project - Research and innovation

How to stop storage pests
How to stop storage pests

Ongoing | 2015 - 2019 Other, European Union
Ongoing | 2015 - 2019 Other, European Union
Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


Once pests have established themselves in stored agricultural products, they can cause major (financial) damage within a very short time. In case of infestation, it is therefore extremely important to (be able to) identify the storage pests quickly and correctly in order to apply the effective countermeasures without delay. The Julius Kühn Institute has created an online diagnostic tool for exactly this purpose.



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The Project itself doesn´t have a Website.

Additional information

The tool deals with storage pests. Its online search page allows to “filter” pests

according to the damage symptoms they are causing and their features/characteristics. Finally the

user can identify the pests with the help of illustrations offered by the system.

The tool takes into account the latest scientific findings and recommends alternative protection

measures, which are allowed in organic farming. The tool can be used by everybody interested in

non-chemical crop storage protection options.

The search function has been designed to be user-friendly and simple: pests can be identified

reliably even without specialised knowledge. The portal adapts itself to the electronic device used.

For more information see and

Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Project acronym
Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


Sara Preißel, Prof. Dr. habil. Stefan Kühne, Dr. Cornel Adler, Julius Kühn-Institut, Kleinmachnow und Berlin-Dahlem.

Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator