project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

FERTIECO: Implementation of hyperthermophilic composting for the production of organic fertiliser from pig slurry solid fraction
FERTIECO: Implementación del compostaje hipertermófilo para la obtención de fertilizante de cultivo ecológico a partir de la fracción sólida de purín porcino

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- Assessing the hyperthermophilic process in terms of reducing veterinary drug content and the resistance genes in pig slurry solid fractions from sows, fattening pigs and the digestate of the latter.
- Demonstrating that biofertilisers obtained from pig slurry have an equivalent drug and resistance gene content to cattle manure and organic pig manure currently suitable for fertilising organically farmed soils.
- Demonstrating that the agronomic qualities of the biofertilisers obtained are equivalent to those obtained with cow dung and organic pig manure.
- Assessing pig manure from intensive livestock farming on organic crops in environmental and economic sustainability terms.


- Evaluar el proceso hipertermófilo para la reducción del contenido de fármacos de uso veterinario y genes de resistencia.
- Demostrar que los biofertilizantes obtenidos de purines porcino tienen contenidos equivalentes a fármacos y genes de resistencia a los estiércoles de bovino y a las deyecciones de porcino ecológico actualmente aptas para fertilizar suelos de cultivo ecológico.
- Demostrar que las calidades agronómicas de los biofertilizantes obtenidos son equivalentes a aquellas obtenidas con estiércoles de vaca y deyecciones de porcino de ecológico.
- Evaluar el uso de compostaje hipertermófilo de deyecciones porcinas de ganadería intensiva en cultivos ecológicos.


1. Optimising the hyperthermophilic composting process for manure unsuitable for organic farming
2. Comparative study of organic and non-organic manure and composts
3. Agronomic assessment of hyperthermophilic compost and manure suitable for organic farming
4. Technical, economic, social and environmental feasibility study of the developed system


1. Optimización del proceso de compostaje hipertermófilo de deyecciones no aptas para el cultivo ecológico.
2. Estudio comparativo entre deyecciones y compostaje aptos y no aptos para la agricultura ecológica.
3. Avaluación agronómica del compostaje hipertermofílico y de las deyecciones aptas para la agricultura ecológica.
4. Estudio de viabilidad técnica, económica, social y ambiental del sistema desarrollado.


The use of manure and slurry and its recovery as a substrate in biofertiliser production is environmentally and economically profitable, due to its rich composition of organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, among other nutrients. Moreover, the reuse of these recovered by-products is an ideal practice for managing surplus manure, increasing the quality of agricultural soils and enhancing the circular bioeconomy. Moreover, fertilisation requirements for organic crops are expected to rise considerably in the coming years, as one of the challenges of the European Green Deal is to turn 25% of Europe's agricultural land into organic farming by 2030. In this case, the problem arises when certain intensive livestock manures, generated excessively in Catalonia, are not accepted as raw materials for producing fertilisers suitable for organic farming, most often due to the likelihood of them containing drugs (mainly antibiotics) and antibiotic resistance genes.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 246506.9

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Project keyword

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Project coordinator

  • Eudald Casas

    Project coordinator