project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

HNPD (HONEY NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT) - Product Innovation for the Honey Market

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Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Opportunities for GO's partners stem from their daily issues needing to be solved: Problem 1 - Monitoring honeybee hives - currently undertaken manually and not assisted by modern technology 
Solving: bee hives will be monitored through sensors (temperature, humidity, weight) linked to a smartphone app that allows parameter monitoring, keeps evidence of tasks/works, visited areas.
Problem 2 - Selling bulk honey, lacking own Brands. Solving: 
– market research honey, to generate ideas of new value added products
- developing processor own brands
- testing concepts of products, packages, brands.


Oportunitatile deriva din problemele cu care Partenerii se confrunta: 
Problema 1 - monitorizare stupi – realizata acum manual. 
Rezolvare - monitorizati prin intermediul unor senzori (temperatura, umiditate, greutate), si al unei aplicatii smartphone (care permite monitorizarea parametrilor, inregistrarea lucrarilor efectuate, a zonelor vizitate).
Problema 2 - vanzare de miere vrac, fara marca proprie. 
Rezolvare – studierea pietei mierii, generare de idei de noi produse cu valoare adaugata 
- dezvoltare marci proprii ale procesatorului
- testarea conceptelor de noi produse, ambalaje si marci


Project Application - Stage II
Project Management & Functioning G.O.
App Purchase and Customization Hives' Monitoring App
Hives' Monitoring - Sensors and Smartphone App
Studying the Internal and Int'l Market of Honey
Studying the Market of Honey-Based Products
Generate New Concepts + Brands + Packages
Test new concepts with Focus Groups
Designing New Products / Brands / Brands / Packaging
Testing New Brands / Products / Packaging by Eye Tracking 
Feedback Brand / Products / Packaging Testing
Branding Manual for Honey Processor
Register in the "Mountain Product" Register 
Synthesis of "good practices" Monitoring Beekeepers Hives 
Dissemination Results


Elaborare Proiect - Etapa II
Management de Proiect & Functionare G.O.
Achizitie si Customizare App Monitorizare Stupi
Monitorizare Stupi - Senzorii si App Smartphone
Studierea Pietei Interne si Int'l a Mierii
Studierea Pietei Produselor pe baza de Miere
Generare Concepte noi Produse + Branduri + Ambalaje
Testare concepte noi cu Focus Grupuri reprezentative
Concepere efectiva noi Produse / Marci-Branduri / Ambalaje
Testare noi Branduri / Produse / Ambalaje cu Eye Tracking
Feedback Testare Branduri / Produse / Ambalaje 
Manual Branding pt Procesatorul de Miere
Inregistrarea in Registrul "Produs Montan"
Sinteza "bune practici" Monitorizare Stupi Apicultori
Diseminare Rezultate

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014RO06RDNP001 Programul Național de Dezvoltare Rurală pentru perioada 2014 - 2020
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Bucureşti, Dolj

€ 483691

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

1 Practice Abstracts

Opportunities for GO's partners stem from their daily issues needing to be solved: Problem 1 - Monitoring honeybee hives - currently undertaken manually and not assisted by modern technology.

Result / Outcome for Honeybee Farmers: Good practices stemming from the honeybee hives that will be monitored through sensors (temperature, humidity, weight) linked to a smartphone app that allows parameter monitoring, keeps evidence of tasks/works, visited areas.

Oportunitatile deriva din problemele cu care Partenerii se confrunta: 

Problema 1 - monitorizare stupi – realizata acum manual. 

Rezolvare / Rezultat : Bune Practici diseminate dupa ce stupii apicultorilor parteneri in proiect vor fi monitorizati prin intermediul unor senzori (temperatura, umiditate, greutate), si al unei aplicatii smartphone (care permite monitorizarea parametrilor, inregistrarea lucrarilor efectuate, a zonelor vizitate).

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Silviu GANEA

    Project coordinator

Project partners