project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Fresh fruits and vegetables. selling fresh fruits and vegetables in specialized stores and delivering them to restaurants
Friški frutti i verdura, prodaja svježeg voća i povrća u specijaliziranim prodavaonicama, te dostava ugostiteljskim objektima

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Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
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The objective of the project is to improve the sale of fruit and vegetables by associating three family farms with a manager who receives orders and a person who carries a completed order to customers.

Each family sells products directly to the buyer. the only problem is shortage of buyers due covid 19. 

Products are transported by electric tricycle, which covered hard-accessible locations.

Ordering products will also be available through the web store.


Cilj projekta je poboljšati prodaju voća i povrća udruživanjem tri OPG-a uz voditelja koji prima narudžbe i osobe koja prevozi kompletiranu narudžbu kupcima.

Svaki OPG prodaje proizvode direktno kupcu. Jedini problem je smanjenja potražnja uzrokovana Covid 19.

Proizvodi se prevoze električnom trokolicom kojom smo pokrili teško dostupne lokacije.

Naručivanje proizvoda će također biti dostupno preko web trgovine.


For successful implementation of the project, we are setting a stand for the sale of products and we are buying an electric tricycle for the transport of products from the field to buyers. Buyers can buy directly at the stand or by ordering on the website. A advertising booth has been made to attract new customers.


Za uspješnu provedbu projekta postavljamo štand za prodaju proizvoda te kupujemo električnu trokolicu za prijevoz proizvoda iz polja kupcima. Kupci mogu kupovati izravno na štandu ili narudžbom na web stranici. Napravljeno je i mjesto za marketing kako bi se privukli novi kupci.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014HR06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija

€ 100000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Upon completion of the project, sales to all members of the operational group should be improved without creating costs. The packaging is environmentally friendly, ie paper bags and cardboard boxes are used. Transportation to the end customer is done by an electric tricycle, which has a built-in basket (trailer), and registration is not required for the above, because it does not belong to the category of vehicles. The project also determines the purchase of car trailers in order to be able to transport a larger quantity of ordered products to catering facilities that have expressed the intention to purchase agricultural products. In this way, fast delivery would be ensured, and with the help of an electric tricycle, they would cover hard-to-reach places as well as facilities that are on the waterfront, and it is not possible to access them by car. The website is designed in such a way that the members of the operational group do not have to pay for maintenance, but are able to update it themselves, and promote family farms. The stand for the sale of products is in accordance with the regulations and conditions determined by the competent services and local self-government. The project also includes a cash register that has the ability to manage the warehouse for items and is not paid for additional maintenance after purchase. The most important item is that each family farm issues an invoice for the quantity of products sold, so individual business is completely transparent. There are no intermediaries in the project.

Po završetku projekta bi se trebala unaprijediti prodaja svim članovima operativne skupine bez kreiranja troškova. Ambalaža je ekološki prihvatljiva, odnosno koriste se papirnate vrećice i kartonske kutije. Prijevoz do krajnjeg kupca vrši električnom trokolicom, koja ima ugrađenu košaru ( prikolicu), a za navedenu ne treba registracija , jer ne spada u kategoriju vozila. Projektom je određena kupnja i auto prikolice kako bi se mogla prevoziti veća količina naručenih proizvoda do ugostiteljskih objekata koji su iskazali namjeru kupovine poljoprivrednih proizvoda.  Na taj način bi se osigurala brza dostava, te uz pomoć električne trokolice pokrili bi i teško dostupna mjesta kao i objekte koji su na rivi, te im nije moguće pristupiti automobilom. Web stranica je izrađena na način da članovi operativne skupine ne moraju plaćati održavanje već su je u mogućnosti samostalno ažurirati, te promovirati OPG –ove.  Štand za prodaju proizvoda je u skladu sa propisima i uvjetima određenih od nadležnih službi i lokalne samouprave. U projekt ulazi i blagajna koja ima mogućnost voditi skladište po artiklima te joj se ne plaća dodatno održavanje nakon kupnje. Najbitnija stavka je da svaki OPG za sebe izdaje račun za količinu prodanih proizvoda te je individualno poslovanje u potpunosti transparentno. U projektu ne postoje posrednici.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator