project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving hazel tree growing techniques through efficient use of irrigation water and mechanical pruning
Mejora de las técnicas de cultivo en el avellano, mediante un uso eficiente del agua de riego y poda mecánica

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main objective of the project was to improve cultivation techniques in hazelnut orchards in the Tarragona area, in order to increase production, cuts costs and save on water. All of this was intended to make the orchards more competitive.
More specifically, the irrigation water needed for hazel trees was determined and mechanical pruning will be applied to both adult and young trees.
Finally, the results obtained were transferred to the sector through a number of dissemination and transfer actions (explanatory articles, talks, field trips, etc.).


El objetivo principal del proyecto es mejorar las técnicas de cultivo de las plantaciones de avellano del área de Tarragona, para conseguir mejores producciones, reducción de costes y ahorro de agua. Todo para realizar las plantaciones más competitivas.
A nivel específico, se determinará el agua de riego necesaria para el avellano y se aplicará la poda mecánica tanto a los árboles adultos como a los jóvenes, todo ello con la intención de promover explotaciones más competitivas.
Por último, se transferirá al sector los resultados obtenidos, en distintas acciones de difusión y transferencia (artículos divulgación, charlas, jornadas de campo, etc.)


1. Testing irrigation strategies
This trial considers different strategies and irrigation doses with the self-rooted hazel variety “Negret - IRTA® -N-9” and grafted onto “Dundee” rootstock.

2. Mechanical pruning test
Two moments for implementing mechanical pruning will be considered for this test:

2.1. Trees in full production
Action will be taken in already established orchards, where the alleys lack light, causing lower production.

2.2. For trees in the process of shaping
This trial will be carried out on a tree farm with 1-year-old trees and pruning will be carried out to shape them from the first pruning using mechanical methods appropriate for the type of branches to be cut.


Two actions were carried out in hazelnut orchards in Camp de Tarragona. The first one was a trial of irrigation strategies, to fully ascertain the water needs of the hazel tree and the ideal time to apply it to ensure efficient use of water. The second action involved carrying out mechanical pruning both in adult orchards, to rejuvenate the trees and facilitate the entry of light, and young trees, to guide them towards a specific shape.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 140000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Lluís Domingo

    Project coordinator