project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Fresh forest-chips for farm-level heat production
Tuorehakekonsepti maatilamittakaavassa

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Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Finland
Ongoing | 2019 - 2022 Finland
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The project is aiming at developing and piloting a farm-level heating plants (400-500kW) to use fresh forest-chips. EIP group collect field information for the topic. EIP group organize workshops and excursions. EIP group use SWOT analysis as a working tool. The boiler manufacturer construct a new heating plant system for the use of fresh forest-chips at farm level. Also the redution of CO2-emissions of farm-level heating plants will be detected. The dissemination of the results is important and public e.g. via EIP-AGRI. The final results and experiences are available at the end of the project period.


Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää ja pilotoidan tuorehakekonseptin lämpölaitos (400-500 kw) maatilamittakaavaan. EIP-hanke kerää taustatietoa asiaan. EIP-ryhmä järjestää työpajoja ja opintomatkoja. Nelikenttäanalyysia (SWOT) sovelletaan hankkeen yhtenä työkaluna. Kattilavalmistajan johdolla rakennetaan ja testataan pilottilaitosta. Lisäksi pyritään vähentämään maatilojen lämpölaitosten CO2-päästöjä. Tulosten jalkautus on tärkeää mm. EIP-AGRI verkoston kautta. Hankkeen tuloksia odotetaan hankkeen loppupuolella.


Background information evaluation, SWOT-analysis, workshops, excursions in Finland and in Europe. Planning, manufacturing and piloting a new heating plant consept with lower CO2-emissions. Dissemination of the results via social media, press info and EIP-AGRI group.


Taustatiedon keruu, työpajat, nelikenttäanalyysi, opintomatkat Suomessa ja ulkomailla EIP-ryhmän voimin. Kattilavalmistajan johdolla suunnitellaan, rakennetaan ja pilotoidaan uutta tuorehakekonseptin laitosta maatilamittakaavaan. Tulosten jalkautus mm. sosiaalisen median, median ja EIP-AGRI -verkoston kautta.


Preventing of the climate change and the increase of bio energy in rural energy. Decreasing of CO2-emissions of farms and food chain. Promoting of sustainable food chain. Development of new innovations and products.

Expected results: a pilot heating plant using fresh forest-chips as a fuel and reducing CO2-emissions. A new innovation is cost-effective for the farms needing heating plant (400-500 kW) and reducing CO2-emissions. A new expected export product is a useful alternative for farm-level heat production in EU, too. As a common level, the project also acts against the climate change, promotes the use of renewable wood-energy in rural areas. It is also aims to reduce the emissions of the farms, improve local employment and increase the sustainability of low-carbon food chain. Local energy solutions mean the energy safety and the food safety for the rural regions.   

Additional information

Ely-Center of Häme is the responsible financing organization.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014FI06RDRP001 Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelma 2014-2020
Main geographical location

€ 150000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Risto Lauhanen / Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

    Project coordinator

Project partners