project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving productivity and sustainability of black truffle plantations by microbiological handling of the rhizosphere
Mejora de la productividad y sostenibilidad de plantaciones de trufa negra mediante el manejo microbiológico de la rizosfera

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Black truffle is an expanding crop in Catalonia with high economical potential, especially in agricultural areas with low productivity. In this sense, black truffle cultivation is often developed on poor soils, with low production yields and where trees present nutritional deficiencies and serious phytosanitary problems.
Another problem to be solved in trufficulture is crop irregularity, possibly due to suboptimal production conditions, both in the nursery and in the field. Unlike cultivation of trees for fruits or biomass, in this case we have a much more complex interaction between the tree and the rhizosphere or interface zone between the root of the plant and the soil. However, the increase of monospecific plantations (generally holm oaks) can cause an increase in certain diseases and pests that decrease the production of truffles. Management of the rhizosphere can contribute to the general improvement of plant vigor and its tolerance to biotic factors without the need to use phytosanitary products.


The general objective of the project is to increase black truffle production in Catalonia through the application of selected strains of rhizobacteria and organic substances.

The specific objectives are:

- To apply on a commercial scale a fertilizing product developed based on microorganisms, truffle spores and active organic substances.
- To determine and test the effect of different applications.
- To evaluate the improvements in black truffle production in treated production plots.
- To evaluate the improvement of the sanitary and nutritional status of the treated plants.
- Formulation of a commercial product in function of the previous results.


El objetivo general del proyecto es incrementar la producción de trufa negra en Catalunya mediante la aplicación de cepas de rizobacterias seleccionadas y de substancias orgánicas.

Los objetivos especificos son:

- Aplicar a escala comercial, en vivero y  plantación, un producto fertilizante desarrollado en base a microorganismos, esporas de trufa y substancias orgánicas activas.
- Determinar y establecer el efecto de diferentes aplicaciones.
- Evaluar las mejoras en la  producción de trufa negra en parcelas productoras tratadas. 
- Valorar la mejora del estado sanitario y nutricional de las plantas tratadas.
- Formulación de un producto comercial en función de los resultados anteriores.


In this project we will evaluate the capacity of different organic substances and rhizobacteria, some of them isolated from wild trunks described by Vilanova et al. (2013), in order to improve the biotic and abiotic conditions of the rhizosphere, taking into account the presence and availability of nutrients, the development of the vegetative phase of truffle mycelium, the vigorousness of the tree and the control of Pathogens.
In order to correlate the bacterial activity generated by the introduction of bacterial strains and the effects on the plant and the fungus, initial and final aerial mesophilic countings will be carried out by means of plating in the appropriate selective media.


En este proyecto valoraremos la capacidad de diferentes sustancias orgánicas y rizobacterias, algunas aisladas de truferas silvestres descritas por Vilanova et al. (2013), con el fin de mejorar las condiciones bióticas y abióticas de la rizosfera, atendiendo a la presencia y disponibilidad de nutrientes, el desarrollo de la fase vegetativa del micelio de la trufa, la vigorosidad del árbol y el control de patógenos.
Con el fin de correlacionar la actividad bacteriana generada en el suelo por la introducción de cepas bacterianas y los efectos sobre la planta y el hongo, se realizarán contajes iniciales y finales de mesófilos aéreos viables mediante siembra en placa en los medios selectivos adecuados.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

EUR 84 675.00

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator