project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

HIDROVINYA: a tool to determine the water status of vineyards using meteorological and soil data
HIDROVIÑA: Herramienta para conocer el estado hídrico de la viña a través de los datos meteorológicos y edáficas

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Completed | 2018 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2021 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Create and install a network of sensors that collect the meteorological and soil data required to determine the water availability in vineyards, and predict the plant's response to stressful situations as the basis for working to adapt vine cultivation to climate change.
Relate water availability data to levels of plant water stress, obtained by reading leaf water potential.
Assess the performance of different vineyard soil and vegetation management actions, as measures for adapting to situations of increasing water stress.
Optimise water management in vineyards using the data from the monitoring network for irrigation management, soil management and vine vegetation management.


Creación e instalación de una red de sensores que recojan datos meteorológicos y edáficas para conocer la disponibilidad hídrica de los viñedos y poder prever la respuesta de la planta ante situaciones de estrés, para la adaptación de las técnicas vitícolas al cambio climático.
Relacionar los datos de disponibilidad hídrica con el nivel de estrés hídrico de las plantas,obtenida mediante la lectura de potencial hídrico de las hojas
Valorar la realización de acciones en la gestión del suelo de la viña y de manejo dela vegetación, como medidas de adaptación a situaciones de estrés hídrico
Optimizar la gestión del agua en la viña, tanto en la gestión de riego, del suelo y manejo de lavegetación de la viña.


A network was created to monitor meteorology and soil moisture, with continuous data readings.A parallel evolution between conditions with and without cover was observed until the beginning of April, involving much lower levels of water potential in the soil in the zone with cover.
Between the spring and late July, the stress level is highest in the area under cover. From that point on, it is practically the same.
This comprehensive monitoring shows how cover is a very important factor in competition in years with low levels of rainfall. Quantifying these values can help with effective management of the cover, and in particular, to take advantage of its positive contributions to the vineyard. 


Se observa una evolución paralela entre las condiciones con y sin cubierta vegetal hasta primeros de abril en que el potencial hídrico del suelo se mantiene muy inferior en la zona con cubierta.
Durante la primavera y hasta finales de julio el nivel de estrés es más alto en la zona de cubierta. A partir de ese momento prácticamente se iguala.
Este seguimiento global muestra cómo la cubierta supone, en años con poca precipitación, un factor competencial muy importante. Cuantificar estos valores puede ayudar a hacer una buena gestión de las cubiertas en particular, para intentar aprovechar los aspectos positivos que aportan a la plantación.


The main objective of the project was to gather the meteorological and soil data required to determine the water status of plants in vineyards in the Penedès and Costers del Segre regions, as the basis for working to adapt vine cultivation techniques to the conditions caused by climate change.
A network for monitoring soil moisture levels was created in order to relate it to meteorological and plant development data. The network uses continuous data gathered in a digital environment that enables it to be analysed and studied.
This network was created to obtain accurate data to support decision-making in the management of vineyards. Maintaining the network over some years will provide useful records for making predictions about a vine's agronomic behaviour in response to various agricultural practices, and therefore improve the vine grower's ability to react. The network has been created; its good results are linked to its continuity.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 212000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator


    Project coordinator