project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Implementation of genomic selection in dairy cattle of the Community of Madrid
Implementación de la selección genómica en el vacuno lechero de la Comunidad de Madrid

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Main objective:

Implementation of genomic selection in dairy cattle in the Community of Madrid.

Specific technical objectives:

1. Increase the reliability of genetic assessments of the population.

2. Verify parentages

3. Increase the genetic progress of the population.

4. Reduce population defects by detecting haplotypes and recessives

5. Begin collecting new characters

6. Integrate the new information collected by improving the advisory service to farms

7. Genotyping of all or almost all of the farm animals so that they can be used for evaluation studies of these new characters.

8. Search for Top Genetic Dams.

9. Identification of males for possible future artificial insemination.


Objetivo General: Implementación de la selección genómica en el vacuno lechero de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Objetivos específicos:

  1. Incrementar la fiabilidad de las valoraciones genéticas de la población.
  2. Corregir errores de registro
  3. Incrementar el progreso genético de la población.
  4. Disminuir los defectos de la población mediante la detección de haplotipos y recesivos
  5. Comenzar la recogida de nuevos caracteres
  6. Integrar la información recogida para mejorar el asesoramiento a las explotaciones
  7. Genotipos de la totalidad o casi totalidad de los animales para evaluar estos nuevos caracteres
  8. Búsqueda de madres de sementales.
  9. Identificación de posibles futuros sementales


  • Sampling of all females born in the farms participating in the project.
  • Genotyping and Genomic evaluation of samples (Included production, type, functional and heath traits, parentage verification and discovery, and determination of special traits as polledness, genetic diseases or milk proteins).
  • Analysis of results at individual, farm, and regional level.
  • Collection of new phenotypes.
  • Analysis of new phenotypes collected and design of reports.
  • Breeding and mating advice to the farmers.
  • Unofficial genotyping of selected males by IMIDRA’s artificial insemination unit
  • Dissemination of results


  • Toma de muestras en todas las terneras nacidas en las explotaciones integradas en el proyecto.
  • Genotipados y evaluaciones genómicas (Incluye evaluaciones de producción, tipo, funcionalidad y salud, verificación de parentesco y determinación de caracteres especiales como el gen Polled, enfermedades de origen genético o tipo de proteína de la leche).
  • Análisis de resultados.
  • Recogida de fenotipos.
  • Análisis de datos y diseño de informes.
  • Asesoramiento y acoplamientos.
  • Genotipado preliminar de machos.
  • Publicidad y divulgación.


El contexto en el que se planteó el proyecto era la mejora de la gestión de las explotaciones en diferentes aspectos de gran interés económico y social, tales como el rendimiento del animal, su bienestar y su salud. Aspectos estos que tendrán una gran incidencia en la calidad del producto final destinado al consumo humano.

Para ello, el enfoque fue realizar análisis genómicos de todos los animales que fueran naciendo, y añadir la recogida de más caracteres de salud y comportamiento.

Con la combinación de ambas tareas se logrará obtener un perfil genético que facilitará toda la información necesaria contrastada sobre el individuo en estudio, y que llevará consigo la toma de decisiones acertadas de parte de los ganaderos a la hora de gestionar en las explotaciones su programa de selección y cría.


The original driver of the project was to improve the management of farms in different aspects of great economic and social interest, such as the performance of the animal, its welfare and health. These aspects have a great impact on the quality of the final product intended for human consumption.

The approach was to perform genomic analyses of all the animals that were born, together with the collection of more health and behavior characters. The combination of both tasks will make possible to obtain a genetic profile that will provide all the necessary information contrasted on the individual under study. This will lead to the right decision-making by the farmers when managing their selection and breeding programs.

Additional comments

El proyecto se ha desarrollado de acuerdo al cronograma previsto, ha sido muy bien recibido por las ganaderías colaboradoras que han podido sacar partido del mismo mejorando su toma de decisiones.

El principal factor limitante para el correcto análisis de los resultados es el intervalo generacional del vacuno de leche, durante los tres años del proyecto no ha sido posible por razones biológicas obtener aun información relativa a los animales nacidos a partir de la toma de decisiones de selección realizada con sus progenitores, los primeros animales nacieron en el segundo semestre de 2019 y están ahora (Septiembre de 2021) comenzando a producir.

Para poder contrastar los resultados sería de gran importancia poder dar continuidad al proyecto hasta poder tener al menos un par de lactaciones de un número representativo de animales nacidos durante el proyecto así como información preliminar de algunos animales de la tercera generación. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP012 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Comunidad de Madrid
Main geographical location

€ 164200

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Females born during the four years have been genotyped and this information has been integrated into the Spanish national breeding program in which AFRIDEMA participates. Each animal has a very reliable genetic evaluation for the traits of economic interest, which allows a better selection of the rearing. Parentage errors have been verified and corrected. Genes of special interest have also been identified, such as those related to diseases of genetic origin that are now easily avoidable through the mating program together with the search for the most suitable sire for the genetic characteristics of each cow. It has also been possible to select more favorable variants with respect to milk proteins such as Betacasein A2.

The project has allowed us to obtain a detailed knowledge of the situation of the farms regarding the main diseases that affect milk production, analysis of results, advice focused on their improvement and integration of genotypes and phenotypes in the reference population for these traits.

Identification of the best families of cows in the farms of the Community of Madrid that can be selected as candidates for mothers of artificial insemination stallions.

Preliminary genomic tests has been carried out on male calves descended from the identified families and mated with top international sires.

Finally, a young male with a higher genetic level has been selected for artificial insemination.

Females born during the four years have been genotyped and this information has been integrated into the Spanish national breeding program in which AFRIDEMA participates. Each animal has a very reliable genetic evaluation for the traits of economic interest, which allows a better selection of the rearing. Parentage errors have been verified and corrected. Genes of special interest have also been identified, such as those related to diseases of genetic origin that are now easily avoidable through the mating program together with the search for the most suitable sire for the genetic characteristics of each cow. It has also been possible to select more favorable variants with respect to milk proteins such as Betacasein A2.

The project has allowed us to obtain a detailed knowledge of the situation of the farms regarding the main diseases that affect milk production, analysis of results, advice focused on their improvement and integration of genotypes and phenotypes in the reference population for these traits.

Identification of the best families of cows in the farms of the Community of Madrid that can be selected as candidates for mothers of artificial insemination stallions.

Preliminary genomic tests has been carried out on male calves descended from the identified families and mated with top international sires.

Finally, a young male with a higher genetic level has been selected for artificial insemination.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners


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