project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Innovative pilot project in the fight against the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae)
Proyecto piloto innovador sobre la lucha contra la mosca del olivo

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Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main objective of the project was to implement control strategies for the olive fruit fly, the main olive tree pest, consisting of a combination of different alternative control methods to aerial treatments, which should make it possible to obtain a high quality olive oil, minimise the environmental impact and increase the competitiveness of the Catalan olive sector.


El objetivo principal del proyecto ha sido implementar estrategias de control de la mosca del olivo, la principal plaga clave de los olivos, combinando diferentes métodos de control alternativos a los tratamientos aéreos, lo que debería permitir la obtención de aceite de oliva de alta calidad, minimizar el impacto medioambiental e incrementar la competitividad del sector oleícola catalán.


The mass trapping technique has been shown to be an alternative to aerial treatments, greatly reducing the adult populations in the field and consequently the damage to the crop. The results obtained show a high variability between the variables year, area and variety. The results have helped to define better control strategies to deal with the attacks in accordance with the area, variety and other variables that affect each campaign. Despite the validity of the mass trapping method, there is clear need to continue working on new R&D&I actions in order to find sustainable control methods to be combined with mass trapping in order to reduce the incidence of the pest.


• Evaluar la eficacia del método de captura masiva para el control de B. Oleae en cinco zonas oleícolas y 5 variedades de oliva
• Determinar la densidad de trampas óptima y la disposición de las trampas según la zona y la variedad.
• Evaluar la eficacia de la aplicación de caolín y tierra de diatomeas en la protección de las aceitunas frente Batrocera Oleae
• Evaluar la eficacia de la estrategia mixta de control de B. Oleae mediante captura masiva y aplicación de Spintor Cebo ©, de caolín, de tierra de diatomeas y del hongo Beauveria bassiana.
• Evaluar el efecto de los diferentes métodos de control de B. Oleae sobre las características de los frutos y la calidad sensorial del aceite.


The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, is the most important pest species for this crop in Catalonia. Until the last few years, the most widespread control method was based on chemical aerial treatments with bait, which since 2015 have been used only exceptionally. Therefore, their replacement with other control methods has been evaluated. The mass trapping technique is based on using bait to attract adults, which die when they come into contact with the toxicant in the device used. Its efficacy lies in minimising populations of B. oleae (top photo) from the moment the olive is susceptible to be attacked by the fly. When populations are high, this technique needs to be supported by other control methods. This study was carried out on one farm in each of the olive oil PDOs in Catalonia: Terra Alta (Empeltre and Arbequina varieties), Empordà (Argudell var.), Siurana (Arbequina var.), Baix Ebre-Montsià (Morrut and Sevillenca var.) and Les Garrigues (Arbequina var.). Each farm was divided into three plots where three trap densities per unit area were evaluated (middle photo). This density varied between 10 and 80 traps per ha, according to the varietal sensitivity and population abundance of B. oleae in each area. When necessary, the mass trapping technique was reinforced with chemical treatments, including the fungus Beauveria bassiana and kaolin. The efficacy of the method was assessed by determining the percentage of fruit affected by B. oleae and adult populations.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Lleida, Tarragona

€ 150000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Joaquin Jaume Roe Arasa

    Project coordinator

Project partners


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner