possono aiutare a migliorare la fertilità e a ridurre l’erosione del suoloLIMITI DEL SISTEMA• La separazione post raccolta di lenticchia e frumento duro non è semplice e porta ad un Maggiore carico di lavoro.• La trasemina primaverile della lenticchia è più precisa ma più suscettibile alla siccità estiva e la semina contemporanea autunnale soddisfa meglio il fabbisogno idrico ma le seminatrici non sono ottimizzate per seminare due colture a file alternate Link al libretto completo :

The farm is located in Brownstown Navan, Co. Meath, IrelandAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Crops grown include winter wheat, winter barley, winter oilseed rape, spring beans and cover crops.• Crops are established using a Vaderstadt rapid drill with minimum soil disturbance.• The cover crops are destroyed with a heavy disc before drilling with beans.• No ploughing has been carried out on the farm in a number of years.MAIN PESTSFungal diseases such as septoria, rynchosporium, net blotchAphid pests e.g. R Padi, and Mysus persicae which can spread Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV)Grass weeds, specifically Italian ryegrass, sterile brome although lesser now and wild oats STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Cover crops and reduced ploughing to improve soil structure• Use of resistant wheat varieties• Pest monitoring• Increased diversity of crop rotationMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• To reduce dependence on pesticides• Make the farm more profitable• Crop rotation to improve soil structure• Pest monitoring to reduceKEY CONCLUSIONS• Monitoring crop for pests is important and carrying out in field observations/trials provide important information for crop agronomy during the season.• Wild oats seem to be less of an issue now than previously, however Italian ryegrass is an issue in certain fields.• The farmer only used an insecticide on a small area of winter barley in 2022 as part of a trial Link to the complete booklet :

The farm is located in Brownstown Navan, Co. Meath, IrelandAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• Crops grown include winter wheat, winter barley, winter oilseed rape, spring beans and cover crops.• Crops are established using a Vaderstadt rapid drill with minimum soil disturbance.• The cover crops are destroyed with a heavy disc before drilling with beans.• No ploughing has been carried out on the farm in a number of years.MAIN PESTSFungal diseases such as septoria, rynchosporium, net blotchAphid pests e.g. R Padi, and Mysus persicae which can spread Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV)Grass weeds, specifically Italian ryegrass, sterile brome although lesser now and wild oats TECHNIQUES EMPLOYED ON THE FARM• Crop establishment techniques, crop monitoring, constant knowledge updating, rotations all play, use of as many IPM techniques as possible all help to reduce the reliance on pesticidesMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER1. To reduce dependence on pesticides2. Make the farm more profitable3. Crop rotation to improve soil structure4. Pest monitoring to reduce KEY CONCLUSIONS• Monitoring crop for pests is important and carrying out in field observations/trials provide important information for crop agronomy during the season.• Wild oats seem to be less of an issue now than previously, however Italian ryegrass is an issue in certain fields.• The farmer only used an insecticide on a small area of winter barley in 2022 as part of a trial Link to the complet booklet :

The farm is located in Broby, Funen, DenmarkAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• 312 ha in grain-based crop rotation• Winter wheat: 43%• Spring barley: 25%• Oil-seed rape: 12%• Oat (spring): 2%• Rye-grass for grass seed production: 5%MAIN PESTS• resistant Italian ryegrass STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Autumn ploughing to encourage grass weed germination prior to crop establishment• Increased proportion of spring crops in the rotation• Delayed sowing• Avoidance of ALS herbicides• Rotational ploughing every 4-5 yearsMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Improved knowledge sharing between other farmers• Identification of new tools and methods to control Italian rye-grassKEY CONCLUSIONS• Agronomical: Focus on optimizing the crop rotation, in relation to keeping the grass weeds under control.• Environmental: Avoid using extra herbicides in relation to grass weeds. Link to the complete booklet :

Gården er beliggende i Broby, Funen, DanmarkAGRONOMISK FORHOLD• 312 ha i kornrigt sædskifteo Vinterhvede: 43%o Vårbyg: 25%o Vinterraps: 12%o Havre: 2%o Rajgræs til frø: 17 haPRIMæRE SKADEVOLDERE- Græsukrudt: resistent italiensk rajgræsIMPLEMENTEREDE STRATEGIER- Efterårspløjning for at fremme spiring af græsukrudt forud for etablering af afgrøder.- Øget andel af vårafgrøder i sædskiftet- Forsinket såning- Undgåelse af ALS herbicider- Rotationspløjning hvert 4-5 år FORMÅL OG MOTIVATION HOS LANDMANDEN• Projektet kan medvirke til gode oplevelser og vidensdeling landmænd i mellem.• Med et fokus på italiensk rajgræs, kan projektet forhåbentlig vise vejen med nye værktøjer og metoder til at bekæmpe ukrudt.PRIMæRE KONKLUSIONER• Agronomisk: Fokus på optimering af sædskiftet, ift. at holde græsukrudtet nede.• Miljømæssigt: Undgå at bruge ekstra herbicider ift. Græsukrudt. Link til det komplette hæfte :

The farm is located in Rønde, Mid Jutland, DenmarkAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT OF THE FARM• 422 ha• Crops = Oat: 16%. Winter barley: 9%. Winter wheat: 13%. Winter rapeseed: 12%. Winter triticale: 23%. Spring barley: 6%. Spring barley with underseeded grass: 7%MAIN PESTSWeeds: Grass weeds, Primarily Italian Ryegrass STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Increased diversity of crop rotation• Habitat creation for beneficial insects• Hand weeding in problematic areasMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• Knowledge sharing amongst other farmers• Identifying new tools and methods to handle the weed Italian RyegrassKEY CONCLUSIONS• Agronomical: Focus on the optimal composition of crops I rotation to prevent a huge pest problem.• Economical: Continuously optimizing the machine park to fit to the farms needs.• Environmental: Not use more additives than actual needed, e.g. pesticides and mineral fertilization.• Social issues: Do not be problem for the surrounding social environment. Adapt to critique Link to the complete booklet :

Gården er beliggende i Rønde, Midtjylland, DanmarkAGRONOMISK FORHOLD• 422 ha• Havre: 16%. Vinterbyg: 9%. Vinterhvede: 13%. Vinterraps: 12%. vintertriticale: 23%. vårbyg: 6%. Vårbyg med græsudlæg: 7%PRIMæRE SKADEVOLDERE- Græs ukrudt, Primært italiensk rajgræsIMPLEMENTEREDE STRATEGIER- Øget mangfoldighed i sædskiftet- Skabelse af levesteder for gavnlige insekter- Håndlugning i problematiske områdern FORMÅL OG MOTIVATION HOS LANDMANDEN• Prjektet kan medvirke til gode oplevelser og vidensdeling landmænd i mellem.• Med et fokus på italiensk rajgræs, kan projektet forhåbentlig vise vejen med nye værktøjer og metoder til at bekæmpe ukrudt.PRIMæRE KONKLUSIONER• Agronomisk: Fokus på optimering af sædskiftet, ift. at forebygge problemer med store skadevolder.Øknomisk: Vedvarende optimering af maskinparken, så den passer lige præcis til behovet på bedriften.• Miljømæssigt: Lad være med at bruge flere tilsætningsstoffer end der er behov for, f.eks. Pesticider og handelsgødning.• Socialle forhold: Lad være med at være et problem for lokalmiljøet. Lyt til kritik. Link til det komplette hæfte :

The farm is located in Zeulenroda-Triebes, Thuringia, GermanyAGRONOMICAL CONTEXT• 1,600 ha arable land• Crop-rotation:Peas, winter barley, winter oilseed-rape, winter wheat, cover crops, maize+ hemp, linen, spelt, alfalfa, cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum)MAIN PESTSInsects: - cabbage-stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala)- pea moth (Cydia nigricana)Weeds: - catchweed (Galium aparine)- cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)- cutleaf geranium (Geranium dissectum)- hemp-nettle (Galeopsis) STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTED• Later sowing to slow pest development• Reduced sowing density• Increased mechanical weed control• Increased proportion of legumes in rotation• Permanent soil cover, including cover crops and undersowing• Precision sprayingMAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE FARMER• To find alternative methods / solutions of plant protection to reduce chemical plant protection to the necessary minimum.• Environmentally friendly crop production, animal welfare and sustainable energy production.• Production of healthy food, renewable raw materials and renewable energies in ecologically intact agricultural landscapesKEY CONCLUSIONS• Agronomic challenges: breaking of work peaks (no-till instead of ploughing)• Ecological challenges: keep soil-health (soil-life), humus content and fertility at a high level and protection of surface and groundwater• Economic challenges: risk spreading through diverse crop rotation and better machine utilization due to fewer work peaks• Social challenges: labour recruitment, increase of salaries comparable with industry-level, maintain acceptance of consumers Link to the complet booklet :

Der Betrieb liegt in Zeulenroda-Triebes, Thüringen, DeutschlandACKERBAU• Ackerfläche: ca. 1600 ha• Fruchtfolge: Erbse, W-Gerste, W-Raps, W-Weizen, Zwischenfrucht, MaisZusätzlich: Hanf, Öl-Lein, Hafer, Luzerne, Durchwachsene SilphieHAUPTSCHADORGANISMENSchadinsekten: Rapserdfloh, ErbsenwicklerUnkräuter: Klettenlabkraut, Kornblume, Storchenschnabel, Hohlzahn UMGESETZTE STRATEGIEN- Spätere Aussaat zur Verlangsamung der Schädlingsentwicklung- Geringere Aussaatdichte- Verstärkte mechanische Unkrautbekämpfung- Erhöhter Anteil von Leguminosen in der Fruchtfolge- Permanente Bodenbedeckung, einschließlich Deckfrüchten und Untersaaten- Präzisionsspritzen ZIELE UND MOTIVATION DES LANDWIRTES• alternative Methoden / Lösungen finden, um den chemischen Pflanzenschutz auf das notwendige Maß zu reduzieren• umweltorientierte Pflanzenproduktion, artgerechte Tierhaltung und eine nachhaltige Energiegewinnung• Produktion von gesunden Lebensmitteln, nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und erneuerbaren Energien in lebenswerten und ökologisch intakten KulturlandschaftenSCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN• Agronomisch: Arbeitsspitzen brechen (no-till statt pflügen)• Ökologisch: Bodengesundheit (Bodenleben), Humusgehalt und Fruchtbarkeit auf hohem Niveau halten, Oberflächengewässer & Grundwasser• Ökonomisch: Risikostreuung durch Fruchtfolge, Bessere Maschinenauslastung durch weniger Arbeitsspitzen• Sozial: Arbeitskräftegewinnung, Lohn auf Industrieniveau anheben, Akzeptanz beim Verbraucher sichern Link zur vollständigen Broschüre :

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  • Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza / International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (IAMZ-CIHEAM)

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  • Association de Coordination Technique Agricole (ACTA)

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