project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improvement of the technical-economic management of extensive livestock farms in the Catalan Pyrenees, using geolocation and animal monitoring systems
Mejora de la gestión técnico-económica de las explotaciones ganaderas extensivas del pirineo catalán, mediante el uso de sistemas de geo-localización y monitorización de los animales

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Facilitate control of herds, management of technical-health and pasture data to improve the productivity and viability of extensive livestock farms by using geolocation systems and by monitoring animals using collars. 

Characteristics of the technological tools: 

- A position sensor that shows the location.

- A triaxial accelerometer, which shows the level of activity.

- A surface temperature sensor.

- A low-consumption long-range communications module.

- A cloud server, and various databases and algorithms for extracting patterns and creating notifications.

- A long-life battery.



Facilitar el control de los rebaños, la gestión de la información técnico-sanitaria y de los pastos, para la mejora de la productividad y de la viabilidad de las explotaciones de ganadería extensiva mediante la utilización de sistemas de geo-localización y monitorización de los animales mediante collares.


Características de las herramientas tecnológicas:

• Sensor de posicionamiento

• Sensor de aceleración triaxial, que permite conocer el nivel de actividad.

• Sensor de temperatura superficial.

• Módulo de comunicaciones de bajo consumo y gran alcance.

• Servidor en la nube, y varias bases de datos y algoritmos de extracción de patrones y generación de notificaciones.

• Batería de larga duración.


In conclusion, it has been proved that this technology is an opportunity for extensive livestock farming, even though the following is necessary:

Ensuring proper network to achieve the greatest emissivity of collars.
Shepherds should know what type of network they got when purchasing collars (mobile network, Sigfox network, Lora network…).
Antenna installers are recommended. They should be technicians (which may belong to the own public administration, if it already exists, or to the private sector) and would be in charge of the antenna maintenance and testing before animals reach the mountain and during the season.


En conclusión, se ha demostrado que esta tecnología es una oportunidad para la ganadería extensiva, aunque es necesario

Asegurar una red adecuada para conseguir la mayor emisividad de los collares.
Los pastores deben saber qué tipo de red tienen al comprar los collares (red móvil, red Sigfox, red Lora...).
Se recomiendan los instaladores de antenas. Deberían ser técnicos (que pueden pertenecer a la propia administración pública, si ya existe, o al sector privado) y se encargarían del mantenimiento de las antenas y de las pruebas antes de que los animales lleguen al monte y durante la temporada.



The project aims to provide the extensive livestock farming sector (cattle, horses and sheep) with new technological tools to obtain and manage as much data as possible from a herd with minimum involvement by the farmer. Geolocation and monitoring of animals uses various algorithms to analyse the information collected in order to identify possible incidents and improve the management of animals and pastures. 

This Operational Group, consisting of the Unió de Pagesos (Farmers’ Union of Catalonia), the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Digitanimal, SL and the cooperatives Pirenaica Societat Cooperativa C. LTDA and Agrària Ramadera del Pallars de Sort, SCCL, focuses on exploring the full potential that these technologies can provide.

1.- Improving the economic viability of farms. 
Adjustment of the devices to herd activity patterns to improve technical-health-financial management. Provision of the location and monitoring of the movements and condition of animals and herds. 
The task requiring the most labour is supervising the herd and monitoring the animals' health (behaviour, diseases, births, etc.). Reducing working hours is a key factor in lowering costs and increasing the financial viability of farms. 

2.- Sustainable use of natural resources and the maintenance of biodiversity. 
Analysis of the grouped data related to the animals' location to determine grazing pressure, preserve the pasture's quality and ensure the sustainability of the silvopastoral system. 

3.- Proximity of herds to wildlife. 
A third challenge is the fact that herds live in proximity to other wildlife. The technology for detecting wildlife attacks will be assessed, and patterns of behaviour to detect and document them will be established. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 105704.03

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator