project - Research and innovation

A good human-animal relationship is a very important factor for successful breeding
A good human-animal relationship is a very important factor for successful breeding

Completed | 2007 Germany, European Union
Completed | 2007 Germany, European Union
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The daily handling of pigs has a significant influence on their health and performance (the willingness to perform). The knowledge of the pigs´ natural behavior is important in order to handle pigs in a low-stress manner. Pigs treated in a friendly way have higher farrowing rates, are quieter and more relaxed, are affable and have higher weight gains as piglets.



Additional information

Pigs treated in an unfriendly manner are more restless, less affable, reach their sexual maturity later, are stressed and thus have higher corticosteroid blood levels (stress hormone levels). In addition, sows which were treated in an unfriendly way show poorer mother characteristics: They often react irritated towards the piglets and are often less willing to allow the piglets to suckle.

Project details
Main funding source
Other public (national, regional) research funds
Currently showing page content in native language where available

1 Practice Abstracts

Pigs which are treated well, and are allowed to develop their natural behaviour perform better in terms of farrowing rates and piglet weight gain.

Tips on how to treat pigs to reduce stress and let them perfom well:

• Before entering or while entering the stable (stable compartment) the appearance should be announced by knocking, familiar talking, whistle or similar.

• There should be a consistent friendly contact with the pigs, both vocal by direct speaking to the pigs, as well as "by hand" e. g. by stroking, tapping and scratching.

• One should avoid touching the pigs´ears and necks as these parts are also attacked during fights - pigs could be frightened or react aggressively.

• Pigs should be driven in a low stress manner:

o Obstacles should be removed from the hustle and bustle.

o The pigs should be driven freely; using driving boards or paddles, but no pointed objects.

o Any hassle should be avoided; pigs should be given the time to explore the surroundings.

o If a pig is frightened by something unknown, it should be given some time and soothed vocally.

o Never drive pigs into the dark – always towards the light.

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Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator