project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group


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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
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The main objective of this project is to improve the colouring of bicoloured apples, and the Gala and Pink Lady cultivars in particular. 
This general objective is broken down into the following specific objectives: 

1. Correlate and validate the information from remote sensing with the field variables for each variety, in order to establish a zoning criterion for the vigour of plantations based on the parameters of the canopy.

2. Assessment of additional colour improvement strategies.

3. Definition of individual strategies for each plot and zone according to their vigour.


El principal objetivo de este proyecto es mejorar la coloración de manzanas bicolor, en concreto de los cultivares Gala y Pink Lady, a partir del manejo de su desarrollo vegetativo.
Este objetivo general se desplegará en los siguientes objetivos concretos:
1. Desarrollar la correlación y validación de la información proveniente de la teledetección con las variables de campo para cada variedad para establecer un criterio de zonificación de vigor de las plantaciones a partir de los parámetros de la canopia.
2. Evaluación de estrategias complementarias para la mejora del color.
3. Definición de estrategia particularizada para cada parcela y zona según su vigor.



1. Categorise the vigour of the plots and undertake zoning based on those categories.

2. Analyse the effectiveness, cost of implementation and economic benefits of cultivation techniques to improve fruit colouring.

3. We will seek to establish a roadmap based on the first two points, which will define the cultivation techniques to be established in each area and/or plot, based on the following points:

    - Vigour categories.

    -  Cost, effectiveness and expected benefits of cultivation techniques.

     - Characteristics of the plot: Size, potential for subdivision, size or area of each category of vigour.


1. Categorizar el vigor de las parcelas y zonificar en base a estas categorías.
2. Analizar la eficacia, coste de ejecución y los beneficios económicos de técnicas culturales para mejorar la coloración del fruto.
3. En base a los dos primeros puntos se buscará establecer una hoja de ruta, en el que se definirán las técnicas culturales a establecer en cada zona y / o parcela, en función de los siguientes puntos:

• Categorías de vigor.
• Coste, eficacia y beneficios esperados de las técnicas culturales.
• Características de la parcela: tamaño, posibilidades de sectorización tamaño o superficie de cada categoría de vigor.



The losses associated with the lack of colouring in bicoloured apples is a problem that occurs every year, and as a result, a significant part of the production does not reach the threshold for the coloured surface of the fruit and is collected for conversion to juice, or in the worst case scenario, remains in the field. 
A number of new tools are available to improve the colouring of apples. One of the primary requirements is to determine the areas in the field that have the worst conditions for colouring in commercial fruit. Remote sensing is one of the most powerful tools for categorising the vigour of plantations in a fast, robust and economical way, which offers scalability of the system. It is possible to determine of different management areas where it is possible to intervene to correct the parameters of the vegetation and thereby improve the colouring of the apples thanks to remote sensing. This technology is at a very advanced stage of development and is currently in use with grapes for wine production, but its use for sweet fruit is at a very early stage. The project aims to improve the colouring of apples by differentiating areas in plots based on the vigour reported by remote sensing. Different cultural techniques will be implemented using this new methodology, depending on the vigour of each area. In other words, each plot will be treated with its characteristic variability or heterogeneity, and not as a homogeneous unit. 
Other options to improve the colouring of bicoloured apples will also be considered. Some are used in other countries, but their effectiveness in Catalonia's unfavourable growing conditions is unknown. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 158950

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator