project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Biologiškai vertingų produktų trumpųjų tiekimo grandinių valdymas ir vietos rinkų plėtra

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Lithuania
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Lithuania
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The mission of EIP Action Group Inno food HUB is to disseminate best practices in short supply chains for health-friendly food and promote the development of biologically valuable products’ markets. The objective of the project is to develop a self-regulatory and functioning model of innovation implementation and dissemination to accelerate short food supply chains (SFSC) and local markets’ development. The results achieved would contribute to a sustainable solution to the social, environmental and economic challenges of the regions by enabling farmers to develop SFSC for biologically valuable products and to bring together the farmers implementing innovations in a collaborative network.


EIP veiklos grupės „Inno Food HUB“ misija - skleisti trumpųjų, sveikatai palankaus maisto tiekimo grandinių veiklos gerąją praktiką ir skatinti biologiškai vertingų produktų rinkų plėtrą.  Projekto tikslas - sukurti savireguliacijos pagrindu funkcionuojantį inovacijų diegimo ir sklaidos modelį, skirtą spartinti trumpųjų maisto tiekimo grandinių (TMTG) formavimą ir vietos rinkų plėtrą. Novatoriški, interaktyvių santykių su vartotojais palaikymo metodai, leis gamintojams greičiau,  įvairesniais būdais pasiekti vartotojus, padės ūkininkams kurti biologiškai vertingų produktų TMTG, telks inovacijas diegiančius ūkininkus į visuotiną naudą teikiantį bendradarbiavimo tinklą.


During the implementation of the project, four tasks are solved: critically evaluate (based on best practices in EU countries) the “farm-to-table” experience of innovative farms cultivating and producing biologically valuable products; assess trends and opportunities in the development of markets for biologically valuable products, taking into account consumer values and consumer needs; to spread innovations and ensure quality in the system of production and storage of biologically valuable products, increasing the efficiency and sustainability of SFSC; organize the network of farms producing bio-valuable products to ensure the dissemination of SFSC expertise and market development. 


Projekto vykdymo metu sprendžiami keturi uždaviniai: kritiškai (remiantis gerąja ES šalių patirtimi) įvertinti inovacijas diegiančių ūkių, auginančių ir gaminančių biologiškai vertingus produktus, veiklos „nuo lauko iki stalo“ patirtį; įvertinti  biologiškai vertingų produktų rinkų vystymo tendencijas ir galimybes, atsižvelgiant į vartotojų vertybes ir vartojimo poreikius; diegti inovacijas ir užtikrinti kokybę biologiškai vertingų produktų gamybos ir laikymo sistemoje, didinant TMTG efektyvumą ir tvarumą; organizuoti ūkių, gaminančių biologiškai vertingus produktus, tinklaveiką, užtikrinant TMTG patirties sklaidą ir rinkų vystymą. 


The project will transfer the knowledge gained from pilot farms and good practice in SFSC development to other small and medium-sized farms through cooperation networks in 3 pilot areas of the country and 3 local food community areas (HUBs) connecting producers and consumers.
The results of the project will have a direct impact on the viability and competitiveness of farms involved in short supply chains of biologically valuable products. Innovative, technological, managerial and marketing solutions needed for pilot farms will be identified. Recommendations for the management and optimization of the quality of raw materials and their products will help to ensure the quality of food products throughout SFSC. By focusing on the biological value of production, pro-ecological innovations will be offered, and innovation will inevitably cover the entire chain of food production and supply from "farm to fork“. The results will help maintain soil viability, optimize storage and primary processing processes. Integrating the development of SFSC and focusing on the local market with local products will address the issues of re-use of production waste and reduce production logistics, transportation and sales costs. Integrating the development of SFSC and focusing on the local market with local products will address the issues of re-use of production waste and reduce production logistics, transportation and sales costs. The organization of SFSC will be stimulated by a test of the sale of biologically valuable products - 1 national contact fair. By disseminating the project's best practices on an electronic collaboration platform, farms will be encouraged to develop SFSC and to be actively involved in the networking process.

Additional comments

Access to the network created by the EIP action group Inno Food HUB will not be restricted to farmers, as networking, as a new way of operating, does not limit the number of general economic interactions.
Continuity of project activities:
1. Supporting and developing an interactive network for the management of the short supply chain of biologically valuable food products and the development of local markets - an electronic partnership platform - will create preconditions for improving the management of SFSC, strengthening the competitiveness of farms and developing networking.
2. New forms of cooperation will encourage members of the EIP Innofood Hub to submit and implement new national and international projects, and a culture of innovation creation and implementation will be developed.
3. The methodology for identifying critical risk points for SFSC activities, measures for the creation and preservation of the value of biologically valuable raw materials and their products will be applicable nationally and internationally.
4. The created community areas of producer community (HUB) will be developed, they will function as concrete prototypes of cooperation, which transform into local food systems through a variety of new functions.

Additional information

The project will contribute to all 4 priorities of the Programme's "Cooperation" activity area "Support for the creation and development of EIP action groups": 6.1. Promote knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas. 6.2.Increase the viability and competitiveness of all agricultural activities in all regions, as well as promote innovative farm technologies and sustainable forest management. 6.3. Promote the organization of the food supply chain, including the processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture. 6.4. Promote resource efficiency and support the transition to a climate-resilient low-carbon economy in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors. The EIP project corresponds to the target 3 of the  Program area “Cooperation” and the cross-cutting objectives.
The project will contribute to the activities of the measure referred to in paragraph 7 of the Rules. Contribute to the improvement of the economic performance of farms and the creation of more favorable conditions for the restructuring and modernization of farms (Section 7.3). Innovation, cooperation and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas will also be promoted (point 7.1). Links between the agricultural and food production sectors and research and innovation institutions will be strengthened (Section 7.2). Contribute to the implementation of the target area - restoration, preservation and enhancement of biological diversity (Section 7.4). The cross-cutting objectives of Measure 8 will also be pursued: Development, implementation and dissemination of innovations; Preservation of the environment and sustainable development; Climate change mitigation.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014LT06RDNP001 Lithuania - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Kauno apskritis
Other geographical location
Alytaus apskritis

€ 199977

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Žemės ūkio akademija

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Alfonsas Riauba

    Project partner

  • Daiva Kvedaraitė

    Project partner

  • Dalius Serafinas

    Project partner

  • Linas Šliauteris

    Project partner

  • Rasa Čingienė

    Project partner

  • Rūta Jakubonienė

    Project partner

  • Vidas Juodsnukis

    Project partner

  • Virgilijus Šironas

    Project partner