project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Implementation, study and valorisation of a new eco-sustainable cereal
Implantación, estudio y valorización de un nuevo cereal eco-sostenible

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The objectives of the project are to evaluate the productive potential of perennial wheat (Kernza®) under conditions in Catalonia, and the quality of the grain for producing flours for human consumption. Another objective is to assess the exploratory capacity of the Kernza® root system to estimate its environmental potential for both C-fixation and its possible contribution to reducing nitrate leaching into groundwater. At the same time, the optimal flour production technologies for obtaining "Kernza" flour will be studied and finally, the quality of the flour and its inclusion in various agricultural products and foodstuffs will be evaluated.


Los objetivos del proyecto son evaluar el potencial productivo del trigo perenne (Kernza®) en las condiciones de Cataluña, así como la calidad del grano para la producción de harinas para el consumo humano. Del mismo modo, se pretende evaluar la capacidad de exploración del sistema radicular Kernza® para estimar su potencial medioambiental, tanto en la fijación de C, como en su posible contribución en la reducción de lixiviación de nitratos en aguas freáticas. Paralelamente, se explorarán las tecnologías harineras óptimas para la obtención de harina de "Kernza" y finalmente, se evaluará la calidad de la harina y la incorporación de ésta en diferentes productos agroalimentarios.


The actions are:

- Agronomic activities related to studying management of the crop will be undertaken. All the crop-related variables will be studied over two growth cycles and compared with regular annual wheat.

- Obtaining and analysing flour: The different flour production technologies commonly used will be studied, and the most optimal one will be selected. The grain obtained from the agronomic area using the selected flour technology will provide the Kernza flour. Its quality and nutritional characteristics will subsequently be analysed and determined.

- New product development: New products will be developed using the Kernza flour.


Las acciones son:

Estudio del manejo del cultivo. Se estudiarán todos los factores del cultivo a lo largo de dos ciclos de crecimiento y se compararán con el trigo anual habitual.

Obtención de la harina y análisis: Se estudiarán las diferentes tecnologías harineras de uso habitual, y se seleccionará la mejor. Con el grano obtenido, se producirá  la harina de "Kernza". Por último, se analizará y se determinarán su calidad y  características nutricionales.

Desarrollo de nuevos productos mediante la harina “Kernza” 


Conventional agricultural practices such as irrigation and the use of chemical herbicides and the ecological impacts of global warming may affect crop productivity and reduce the land available for agriculture in the near future. Perennial crops have recently been shown to create a widespread increase in several key ecosystem services in comparison to annual crops.
Kernza (Thinopyrum intermedium) is a perennial intermediate wheatgrass crop that is currently being developed at the Land Institute (Kansas, USA), and can be used for both forage and grain in a single year. This type of double harvest can increase yields compared to a single (grain) crop, and involves the same growth by the roots. Its characteristics make it a very interesting crop, including: its ability to combat weeds, fix carbon (C) and reduce leaching and surface run-off.
An assessment of its potential under conditions in Catalonia, and an estimation of the final value of the harvested product (for both fodder and grain) and its potential for application in the food sector (which is very interesting) could create interesting synergies not only between members of the Operational Group, but also all over the country.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 68832.17

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator