project - Research and innovation

Hygienic measures in organic pig farming – How to avoid the transmission of pathogens from flies, rats and mice to pigs
Hygienic measures in organic pig farming – How to avoid the transmission of pathogens from flies, rats and mice to pigs

Completed | 2011 Other, European Union
Completed | 2011 Other, European Union
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Good hygiene can reduce the development of pathogens and reduce the use of medicines in animal husbandry. It also lowers animal losses and increases the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting. The practical implementation, however, is more demanding in organic livestock farming than in conventional livestock farming because of the "more natural" conditions required. As the use of chemicals should be as low as possible in organic farming, consistent and regular implementation of preventive measures is of great importance.



Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Currently showing page content in native language where available

1 Practice Abstracts

Good hygiene can reduce the development of pathogens and reduce the use of medicines in animal husbandry. It also lowers animal losses and increases the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting. The practical implementation, however, is more demanding in organic livestock farming than in conventional livestock farming because of the "more natural" conditions required. And as the use of chemicals should be as low as possible in organic farming, consistent implementation of preventive measures is very important.

Flies, rats and mice can transmit a variety of diseases to pigs. It is therefore absolutely necessary to control these pests. Preventative measures should be exhausted before applying direct measures.

How to prevent the multiplication of flies?

• Stables must be ventilated well (exception: in farrowing stables this is only possible to a limited extent)

• Remove feces every day

• Clean feeding troughs and drinking bowls every day

• Flush liquid manure/slurry channels (in case no manure flies (Ophyra aenescens) are used)

• Remove liquid manure/slurry regularly

• Protect and promote natural enemies, like swallows

• Catch flies (e.g. with flying cords)

• Use parasitic wasps such as Nasonia vitripennis or Muscidifurax zaraptor on solid manure; For slurry with a firm floating layer use manure flies (Ophyra aenescens).

How to prevent a rodents´ plague?

• Avoid hibernation and nesting possibilities (Remove junk!)

• Store straw outside the stable. (When storing straw inside the stable, do so for a short time only)

• Avoid short (warm) routes between stable and fodder/feed storage

• Optimise the fodder/feed storage and leave no residues behind

• Use traps


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Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator