project - Research and innovation

EuroSheep: European Thematic Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the Sheep industry actors and stakeholders
EuroSheep: European Thematic Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the Sheep industry actors and stakeholders

Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 France
Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 France
Currently showing page content in native language where available


EuroSheep is an EU network about practice-driven innovation to improve profitability of meat sheep and dairy sheep productions through animal health and animal nutrition managements, to foster the sustainability and attractiveness of sheep farming. Following SheepNet thematic network, EuroSheep will enhance durable exchange of scientific and practical knowledge among researchers, farmers and advisors across Europe. By a multi-actor and transdisciplinary approach, EuroSheep will promote the implementation and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices.


EuroSheep is an EU network about practice-driven innovation to improve profitability of meat sheep and dairy sheep productions through animal health and animal nutrition managements, to foster the sustainability and attractiveness of sheep farming. Following SheepNet thematic network, EuroSheep will enhance durable exchange of scientific and practical knowledge among researchers, farmers and advisors across Europe. By a multi-actor and transdisciplinary approach, EuroSheep will promote the implementation and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices.


Seven main sheep producing EU countries (Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Ireland), plus Turkey are involved in EuroSheep. The project aims to: i) produce a scientific, technical and practical knowledge reservoir; ii) foster cross-fertilization through multi-actors workshops at national and international levels by the strong involvement of stakeholders and by the support of EIP Operational Group; iii) develop an easily understandable support package of communication and learning material, web-based tools, interactive platform.


Seven main sheep producing EU countries (Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Ireland), plus Turkey are involved in EuroSheep. The project aims to: i) produce a scientific, technical and practical knowledge reservoir; ii) foster cross-fertilization through multi-actors workshops at national and international levels by the strong involvement of stakeholders and by the support of EIP Operational Group; iii) develop an easily understandable support package of communication and learning material, web-based tools, interactive platform.


Although the EU flock is stabilizing after a regular decrease since 2000, it reached in some areas a critical level for the sustainability of the sheep industry. Different factors can be attributed to this decreasing trend, but, the low level of profitability is one of the most influential. A lack of technology and innovation uptake, and a slow transfer of scientific knowledge transfer into on-farm practices are also important factors to be considered. To address these challenges, animal health and nutrition management are key levers which can be used by farmers: i) good animal health management can reduce the loss of animal performance and the mortality rate, permit improved feed efficiency, reducing the input level per unit of product produced or permit improved productivity with the same level of input. Moreover, a better health management can reduce level of veterinary and medicine inputs. ii) good animal nutrition management can improve feed efficiency. At farm level, it allows either less food input per animal or more animals and more product output per animal and per hectare. By making the system more robust, good nutrition management is a key factor to improve farm resilience and help address future climate change concerns.

Additional information

This network is widely open to all EU countries, stakeholders, sheep famers. In order to participate or to be informed, contact us online or on social media!

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1983235

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

120 Practice Abstracts

The design of a handling unit, sheep race or entry to dairy parlour is vital in ensuring good animal flow and labour efficiency. If animal flow is impeded by the design, this increases time needed to complete tasks such as weighing, dosing, milking etc. and increases the labour requirement on farms. In New Zealand sheep flocks are substantially larger than the average European sheep flock and the labour units per farm are lower too. This means handling units, races and parlours need to have excellent designs to ensure good animal flow and labour efficiency. A common practise used on New Zealand farms was anti-backing gates in handling units, races and parlour entries. These can be attachments on race walls that allow sheep to move forward but not backwards or poles slightly raised from the floor that sheep can easily step over but not walk backwards over. Another tip seen on a sheep dairy farm was to have a wooden log at the parlour entry that ewes need to jump over into the parlour, this discourages two ewes from trying to enter at one time and getting stuck at the entrance. 

The design of a handling unit, sheep race or entry to dairy parlour is vital in ensuring good animal flow and labour efficiency. If animal flow is impeded by the design, this increases time needed to complete tasks such as weighing, dosing, milking etc. and increases the labour requirement on farms. In New Zealand sheep flocks are substantially larger than the average European sheep flock and the labour units per farm are lower too. This means handling units, races and parlours need to have excellent designs to ensure good animal flow and labour efficiency. A common practise used on New Zealand farms was anti-backing gates in handling units, races and parlour entries. These can be attachments on race walls that allow sheep to move forward but not backwards or poles slightly raised from the floor that sheep can easily step over but not walk backwards over. Another tip seen on a sheep dairy farm was to have a wooden log at the parlour entry that ewes need to jump over into the parlour, this discourages two ewes from trying to enter at one time and getting stuck at the entrance. 

This "tip & trick" is about checking the internal temperature of freshly baled alfalfa or grass hay. The temperature of the bales must be checked before putting them in the hay storage, thus preventing self-ignition. This requires an iron stick longer than 1 meter, placed 50-60 centimeters deep in the bale. A few hours after that, take it out of the bale and check the temperature of the stick with your hand. If it's hot, don't put the bales in the storage, wait another 7-10 days. This tip is used to replace the core thermometer.

Ez a ,,Tipp& trükk" a frissen bálázott lucerna vagy fűszéna belső hőmérsékletének ellenőrzéséről szól. Szénatárolóba rakás előtt ellenőrizni kell a bálák hőmérsékletét, ezzel megelőzve az öngyulladást. 1métertől hosszabb vasrúdra van ehhez szükség, 50-60 centiméter mélyen a bálába helyezzük. Néhány óra elteltével kivesszük a bálából és a kezünkkel ellenőrizzük a rúd hőmérsékletét. Ha meleg, nem rakjuk a bálákat a tárolóba, még várunk 7-10 napot. Ez a tipp a maghőmérő helyettesítésére szolgál.

In the year 2022, there was a historic drought in Hungary, which means that the pastures had dried out by the beginning of summer, and the animals have not reached sufficient pasture grass on the pastures. We wanted to make the feed varied and tasty, so we have started to give some molasses to the feed. Molasses is liquid and sticky. We had to start using new feeders so that the molasses would not flow out of them. Our leak-free trough made by metal, inside has oval shape. The feed is evenly distributed in it, all animals can access it. Feeding molasses requires getting used to it. Initially 0.5 dl per animal.

2022-ben Magyarországon történelmi aszály volt, ami azt jelenti, hogy a legelők nyár elejére kiszáradtak, és az állatok nem értek el elegendő legelőfüvet a legelőkön. Szerettük volna változatossá és ízletessé tenni a takarmányt, ezért elkezdtünk melaszt adni a takarmányhoz. A melasz folyékony és ragadós. Új etetőket kellett elkezdeni használni, hogy ne folyjon ki belőlük a melasz. Fémből készült szivárgásmentes vályúnk, belül ovális, horganyzott. A takarmány egyenletesen oszlik el benne, minden állat hozzáférhet. A melasz etetése megszokást igényel. Kezdetben 0,5 dl állatonként.

In the year 2022, there was a historic drought in Hungary, which means that the pastures had dried out by the beginning of summer, and the animals have not reached sufficient pasture grass on the pastures. That are why it was necessary to start feeding them inside, in the barn. This Tips & Tricks from Hungary help to make the feed tastier and utilization become higher rate we had been watering it with molasses. For a spring wheat haylage bale, we usually use approximately 15-20 litres of molasses, which contains 5.5% urea. This is well utilized in the rumen of ruminants and improves the digestibility of high-fiber feeds.

A 2022-es évben Magyarországon történelmi aszály volt, ami azt jelenti, hogy a legelők nyár elejére kisültek az állatoknak nem nagyon volt mit enniük és elkezdtük bent etetni őket. Ez a ,,Tipp & trükk" Magyarországról segít, hogy ízletesebb legyen és jobb legyen a hasznosulása ennek a takarmánynak, ezért melasszal locsoltuk. Egy búza szenázs bálához nagyjából 15-20 liter melaszt szoktunk felhasználni amiben van 5,5% karbamid. Ez a kérődzők bendőjében jól hasznosul és javítja a magas rosttartalmú takarmányok emészthetőségét. 

This Tips&Tricks from Turkey helps to save newborns that are weak and have difficulties to stand on their feet. Skeletal muscles symptoms vary from mild stiffness to obvious pain upon walking or an inability to stand. Lambs/kids may tremble in pain when held in a standing position. Hunched animals with a stiff gait are common. Affected lambs/kids may remain bright and have normal appetites until they become too weak to nurse. When the problem occurs in newborns, they are born weak and often cannot get on their feet. They have an open-shouldered appearance because the muscles of the shoulder girdle relax, and the forelegs may be spread excessively. The condition can be effectively prevented and treated with injections of selenium and vitamin E.However, tying lambs legs with a rope helps to get the animal on forelegs quicker right after the birth in order to facilitate suckling.

Türkiye'den gelen bu ipucu ve püf noktalar, zayıf ve ayakları üzerinde durmakta güçlük çeken yenidoğan kuzuların kurtarılmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. İskelet kası semptomları, hafif sertlikten yürüme sırasında belirgin ağrıya veya ayakta duramamaya kadar değişmektedir. Kuzular/oğlaklar ayakta tutulduğunda acı içinde titreyebilir. Sert yürüyen kambur hayvanlar yaygındır. Etkilenen kuzular/oğlaklar, emzirilemeyecek kadar zayıflar, parlak kalabilir ve normal iştahları olabilir. Yenidoğan kuzularda bu sorun, zayıf doğum ve çoğu zaman ayağa kalkamamaları şeklinde ortaya çıkmaktadır.Omuz kuşağı kasları gevşer ve ön ayakları aşırı açılır bu nedenle açık omuzlu bir görünüme sahiptirler. Bu durum selenyum ve E vitamini enjeksiyonları ile tedavi edilebilir ve etkili bir şekilde önlenebilir. Emzirmeyi kolaylaştırmak için doğumdan hemen sonra kuzuların ön ayaklarını bacakları ile bir iple bağlamak, daha çabuk oturmasına yardımcı olmaktadır.

This Tips and Tricks from Turkey will help lambs to cross within sections in the barn without injuring them. The system allows to cross only from the cylindric racks built in the barn. Metalic cylindrical attachments are useful tools in order to passing lambs to the creep feeders without being injured. One way is to attach these cylindrical metal parts in the feeders. Thus the lambs will not be injured during their passage.

Türkiye'den gelen bu ipucu ve püf noktalar, kuzuların ahırdaki bölümler içerisinde onları incitmeden geçmesine yardımcı olacaktır. Sistem, ahırda inşa edilen silindirik raylardan sadece kuzuların geçişine izin verir. Metalik silindirik ataçmanlar, kuzuları yara almadan yemliklere geçirmek için kullanışlı aletlerdir. Bir yol, bu silindirik metal parçaları yemliklere bağlamaktadır. Böylece kuzular geçişleri sırasında yaralanmamış olurlar.

This T&T from Turkey helps to keep the lambs at a warmer level in the barn with a very cheap and practical way. The additional wooden part added in the higher level in a barn helps to protect lambs from cold in the winter. The system is easy to built and very efficient, since the warmer air will circulate to the upper level,and lambs will remain warm. The material is also very natural and does not harm the lambs.

Türkiye'den gelen bu ipucu ve tüyolar, kuzuları ahırda çok ucuz ve pratik bir şekilde daha sıcak bir seviyede tutmaya yardımcı olur. Ahırın üst katına eklenen ilave ahşap kısım kuzuların kışın soğuktan korunmasına yardımcı olur. Sistemin kurulumu oldukça kolaydır ve verimlidir. Isınan hava üst kata sirküle olacağından, kuzular sıcak kalacaktır. Malzemesi de oldukça doğaldır ve kuzulara zarar vermemektedir.

This Tip&Tricks from Turkey is specially designed for lambs under hypothermia. Hypothermia in lambs is a big issue especially under the harsh climates. Electric blankets helps toprevent hypothermia and keeps the body temperature at certain levels. It brings the newborn lambs body temperature to 39 ◦C in 12-17 minutes, automatically shuts off at 39.5 ◦ C. The fixed body temperature is at 39 C. The system has a convenient installation and usage , operates on 220V, has a 5 m cable lenght. It is liquid proof. It also absorbes sweat.

Türkiye'den gelen bu ipucu ve tüyolar özellikle hipotermi altındaki kuzular için tasarlanmıştır. Kuzularda hipotermi, özellikle zorlu iklim koşullarında büyük bir sorundur. Elektrikli battaniyeler hipoterminin önlenmesine ve vücut ısısının belirli bir seviyede tutulmasına yardımcı olur. Yeni doğan kuzularda vücut ısısını 12-17 dakikada 39 C'ye getirir, 39.5 C'de otomatik olarak kapanır. Sabit vücut ısısı 39 C'dir. Kurulum ve kullanıma uygun sistem 220V ile çalışır ve 5 m kablo uzunluğuna sahiptir. Sıvı geçirmezdir ve aynı zamanda teri de emer.

This Tip&Tricks from Turkey is specially considered for hypothermic lambs. Lambs can lose body heat very rapidly and unless they are well fed, will develop hypothermia, particularly if it is cold and wet. Infrared lights are used to recover the animals from hypothermia. If a lamb has already contracted hypothermia, you should put it under an infrared light to dry it off and get its body temperature back up. Lambs with symptoms of hypothermia require supplemental heat to restore their core body temperature to normal (39°C) and a warm mouth indicates success. The basis of treatment of the hypothermic lamb is to warm it up and provide a source of energy to start heat production again. Keep an eye with heat source (e.g. box in warm environment) and feed until strong and maintaining normal temperature (39°C).You need to be careful when using these, though, as they can overheat the lamb.

Türkiye'den gelen bu ipucu ve püf noktalar, özellikle hipotermik kuzular için düşünülmüştür. Kuzular vücut ısısını çok hızlı kaybedebilir ve iyi beslenmezlerse, özellikle soğuk ve ıslak kaldıklarında hipotermi geliştirirler. Hayvanları hipotermiden kurtarmak için kızılötesi ışıklar kullanılmaktadır. Bir kuzu zaten hipotermiye girmişse kuruması ve vücut ısısını geri kazanması için kızılötesi ışığın altına koyulmalıdır. Hipotermi semptomları olan kuzuların vücut sıcaklıklarını normale (39°C) getirmek için ek ısıya ihtiyaç duyarlar ve ılık bir ağız başarıyı göstermektedir. Hipotermik kuzunun tedavisi temelde kuzuyu ısıtmak ve yeniden ısı üretimine başlayabilmesi için bir enerji sağlamaktır. Isı kaynağına dikkat edin (örn. sıcak bir ortamda kutu), güçlenene kadar ve normal sıcaklığını (39°C) koruyana kadar besleyin. Ancak bunları kullanırken dikkatli olmalısınız çünkü kuzuyu aşırı ısıtabilirler.

Entropion is the presence of in-turned eyelids in newly born or very young lambs. It may affect one or both eyes, initially causing the eye to weep, and in more advanced cases causing damage to the cornea due to scratching by the eyelashes. If untreated, it can cause ulceration and blindness.If persistent and won’t ‘flip’ back out:• Inject 1ml of antibiotic using a clean, small needle into the bottom eyelid, this will hold the eyelid away from the eye and prevent if from turning in againOr• Apply a Michel clip 2-5mm below and perpendicular to the eyelid

Entropion is the presence of in-turned eyelids in newly born or very young lambs. It may affect one or both eyes, initially causing the eye to weep, and in more advanced cases causing damage to the cornea due to scratching by the eyelashes. If untreated, it can cause ulceration and blindness.If persistent and won’t ‘flip’ back out:• Inject 1ml of antibiotic using a clean, small needle into the bottom eyelid, this will hold the eyelid away from the eye and prevent if from turning in againOr• Apply a Michel clip 2-5mm below and perpendicular to the eyelid

In Ireland it is common that sheep farmers mark ewes and lambs with matching numbers after birth to identify mothers and their offspring. This allows poor performing animals to be identified which helps with performance recording and replacement/culling selection. Irish farmers had the following tips on marking ewes and lambs: For an outdoor lambing system, it was suggested to number ewes a week or two prior to lambing on a dry day, then as they lamb outdoor, mark the lambs with the ewe number and this will save you from catching ewes in the field. For an indoor lambing system it was suggested to number ewes and lambs before turnout, mark ewes with singles and their lambs a different colour to ewe rearing twins and triplets and their lambs, so if a ewe dies/gets sick her lambs can be easily identified and removed from the flock if necessary. Another tip was to use jumbo chalk as a temporary marker for tasks such as sorting, vaccinating, dosing sheep etc. to prevent build-up of long lasting sprays on fleece when a permanent mark isn't required. This is important in systems where the wool is valuable.

In Ireland it is common that sheep farmers mark ewes and lambs with matching numbers after birth to identify mothers and their offspring. This allows poor performing animals to be identified which helps with performance recording and replacement/culling selection. Irish farmers had the following tips on marking ewes and lambs: For an outdoor lambing system, it was suggested to number ewes a week or two prior to lambing on a dry day, then as they lamb outdoor, mark the lambs with the ewe number and this will save you from catching ewes in the field. For an indoor lambing system it was suggested to number ewes and lambs before turnout, mark ewes with singles and their lambs a different colour to ewe rearing twins and triplets and their lambs, so if a ewe dies/gets sick her lambs can be easily identified and removed from the flock if necessary. Another tip was to use jumbo chalk as a temporary marker for tasks such as sorting, vaccinating, dosing sheep etc. to prevent build-up of long lasting sprays on fleece when a permanent mark isn't required. This is important in systems where the wool is valuable.

Water supply for sheep grazing outdoors is necessary, particularly in warm climates where droughts occur. Access to water in each grazing paddock is essential. Ideally, every paddock should have a permanent water supply. Placing troughs across fences or in the hedge of smaller fields reduces the number required and placing water troughs in the centre of the paddock allow them to be accessed from multiple divisions. The following 2 systems were suggested by Irish farmers in relation to water supply in grazing systems: 1) Solar powered water pumps can operate in any remote location, without requiring access to electricity. Place pump beside water source and insert the suction pipe into the water, battery reserve enables water to be pumped without direct sunlight. 2) A portable water trough is very useful as it moves with the flock. It has a quick lock and unlock system on pipes making it suitable for temporary paddock systems.This reduces the need for multiple water troughs.

Water supply for sheep grazing outdoors is necessary, particularly in warm climates where droughts occur. Access to water in each grazing paddock is essential. Ideally, every paddock should have a permanent water supply. Placing troughs across fences or in the hedge of smaller fields reduces the number required and placing water troughs in the centre of the paddock allow them to be accessed from multiple divisions. The following 2 systems were suggested by Irish farmers in relation to water supply in grazing systems: 1) Solar powered water pumps can operate in any remote location, without requiring access to electricity. Place pump beside water source and insert the suction pipe into the water, battery reserve enables water to be pumped without direct sunlight. 2) A portable water trough is very useful as it moves with the flock. It has a quick lock and unlock system on pipes making it suitable for temporary paddock systems.This reduces the need for multiple water troughs.

Lameness is a major cost for sheep farmers in terms of time and money expended on products to treat/prevent the condition as well as associated production losses. Lameness is also seen as an animal welfare issue and it has a significantly negative impact on animal performance. For infections caused by footrot and scald an appropriate footbath solution will control mild cases and prevent infection. Severe cases may need hoof paring and antibiotic treatment. When footbathing sheep the following tips were suggested by Irish farmers: 1) Batch footbathing increases contact time – important for copper and zinc sulphate2) Sponges/mats in footbath reduces splashes, separates bedding material from solution and is less daunting for lambs to walk over3) Can add straw/wool to footbath to encourage lambs to walk through for the first few times (not suitable for formalin)4) Adding washing-up liquid to footbath solution can help the chemical stick to the hoof

Lameness is a major cost for sheep farmers in terms of time and money expended on products to treat/prevent the condition as well as associated production losses. Lameness is also seen as an animal welfare issue and it has a significantly negative impact on animal performance. For infections caused by footrot and scald an appropriate footbath solution will control mild cases and prevent infection. Severe cases may need hoof paring and antibiotic treatment. When footbathing sheep the following tips were suggested by Irish farmers: 1) Batch footbathing increases contact time – important for copper and zinc sulphate2) Sponges/mats in footbath reduces splashes, separates bedding material from solution and is less daunting for lambs to walk over3) Can add straw/wool to footbath to encourage lambs to walk through for the first few times (not suitable for formalin)4) Adding washing-up liquid to footbath solution can help the chemical stick to the hoof

Improving grazing infrastructure will have a positive impact on grassland management and animal performance.Temporary fencing can provide a cheap, cost effective alternative to using permanent divisions during key stages of the grazing season, allowing extra divisions to be made and match grazing areas to grazing group size. Electric fencing can be used in sheep farms as permanent fencing or as temporary fencing to divide large areas. When using electric fencing for sheep the following tips were suggested by Irish farmers: 1) Use of temporary electric fencing to divide paddocks (net/smart fence/electric tape)2) Use solar or battery fencer on land areas with no mains fencer 3) Maintain the electric current on a 3 strand fence by periodically running a wire from the bottom to top strand to keep current active if damage/fault occur 4) Instead of using white plastic stakes, add a post Insulator to stronger pigtail (metal) posts which will last longer 5) On a 3 strand fence it was suggested to have the middle strand as metal wire with top and bottom polywire as it maintains the current better

Improving grazing infrastructure will have a positive impact on grassland management and animal performance.Temporary fencing can provide a cheap, cost effective alternative to using permanent divisions during key stages of the grazing season, allowing extra divisions to be made and match grazing areas to grazing group size. Electric fencing can be used in sheep farms as permanent fencing or as temporary fencing to divide large areas. When using electric fencing for sheep the following tips were suggested by Irish farmers: 1) Use of temporary electric fencing to divide paddocks (net/smart fence/electric tape)2) Use solar or battery fencer on land areas with no mains fencer 3) Maintain the electric current on a 3 strand fence by periodically running a wire from the bottom to top strand to keep current active if damage/fault occur 4) Instead of using white plastic stakes, add a post Insulator to stronger pigtail (metal) posts which will last longer 5) On a 3 strand fence it was suggested to have the middle strand as metal wire with top and bottom polywire as it maintains the current better

Establishing a health plan on a farm can help the farmer and the farm’s veterinarian to plan ahead and develop procedures to ensure the long-term health and welfare of a particular flock. A personal computer or a smartphone/tablet can be an important tool to organise and maintain the health plan established with the cooperation of the farmer and the veterinarian. This tips&trick from Greece presents the opportunities offered by the Google's workspace free online apps for a better organisation of farm health program, through a simple example: organisation of the farm's vaccination program. Process of data registration by the farmer and the vet are explained and possible ouputs are presented (shared calendar, notifications on smartphone, etc.). See the video of the Tip&Trick on the following link:

Η θέσπιση ενός προγράμματος υγείας στη εκτροφή μπορεί να βοηθήσει και τον κτηνοτρόφο και τον κτηνίατρο της εκτροφής να προγραμματίσουν και να αναπτύξουν διαδικασίες που θα διασφαλίζουν σε βάθος χρόνου την υγεία και ευζωία του κοπαδιού. Ένας προσωπικός υπολογιστής, ή μία σύγχρονη τηλεφωνική συσκευή (smartphone/tablet) μπορούν να αποτελέσουν ένα σημαντικό εργαλείο για την οργάνωση και τη διατήρηση του προγράμματος υγείας που σχεδιάστηκε με τη συνεργασία κτηνιάτρου και κτηνοτρόφου. Το πρακτικό εργαλείο αυτό (tip&trick) από την Ελλάδα παρουσιάζει τη δυνατότητα αξιοποιήσης των διαδικτυακών εφαρμογών της Google για τη καλύτερη οργάνωση του προγράμματος υγείας, μέσω ενός απλού παραδείγματος: η οργάνωση του προγράμματος εμβολιασμού της εκτροφής. Περιγράφεται η διαδικασία καταγραφής δεδομένων από τον κτηνοτρόφο και τον κτηνίατρο και παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της διαδικασίας (κοινόχρηστο ημερολόγιο, ειδοποιήσεις στο κινητό, κλπ.). Το σχετικό video είναι διαθέσιμο στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:

Documenting and logging grazing routes and spots can be an important tool to improve both the herds productivity as well as the sustainable management of the grazelands. Modern, low cost and easily accessible equipment can be used to visualize and manage grazing routes and areas. This tip&trick from Greece show the different steps for logging grazing routes using the google maps application and presents the different options available to the farmer: start of grazing and grazing duration, display of photos taken at a specific grazing location, use of satellite images, data export, and display of many grazing routes simultaneously (from different farmers in the area or at different grazing dates). See the video of the Tip&Trick on the following link: 

Η καταγραφή και η περιγραφή των διαδρομών και σημείων βόσκησης μπορεί να αποτελέσει ένα σημαντικό εργαλείο για τη βελτίωση της παραγωγικότητας του κοπαδιού καθώς και της βιώσιμης διαχείρισης των βοσκοτόπων. Σύγχρονος, φτηνός και εύκολα προσβάσιμος εξοπλισμός μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την οπτικοποίηση και διαχείριση των διαδρομών και εκτάσεων βόσκησης. Αυτό το tip&trick από την Ελλάδα δείχνει τα βήματα που πρέπει να ακολουθούνται για την καταγραφή των διαδρομών βόσκησης μέσω της εφαρμογής Google Maps, και παρουσιάζει τις διαφορές λειτουργίες που είναι διαθέσιμες στον κτηνοτρόφο: ώρα έναρξης και διάρκεια βόσκησης, εμφάνιση φωτογραφίων που έχουν τραβηχτεί σε συγκεκριμένη τοποθεσία βόσκησης, χρήση δορυφορικών εικόνων, εξαγωγή δεδομένων, ταυτόχρονη εμφάνιση διαδρομών (από πολλές ημέρες ή από πολλούς κτηνοτρόφους της περιοχής).Το σχετικό video είναι διαθέσιμο στον παρακάτω συνδεσμό:

Forage conservation is a key element for productive and efficient ruminant livestock farms.Traditional methods include sensory assessment of hay moisture after harvesting and before baling. It is important to have an accurate assessment of moisture in hay bale at hay harvest but also at any time of the conservation process in order to ensure hay quality and prevent the risk of fire during storage. This tip&trick from Greece presents the use of an hygrometer by a sheep farmer from Greece with practical example of on-farm moisture assessment. The hygrometer is a fast determination device for measuring the moisture of compressed hay in real time. It can be easily used on stored bales or directly on the baler during the harvest process. See the video of the Tip&Trick on the following link:

Η διατήρηση των παραγόμενων χονδροειδών ζωοτροφών αποτελεί βασική διαχειριστική διαδικασία για την παραγωγικότητα και την αποτελεσματικότητα της εκτροφής των μηρυκαστικών. Οι παραδοσικές μέθοδοι βασίζονται στην οργανοληπτική εκτίμηση της υγρασίας του σανού μετά τη συγκομιδή και πριν τη δεματοποίησή του. Η ακριβής εκτίμηση της υγρασίας του δέματος σανού είναι σημαντική μετά την συγκομιδή, αλλά και κατά τη διάρκεια της αποθήκευσής του, με σκοπό τη διατήρηση της ποιότητας του και την πρόληψη του κινδύνου πυρκαγιάς κατα την αποθήκευση. Η συγκεκριμένη πρακτική συμβουλή (tip&trick) από την Ελλάδα είναι ένα πρακτικό παράδειγμα εκτίμησης της υγρασίας από ένα προβατοτρόφο στην εκτροφή του. Το υγρασιόμετρο είναι ένα εργαλείο για τον γρήγορο προσδιορισμό της υγρασίας του σανού σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Χρησημοποιείται εύκολα είτε σε αποθηκευμένα δέματα, είτε σε δέμα στη πρέσα αμέσως μετά την συμπίεση. Το σχετικό βίντεο είναι διαθέσιμο στον παρακάτω συνδεσμό:

Proper implementation of artificial feeding allows the farmers to get the best results both in the development of lambs and on milk production of ewes. However, this implementation is not always easy for farmers beginning with artificial feeding and there is a need for clear and specific instructions adapted to field conditions. This tip&trick from Greece presents practical instructions for proper artificial feeding based on the experience of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation: choice of artificial feeding equipement, grouping of lambs, lamb training by the farm staff, choice of milk powder and preparation of feed, control of feed temperature and proper distribution practices. Specific and accurate instricution are given according to the age of the lamb and the corresponding practices are illustrated by audiovisual content. See the video of the Tip&Trick on the following link:

Η ορθή εφαρμογή του τεχνητού θηλασμού, οδηγεί στα καλύτερα δυνατά αποτελέσματα τόσο στην ανάπτυξη των αρνιών, όσο και στη γαλακτοπαραγωγή των προβατίνων. Ωστόσο, η εφαρμογή του τεχνητού θηλασμού δεν είναι πάντα έυκολη για αρχάριους κτηνοτρόφους και υπάρχει ανάγκη για ειδικές και ακριβείς οδηγίες προσαρμοσμένες σε συνθήκες εκτροφής. Αυτό το Tip&Trick από την Ελλάδα περιλαμβάνει τις πρακτικές οδηγίες για την ορθή εφαρμογή του τεχνητού θηλασμού και βασίζεται στην εμπειρία του ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ: εξοπλισμός τεχνητού θηλασμού, ομαδοποιήσης των αμνών, εκπαίδευση των αρνιών από το προσωπικό της εκτροφής, επιλογή της σκόνης γάλακτος και προετοιμασία του τεχνητού γάλακτος σκόνη, έλεγχος της θερμοκρασίας του γάλακτος και ορθές πρακτικές λήψης γάλακτος. Ειδικές και ακριβείς οδηγίες προτείνονται με βάση την ηλικία των αμνών και οι σχετικές πρακτικές παρουσιάζονται με οπτικοακουστικά μέσα. Το σχετικό video είναι διαθέσιμο στον παρακάτω συνδεσμό:

Besides routine service calls, milking equipment checks prior to every milking ensures optimal function of milking parlour, minimizing the risk for machine-induced mastitis, increase milk production and improve milk quality, while animal health and welfare are protected. This Tip&Trick from Greece presents the parameters that should be controlled and the frequency of equipment control, together with simple methods for self checking of equipment control, such as the recording form for the correct function of milking parlour and the milking equipment self-check list. These methods can symplify the daily tasks of the farmer for the completion of milking parlour maintenance inspection. See the video of the Tip&Trick on the following link:

Εκτός από τις καθορισμένες εργασίες συντήρησης, όπως αυτές προτείνονται από τις κατασκευάστριες εταιρείες, ο έλεγχος του μηχανικού εξοπλισμού του αμελκτηρίου πριν από κάθε άμελξη εξασφαλίζει την ελαχιστοποίηση του κινδύνου εμφάνισης μαστίτιδας, τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας του παραγόμενου γάλακτος, την αύξηση της γαλακτοπαραγωγής και την προστασία της υγείας και της ευζωίας των προβατίνων. Στο video από την Ελλάδα παρουσιάζονται οι παράμετροι που πρέπει να ελέγχονται και η συχνότητα ελέγχου, καθώς και απλές μεθόδους αυτοέλεγχου, όπως το έντυπο καταγραφής ορθής λειτουργίας του αμελκτηρίου και τη λίστα αυτοελέγχου εξοπλισμού. Αυτες οι μέθοδοι μπορούν να διευκολύνουν την καθημερινή εργασία του κτηνοτρόφου στην ημερήσια επισκόπηση της λειτουργίας του αμελκτηρίου. Το video είναι διαθέσιμο στον παρακάτω συνδεσμό:

Before baling when producing high-quality grass-silage, the moisture of the grass in the windrows must be monitored to be sure that the right dry matter content has been achieved. A probe-hygrometer equipped with a plate and reading the moisture of the grass can be used for this purpose. The optimal dry matter content is between 50-60% according to species. The procedure consists in fill a bucket with grass from the windrow simulating the level of density that the grass will have in the bale. Insert the hygrometer into the bucket, pressing the grass tightly. Wait for the grass moisture measurement. If the humidity is between 40-50% (50-60% DM), the grass is ready to be baled.

Prima di imballare quando si produce un insilato di erba di alta qualità, l'umidità dell'erba nelle andane deve essere monitorata per essere sicuri che sia stato raggiunto il giusto contenuto di sostanza secca. A tale scopo può essere utilizzata una sonda-igrometro dotata di piatto che rileva l'umidità dell'erba. Il contenuto ottimale di sostanza secca è compreso tra il 50 e il 60% a seconda della specie. La procedura consiste nel riempire un secchio con l'erba dell'andana simulando il livello di densità che l'erba avrà nella balla. Inserire l'igrometro nel secchio, pressando bene l'erba. Attendere la misurazione dell'umidità dell'erba. Se l'umidità è compresa tra il 40-50% (50-60% SS), l'erba è pronta per essere imballata.

The Sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik.) is a short perennial legume species widely used as a forage legume in Mediterranean regions. Sulla must be inoculated before seeding with a Rhizobium sullae. In this video is shown the seed inoculation method. For one hectare needs: 30-35 kg of sulla seed, Rhizobium sullae (use a product with a concentration of 1.5 x 109 UFC/g). It is usually sold in packs with peat. Use 200 g of peat slurry containing the rhizobia, 1 liter of a 10% adhesive solution of Arabic gum. Around 5 kg of calcium carbonate for pelleting seeds.In order to prepare the 10% adhesive solution, dissolve 200 g of powder of Arabic gum in 200 ml of hot water, stirring vigorously until the powder is dispersed. Slowly add 800 ml of cold water while still stirring vigorously, until an even gel is produced. Use the solution when it is no longer hot (less than 30°C before using it). It is better to prepare it on the day before.Pour the adhesive solution and the rhizobium into a container. Store the adhesive solution and the rhizobium in a cool place until use. Dissolve the rhizobium in a way that no lumps remain. Be careful: the rhizobium must not come into contact with fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.Pour the seed into a clean and large container. Mix the seed with the rhizobium and the adhesive solution. Be careful to carry out this operation away from direct sunlight and turn the seed several times until the whole mass is homogeneously wet.Add the calcium carbonate for pelleting seed 2 times (2.5 kg each time). Mix repeatedly to distribute it evenly and break all lumps.The seed is ready when it is dry, well separated and without lumps

La Sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik.) è una specie leguminosa perenne utilizzata nelle regioni mediterranee. La Sulla deve essere inoculata prima della semina col Rhizobium sullae. In questo video viene mostrato il metodo di inoculazione dei semi. Per un ettaro occorre: 30-35 kg di seme sulla, Rhizobium sullae (utilizzare un prodotto con una concentrazione di 1,5 x 109 UFC/g). Utilizzare 200 g di impasto di torba contenente il rizobio, 1 litro di una soluzione adesiva al 10% di gomma arabica. Circa 5 kg di carbonato di calcio per pellettare i semi.Per preparare la soluzione adesiva al 10% sciogliere 200 g di polvere di gomma arabica in 200 ml di acqua calda, mescolando energicamente fino alla dispersione della polvere. Aggiungere lentamente 800 ml di acqua fredda continuando a mescolare energicamente, fino a ottenere un gel omogeneo. Usare la soluzione quando non è più calda (meno di 30°C prima dell'uso). È meglio prepararlo il giorno prima.Versare la soluzione adesiva e il rizobio in un contenitore. Conservare la soluzione adesiva e il rizobio in un luogo fresco fino al momento dell'uso. Sciogliere il rizobio in modo che non rimangano grumi. Attenzione: il rizobio non deve venire a contatto con fertilizzanti, erbicidi o pesticidi.Versa il seme in un contenitore pulito e capiente. Mescolare il seme con il rizobio e la soluzione adesiva. Abbiate cura di effettuare questa operazione al riparo dalla luce diretta del sole e girate più volte il seme fino a che tutta la massa non risulti omogeneamente bagnata.Aggiungere il carbonato di calcio per pellettare i semi 2 volte (2,5 kg ogni volta). Mescolare ripetutamente per distribuirlo uniformemente e rompere tutti i grumi.Il seme è pronto quando è secco, ben separato e senza grumi.

Use of a compressed air system that allows the sanitizing product to be vaporised, increasing its effectiveness and reducing consumption. The system consists of a 30 liter compressed air vaporizer which can be easily connected to the parlor system and housed in a corner of the parlour. This is connected to a tube that branches off on both sides of the milking pit on which a quick release system is installed. A pump equipped with a particular nozzle is connected to these quick releases to facilitate the vaporization of the product. The treatment of the udder is carried out using the pump which vaporizes and pressure sprays the sanitizing product effectively and in a very short time.

Utilizzo di un sistema ad aria compressa che permette la vaporizzazione del prodotto igienizzante, aumentandone l'efficacia e riducendone i consumi. Il sistema è costituito da un vaporizzatore ad aria compressa da 30 litri che può essere facilmente collegato all'impianto della sala di mungitura e alloggiato in un angolo della stessa. A questo è collegato un tubo che si dirama su entrambi i lati della fossa di mungitura su cui è impiantato un sistema di sganci rapidi. Su questi sganci rapidi è collegata una pompa dotata di un particolare ugello per facilitare la vaporizzazione del prodotto. Il trattamento della mammella viene effettuato tramite la pompa che vaporizza e spruzza a pressione il prodotto igienizzante in maniera efficace e in brevissimo tempo.

In order to identify possible imbalances in the diet, the use of a classification sheet for sheep feces according to color and consistency has been proposed. A card has been created which identifies 5 types of faeces and proposes the causes that determine them. Periodic monitoring of the feces produced by the animals during the production cycle and their evaluation according to the proposed data sheet is recommended. This tool allows the identification of possible deficiencies or excesses of the various components of the diet and the improvement of the health of the flock and of production efficiency.

Al fine di individuare eventuali squilibri nella dieta è stato proposto l'utilizzo di una scheda di classificazione delle feci ovine secondo colore e consistenza. E' stata realizzata una scheda che individua 5 tipologie di feci e propone le cause che le determinano. E' consigliato il monitoraggio periodico delle feci prodotte dagli animali durante il ciclo produttivo e la valutazione delle stesse secondo la scheda proposta. Questo strumento consente l'individuazione di eventuali carenze o eccessi dei vari componenti della dieta e il miglioramento della salute del gregge e dell'efficienza produttiva.

The aim of this sheet is to provide the farmer with a quick and inexpensive tool that allows him to evaluate the quality of the hay produced or purchased, to maximize its inclusion in the ration of sheep. A good quality forage, the basis for a correct formulation of the ration, is essential for healthy animals and for efficient use of the offered diet. Hay quality may be performed by chemical analysis, but it is expensive, time-consuming, and not always available to farmers. The sensory evaluation for hay quality combines physical and sensory inspection, through smell, sight, and touch. In particular, hay is evaluated for its leafiness, color, proportion and coarseness of the stems, odor, and the presence of foreign materials. In this sheet are reported practical methods to decide the optimal harvesting time and a table to evaluate the hay quality produced or purchased. 

Lo scopo di questa scheda è quello di fornire all'agricoltore uno strumento rapido ed economico che gli permetta di valutare la qualità del fieno prodotto o acquistato, per massimizzarne l'inserimento nella razione delle pecore. Un foraggio di buona qualità, base per una corretta formulazione della razione, è fondamentale per la salute degli animali e per un efficiente utilizzo della dieta offerta. La qualità del fieno può essere valutata mediante analisi chimiche, ma è costosa, richiede tempo e non è sempre disponibile per gli agricoltori. La valutazione sensoriale per la qualità del fieno combina l'ispezione fisica e sensoriale, attraverso l'olfatto, la vista e il tatto. In particolare il fieno viene valutato per la frondosità, il colore, la proporzione e la grossolanità degli steli, l'odore e la presenza di corpi estranei. In questa scheda sono riportati metodi pratici per decidere il momento ottimale di raccolta e una tabella per valutare la qualità del fieno prodotto o acquistato.

To assess the amount of grass offer existing at the pasture at a particular time, the following material is required: a frame of a known surface (0.5x0.5), scissors (manual or electric), an scale to measure the grass height, bags to collect the grass cut and a weighing scale. First, a certain place of the plot is chosen and the frame is thrown at random. Then the grass existing within the frame is cut. Then, the height of the grass is measured out and into the frame, after it has been cut. The grass harvested is collected and placed into the bag, and weighed. It is recomended to follow this procedure in several parts of the parcel to achieve an average amount of grass produced. Knowing the (average) amount of grass gathered within the known surface of the frame, the total amount of grass existing in a field of a known surface can be assessed.Also, the relationship between the height and the weight of the grass gathered can be established, and later be used to assess the amount of grass available in the field. This information can be very useful to improve the nutrition and the management of the sheep at grazing. An explicative video can be found in the following link:

Para conocer la oferta de hierba existente en la pradera en un momento determinado, se necesita el siguiente material: un marco de superficie conocida (0,5x0,5), tijeras (manuales o eléctricas), un bastón con una escala o una regla para medir la altura de la hierba, bolsas para recoger la hierba cortada y una balanza. En primer lugar, se elige un lugar determinado de la parcela y se lanza el marco al azar. A continuación, se corta la hierba existente dentro del marco. Después, se mide la altura de la hierba fuera y dentro del marco, una vez cortada. La hierba cosechada se recoge, se introduce en la bolsa y se pesa. Se recomienda seguir este procedimiento en varias partes de la parcela para obtener una cantidad media de hierba producida. A partir de la la cantidad (media) de hierba recogida en la superficie conocida del marco, se puede estimar la cantidad total de hierba existente en una parcela de superficie conocida. También puede establecerse la relación entre la altura y el peso de la hierba recogida, y utilizarse posteriormente para evaluar la cantidad de hierba disponible. Se trata de una informacion interesante para mejorar la nutrición y el manejo los animales del rebaño durante el pastoreo. En el siguiente link se puede acceder al video explicativo:

The cleanliness of the artificial rearing machine is critical to avoid potential sanitary hazards for the lambs. Normally, It is relatively easy to clean most of the parts of the artificial rearing machine (teats, deposit, etc.), but it is more difficult to remove the biofilm formed by contaminating microflora growing in the inner part of the pipes. For this purpose, a washing machine can be easily designed and used to clean the tubes of the artificial rearing machine. Two sets of hoses should be available and should be changed and cleaned daily. Once the hoses are disconnected from the machine, they should be connected to the tap to circulate water at room temperature for 5 minutes to remove any milk residue placed inside the hoses. Next, a detergent-disinfectant solution with 1% alkaline chlorine should be used with hot water at 50-60ºC for 5-10 min. Finally, the tubes should be rinsed with plenty of potable running water. It is a useful addition to the improvement of the animal health. The video is available here:

La limpieza de la amamantadora es fundamental para evitar posibles riesgos sanitarios para los corderos. Normalmente, es relativamente fácil limpiar la mayoría de las partes de la máquina de lactancia artificial (tetinas, depósito, etc.), pero es más difícil eliminar la biopelícula formada por microflora contaminante que crece en el interior de los tubos. Para ello, se puede diseñar y utilizar fácilmente una máquina de lavado para la limpieza de los tubos de la nodriza. Se debe de disponer de 2 juegos de mangueras que se cambiarán y limpiarán diariamente. Una vez desconectadas las mangueras de la máquina, se conectarán al grifo para hacer circular agua a temperatura ambiente durante 5 minutos para eliminar los restos de leche. A continuación, se debe utilizar una solución detergente-desifectante con cloro alcalino al 1% con agua caliente a 50-60ºC durante 5-10 min. Por último, se procede al aclarado de los tubos con abundante agua potable. Se trata de una informacion interesante para mejorar el estado sanitario de los animales del rebaño. En el siguiente link se puede acceder al video explicativo:

The whole kit of material is required, consisting basically of: energiser, power source, earth system, conductor, reels, posts and stakes, insulators, etc. Set the electric fence inside the barn, within the corral where the sheep are located, and just by any of the surrounding walls or physical limits of the corral, to prevent the animals from trying to go beyond it whenever they receive the electric pulse. Then, connect it to the electric power; since the sheep are curious, as soos as they touch the wire or the net, and receive the electrical stimulus, they will instinctively tend to move back away instead of trying to go through the fence or the net. This information will later be useful to manage the sheep at grazing. An explicative video can be found in the following link:

Se necesita disponer del kit completo para el vallado electrico (hilo o malla, postes, aislantes, sistema de tierra, etc), y su correspondiente conexión a la fuente de energía. Se coloca el vallado electrico dentro de la cuadra, en el recinto donde se encuentran las ovejas justo por delante de una pared, de modo que evite que que los animales intenten atravesarla cuando reciben el pulso electrico. Se conecta a la corriente, y como las ovejas son curiosas, al tocar el hilo o la red, y recibir el estimulo electrico, tenderán instintivamente a retroceder en lugar de intentar atravesar el vallado o la red. Se trata de una informacion interesante para mejorar el manejo de los animales durante el pastoreo. En el siguiente link se puede acceder al video explicativo:

An indicator to determine the air renewal rate in a barn is the difference in the water content between the outside and inside air. Outside air contains a certain amount of water (expressed in grams of water/ kg of dry air) which, upon entering the barn, will increase due to water vapor released by the animals and the excrements, moisture from the bedding, etc. There are references in tables for the amount of water contained in saturated air (at 100%) according to different temperatures. The amount of water in the air depends on the relative humidity; then we will have to make calculations to determine the amount of water in the air existing both outside and inside the shed (gr water /kg dry air x RH) and its difference will provide a value, which is the indicator of the situation regarding the ventilation of the barn. A barn is properly ventilated when the difference between the water content of indoor and outdoor air is no more than 0.5 g water/kg dry air (ITOVIC, 1991). In general, in sheds with poor air renewal, this difference is higher (between 0.8 and 1 g of water/kg of dry air). It is a useful addition to the improvement of the animal health and welfare in the barn. The video is available here:

Un indicador para determinar la tasa de renovación del aire en una cuadra es la diferencia del contenido de agua que tiene el aire exterior y el interior. El aire exterior contiene una cierta cantidad de agua (expresada en gramos de agua/ kg de aire seco) que, al entrar en la nave, aumentará debido al vapor de agua liberado por los animales y los excrementos, humedad de las camas, etc. Existen referencias en Tablas para la cantidad de agua contenida en el aire saturado (al 100%) de acuerdo a diferentes temperaturas. La cantidad de agua en el aire depende de la humedad relativa, luego tendremos que hacer los cálculos para determinar la cantidad de agua en el aire existente tanto en el exterior como en el interior de la nave (gr agua /kg aire seco x HR) y su diferencia nos dará un valor,que es el indicador de la situación respecto a la ventilación de las naves. Una nave está bien ventilada cuando la diferencia entre el contenido de agua en el aire del interior y del exterior no es mayor a 0,5 g de agua/kg de aire seco (ITOVIC, 1991). En general, en las naves con una renovación de aire deficiente, esa diferencia es mayor (entre 0,8 y 1 g de agua/kg de aire seco). Se trata de una informacion interesante para mejorar el estado sanitario y el bienestar de los animales en la cuadra. En el siguiente link se puede acceder al video explicativo: 

In some sheep breeds, it has been observed that the colostrum produced by up to 60% of ewes is not of sufficient quality for the lambs to acquire good immunity. To do so, the following practices are recomended. First, the appearance of the colostrum after lambing should be visually checked and discarded if it is watery or lumpy, and/or if it contains blood clots. Then, to assess the quality of the colostrum on-farm, it is very useful to use a field refractometer. It is quite affordable and simple, and it is used to measure the refractive index of liquids. To do this, just place a drop of the liquid to be evaluated on the glass screen. In the case of colostrum, there is a high correlation between the Brix index provided by the device and the immunuglobulin G content. Thus, a colostrum is considered to be of adequate quality when it has more than 75 g IgG/liter, which is equivalent to more than 24° Brix. If the refractometer reading is between 20-24º, the colostrum is considered to be of fair or medium quality, and if it is below 20º, the quality is poor. If, on the other hand, the refractometer reading is above 30º, the quality of the colostrum is excellent. Thereafter, it is recommended to keep frozen individual doses (e.g. in 200 ml bottles) of good quality colostrum preferably obtained from 2nd or 3rd lambing ewes and multiple gestation ewes.It is a useful addition to the improvement of the animal health. The video is available here:

En algunas razas ovinas, se estima que el calostro producido por hasta el 60% de las ovejas no es de suficiente calidad para lograr un buen encalostrado de los corderos, que les permita adquirir una buena inmunidad. Para ello, se recomienda seguir las siguientes pautas. Primero, comprobar visualmente el aspecto del calostro tras el parto y desecharlo si es acuoso o con grumos, y/o con coágulos de sangre. Después, determinar la calidad del calostro en la propia explotacion, mediante el refractómetro de campo. Su uso es muy sencillo y económico, y sirve para medir el índice de refraccion de los líquidos. Para ello, basta con colocar una gota del líquido que se quiere evaluar sobre la pantalla de cristal. En el caso del calostro, existe una alta correlacion entre el índice Brix que ofrece el aparato, y el contenido en inmunuglobulinas G. Así, se considera que un calostro tiene una calidad adecuada cuando tiene más de 75 g de IgG/litro, lo que equivale a más de 24º Brix. Si la lectura del refractómetro se encuentra entre 20-24º, se considera que el calostro es de calidad regular o media, y si es inferior a 20º, su calidad es insuficiente. Si por el contrario el refractómetro indica más de 30º, el calostro es de calidad excelente. A partir de ahí, se recomienda guardar congeladas dosis individuales (por ejemplo en botellas de 200 ml) de calostro de buena calidad preferiblemente obtenido de ovejas de 2º o 3er parto y de gestación múltiple. Se trata de una informacion interesante para mejorar el estado sanitario de los animales del rebaño. En el siguiente link se puede acceder al video explicativo: 

The 10th French Ovine Technical Days (JTO) were held in Lot department in October 2022. These biennial information days for sheep technicians, farm managers from agricultural schools and teachers, gathered 108 participants. During this edition, with the presence of the Network Facicilitators (NF) of the different countries of the EuroSheep project as well as a small Belgian delegation, participants of 8 nationalities were present. These 2 days alternated presentations, technical workshops and farm visits. The presentations dealt with various subjects that allowed to cover all the current research and development in sheep farming, with topics ranging from the protection of flocks against predation to precision farming, through reproduction and animal welfare. Translations were provided for the colleagues of EuroSheep and the proposed interventions were thus a way to discover the French R&D work with transversal and complementary themes to the work carried out in EuroSheep. Also, during a session at the end of the first day, the participants were able to discover the videos of the EuroSheep tips and tricks presented by the NF of each country, ask their questions and exchange with them on their implementation.

Les 10è Journées Techniques Ovines françaises se sont tenues dans le Lot au mois d'octobre 2022. Ces journées d’information biennales à destination des techniciens ovins, directeurs d’exploitations de lycées agricoles et enseignants, ont réuni 108 participants. Lors de cette édition, avec la présence des animateurs des différents pays du projet EuroSheep ainsi que d’une petite délégation Belge, des participants de 8 nationalités étaient présents. Ces journées ont alterné exposés en salle, ateliers techniques et visites d’élevages. Les exposés ont traité des sujets variés qui ont permis de balayer l’ensemble des actualités de la recherche et du développement en élevage ovin, avec des thématiques allant de la protection des troupeaux contre la prédation à l’élevage de précision, en passant par la reproduction et le bien-être animal. Des traductions ont été prévues pour les collègues du projet et les interventions proposées ont donc été un moyen de découvrir les travaux français avec des thèmes transversaux et complémentaires au travail mené dans EuroSheep. Aussi, lors d'une session en fin de journée, les participants ont ensuite pu visionner les trucs et astuces EuroSheep présentés par les animateurs de chaque pays, poser leurs questions et échanger avec eux sur leur mise en place.

Moving a small group of ewes can often be challenging due to their gregarious nature. Managing the flock often requires sorting certain ewes from one batch to another, for example for taking an ill ewe from the pasture back to the shed. To make such moves easier, a cage loaded onto a loader bucket can be a useful alternative. This cage made of loader bucket and suspended just above the ground can carry up to 7 ewes or 20 lambs. To put straw on the bucket floor can make it easier from the animals to get in. The animals can then be moved around by a signle person, stress-free for both animals and farmers. To built it, you need a bucket, a metal sheet and four hurdles. The video for demonstration is availbable here :

Déplacer un petit groupe de brebis peut souvent être un défi en raison de leur nature grégaire. Pourtant, la gestion du troupeau nécessite souvent de trier certaines brebis d'un lot à l'autre, par exemple pour ramener une brebis malade du pâturage à la bergerie. Pour faciliter ces déplacements, une cage improvisée chargée sur le godet d'un valet de ferme peut être une alternative utile. Cette cage construite dans son godet et suspendue juste au-dessus du sol peut transporter jusqu'à 7 brebis ou 20 agneaux. Mettre de la paille sur le sol du godet peut faciliter l'entrée des animaux. Les animaux peuvent alors être déplacés par une seule personne, sans stress ni pour les animaux ni les éleveurs. Pour le construire, vous avez besoin d'un godet, d'une plaque de métal et de quatre claies. La vidéo de démonstation est disponible au lien suivant :

This tool makes the floor of the milking parlour adjustable. The floor can then move up and down thanks to a simple switch, making possible to adapt to the milker's height. This is preventing milkers from joints pain. Then, if a ewe falls into the pit, the system allows the pit floor to be raised to the hight of the milking platform. It avoids to have to manually lift ewes back to the platform. The milkers can move to the good height and guide the ewe to the place to jump, avoiding musculoskeletal disorders. The adjustable floor makes it possible for milkers of different heights to work comfortably, whether or not at the same time. For the moment, the system is only at a prototype stage and reprensents a significant investment but the idea might be adapted to some situations. The video for demonstration is availbable here : 

Cet outil permet de régler la hauteur du plancher de la fosse de la salle de traite. Le sol peut alors monter et descendre grâce à un simple interrupteur, ce qui permet de s'adapter à la taille du trayeur. Cela évite aux trayeurs d'avoir mal aux articulations. Aussi, si une brebis tombe dans la fosse, le système permet de relever le plancher de la fosse à la hauteur de la plateforme de traite. Cela évite de devoir remonter manuellement les brebis sur la plateforme. Les trayeurs peuvent se placer à la bonne hauteur et guider la brebis vers l'endroit où elle doit sauter, évitant ainsi les troubles musculo-squelettiques. Le plancher réglable permet à des trayeurs de différentes tailles de travailler confortablement, en même temps ou non. Pour l'instant, le système n'est qu'à l'état de prototype et représente un investissement important mais l'idée pourrait être adaptée à certaines situations. La vidéo de démonstation est disponible au lien suivant :

When lambs are reared outdoors, they can start eating concentrate to ensure the dietary transition before weaning and, if necessary, to support their growth. When lambs are brought in just after weaning and without having eaten enough concentrate, the sudden switch to concentrate feed does not allow for their ruminal flora to adapt, potentially leading to significant health problems such as acidosis. To limit such risks, it is recommended to set up a dietary transition by progressively feeding the lambs concentrate over a 3-week period, then feeding them ad libitum. To assess whether lambs eat the concentrate on the pasture, and therefore know which lambs require this transition or not, the tip is to mark them. This marking system is easy to put in place. Markers are attached to the lamb gates. This way, when entering and leaving the feeder, the lamb rubs against the markers, thus marking itself on the back. Farmers can then adapt to the lambs' status and offer good transition and reduce potential metabolic problems. The video for demonstration is available here : 

Lorsque les agneaux sont dans un premier temps élevés dehors avec les brebis, il est possible de commencer à les nourrir avec du concentré pour assurer une transition alimentaire avant le sevrage et, si nécessaire, pour soutenir dans le même temps leur croissance. Lorsque les agneaux sont rentrés en bergerie juste après le sevrage mais qu'ils ne consomment pas assez de concentré, la transition brutale vers ce type d'alimentation ne permet pas à leur flore ruminale de s'adapter assez vite, les exposant à de potentiels problèmes de santé graves, comme l'acidose. Pour limiter ces risques, il est recommandé de mettre en place une transition en amenant le concentré progressivement aux agneaux sur une période de 3 semaines, pour ensuite les nourrir à volonté. Pour savoir si les agneaux consomment ou non du concentré au pâturage, et ainsi repérer ceux qui ont besoin d'une transition, l'astuce consiste à marquer les agneaux. Le système marquage est assez simple à mettre en place. Des crayons marqueurs sont attachés aux portes du nourrisseur à agneaux et de cette façon, quand ils entrent et sortent du nourrisseur, les agneaux se frottent contre les crayons, laissant une marque colorée sur leur dos. Les éleveurs peuvent alors s'adapter au statut de l'agneau et offrir une bonne transition à ceux qui en ont besoin, réduisant alors les risques de problèmes métaboliques. La vidéo de démonstation est disponible au lien suivant : 

Meat sheep are constantly being sorted into batches. To separate batches into a shed not equipped with rags, farmers may need to attach hurdles to the headlocks, and that is not always considered at the conception step of building a new shed. Rather than using some strings to attach hurdles to the headlocks, the metallic rack presented is a system which allows to attach hurdles directly to headlocks. It simply needs to be placed on it and then put a metal rod to close the gate. The gate is then firmly attached, with less risk of escaping for the ewes than the strings, and it is easier to open and close. To built it, farmers will need different types of metallic pieces in order to adapt the tool to their healocks as presented in the video available here : 

Les ovins allaitants doivent régulièrement être triés et remis en lots. Pour séparer des lots dans une bergerie où il n'existe pas de cloisons fixes, les éleveurs peuvent avoir besoin d'attacher des claies aux cornadis, et cela n'est pas tout le temps évoqué lors de l'étape de conception de nouvelles bergeries. Plutôt que d'utiliser de la ficelle pour attacher les barrières de séparation aux cornadis, cette astuce consiste en un accroche-claies métallique qui a été pensé pour accrocher les barrières directement aux cornadis. L'accroche-claies doit simplement être placé dessus et la fiche de liaison enfilée dans les différents éléments. Ainsi, la claie est fermement attachée, avec moins de risque que les brebis s'échappent et se mélangent qu'avec les ficelles, et l'accès est plus facile à ouvrir et fermer. Pour concevoir cet outil, les éleveurs auront besoin de différentes pièces métalliques afin d'obtenir un outil adapté à la forme de leur cornadis, comme cela est présenté dans la vidéo disponible au lien suivant : 

To administer oral treatment to ewes without a weighing scale used for restrainst can be difficult for farmers. A solution is to restrain them at headlocks, but it is not really adapted and can lead to musculo-skeletal disorders. The Sheep Skate is a tool which allow farmers to administer oral treatment and more generally to perform all procedures usually done at the ewes' head, such as tags fitting or teeth checking. It is possible to build this simple equipment to avoid uncumfortable positions and the risk of back pain. The Sheep Skate makes it possible to treat animals at head height by moving along the feed table from one ewe to the other. The tool is only built with only an old desk chair seat and a cart trolley with swivel castors, to witch you can add a metal rod for hanging canisters of treatment product. The video for demonstration is availbable here :

Une des difficultés du métier d'éleveur peut être d'administrer un traitement oral aux brebis, notamment quand ceux-ci ne disposent pas d'une cage de pesée pour assurer la contention. Une solution consiste à les bloquer aux cornadis, mais elle n'est pas vraiment adaptée et peut entraîner des troubles musculo-squelettiques. Le Sheep Skate est un outil qui permet aux éleveurs d'administrer des traitements oraux et plus généralement d'effectuer tous les actes habituellement réalisés à la tête des brebis, tels que la pose de boucles ou le contrôle des dents. Il est possible de construire facilement cet équipement simple pour éviter les positions inconfortables et les risques de douleurs dorsales. Le Sheep Skate permet de traiter les animaux à hauteur de tête en se déplaçant dans le couloir d'alimentation d'une brebis à l'autre. L'outil se construit uniquement avec un vieux siège de chaise de bureau et un chariot à roulettes pivotantes, auquel on peut ajouter une tige métallique pour suspendre les bidons de produit de traitement. La vidéo de démonstration est disponible ici :

When needing to treat an ewe with lameness or to check for mastitis, it is important to catch the relevant animal whilst in the field.The super crook is a long pole with a grabbing hook at the end, allowing the farmer to catch the animal in the field on their own. Once the animal is immobilised, you can check its feet or udder, and treat accordingly, without the need for another member of staff.

When needing to treat an ewe with lameness or to check for mastitis, it is important to catch the relevant animal whilst in the field.The super crook is a long pole with a grabbing hook at the end, allowing the farmer to catch the animal in the field on their own. Once the animal is immobilised, you can check its feet or udder, and treat accordingly, without the need for another member of staff.

In any sheep production, it is important to know the amount required and dosage of the different health products for your animals, to avoid issues of resistance and wastage. This tip and trick from the UK presents a simple way to remember how to calculate and administer the correct doses. Writing the dosage in big letters on the bottle of product, next to the handling race/dosing race, is useful as an aide-memoire for calculating and administrating the correct amount of product. it is a very simple tip and trick, but useful when dealing with large numbers of animals in a race or with few members of staff rotating or swapping roles during the handling. See the video here:

In any sheep production, it is important to know the amount required and dosage of the different health products for your animals, to avoid issues of resistance and wastage. This tip and trick from the UK presents a simple way to remember how to calculate and administer the correct doses. Writing the dosage in big letters on the bottle of product, next to the handling race/dosing race, is useful as an aide-memoire for calculating and administrating the correct amount of product. it is a very simple tip and trick, but useful when dealing with large numbers of animals in a race or with few members of staff rotating or swapping roles during the handling. See the video here:

In meat sheep production, it is important to know the withdrawal dates of health products and the withdrawal period, to make sure animals sent to abattoirs are outwith that period, so that they are not rejected and can enter the food chain. This tip and trick from the UK presents a simple way to remember these withdrawal periods. The farmer use a laminated sheet in the shed, next to the handling pens where the fattening lambs (or ewes) are held. It contains the list of the products used on these particular animals, the withdrawal period (with a date) and also the dosage. This sheet is useful as an aide-memoire for calculating and administrating the correct amount of product, and to remember which one to use on which animal, and thus avoid any issues when sending animals away. It is a useful tip and trick for sheep health management. See the video here:

In meat sheep production, it is important to know the withdrawal dates of health products and the withdrawal period, to make sure animals sent to abattoirs are outwith that period, so that they are not rejected and can enter the food chain. This tip and trick from the UK presents a simple way to remember these withdrawal periods. The farmer use a laminated sheet in the shed, next to the handling pens where the fattening lambs (or ewes) are held. It contains the list of the products used on these particular animals, the withdrawal period (with a date) and also the dosage. This sheet is useful as an aide-memoire for calculating and administrating the correct amount of product, and to remember which one to use on which animal, and thus avoid any issues when sending animals away. It is a useful tip and trick for sheep health management. See the video here:

This tip and trick from the UK helps in the shed when the farmer is dosing many sheep. It is a home-made dosing gun holster. The farmer used a 2 litres milk bottle, cut the top off, and used the spout end as a funnel/holster that can be attached to the side of the handling race or a conveyor. That way, the farmer can rest the gun in-between sheep batches being treated, without dirtying the dosing gun spout. This tip and trick can be used for all animals, on both productions (meat and dairy). It is a useful addition to animal health management in the shed. The video is available here:

This tip and trick from the UK helps in the shed when the farmer is dosing many sheep. It is a home-made dosing gun holster. The farmer used a 2 litres milk bottle, cut the top off, and used the spout end as a funnel/holster that can be attached to the side of the handling race or a conveyor. That way, the farmer can rest the gun in-between sheep batches being treated, without dirtying the dosing gun spout. This tip and trick can be used for all animals, on both productions (meat and dairy). It is a useful addition to animal health management in the shed. The video is available here:

This tip and trick from the UK answers one of the identified needs by the practitioners, which related to the adaptation of animals to a new feeding regime, particularly after weaning. This tip and trick deals with naïve replacement ewes. These animals have spent most of their live grazing, and so need to be trained to eat concentrates feeds or pellets in the shed before they are mated. It is therefore necessary to know which animals has accessed the feeds and those which did not. The ones that did not access the feeds can be removed from the group and dealt with/trained separately. To that end, the farmer uses keel (colour) on the side of the feeding trough, to mark the neck and nose/mouth of the hoggs that did access the concentrates. it is then easy visually to identfiy the animals that did not access the trough. (video here: )

This tip and trick from the UK answers one of the identified needs by the practitioners, which related to the adaptation of animals to a new feeding regime, particularly after weaning. This tip and trick deals with naïve replacement ewes. These animals have spent most of their live grazing, and so need to be trained to eat concentrates feeds or pellets in the shed before they are mated. It is therefore necessary to know which animals has accessed the feeds and those which did not. The ones that did not access the feeds can be removed from the group and dealt with/trained separately. To that end, the farmer uses keel (colour) on the side of the feeding trough, to mark the neck and nose/mouth of the hoggs that did access the concentrates. it is then easy visually to identfiy the animals that did not access the trough. (video here: )

Lambs joint ill problems develops through an open wound formed during an umbilical cord infection and possible tail shortening. Infection in lambs can be caused by several bacteria, which in chronic cases can cause painful purulent arthritis and movement problems. The latter symptoms can develop up to 2-3 weeks after infection. Using a tail-curling gum can reduce the chances of developing an open wound, including infection. Professional use of umbilical cord disinfectant (essential in both extensive and semi-intensive housing conditions). With these we can manage to get healthier, more homogeneous lambs, lower lamb mortality, lower use of drugs and more economical lamb fattening.

A bárányok ízületi problémái a köldökzsinórfertőzés során keletkezett nyílt seb és az esetleges farokrövidítés következtében alakulnak ki. A bárányok fertőzését több baktérium is okozhatja, amely krónikus esetekben fájdalmas gennyes ízületi gyulladást, mozgási problémákat okozhat. Ez utóbbi tünetek a fertőzés után akár 2-3 héttel is kialakulhatnak. A farokhajlító gumi használata csökkentheti a nyílt seb kialakulásának esélyét, beleértve a fertőzést is. A köldökzsinórfertőtlenítő professzionális használata (extenzív és félintenzív tartási körülmények között egyaránt nélkülözhetetlen). Ezekkel a praktikákkal egészségesebb, homogénebb bárányokat, alacsonyabb báránypusztulást, alacsonyabb gyógyszerhasználatot és gazdaságosabb bárányhizlalást érhetünk el.

Although the Hungarian sheep sector has more than one products (meat, milk, wool) but the main source of income is lamb sale. The negative consequences of the extreme environmental effects of climate change are increasingly to be reckoned with in Hungary (heat stress, emergence of new pathogens). There is a shortage of well-trained and experienced manpower in Hungary, and human resource costs account for one of the largest costs in the sector. Appropriate handling of lamb: Monitoring the first lambs colostrum intake (max. 4-6 hours after birth, preferable during the first hour of life), lamb weighing scales - measuring colostrum requirement, If necessary: frozen/artificial colostrum, milk replacer, heat lamp - avoid hypothermia, fostering of lambs - Ad-lib feeders for lambs (in bigger farms). Appropriate preparation of ewes for lambing: Before lambing:- Ultrasonic examination,- Meeting the needs of ewes (feeding – filling increased energy, micro and macro-nutrient demand – selenium, cobalt, iodine supplement. Formation of groups in the last stage of pregnancy, organising pens or single boxes (paying special attention to mothers with 2 or more lambs), fresh clean straws bedding, infrared lights. Permanent monitoring of ewes - smart equipments – camera. Increasing energy efficiency - building modernization - use of livestock farm modernization support resources.

Bár a magyar juhágazat több termékkel is rendelkezik (hús, tej, gyapjú), de a fő bevételi forrás a bárány értékesítés. Magyarországon egyre inkább számolni kell a klímaváltozás szélsőséges környezeti hatásainak negatív következményeivel (hőstressz, új kórokozók megjelenése). Magyarországon hiány van jól képzett és tapasztalt munkaerőből, a humánerőforrás költségek az egyik legnagyobb költséget jelentik az ágazatban. A bárány megfelelő kezelése: Az első bárányok kolosztrum bevitelének ellenőrzése (max. 4-6 órával a születés után, előnyös az élet első órájában), báránymérleg - kolosztrumszükséglet mérése, Szükség esetén: fagyasztott/mesterséges kolosztrum, tejpótló, hő lámpa - kerülje a hipotermiát, báránynevelést - Ad-lib etetők bárányoknak (nagyobb gazdaságokban). Az anyajuhok megfelelő előkészítése a bárányzáshoz: Ellés előtt:- ultrahangos vizsgálat,- Az anyajuhok szükségleteinek kielégítése (etetés – fokozott energia-, mikro- és makrotápanyag-igény pótlása – szelén, kobalt, jód-kiegészítő. Csoportok kialakítása a vemhesség utolsó szakaszában, karámok vagy egyládák rendezése (különös figyelmet fordítva azokra az anyákra, amelyek több bárányt várnak),, friss, tiszta szalma alom, infra lámpák. Állandó anyajuhok monitorozása - okos berendezések - kamerával. Energiahatékonyság növelése - épületkorszerűsítés - állattartó telep korszerűsítési támogatási források felhasználása.

All around the world the internal parasites cause one of the biggest health issue that can cause economical loss as well. The most worms life circle is partly run on the grassland. Depend on the different climate, the larves and the eggs of worms on the pasture can survive shorter or longer period that can cause infection in the grazing flocks. Moister, high grass height, optimal temperature (5-20 C) can support a quick parasite infection and keep in high risk level of the reinfection of parasites. Important to know what parasite we have, Trichostrongilidae, Fasciola, Haemoncus and know is there a drug resistance population of parasites in the area. With prevention or drugs as a final solution we can decreasing the drug resistance, decreasing the serious infection and reduce the costs

Világszerte a belső paraziták okozzák az egyik legnagyobb állategészségügyi problémát, amely gazdasági veszteséget is okozhat. A legtöbb féreg életciklusa részben a füves területekhez kötődik. Az eltérő éghajlati viszonyoktól függően a legelőn a lárvák és a férgek petéi rövidebb-hosszabb ideig túlélhetnek, ami fertőzést okozhat a legelő állományokban. A nedves, magas fűmagasság, az optimális hőmérséklet (5-20 C) elősegíti a gyors parazitafertőzést, és magas kockázati szintet tart fenn a paraziták újrafertőződésében. Fontos tudni, hogy milyen parazitánk van, a Trichostrongylus, Fasciola, Haemonchus, és hogy van-e gyógyszerrezisztens parazitapopuláció a területen. A prevencióval vagy a gyógyszerekkel, mint végső megoldással csökkenthetjük a gyógyszerrezisztenciát, csökkenthetjük a súlyos fertőzést és csökkenthetjük a költségeket.

Mastitis has several negative impacts on milk production and lamb rearing performance. It is not only a milk production loss or culling animals, furthermore preventive and rational/targeted treatment as additional costs are decreasing the overall success and benefit of the farms/sector. Incidence of mastitis could be decreased by using regularly, good quality bedding materials and litter treatment, selection for good udder conformation, correct adjustment of milking machine. In practical point of view the incidence of mastitis is increasing right after weaning of the lambs and starting milking of the ewes, which could be the result of weaning stress. Stress is inhibiting milk flow and in not properly milked animals it causes inflammation in udder tissue. With regular straw bedding, checking the animals and immediate treatment if it is necessary we can target a better animal health, lower culling rate and higher milking performance.

A tőgygyulladás számos negatív hatással van a tejtermelésre és a báránynevelési teljesítményre. Nem csak a tejtermelés kieséséről vagy az állatok selejtezéséről van szó, hanem a megelőző és racionális/célzott kezelésről, mivel a járulékos költségek csökkentik a gazdaságok/ágazat általános sikerét és jövedelmezőségét. A tőgygyulladás előfordulása csökkenthető a rendszeres, jó minőségű alomanyag és alomkezelés használatával, a jó tőgyfelépítésű egyedek kiválasztásával és a fejőgép helyes beállításával. Gyakorlati szempontból a tőgygyulladás előfordulása közvetlenül a bárányok elválasztása és az anyajuhok fejésének megkezdése után növekszik, ami az elválasztási stressz következménye lehet. A stressz gátolja a tejáramlást, és a nem megfelelően fejt állatokban gyulladást okoz a tőgyszövetben. Rendszeres szalmaalmozással, az állatok ellenőrzésével és szükség esetén azonnali kezeléssel jobb állategészségügyi, alacsonyabb selejtezési és nagyobb fejési teljesítményt érhetünk el.

One of most common problems of indoor fatten lambs with sudden high temperature, hard breathing and drooling is respiratory pasteurellosis.It can be fatal in the course of a day, so shepherd must keep his eyes on lambs. Several predisposing factor can increase this issue, as crowdedness, high concentration of ammonium , lack of colostrum. This issue also can appear in replacement flocks, when they are taken out to pasture and get sudden worm burden. It is the same situation when a wet weather follows a long dry weather period. Lungworms multiply and keep lung bronchi in inflammation. Farmer must apply antibiotic and anthelmintic treatment at the same time in this case. Try to reduce predisposing factors , use plentiful straw bending and avoid dusty haylage.Get replacements used to pasture gradually with complemented hay in the first couple of weeks. With these practises we can decrease losses, avoid of permanent damage of lungs, as adhesion to the ribs.

A beltéri hízóbárányok egyik leggyakoribb problémája a hirtelen felmelegedéssel, nehézlégzéssel és nyáladzással együtt járó légúti paszturellózis. Egy nap leforgása alatt végzetes is lehet, ezért a pásztornak figyelemmel kell kísérnie a bárányokat. Számos hajlamosító tényező fokozhatja ezt a problémát, például a zsúfoltság, a magas ammóniumkoncentráció, a kolosztrum hiánya. Ez a probléma a növendék állományokban is megjelenhet, amikor legelőre viszik az állatokat, és hirtelen féregterhelést kapnak. Ugyanez a helyzet, amikor nedves időjárás követ egy hosszú száraz időjárási időszakot. A tüdőférgek szaporodnak, és gyulladásban tartják a tüdőhörgőket. A gazdálkodónak ebben az esetben egyszerre kell antibiotikumos és féreghajtó kezelést alkalmaznia. Próbálja csökkenteni a hajlamosító tényezőket, használjon bőséges szalma almozást, és kerülje a poros szénát. Az első néhány hétben fokozatosan szoktassa az állományt a legeltetésre, széna kiegészítésével. Ezekkel a gyakorlatokkal csökkenthetjük a veszteségeket, elkerülhetjük a tüdő maradandó károsodását, mint a bordák tapadását.

This solution aims to facilitate management system in the outdoor towards fencing systems which would help to decrease the incidence of disease transportation and provide some protection from the wildlife. Whether electricity or normal, fencing is a practical barrier for the grazing livestock at outdoor. There are various fences and usually the cheap ones are not always the most durable ones. Compared to other temporary fences, electric netting provides greater protection from predators and cost of an electric fence is not high. An electric fence can perform the same task as a conventional fence using much less material and is easy to built, durable, easy application, flexible, low maintenance and less stock damage. It is also efficient for predator attacks.How to implement:A pdf guide is attached to evaluate different types of fences. The implementation varies a lot depending on the type and nets. There are various types, and one should select according to his necessity. Usually, 70 cm height would be fine for sheep.A power source is necessary for electricity fencing- Training for the farmer-Fencing system and Animals need to be trained too.

Bu çözüm, dış mekandaki yönetim sistemini, hastalık taşıma insidansını azaltmaya ve vahşi yaşamdan bir miktar koruma sağlamaya yardımcı olacak çit sistemlerine doğru kolaylaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. İster elektrik ister normal olsun, çit, dışarıda otlayan hayvanlar için pratik bir çözümdür. Farklı çitler olmakla beraber genellikle ucuz olanlar her zaman en dayanıklı olanlar değildir. Diğer geçici çitlerle karşılaştırıldığında, elektrikli ağ yırtıcılardan daha fazla koruma sağlar ve elektrikli bir çitin maliyeti yüksek değildir. Bir elektrikli çit, çok daha az malzeme kullanarak geleneksel bir çitle aynı görevi görebilir ve dayanıklı, uygulaması kolay, esnek, az bakım gerektiren bir üründür. Yaban hayvan saldırıları için de etkilidir. Nasıl uygulanır:Farklı çit türlerini değerlendirmek için bir pdf kılavuzu eklenmiştir. Uygulama, türe ve ağlara bağlı olarak çok değişir. Çeşitleri vardır ve ihtiyaca göre tercih edilmelidir. Genellikle 70 cm yükseklik koyunlar için iyi olur. Elektrik çitleri için bir güç kaynağı gereklidir - Çiftçi için uygulama eğitimi hayvanlar için ise bir alıştırma periyodu gerekmektedir.

This practical tool aims to provide precise solutions for different causes of lameness on pastures.Wet pasture can increase microbial activity in the feet and cause deterioration of the tissue between the nails, nail rot, and joint inflammation during wet season. Protective measures are needed to avoid lameness caused by pasture ground. For this aim artificial sets or steeply-sloping areas can be established in the grasslands with very low cost. How to implement:Artificial resting mounds can be formed from sand or gravel with high drainage ability in various parts of the pasture which will prevent to some level of microbial growth and reduce lameness caused by pasture moisture.

Bu pratik araç, meralardaki farklı topallık nedenlerine kesin çözümler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Islak mera, yağışın çok olduğu mevsimlerde ayaklardaki mikrobiyal aktiviteyi artırabilir ve tırnaklar arasındaki dokunun bozulmasına, tırnak çürümesine ve eklem iltihabına neden olabilir. Koruyucu önlemlere ihtiyaç vardır. mera zemininden kaynaklanan topallığı önlemek için meralarda çok düşük maliyetle yapay setler veya dik eğimli alanlar oluşturulabilir.Suni dinlenme tepecikleri, meranın muhtelif bölgelerinde bir miktar mikrobiyal büyümeyi önleyecek ve mera neminden kaynaklanan topallığı azaltacak yüksek drenaj kabiliyetine sahip kum veya çakıldan oluşturulabilir.

This guideline will provide advice on how to meet the nutrition requirements and live weigh target of ewe lambs. Ewe replacements should be reared well and to targets if they are to be good breeding sheep. Liveweight targets based on reaching 60% of mature body weight at mating as a ewe lamb (7 months) or 80% as a two-tooth (18 months) have proved useful. Correct nutrition + good genetics = optimum performance. MBWT – Mature body weight. The mature weight of the ewe is important for accurately predicting the requirements for her growing lambs. A 10% reduction in growth will permanently reduce adult prolificacy.The booklet from Meat promotion Wales “feeding the ewe for lifetime production” and “Sheep Nutrition Fact Sheet” provides advice on ewe replacement nutrition and other factors such as managing nutrition for lifetime period. 

Bu kılavuz, koyun kuzularının beslenme gereksinimlerinin ve canlı ağırlık hedefinin nasıl karşılanacağı konusunda tavsiyeler sağlayacaktır. İyi damızlık koyun olacaklar kuzular iyi ve hedeflere uygun olarak yetiştirilmelidir. İlkine çiftleştirilen toklular (7 ay) çiftleşme sırasında ergin vücut ağırlığının %60'ına veya 18 aylık iken vücut ağırlığının %80'ine ulaşmaya dayalı canlı ağırlık hedeflerinin faydalı olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Doğru besleme + iyi genetik = optimum performansı vermektedir. Koyunlarda ergin canlı ağırlığı kuzularının besleme gereksinimlerini doğru bir şekilde tahmin etmek için önemlidir. Büyümede %10'luk bir azalma, yetişkin üretkenliğini kalıcı olarak azaltacaktır. Galler'deki "Et promosyonu" kitapçığı, “koyunları ömür boyu üretim için beslemek” ve “Koyun Besleme Bilgi Formu”, koyun ikamesi beslenmesi ve ömür boyu beslenmeyi yönetmek gibi diğer faktörler hakkında tavsiyeler sağlar.

This solution is a practical and applicable tool for farmers who have issues on nutrition requirement of their flock. It is a management tool that farmers can use to aid on-farm decision making and optimise animal performance. BCS provides a subjective assessment of the fat and muscle of the lumbar spine. It can assessed easily by the palpation of both the spinous and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and is assessed against a five-point scale ranging 1 to 5 with 1 being emaciated and 5 being extremely fat. BCS has advantages over the assessment of nutritious status of the flock which can help to improve both your flock’s nutrition requirement and reproductive parameters.

Bu çözüm, sürülerinin beslenme gereksinimleriyle ilgili sorunları olan çiftçiler için pratik ve uygulanabilir bir araçtır. Çiftçilerin özellikle besleme yönetimine karar vermelerine yardımcı olmak ve hayvan performansını optimize etmek için kullanabilecekleri bir yönetim aracıdır.Vücut kondisyon skoru (VKS), lomber omurganın yağ ve kasının subjektif bir değerlendirmesini sağlar. Lomber vertebranın hem spinöz hem de transvers proseslerinin palpasyonu ile kolaylıkla değerlendirilebilir ve 1'i zayıf ve 5'i obez olmak üzere 1 ile 5 arasında değişen beş puanlık bir skalaya göre değerlendirilir. BCS, sürünün besleme durumunun değerlendirilmesine göre hem sürünün beslenme gereksinimini hem de üreme parametrelerini iyileştirmeye yardımcı olabilecek avantajlara sahiptir.

"Wikiloc" aims to provide a solution for helping farmers who needs to improve their grazing routes, to know more about their routine grazing activities, to memorize the routes, stopovers and to use grasslands more sustainable. Wikiloc is a free platform and application that offers GPS trials and waypoints that members (free registration) can upload and share. This mashup shows the routes in frames showing Google Maps (with the possibility to show the layers of World Relief Map (, Opens Street Map, the related OpenCycleMap, USG Imagery Topo Base Map and USGS Topo Base Map). The service is also available in Google Earth. There are mobile apps for Android and iPhone. The product is offered in many language (Spanish, English, French, Italian etc.. and has more than 11.6M tracks of dozens of activities in many countries and territories. All the data could be used and transferred on the computer or smart phone. To implement:Farmers need a simple smartphone and download the app Free register from that website- Press the record button before grazing.

Wikiloc, çiftçilerin otlatma rotalarını iyileştirmesi, rutin otlatma faaliyetleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi sahibi olması, rotaları, mola yerlerini ezberlemesi ve otlakları daha sürdürülebilir kullanması için ücretsiz olan bir araçtır. Wikiloc, üyelerin (ücretsiz kayıt) yükleyebileceği ve paylaşabileceği GPS koordinatlarından oluşan ücretsiz bir platform ve uygulamadır. Bu program, rotaları Google Haritalar'ı (World Relief Map (, Opens Street Map, ilgili OpenCycleMap, USG Imagery Topo Base Map ve USGS Topo Base Map'in katmanlarını gösterme imkanıyla birlikte uyumlu çalışır. Hizmet ayrıca Google Earth'te de mevcuttur. Android ve iPhone için uyumludur ve mobil uygulamaları mevcuttur. Ürün birçok dilde (İspanyolca, İngilizce, Fransızca, İtalyanca vb.) sunulmaktadır ve birçok ülke ve bölgede 11.6M'den fazla üyeye sahiptir. Tüm veriler bilgisayarda veya akıllı telefonda kullanılabilir ve aktarılabilir. Uygulamak için: Çiftçilerin basit bir akıllı telefona ihtiyacı vardır ve uygulamasını indirip kayıt olmak gerekmektedir.

With the aim to check/assess some environmental conditions within the barn of the sheep.o do so, NANTA S.A. desgined and provides an Excel based Tool (downloadable to the computer). This solution includes a tool to evaluate some environment parameters in different parts of the farm, including the outdoors space and the building where the animals are housed. The user records the temperature and the relative humidity (%) within the barn, and provides basic information regarding animal load, bedding and ventilation. The Excel sheet is a benchmarking tool that allows comparing the results obtained at a certain farm with data from a database achieved from more than 150 different measurements in farms.The tool is provided by NANTA S.A. GESTIMILK MODEL, in: Then, it is expected to help to improve animal welfare and health.

Con el objetivo de verificar/evaluar las condiciones ambientales dentro de los establos de las ovejas, NANTA S.A. diseñó y proporciona una herramienta creada en Excel (gratuita y descargable a la computadora). Esta herramienta incluye unas ecuaciones para evaluar algunos parámetros ambientales en diferentes partes de la granja, incluido el espacio exterior y el edificio donde se alojan los animales. El usuario debe registrar la temperatura y la humedad relativa (%) dentro del establo y a partir de ahí proporciona información básica sobre la carga de animales, estado de las camas y ventilación. La hoja de Excel es una herramienta de análisis y toma de decisiones que permite comparar los resultados obtenidos en una determinada granja con datos de una base de datos obtenidos a partir de más de 150 mediciones en diferentes fincas.La herramienta es proporcionada por NANTA S.A. MODELO GESTIMILK, en: De este modo, se trata que la herramienta contribuya a mejorar el bienestar y la salud de los animales, y en ultimo término la productividad y la rentabilidad de la actividad.

It is recommended that the footbath consists of 3 pools of 1.5 m long, with a striped floor so that the hoof opens up and comes into contact with the product when stepping on it: in the 1st pool with soapy water, and in the 2nd and 3rd with a disinfectant solution, formalin or copper sulfate. The 3 pools must have a drain plug.First, the feet of all the animals should be periodically examined to put apart those that seem to have any infected hoof from the uninfected ones for a diferentiated management.Infected sheep may require (at least one) antibiotic treatment, hoof trimming and later a footbath in 10% zinc sulphate, depending on the severity of the process, until the heales have been sealed and the animal recovered. Otherwise, the sheep might have to be culled after several attemps.Regarding unifected or healthy sheep, they should go through the footbath with 10% zinc sulphate once per week, and afterwards placed on a clean ground.This management should help to control and reduce the incidence of lameness, and so to increased the production in adult animals, increased fertility, increased average daily gain in lambs. Also reduced costs, treatments and labour.

Se recomienda que el pediluvio se componga de 3 bañeras o piscinas de 1,5 m de largo cada una, con suelo rayado para que la pezuña se abra y entre en contacto con el producto al pisarlo: en la 1ª piscina se pone agua jabonosa, y en la 2ª y 3º una solución desinfectante, como el formol o sulfato de cobre. Las 3 piscinas deben tener un tapón de desagüe.No obstante, en primer lugar, se deben examinar periódicamente las patas de todos los animales para separar aquellas que parezcan tener alguna pezuña infectada de las no infectadas y de este modo poder hacer un manejo diferenciado.Las ovejas con pezuñas infectadas pueden requerir al menos un tratamiento antibiótico, o proceder al corte de pezuñas y después pasarlas por el pediluvio con sulfato de zinc al 10%, dependiendo de la severidad del proceso, hasta que se hayan sellado las cicatrizes y el animal se haya recuperado. En caso de que no se curen, y después de varios intentos, es posible que haya que sacrificar las ovejas después de varios intentos.En el caso de ovinos no afectados o sanos, conviene pasarlos por el pediluvio con sulfato de zinc al 10% una vez por semana, y luego colocarlos en una zona con suelo limpio.Este manejo debería ayudar a controlar y reducir la incidencia de cojeras, y de este modo aumentar la producción de los animales adultos, la fertilidad, o la ganancia media diaria en los corderos, así como la reducción de costes, tratamientos y mano de obra.

NOVALAC, a manual published by NANTA, is a 8-chapter manual that collects information and provide recommendations regarding:- the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial lactation,- the physiology of the digestive system of new-borns,- colostrum intake,- the composition of milk replacers,- basic animal handling rules,- maintenance of facilities,- milk preparation and- the most common problems.Therefore, it allows improving the efficiency of animals fed on artificial lactation: achieving better technical indexes, reducing pathologies and health hazards, and so reducing veterinary costs and labour cost.

NOVALAC, es un manual de 8 capítulos publicado por NANTA, que recopila información y ofrece información útil o recomendaciones de buenas prácticas sobre:- las ventajas y desventajas del uso de la lactancia artificial,- la fisiología del sistema digestivo de los corderos recién nacidos,- la ingestión de calostro,- la composición de los sustitutivos de la leche,- normas básicas de manejo de animales,- mantenimiento de las instalaciones,- preparación de la leche y- los problemas más comunes.Por lo tanto, el documento trata de mejorar la eficiencia de los animales alimentados con lactancia artificial: logrando mejores índices técnicos, reduciendo el riesgo y la incidencia de patologías así como los riesgos para la salud. De este modo se trata de reducir los costes veterinarios y de mano de obra.

The objective is to make a feeding planning of replacement ewe-lambs according to productive objectives (economic approach and replacement schedule). To do so, there is an Excel Tool (downloadable to the computer) provided by NANTA S.A. to calculate the amount of feed required at every phase of the rearing period, and to provide economical information. The tool also forecast the most relevant dates (i.e. when the replacement lambs would achieve the recommended live weight for mating) according to the feeding chosen. The user can make simulations with different feeding alternatives and to assess their impact on the rearing as well. The tool is very helpful for planning and feeding properly animals during the rearing period and to assess costs. NANTA S.A. GESTIMILK MODEL

Con el objetivo planificar la alimentación de las corderas de reposición en función de los objetivos productivos (planteamiento económico y calendario de reposición), NANTA S.A. diseñó una Herramienta Excel (gratuita y descargable al ordenador. Esta herramient permite calcular la cantidad de alimento requerida en cada fase del período de cria de las corderas de reposición y ofrecer un balance económico. La herramienta también pronostica las fechas más relevantes de acuerdo con la estrategia de alimentación elegida; es decir, estima cuando las corderos de reposición estarán en disposición de alcanzar el peso vivo recomendado para la cubrició. El usuario puede realizar simulaciones con diferentes alternativas de alimentación y evaluar su impacto en el crecimiento. Por tanto, es muy útil para planificar y alimentar adecuadamente a los animales durante el período de crianza y para evaluar los costos. NANTA S.A. MODELO GESTIMILK…

A portable NIR can be used to assess in situ, on the farms, the nutritional content of the fodder used to feed ruminants in a rapid and precise way. The point is to incorporate portable NIR technology for forage analysis as a useful tool for technical advice in ruminant rationing. Nutritional assessment of the forages used to feed ruminants can be done at two times: i) at the time of harvesting using NIR equipment incorporated in the harvesting machine, ii) or once the forage has been conserved and stored at the farm, using portable NIR equipment. For instance, the AURORA NIR portable device we could highlight its high portability and manageability for use in the field. Also,the NIR CORONA EXTREME equipment incorporated to the combine harvester is a spectrophotometer with online capability.The equipment can be installed on the forage discharge pipe of the combine harvester in its middle zone. In addition, the equipment may be connected to a tablet located in the cab, which allows observation of the variability of the different parameters.In the case of forage and silage samples from the farms, direct reading is made with the NIR, generating the corresponding spectra.In the case of sampling with the harvester, the procedure consists of obtaining spectra at the moment of harvesting when the product goes through the discharge pipe.The technique developed allows the analysis of a high number of forage samples at the farm gate, fast, reliably and at a reasonable cost (in comparison to sending samples to a lab).The greater agility in the analysis and valuation of forages allows to improve the efficiency of rationing and feed formulation in livestock farms, and to promote food self-sufficiency.

Se puede utilizar el NIR portátil para evaluar de forma rápida, precisa e in situ (en granja) la calidad nutricional de los forrajes usados para alimentar a los rumiantes. Se trata por tanto de una tecnología útil para el asesoramiento técnico en el racionamiento de rumiantes. La evaluación nutricional de los forrajes se puede realizar en dos momentos: i) en el momento de la cosecha mediante la colocación de un equipo NIR en la cosechadora, ii) o una vez conservado y almacenado el forraje en la explotación, utilizando NIR portátiles. Por ejemplo, del dispositivo portátil AURORA NIR podríamos destacar su alta portabilidad y manejabilidad para su uso en campo. Además, el equipo NIR CORONA EXTREME incorporado a la cosechadora es un espectrofotómetro con capacidad de trasnmisión de la información online. El equipo se puede instalar en la zona media de la tubería de descarga de forraje de la cosechadora. Además el equipo puede estar conectado a una tablet ubicada en la cabina, y observar así la variabilidad de los diferentes parámetros.En el caso de muestras de forrajes y silos en granja, se realiza la lectura directa con el NIR, generando los espectros correspondientes.En el caso del muestreo con cosechadora, el procedimiento consiste en obtener espectros en el momento de la cosecha cuando el producto pasa por la tubería de descarga.La técnica desarrollada permite el análisis de un alto número de muestras de forraje en la propia granja, de manera rápida, confiable y a un costo razonable (en comparación con el envío de muestras a un laboratorio).La mayor agilidad en el análisis y valoración de forrajes permite mejorar la eficiencia del racionamiento y formulación de dietas en las explotaciones ganaderas, y promover el autoabastecimiento alimentario.

Farmers are proposed the basic steps for preventing sheep against Contagious agalactia, a widespread disease provoking dramatic economic losses on farm and for which antibiotic therapy has shown limited effectiveness on field. Successful prevention can be achieved through vaccination modalities and periodical milk test for the circulation of the microorganism. Vaccination programs using inactivated vaccines targets pregnant ewes for a long-lasting immunity covering the milking period. Vaccination consists of two doses with one month interval with the second boosting one month before birth, for a 6-months protection. Third booster can be applied in case of longer milking time. In addition to microbiological test of every clinical mastitis, 2 bulk tank milk samples are taken at first and second trimester of milking period. In case of positive samples, additional molecular techniques are required in order to specify the strain of the pathogen. According to laboratory results, vaccination program should be modified accordingly. No specific prerequisites or limits are identified for these prevention measures, which should permit to avoid milk losses and uses of antimicrobials.

Προτείνονται στους παραγωγούς τα βασικά βήματα για την πρόληψη κατά της Λοιμώδους Αγαλαξίας, μίας διαδεδομένης νόσου που προκαλεί σημαντικές οικονομικές απώλειες και για την οποία η θεραπεία με αντιβιοτικά έχει περιορισμένη αποτελεσματικότητα σε συνθήκες εκτροφής. Η επιτυχής πρόληψη μπορεί να επιτευχθεί μέσω της εφαρμογής πρωτόκολλων εμβολιασμού και τακτικών ελέγχων του γάλακτος για ενδεχόμενη κυκλοφορία του μικροοργανισμού. Τα πρωτόκολλα εμβολιασμού με αδρανοποιημένα εμβόλια αφορούν στην έγκυο προβατίνα, έτσι ώστε η ανοσία να καλύπτει τη γαλακτική περίοδο. O εμβολιασμός εφαρμόζεται σε δύο δόσεις με χρονική διαφορά ενός μήνα και με τη δεύτερη δόση να χορηγείται ένα μήνα πριν από τον τοκετό, με σκοπό την προστασία για έξι μήνες. Σε περίπτωση μεγαλύτερης διάρκειας αρμέγματος, μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί και μία τρίτη δόση. Πέρα από τον μικροβιολογικό έλεγχο για κάθε περίπτωση κλινικής μαστίτιδας, ελέγχονται δύο δείγματα γάλακτος από την παγολεκάνη της εκτροφής, ένα κατά το πρώτο και ένα κατά το δεύτερο τρίμηνο της περιόδου αρμέγματος. Σε περίπτωση θετικών δειγμάτων, απαιτούνται πρόσθετες μοριακές αναλύσεις για τον προσδιορισμό του στελέχους του παθογόνου παράγοντα. Σύμφωνα με τα εργαστηριακά αποτελέσματα, το πρόγραμμα εμβολιασμού θα πρέπει να τροποποιηθεί ανάλογα. Δεν αναφέρονται ειδικές προϋποθέσεις ή περιορισμοί για αυτά τα μέτρα πρόληψης, τα οποία συμβάλουν στην αποφυγή των απωλειών στις αποδόσεις γάλακτος και στη μείωση της χρήσης αντιμικροβιακών ουσιών.

Clear instructions, which can be applied in practice and have been tested in HAO experimental flocks are given to farmers for the management of ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP). It is reminded that since no treatment or vaccine is available for OPP, a widespread disease in Europe provoking respiratory symptoms, arthritis, mastitis and neurological signs, it is fundamental to take immediate measures to reduce and gradually eliminate the disease when identified in the flock. The OPP control plan proposed by HAO researchers is presented. Two objectives are pursued: 1) the early diagnosis of infected animals, based on clinical manifestation of the disease and confirmation by a combination of serological or PCR tests (most effective procedure) 2) the detection of genes associated with disease resistance or susceptibility. Following the diagnosis of infected animal, two disease control strategies are proposed: 1) slaughtering of positive animals and their offspring if flock infection rate is less than 10% 2) immediate removal of newborns from their mothers, administration of colostrum from healthy animals/cows/commercial preparations and artificial feeding, if flock infection rate is greater than 10%. It is also emphasized the importance of avoiding any contact of infected and healthy animals. Breeders that succeeded in controlling OPP in their flock will benefit from reduced consumption of antibiotics, improved milk production, lamb growth and animal welfare and breeding animals of higher added-value due to the disease-free status of their flock. Proper housing facilities are essential as flock needs to be divided into 2 groups (infected/healthy). Related HAO publications are made accessible to farmers (pdf and online resources).

Δίνονται σαφείς οδηγίες για την εξυγίανση της εκτροφής από την Προϊούσα Πνευμονία (ΠΠ). Οι οδηγίες μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν στην πράξη και έχουν δοκιμαστεί στα ποίμνια του ΕΛΓΟ -ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ . Υπενθυμίζεται ότι, δεν υπάρχει ούτε θεραπεία, ούτε εμβόλιο για την ΠΠ, μία νόσο ευρείας εξάπλωσης, που προκαλεί αναπνευστικά συμπτώματα, αρθρίτιδες, μαστίτιδες ή/και νευρολογικά συμπτώματα. Επομένως, κρίνεται απαραίτητη η άμεση λήψη μέτρων περιορισμού και σταδιακής εξάλειψης της νόσου, όταν εντοπίζεται στην εκτροφή. Παρουσιάζεται πρόγραμμα ελέγχου της ΠΠ, που έχει προταθεί από ερευνητές του ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ. Επιδιώκονται δύο βασικοί στόχοι: 1) η έγκαιρη διάγνωση των μολυσμένων ζώων, με βάση την κλινική εικόνα και επιβεβαίωση με ένα συνδυασμό ορολογικών και μοριακών εξετάσεων (πιο αποτελεσματική διαδικασία) και 2) ο εντοπισμός γονιδίων που συνδέονται με ανθεκτικότητα ή ευαισθησία στη νόσο. Προτείνονται δύο στρατηγικές ελέγχου της ΠΠ : 1) σφαγή των οροθετικών και των απογόνων τους, όταν το ποσοστό προσβολής είναι < 10%, 2) άμεση απομάκρυνση των νεογέννητων από τη μητέρα τους, χορήγηση πρωτογάλακτος από υγιή ζώα/αγελάδες/εμπορικό πρωτόγαλα και εφαρμογή τεχνητού θηλασμού όταν το ποσοστό προσβολής είναι > 10%. Για την επιτυχία του προγράμματος είναι σημαντική η αποφυγή της επαφής των εξυγιασμένων ζώων με τα μολυσμένα. Τα οφέλη για την εκτροφή είναι: μείωση της χρήσης αντιβιοτικών, βελτίωση της γαλακτοπαραγωγής, της ανάπτυξης των αρνιών και της ευζωίας των ζώων, αυξημένη προστιθέμενη αξία των ζώων αναπαραγωγής από καθαρές εκτροφές. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση είναι η ύπαρξη διαθέσιμων χώρων για τη διατήρηση 2 κοπαδιών χωριστά (εξυγιασμένο/μολυσμένο). Σχετικές δημοσιεύσεις από τον ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ διατίθενται στους παραγωγούς (pdf και διαδικτυακές).

Specific and accurate instructions, based on experience about proper implementation of artificial feeding, are proposed to farmers in order to get the best results in lamb development and ewes' milk production. At first, the cost of artificial feeding (30-40€/lamb) with respect to natural feeding (60-80€/lamb) is quantified and farmers are informed about the type of equipment that can be used (feeding machine from the 3rd day after delivery or special buckets from the 2nd day after delivery). It is emphasized that colostrum feeding and choice of the right milk powder are key elements for the success of artificial feeding and the health of newborns. A detailed protocol for implementing artificial feeding is proposed to farmers, including the number of meals of colostrum and/or powdered milk and information on supplementary feed diet, for each relevant time period: 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd to 14th day, 3rd to 6th week, 7th and 8th week. In addition to economic benefits (lower feeding cost and possibility to sold sheep's milk from the 5th day after birth), it is mentioned the benefits for sheep health such as the decrease of mastitis. Prerequisites for the successful implementation of artificial feeding concern grouping of new-borns/lambings, use of specialized equipment, proper indoors conditions and well-designed area, staff training for colostrum administration and choice of appropriate milk powder and distribution of milk powder. Related HAO publications are also made accessible to farmers (pdf and online resources).

Προτείνονται συγκεκριμένες και ακριβείς οδηγίες για την εφαρμογή του τεχνητού θηλασμού στην εκτροφή, βασισμένες στην εμπειρία των ερευνητών του ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, με στόχο τα καλύτερα δυνατά αποτελέσματα τόσο στην ανάπτυξη των αρνιών, όσο και στη γαλακτοπαραγωγή των προβατίνων. Αναφέρεται ενδεικτικά το κόστος ανά αρνί (από τη γέννηση έως τον απογαλακτισμό) με τεχνητό θηλασμό (30-40 ευρώ) και με φυσική γαλουχία (60-80€). Ενημερώνονται οι παραγωγοί για τον εξοπλισμό που απαιτείται (μηχανή θηλασμού από την 3η ημέρα μετά τον τοκετό ή ειδικοί κουβάδες με θήλαστρα από τη 2η ημέρα μετά τον τοκετό). Δίνεται έμφαση στη χορήγηση πρωτογάλατος στα νεογέννητα και στη σωστή επιλογή της σκόνης γάλακτος, ως βασικά στοιχεία για την επιτυχία του τεχνητού θηλασμού και της υγείας των νεογέννητων. Προτείνεται ένα λεπτομερές πρωτόκολλο τεχνητού θηλασμού, με τον αριθμό γευμάτων (πρωτόγαλα / γάλα σκόνη), καθώς και πληροφορίες για την συμπληρωματική διατροφή: 1η, 2η, 3η-14η ημέρα, 3η-6η εβδομάδα, 7η και 8η εβδομάδα. Πέρα από τα οικονομικά οφέλη (χαμηλότερο κόστος διατροφής και δυνατότητα να πωλείται το γάλα των προβατίνων από την 5η ημέρα μετά τον τοκετό), τονίζεται ότι υπάρχει όφελος και για την υγεία των ζώων (λιγότερες μαστίτιδες). Προαπαιτούμενα για την επιτυχημένη εφαρμογή του τεχνητού θηλασμού είναι η ομαδοποίηση των τοκετών και των νεογέννητων, η χρήση εξειδικευμένου εξοπλισμού, οι καλές συνθήκες σταβλισμού και ο κατάλληλα διαμορφωμένος χώρος, η εκπαίδευση του προσωπικού στη χορήγηση πρωτογάλατος, η επιλογή της σκόνης γάλακτος και η εκπαίδευση των νεογέννητων στον τεχνητό θηλασμό. Προτείνονται σχετικές online δημοσιεύσεις του ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ.

Farmers are trained to check and interpret milk urea concentration, a useful indicator of excessive protein concentration in the feed (leading to waste of digestible protein) and a diagnosis tool for unbalanced diets in milked ewes (impacting animal health and productivity). Factors contributing to unbalanced diet energy/protein ratio due to protein excess are : 1) high proportion of legumes in sheep diet 2) grazing of immature pastures or feeding with early stage hay crops 3) grazing of N fertilized pastures. Commercial diagnostics kits for checking milk urea can be easily used at least once a month during the lactation period either individually on a representative number of animals or from the tank (more frequently), during grazing season and but also when sheep are fed indoors. Cereals and fibre feeds (i.e. straw) must be added in sheep rations if urea concentration is higher than 50mg/100ml, combined with measurement of energy and protein content and modification of diet according to animal requirements. Milk urea will be checked again after 2-3 weeks. Milk urea contents higher than 60mg/ml could lead to alkalosis, reproductive disorders and embryonic losses. Milk urea measurement in farm is expected to help farmers increase feed protein utilization and efficiency, leading to the improvement of sheep productivity and reproduction capacity, but also environmental footprint (decrease of N losses). A good knowledge of nutrient requirements of dairy sheep and nutrient composition of diets is required in order to proper monitor milk urea levels. 

Η συγκέντρωση της ουρίας στο γάλα αποτελεί χρήσιμο δείκτη για τον έλεγχο της περιεκτικότητας πρωτεϊνών στο σιτηρέσιο και διαγνωστικό εργαλείο της ανισορροπίας ενέργειας/πρωτεΐνης (με αρνητικές επιπτώσεις στην υγεία και παραγωγικότητα). Οι παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν δυσμενώς την ισορροπία λόγω υψηλής συγκέντρωσης πρωτεϊνών είναι:1) ενσωμάτωση ψυχανθών σε υψηλή αναλογία στη διατροφή 2) η βόσκηση πρώιμου σταδίου βοσκοτόπων/χορτονομών 3) βόσκηση σε λιβάδια, όπου εφαρμόζεται αζωτούχος λίπανση. Εμπορικά διαγνωστικά κιτ για τη μέτρηση του επιπέδου της ουρίας στο γάλα είναι εύκολο να χρησιμοποιηθούν στο ποίμνιο τουλάχιστον μηνιαία κατά τη διάρκεια της γαλακτοπαραγωγής, είτε σε έναν αντιπροσωπευτικό αριθμό ζώων είτε από την παγολεκάνη (πιο τακτικά), κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου βόσκησης και κατά τον σταβλισμό. Σε επίπεδα ουρίας > 50mg/100ml, πρέπει να προστεθούν στη διατροφή δημητριακοί καρποί και ζωοτροφές με υψηλό ποσοστό ινωδών ουσιών (πχ. άχυρο) και το σιτηρέσιο θα πρέπει να ελεγχθεί ως προς την περιεκτικότητα σε ενέργεια/πρωτεΐνη και να διορθωθεί με βάση τις ανάγκες συντήρησης/γαλακτοπαραγωγής. Επαναπροσδιορίζονται τα επίπεδα της ουρίας μετά από 2-3 εβδομάδες. Επίπεδα ουρίας > 60mg/ml μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε αλκάλωση, αναπαραγωγικές διαταραχές και αποβολές. Η μέτρηση της συγκέντρωσης της ουρίας στο γάλα αναμένεται να βοηθήσει στην αποτελεσματικότερη αξιοποίηση της πρωτεΐνης των ζωοτροφών, οδηγώντας σε αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας και της αναπαραγωγικής ικανότητας, καθώς και τη μείωση του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος (μείωση των απωλειών Ν). Καλή γνώση των διατροφικών αναγκών των προβατίνων γαλακτοπαραγωγής και της σύνθεσης του σιτηρεσίου είναι απαραίτητη για την ορθή παρακολούθηση των επιπέδων ουρίας γάλακτος.

Basic principles for ewes nutrition with respect to mineral and vitamins (MV) are explained to farmers, together with the different steps for ensuring their proper intake. Weight loss, low fertility, high mortality, poor wool growth and increased risk of diseases are consequences of a limited supply in MV. No clear recommendations for MV supplementation can be given due to interations between minerals and vitamins and their unpredictable availability. Key-factors influencing MV composition of feeds are presented and actions are suggested to know the amount of nutrients provided by the basal ration. Grains, hay, silage and pastures vary in nutrient content according to soil type, climatic conditions, grain/forage species and stage of maturity. Hence, basic principles of ewes nutrition are 1) good forage management including proper fertilization, grass-legumes mixture, mowing/grazing at relevant growth stage and provision of adequate quantities 2) chemical analysis of feedstuffs in a laboratory leading to a customized supplementation program by the nutritionist of the farm. An estimation of minerals amount in different type of feeds is then given for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Cobalt and Iodine, together with the consequences of their excess/deficiency on sheep health. Likewise, authors specify circumstances under which vitamin supplementation may be needed and tips to encourage higher intake of MV mixes in harvested feed or during grazing. It is expected that the guidelines proposed will help meet sheep MV requirements, avoiding deficiencies and toxicities to ensure animal health and productivity. 

Παρέχονται στους κτηνοτρόφους βασικές οδηγίες για τη διατροφή των προβάτων, σχετικά με τις βιταμίνες και τα ανόργανα στοιχεία (ΒΑ) και τα ενδεδειγμένα βήματα για την ορθή χορήγηση τους. Η περιορισμένη χορήγηση ΒΑ οδηγεί σε απώλεια βάρους, χαμηλή γονιμότητα, αυξημένο κίνδυνο ασθενειών και υψηλή θνησιμότητα. Είναι δύσκολο να δοθούν ακριβείς οδηγίες για τις απαιτούμενες ποσότητες συμπληρωματικής χορήγησης ΒΑ λόγω αλληλεπιδράσεων μεταξύ τους και διακυμάνσεων στη διαθεσιμότητα τους. Παρουσιάζονται βασικοί παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη συγκέντρωση των ΒΑ των ζωοτροφών και προτείνονται τρόποι εκτίμησης της ποσότητας των θρεπτικών συστατικών στο βασικό σιτηρέσιο. Οι καρποί, ο σανός, το ενσίρωμα και οι βοσκές διαφέρουν ως προς την περιεκτικότητα σε θρεπτικά συστατικά, ανάλογα με τον τύπο του εδάφους, τις κλιματολογικές συνθήκες, το είδος καρπού/χονδροειδών και το στάδιο ωριμότητας. Οι βασικοί κανόνες είναι: 1) καλή διαχείριση των βοσκών/χονδροειδών (σωστή λίπανση, χορήγηση μίγματος χόρτων & ψυχανθών, διατήρηση των ζωοτροφών σε νεαρό στάδιο ανάπτυξης & επαρκής χορήγηση τροφής), 2) χημική ανάλυση των ζωοτροφών για εξατομικευμένο σιτηρέσιο. Δίνεται μία εκτίμηση της ποσότητας των ανόργανων στοιχείων σε διάφορους τύπους ζωοτροφών (Ca, P, Mg, Zn, Cu, Se, Co, & I), καθώς και αναφορά των επιπτώσεων της υψηλής/χαμηλής χορήγησής τους στην υγεία των ζώων. Διευκρινίζονται περιπτώσεις, στις οποίες πιθανά να απαιτείται η συμπληρωματική χορήγηση βιταμινών και συμβουλές για την ενίσχυση της κατανάλωσης ΒΑ με το χορηγούμενο σιτηρέσιο ή κατά τη βόσκηση. Οι προτεινόμενες οδηγίες αναμένεται να βοηθήσουν στην εξασφάλιση των αναγκών σε ΒΑ, αποφεύγοντας ανεπάρκεια και τοξικότητα με στόχο τη διασφάλιση της υγείας και της παραγωγικότητάς τους.

The main external parasites are flystrike, ticks, lice (biting and sucking) and scab. External parasites can have negative impact on animal health, welfare and performance. They increase the labour requirement on farms and decrease the overall profit on a sheep enterprise. Good farm biosecurity is key for controlling lice and scab. Sheep should be kept clean by crutching when necessary. Chemical treatments can be administered via plunge dipping or pour-ons. Pour-ons have become popular due to their ease of application and being less labour intense than plunge dipping. Plunge dipping to be effective requires:- correct dilution and replenishing of dip- immerse sheep for at least 60 seconds- submerge the head twice- use personal protection equipment (PPE) and in well ventilated areaKey messages for using pour-ons:- apply in dry weather (i.e. dry fleece)- apply to clean wool – crutch excessively dirty sheep- treat lambs early before fly strike is anticipated as some products only prevent flystike (insect growth regulators)- be aware of the withdrawal period when selecting treatment- use correct nozzle (different for ticks and blowfly) for even distribution of treatment on the animal’s fleece

The main external parasites are flystrike, ticks, lice (biting and sucking) and scab. External parasites can have negative impact on animal health, welfare and performance. They increase the labour requirement on farms and decrease the overall profit on a sheep enterprise. Good farm biosecurity is key for controlling lice and scab. Sheep should be kept clean by crutching when necessary. Chemical treatments can be administered via plunge dipping or pour-ons. Pour-ons have become popular due to their ease of application and being less labour intense than plunge dipping. Plunge dipping to be effective requires:- correct dilution and replenishing of dip- immerse sheep for at least 60 seconds- submerge the head twice- use personal protection equipment (PPE) and in well ventilated areaKey messages for using pour-ons:- apply in dry weather (i.e. dry fleece)- apply to clean wool – crutch excessively dirty sheep- treat lambs early before fly strike is anticipated as some products only prevent flystike (insect growth regulators)- be aware of the withdrawal period when selecting treatment- use correct nozzle (different for ticks and blowfly) for even distribution of treatment on the animal’s fleece

Silage feed value is a combination of nutritive value (e.g. energy concentration) and intake potential, both of which are impacted by digestibility. Silage feed value is a key factor influencing the profitability of many systems of sheep production because of its impact on:• forage and thus nutrient intake• ewe body weight gain and condition score• lamb birth weight• lamb body weight gain• level of concentrate supplementation required to achieve a given level of animal performanceFor sheep target the production of high feed value silage [ dry matter (DM) digestibility > 75%; digestible organic matter in the dry matter > 71%; metabolisable energy concentration > 11.4 MJ/kg DM]The following are key factors in the production of high feed value grass silage:1) Fertilizer application:- apply 120 and 100 kg nitrogen per hectare for first and second harvest- base phosphorus and potassium application on soil analysis and crop requirement.Up to 26 kg potassium is removed per tonne of herbage DM harvested 2) Date of harvest:– digestibility declines by 3.3% units for each one week delay in harvest– harvest swards prior to seed head emergence and prior to accumulation of dead material at the base of sward canopy 3) Wilt:- target DM concentration of at least 25% for clamp silage and 30% for baled silage- rapid wilt is essential, the key factors affecting drying rate are solar radiation, wind speed and spreading herbage evenly on the ground- spread herbage after mowing4) Reduce forage chop length but digestibility is the key factor influencing feed value5) Ensile, consolidate and seal rapidly

Silage feed value is a combination of nutritive value (e.g. energy concentration) and intake potential, both of which are impacted by digestibility. Silage feed value is a key factor influencing the profitability of many systems of sheep production because of its impact on:• forage and thus nutrient intake• ewe body weight gain and condition score• lamb birth weight• lamb body weight gain• level of concentrate supplementation required to achieve a given level of animal performanceFor sheep target the production of high feed value silage [ dry matter (DM) digestibility > 75%; digestible organic matter in the dry matter > 71%; metabolisable energy concentration > 11.4 MJ/kg DM]The following are key factors in the production of high feed value grass silage:1) Fertilizer application:- apply 120 and 100 kg nitrogen per hectare for first and second harvest- base phosphorus and potassium application on soil analysis and crop requirement.Up to 26 kg potassium is removed per tonne of herbage DM harvested 2) Date of harvest:– digestibility declines by 3.3% units for each one week delay in harvest– harvest swards prior to seed head emergence and prior to accumulation of dead material at the base of sward canopy 3) Wilt:- target DM concentration of at least 25% for clamp silage and 30% for baled silage- rapid wilt is essential, the key factors affecting drying rate are solar radiation, wind speed and spreading herbage evenly on the ground- spread herbage after mowing4) Reduce forage chop length but digestibility is the key factor influencing feed value5) Ensile, consolidate and seal rapidly

Set stocking or continuous grazing systems are common on many sheep farms; sheep graze the same grassland area throughout the grazing season. Rotational grazing systems involve dividing the grassland area into a number of paddocks, which are then grazed, fertilised and rested in turn, which can ultimately achieve higher levels of herbage utilisation. Rotational grazing systems facilitate• more control on grazing management• surplus grass to be harvested in times of excess production• the production of high feed value silage• creep grazing with lambs later in season• a more targeted fertiliser programme A simple 5 paddock rotational grazing system should be used which can also be split temporarily as required to provide up to 10 divisions per grazing group. Aim to graze a paddock in 3 days and rest for approximately 21 days in mid-season. Calculate ideal paddock size based on 3 days grazing per group e.g. suggested paddock size per 100 ewes = 2ha but plan to temporarily divide into two 1 ha divisions for main grazing season. Permanent fences can consist of sheep net wire topped with an electric or barbed wire strand, or 5 strands of electrified high tensile wire.Temporary fencing options include- plastic posts with 3-4 strands of polywire or tape on reels/geared reels- smartfence; plastic posts and geared reel with 4 wires included- electric sheep nettingIf a mains electric supply is not available then battery fencers or solar fencers can be used. Note the battery output and what area/length of fencing it will cover. Water troughs should be strategically placed between paddocks, if some paddocks do not have a water supply then temporary options such as water tanks/barrels/IBC can be used.

Set stocking or continuous grazing systems are common on many sheep farms; sheep graze the same grassland area throughout the grazing season. Rotational grazing systems involve dividing the grassland area into a number of paddocks, which are then grazed, fertilised and rested in turn, which can ultimately achieve higher levels of herbage utilisation. Rotational grazing systems facilitate• more control on grazing management• surplus grass to be harvested in times of excess production• the production of high feed value silage• creep grazing with lambs later in season• a more targeted fertiliser programme A simple 5 paddock rotational grazing system should be used which can also be split temporarily as required to provide up to 10 divisions per grazing group. Aim to graze a paddock in 3 days and rest for approximately 21 days in mid-season. Calculate ideal paddock size based on 3 days grazing per group e.g. suggested paddock size per 100 ewes = 2ha but plan to temporarily divide into two 1 ha divisions for main grazing season. Permanent fences can consist of sheep net wire topped with an electric or barbed wire strand, or 5 strands of electrified high tensile wire.Temporary fencing options include- plastic posts with 3-4 strands of polywire or tape on reels/geared reels- smartfence; plastic posts and geared reel with 4 wires included- electric sheep nettingIf a mains electric supply is not available then battery fencers or solar fencers can be used. Note the battery output and what area/length of fencing it will cover. Water troughs should be strategically placed between paddocks, if some paddocks do not have a water supply then temporary options such as water tanks/barrels/IBC can be used.

Anthelmintic resistance is the ability of stomach worms to survive anthelmintic treatment and is becoming a growing problem in many countries. Faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) is the most common mechanism to detect anthelmintic resistance. Sheep producers need to know what products are effective on their farm and be aware of management changes required to reduce anthelmintic resistance. Four key areas identified to prevent anthelmintic resistance on farm:1. Do not dose adult ewes for stomach worms unless there is a demonstrated need.2. Only use white drenches (group 1-Benzimidazole) to treat Nematodirus in lambs.3. Faecal egg counting (dung sampling prior to treatment)- identifies when worm burden is sufficient to justify treatment- prevents overuse of drenches- reduces the annual anthelmintic expenditure4. Purchased sheep should be- treated with an Amino Acetonitrile Derivative (group 4-AD) + either Levamisole (Group 2-LV) or Macrocyclic Lactone (Group 3-ML)- housed after dosing for 48 hours- introduce to contaminated pasture (i.e. ground grazed frequently by sheep)Good management practices such as calibrating dosing guns, dosing animals accurately based on bodyweight, and grazing lambs on clean pasture, can help reduce anthelmintic resistance.

Anthelmintic resistance is the ability of stomach worms to survive anthelmintic treatment and is becoming a growing problem in many countries. Faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) is the most common mechanism to detect anthelmintic resistance. Sheep producers need to know what products are effective on their farm and be aware of management changes required to reduce anthelmintic resistance. Four key areas identified to prevent anthelmintic resistance on farm:1. Do not dose adult ewes for stomach worms unless there is a demonstrated need.2. Only use white drenches (group 1-Benzimidazole) to treat Nematodirus in lambs.3. Faecal egg counting (dung sampling prior to treatment)- identifies when worm burden is sufficient to justify treatment- prevents overuse of drenches- reduces the annual anthelmintic expenditure4. Purchased sheep should be- treated with an Amino Acetonitrile Derivative (group 4-AD) + either Levamisole (Group 2-LV) or Macrocyclic Lactone (Group 3-ML)- housed after dosing for 48 hours- introduce to contaminated pasture (i.e. ground grazed frequently by sheep)Good management practices such as calibrating dosing guns, dosing animals accurately based on bodyweight, and grazing lambs on clean pasture, can help reduce anthelmintic resistance.

Lameness is a common cause of welfare and economic concerns in many flocks and chronic lameness reduces ewe and lamb performance. The main causes of lameness are interdigital dermatitis (scald), footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD). It is important to correctly identify the cause of lameness, quantify how much of the flock is affected and set a target reduction level for your farm. The 5 key points in controlling lameness are:1. Treat - essential to correctly identify and quantify the cause and treat accordingly. Routine foot paring is not advised.2. Separate lame sheep from the flock to prevent infection of healthy sheep.3. Cull persistent offenders. Records and identification marks are important to identify repeat offenders and don’t keep offspring from persistently lame ewes. In a recent Irish study, the direct heritability of lameness ranged from 0.06 (ewes) to 0.12 (lambs) and showed exploitable genetic variance, so could be beneficial to breeding programmes.4. Quarantine all incoming sheep for 4 weeks to avoid the potential introduction of a new cause of lameness. Sheep should be examined thoroughly while in quarantine. Lame sheep should never be added to the flock.5. Vaccinate for footrot if persistent issue effecting a considerable proportion of the flock and to help reduce antibiotic use on farm.For scald and footrot, footbath in either a 10% zinc sulphate solution or a 3% formalin solution. After foot bathing, sheep should stand in a dry clean area (e.g. concrete, gravel) for at least 30 minutes, so the solution can dry into the feet. If possible, put sheep on pasture that has been free from sheep for 12 days. Footbathing can be repeated every 5 days until the issue is resolved.

Lameness is a common cause of welfare and economic concerns in many flocks and chronic lameness reduces ewe and lamb performance. The main causes of lameness are interdigital dermatitis (scald), footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD). It is important to correctly identify the cause of lameness, quantify how much of the flock is affected and set a target reduction level for your farm. The 5 key points in controlling lameness are:1. Treat - essential to correctly identify and quantify the cause and treat accordingly. Routine foot paring is not advised.2. Separate lame sheep from the flock to prevent infection of healthy sheep.3. Cull persistent offenders. Records and identification marks are important to identify repeat offenders and don’t keep offspring from persistently lame ewes. In a recent Irish study, the direct heritability of lameness ranged from 0.06 (ewes) to 0.12 (lambs) and showed exploitable genetic variance, so could be beneficial to breeding programmes.4. Quarantine all incoming sheep for 4 weeks to avoid the potential introduction of a new cause of lameness. Sheep should be examined thoroughly while in quarantine. Lame sheep should never be added to the flock.5. Vaccinate for footrot if persistent issue effecting a considerable proportion of the flock and to help reduce antibiotic use on farm.For scald and footrot, footbath in either a 10% zinc sulphate solution or a 3% formalin solution. After foot bathing, sheep should stand in a dry clean area (e.g. concrete, gravel) for at least 30 minutes, so the solution can dry into the feet. If possible, put sheep on pasture that has been free from sheep for 12 days. Footbathing can be repeated every 5 days until the issue is resolved.

The sugars and mineral salts contained in the molasses exert a preservative action. Molasses is well suited as a binding substance for dry and pressed fodder and avoids the formation of dust in finely ground cereals or protein meals. Molasses is an energy feed that improves the palatability of the unifeed. Traditionally, molasses had been used to provide energy, balance the diet and make it more palatable. Here we propose the use of percentages from 5 to 10% of the ration to: 1) make the ration homogeneous and attractive 2) allow to extend the duration of the ration to 2-3 days.

Gli zuccheri e i sali minerali contenuti nel melasso esercitano un’azione conservante. Il melasso si presta bene come sostanza legante per foraggi secchi e pressati e inoltre evita la formazione di polveri in quelli macinati fini. Il melasso è un alimento energetico che migliora l’appetibilità dell’unifeed. Tradizionalmente il melasso è stato utilizzato per fornire energia, bilanciare la razione e renderla più appetibile. Qui si propone l’utilizzo di percentuali dal 5 al 10% della razione per: 1) rendere la razione omogenea e appetibile 2) allungare la durata della razione a 2-3 giorni.

When mastitis outbreak occurs, it is important to identify the infected animals as soon as possible, and isolate them by creating separate groups, because they are potential reservoir of infection inside the flock. Moreover, culling is recommended for animals with chronic and/or antibiotic-resistance mastitis.Milking is a critical phase in dairy farms for the onset and spread of mastitis; hence, it is necessary to pay attention on milking hygiene, including a proper milking routine with post-milking disinfection and the cleanliness of the milking parlour and milking machine.…

Quando si verifica un'epidemia di mastite, è importante identificare le pecore infette il prima possibile e isolarli creando gruppi separati, perché sono potenziali serbatoi di infezione all'interno del gregge. Inoltre, è consigliato l'abbattimento per le pecore con mastite cronica e / o da agenti resistenti agli antibiotici.La mungitura è una fase critica negli allevamenti da latte per l'insorgenza e la diffusione delle mastiti; quindi, è necessario prestare attenzione all'igiene della mungitura, compresa una corretta routine di mungitura con disinfezione post-mungitura e la pulizia della sala di mungitura e della mungitrice.…

Maedi-visna (MV) in sheep and caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) in goats are caused by small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs). SRLVs affected animals may remain asymptomatic carriers and only a proportion of them will display clinical disease, mainly characterized by chronic respiratory symptoms (Maedi), neurological signs (Visna and CAE) or arthritis (CAE). So far, the control plans are based on serological diagnosis at scheduled intervals, gradual and early culling of seropositive animals as well as suckling newborn lambs only from the seronegative ewes, after being separated at birth from the infected mother. In addition, the introduction of animals in the flock is allowed only for the seronegative animals. Recently, E154K polymorphism in the gene coding for transmembrane protein type 154 (TMEM154) has been reported to be associated with the serological status and/or the provirus concentration of SRLVs exposed sheep. Sheep carrying the KK genotype are resistant, while those with the EK and EE genotypes are susceptible. This finding allows to envisage an alternative control plan based on selective breeding. 

la visna-maedi (MV) negli ovini e l’encefalite artritica caprina (CAE) neli caprini sono causate da lentivirus dei piccoli ruminanti (SRLVs). Gli animali affetti da SRLV possono rimanere portatori asintomatici e solo una parte di loro presenterà la malattia in forma clinica, caratterizzata principalmente da sintomi respiratori cronici (Maedi), segni neurologici (Visna e CAE) o artrite (CAE). Finora, i piani di controllo si basano su diagnosi sierologiche a intervalli programmati, abbattimento graduale e precoce di animali sieropositivi e allattamento degli agnelli appena nati solo con pecore sieronegative, dopo essere stati separati alla nascita dalla madre infetta. Inoltre, l'introduzione di animali nel gregge è consentita solo per gli animali sieronegativi. Recentemente, è stato riportato che il polimorfismo E154K nel gene che codifica per la proteina transmembrana di tipo 154 (TMEM154) è associato allo stato sierologico e/o alla concentrazione di provirus delle pecore esposte a SRLV. Gli ovini portatori del genotipo KK sono resistenti, mentre quelli con genotipo EK ed EE sono sensibili. Questo fatto consente di immaginare un piano di controllo alternativo basato sulla selezione genetica.

Sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik.) is a short perennial legume species widely used as a forage legume in Mediterranean regions. It is a very nutritious and productive forage legume with great potential for livestock enterprises. Until few years ago, its use was manly restricted to areas with alkaline soil and where its native specific rhizobium was available. The microsymbionts of Sulla display a high level of specificity for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. Recent studies have shown that well inoculated Sulla can be grown successfully in soil where usually it wouldn’t be traditionally recommended, broadening its adoption from alkaline to acidic soil as low as pH 5.8 (H2O).

La sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik.) è una specie leguminosa perenne ampiamente utilizzata come foraggera in ambiente mediterraneo. E’ caratterizzata da un elevato valore nutritivo e da alte produzioni di biomassa. Fino a qualche anno fa, la coltivazione della sulla era limitata a areali caratterizzati da suoli sub-alcalini, argillosi dove è presente il suo rizobio specifico. I batteri simbionti della sulla mostrano un alto livello di specificità sia per la nodulazione che per la fissazione dell’azoto. Recenti studi hanno mostrato che la sulla, quando ben inoculata, può crescere in maniera soddisfacente anche in suoli che tradizionalmente non le vengono destinati, ampliando la sua adattabilità dai suoli alcalini e calcari anche a suoli con acidità pari o superiore a pH 5.8 (H2O). 

Urea is a nitrogenous compound present in the blood, milk and urine of ruminants that is formed in the liver mainly from ammonia resulting from the fermentation of feed proteins in the rumen. In this way, the liver cells transform a toxic compound (ammonia) into one that is not toxic (urea). This transformation, however, entails energy costs for the animal, which increases with the increase in the concentrations of urea in the blood and milk, which are correlated each other. The concentration of urea in milk is an indicator of both the percentage of protein in the diet and the ratio of protein to energy in the diet. It is also an environmental indicator: in fact, as the level of urea in milk increases, the excretion of N in the urine increases as well. In general, high-protein diets cause an increase in the concentration of urea in milk. Even diets that are balanced for protein but lack energy can lead to high concentrations of urea. This is the most dangerous situation for the animal and the most harmful for the environment because it involves a release of N, without any production advantage. The concentration of urea in milk also depends on other dietary factors: it tends to increase with the rumen degradability of proteins and decreases if the diet contains tannins (polyphenols), particularly if they are condensed tannins. In this case, however, the decrease in urea may be partly associated with the reduction of protein digestibility. In high-protein or low-energy diets, the detoxification capacity of ammonia in the liver may be insufficient: this is particularly risky during the breeding period because ammonia is toxic to embryos.

L’urea è un composto azotato presente nel sangue, nel latte e nelle urine dei ruminanti che si forma nel fegato principalmente a partire dall’ammoniaca derivante dalla fermentazione delle proteine alimentari nel rumine. In questo modo le cellule epatiche trasformano un prodotto tossico (l’ammoniaca) in uno che non lo è (l’urea). Tale trasformazione comporta un costo energetico per l’animale, che cresce all’aumentare delle concentrazioni di urea nel sangue e nel latte, che sono correlate tra loro. La concentrazione di urea nel latte è un indicatore sia della percentuale della proteina nella dieta che del rapporto tra proteina ed energia nella dieta. E’ anche un indicatore ambientale: infatti al crescere del livello di urea nel latte aumentano le escrezioni di N nelle urine. In generale diete iperproteiche determinano l’innalzamento della concentrazione di urea nel latte. Le diete bilanciate per gli apporti proteici ma che hanno una carenza di energia possono condurre ad alte concentrazioni di urea. Questa è la situazione più pericolosa per l’animale e più nociva per l’ambiente perché comporta un rilascio di N, senza alcun vantaggio produttivo.L'urea nel latte dipende anche da altri fattori alimentari: tende a crescere con la fermentescibilità delle proteine nel rumine e decresce se l’alimentazione contiene sostanze tanniche (polifenoli), particolarmente se si tratta di tannini condensati. In questo caso il calo dell’urea può essere in parte associato alla riduzione della digeribilità della proteina. In diete iperproteiche o povere di energia la capacità di detossificazione dell’ammoniaca nel fegato può essere insufficiente: questo è particolarmente grave nel periodo della monta perché l’ammoniaca è tossica per gli embrioni.

It is known that cows and small ruminants do not share the same type of strongylosis. Therefore, implementing a mixed grazing system by putting both species on the same plot could result in better control of parasites: as cows help ‘clear’ sheep of parasites, sheep will do the same for cows. This solution also reduces the number of treatments required during the production cycle. The decrease in egg excretion often exceeds 50% with some studies reporting a decrease of up to 75%. The effects are lasting, as sheep nematodes do not ‘adapt’ to cows. Two methods for implementing mixed grazing exist: by rotating sheep and cows on the same plot or by simultaneous grazing of both species, though the latter results in a higher animal density. A ratio close to parity in LSU is required for both species to benefit from this cleaning effect. Many authors have suggested the ideal ratio is one adult cow for five to six ewes. Mixed grazing whether simultaneous or rotating mainly benefits sheep: reports have shown a reduction of gastrointestinal strongyles infestations, a better growth of lambs and ewe replacements, but also an improvement of the plant cover and a more diverse and extensive use of plant varieties. Implementing this method requires a revaluation of livestock management, setting up the right fencing for both species on the pastures, and a stronger commitment on behalf of the farmer, who must attend to two productions. Yet with the benefits of a more diverse source of income.

Il est connu que les bovins et les petits ruminants ne partagent pas les mêmes espèces de strongles digestifs. Dès lors, un pâturage mixte bovins – ovins peut entrainer un meilleur contrôle de ces parasites. Les bovins assurent un « nettoyage » des parasites d’ovins et la réciproque est vraie également. Les réductions d’excrétion d’œufs sont régulièrement supérieures à 50 % et atteignent parfois 75% dans certaines études. Cet effet est durable dans le temps, car les nématodes d’ovins ne « s’adaptent » pas aux bovins. Il existe deux modalités d’application du pâturage mixte bovins – ovins : une alternance de bovins et d’ovins sur la même parcelle ou bien un pâturage mixte simultané des deux espèces. Dans ce dernier cas, le ratio nombre de bovins et d’ovins est important. Pour qu’un effet nettoyage réciproque soit conséquent, un ratio proche de la parité en UGB est requis. De nombreux auteurs indiquent un ratio optimal d’un bovin adulte pour 5 à 6 brebis. Le pâturage mixte, simultané ou en alternance, est très bénéfique aux ovins: meilleure croissance des agneaux et des agnelles de renouvellement, amélioration du couvert végétal, exploitation plus complète et plus diversifiée des variétés floristiques présentes. Cette technique nécessite toutefois une remise en question de la conduite d’élevage. L’installation de clôtures adéquates dans tous les sites où cette pratique va être installée représente une plus grande contrainte pour l’éleveur qui doit s’occuper de deux ateliers. En revanche, disposer de deux ateliers permet de diversifier les sources de revenus.

Replacement ewe lambs must become efficient ruminants with properly developed productive organs in a short period. Whilst rumen and papillae development is important, the growth of the udder secretory tissue should not be overlooked. Ideally, ewe lambs reach 20% of their adult weight at weaning, and 33% when they are two months old. As udder tissue starts to develop at 2–3 months of age, young ewes should be rationed accordingly: if their daily weight gain is too high (DWG> 170–180 g/d), they start to develop fat tissue in the udder instead of secreting tissue, which has a negative impact on future milk production. It is advised to limit ewe lambs to 600g of concentrate once they reach two month old. Adapting the feed intake to the udder tissues at key moments in a ewe's growth cycle helps the development of secreting tissue and ensures the future productive capacity of the animal. 

Les agnelles de renouvellement doivent, en peu de temps, devenir des ruminants efficaces avec des organes de production correctement développés. S’il y a un gros enjeu sur le développement du rumen et de ses papilles, il ne faut cependant pas négliger le développement du tissu sécréteur de la mamelle. Au sevrage, les agnelles ont atteint idéalement 20 % de leur poids adulte, à 2 mois elles doivent être à 33 %. à partir de cet âge, il est temps de rationner les quantités de concentrés des jeunes brebis, car c’est à cette période, entre 2 et 3 mois d’âge, que le tissu mammaire se développe. Si leur prise de poids quotidienne est trop élevée (GMQ > 170-180 g/j), elles vont développer du tissu adipeux (graisse) à la place du tissu sécréteur de la mamelle, ce qui aura un impact négatif sur le futur niveau de production laitière. Il est donc conseillé de rationner les agnelles à partir de 2 mois d’âge pour limiter à 600g le maximum d’aliment consommé. Cette adaptation des apports alimentaires aux tissus de la mamelle à des moments clés dans la croissance de la brebis permet de favoriser le développement du tissu sécréteur et assurer les futures capacités productives des brebis.

For this experiment, water meters were fitted in a dozen Lacaune sheep farms. The aim was to record the amount of water animals at different physiological stages drink (lactating ewes, pregnant ewes, ewe lambs)This study required two different types of rations: dry and wet feed. The first measurements were carried out during winter and summer to assess the impact of temperatures on production. For adult ewes, the level of consumption depended very much on their stage of production. In winter for instance, a highly productive ewe on dry feed will drink up to 10 L/day. In summer, the effect of the production level is still noticeable, but the temperature has a considerable effect on the animals’ water consumption, especially for those on dry feed. When temperatures go below 20°C or over 30°, daily water consumption can vary by 1.5 litres. Knowing the water consumption of your animals at different physiological stages can help you assess their needs in water –depending on the groups and animal categories–and if needed, regulate the amount of water available (e.g. high temperatures). Implementing this solution should help prevent a decrease in milk production due to water deficient ewes.

Des compteurs d’eau ont été installés dans une dizaine d’élevages ovins de race Lacaune, afin de mesurer les quantités d’eau bue par les animaux, de différentes catégories : brebis en lactation, brebis gestantes, agnelles.Deux types de rations ont composé cette étude, des rations sèches et des rations humides, avec des mesures en hiver puis en été pour regarder l’impact de la température. Les consommations varient fortement en fonction du niveau de production des brebis. Par exemple en hiver, les brebis produisant le plus de lait et recevant une ration sèche peuvent boire jusqu’à 10 litres d’eau par jour. En été, l’effet du niveau de production est toujours visible, mais la température a aussi un effet non négligeable notamment en ration sèche. Ainsi, il a été observé une différence de presque 1,5 litre d’eau consommée par jour entre des températures inférieures à 20 °C et supérieures à 30 °C et une production journalière moyenne d’1 litre. En ayant ces repères en tête, il est possible de calculer les besoins en eau des différents lots et catégories d’animaux et d’adapter, quand les températures l’exigent par exemple, la fourniture en eau. Mettre en place cette solution permet ainsi d’éviter les baisses de production dues à un déficit en eau des brebis.

HerbValo is a tool and a calculation method that estimates the quantity of grass really used on the pasture (in kg DM/ha/year). It enables the user to determine which practices have a positive or negative impact on the way grass is used (early grazing, etc.) regarding its potential. It combines plot mapping with a detailed grazing plan (differences between age groups are considered, including the suckling lambs), and also considers the feeding practices and the quantities of hay collected. Assessing the amount of grass used by the animals on the pasture should help the farmers gain confidence in their practices and provide them with some ideas on how to use their grass. Practitioners can use this tool to compare pasture use levels and production systems (sheep vs. cow, etc.), as an indicator for under/overgrazing and to assess the benefits of resources available on the pasture (leaves and young stems from shrubs).

HerbValo est un outil permettant d’estimer la quantité d’herbe réellement valorisée à l’échelle de la parcelle (en kg MS/ha/an). Cela permet de voir quelles pratiques peuvent impacter la valorisation de l’herbe de façon positive ou négative (déprimage précoce…). Cet outil associe le parcellaire et un planning de pâturage fin (prise en compte des différentes classes d’âges présentes dans le troupeau y compris agneaux non sevrés) et prend en compte toutes les pratiques d’affouragement ainsi que les quantités récoltées. Calculer la quantité d’herbe valorisée par le troupeau au pâturage, à l’échelle de chaque parcelle peut permettre de donner confiance aux éleveurs dans leurs pratiques et de fournir une base de réflexion pour mieux valoriser l’herbe. Cela peut permettre d’adapter la conduite de ses parcelles en comparant les niveaux de valorisation entre parcelles et les productions (ovins vs bovins), indiquer la présence ou non de sur/sous pâturage et d’évaluer l’intérêt de certaines ressources disponibles dans les parcelles (feuilles et jeunes tiges d’arbustes présentes dans les prairies).

As resistance (and multiple resistance) of gastrointestinal strongyles to treatments continues to increase, it becomes crucial to detect potential resistance to frequently used parasites control molecules in sheep farms. Coprological examination is carried out on two batches. The first acts as control group, where none of the animals are given any treatment. The second acts as test group, and receives a treatment based on the molecule you want to test. Fourteen days after the treatment (day 14), both groups’ faeces are collected directly from the animals’ rectum and individually conditioned/marked in small plastic bags. These samples are then sent to a lab that measures the eggs per gram (EPG) contained in the faeces. The potential decrease is calculated using a simple formula. If the percentage of reduction exceeds 95%, the tested anthelmintic molecule is considered efficient. If this percentage goes below 95%, resistance is suspected. The closer this percentage is to 0%, the stronger this suspicion is. This knowledge enables the farmer to adapt his pest control strategy by reasonably using a molecule proved to be efficient, or by changing the chemical family if the first one is inefficient.

Compte tenu de la multiplication des cas de résistance voire de multirésistance chez les strongles digestifs dans les exploitations ovines, il est nécessaire de dépister au plus tôt une résistance aux molécules antiparasitaires qu’on utilise régulièrement dans un élevage. Une analyse coprologique de mélange est réalisée sur 2 lots d’animaux. Le premier groupe sert de groupe témoin, les animaux de ce groupe ne sont pas traités. Les animaux du second lot sont tous traités avec la molécule dont on veut tester l’efficacité. 14 jours après le traitement (jour 14), les matières fécales des animaux des deux groupes sont prélevées directement dans le rectum et conditionnées/identifiées, de manière individuelle, dans de petits sachets plastiques. Ces échantillons sont ensuite envoyés au laboratoire qui se charge d’évaluer l’intensité d’excrétion d’œufs, exprimée en œufs par gramme de matières fécales (OPG). On estime ensuite la réduction de l’intensité d’excrétion d’œufs dans les matières fécales. Si ce pourcentage de réduction est supérieur à 95 %, alors on considère que la molécule anthelminthique testée est efficace. Si ce pourcentage est inférieur à 95 %, il y a une suspicion de résistance. Cette suspicion est d’autant plus forte que la réduction observée est proche de 0 %. Cette connaissance permet d’adapter sa stratégie de contrôle antiparasitaire, soit en continuant d’utiliser de façon raisonnée une molécule si elle s’est révélée encore efficace, soit de changer de famille de molécule si la première se montre inefficace.

This solution provides solutions for early detection and treatment of nematodirus. SCOPs (Sustainable Control of Parasites) webpage contains a range of tools and information associated with the detection, control and treatment of various internal and external parasites. In particular, the 'Nematodirus forecast (UK based)' and the 'Know your anthelmintics” publication are two features of this internet site that are useful for farmers. To implement, you need to assess the risk of nematodirus using the local weather forecast data and other information in conjunction with the grazing history of your farm. If treatment is required consult “Know your anthelmintics” guide and other literature available on the webpage.Expected benefits: Identifying when different groups of lambs are at risk of nematodirus. Forecast predicts nematodirus hatch date to allow appropriate action to be taken on farm. SCOPs also provides an overview of appropriate products available to use for treating nematodirus (as well as treatment options for other internal and external parasites).Prerequisites and/or limits:Main limiting factor, at the moment, is that this particular forecast is set up for the UK, although potentially could be adapted to allow implementation in other countries; Access to local weather data; Knowledge of grazing history; Farmers should be aware of how to administer treatment effectively; Good handling facilities.

This solution provides solutions for early detection and treatment of nematodirus. SCOPs (Sustainable Control of Parasites) webpage contains a range of tools and information associated with the detection, control and treatment of various internal and external parasites. In particular, the 'Nematodirus forecast (UK based)' and the 'Know your anthelmintics” publication are two features of this internet site that are useful for farmers. To implement, you need to assess the risk of nematodirus using the local weather forecast data and other information in conjunction with the grazing history of your farm. If treatment is required consult “Know your anthelmintics” guide and other literature available on the webpage.Expected benefits: Identifying when different groups of lambs are at risk of nematodirus. Forecast predicts nematodirus hatch date to allow appropriate action to be taken on farm. SCOPs also provides an overview of appropriate products available to use for treating nematodirus (as well as treatment options for other internal and external parasites).Prerequisites and/or limits:Main limiting factor, at the moment, is that this particular forecast is set up for the UK, although potentially could be adapted to allow implementation in other countries; Access to local weather data; Knowledge of grazing history; Farmers should be aware of how to administer treatment effectively; Good handling facilities.

This solution provides a flock health planning system that allows targets to be set and performance to be reviewed annually and compared to previous years. It is an online web based health planning system that can be accessed by the flock owner and their vet. The system has 15 steps divided into 4 main sections:Data collectionProblem analysisAction plansSummary of outputsTo implement, your veterinary practice has to register to use the system, and training (in English) is available. Expected benefits:Ability to generate reports to compare year on year flock performance.Ability to benchmark against other data in the system with filters to allow comparisons between similar enterprises within local geographic region. Prerequisites and/or limits:Reliant on accurate and ongoing data entry.Access to the system is free to veterinary practices in Scotland. Practices outwith Scotland pay an annual subscription.A reliable internet connection is required.An app has been created for beef cattle and one is planned for sheep.

This solution provides a flock health planning system that allows targets to be set and performance to be reviewed annually and compared to previous years. It is an online web based health planning system that can be accessed by the flock owner and their vet. The system has 15 steps divided into 4 main sections:Data collectionProblem analysisAction plansSummary of outputsTo implement, your veterinary practice has to register to use the system, and training (in English) is available. Expected benefits:Ability to generate reports to compare year on year flock performance.Ability to benchmark against other data in the system with filters to allow comparisons between similar enterprises within local geographic region. Prerequisites and/or limits:Reliant on accurate and ongoing data entry.Access to the system is free to veterinary practices in Scotland. Practices outwith Scotland pay an annual subscription.A reliable internet connection is required.An app has been created for beef cattle and one is planned for sheep.

This solution presents are series of resources available in the UK which set out the ewe nutritional requirements, simplifying feed planning. provides nutritional guidance on key periods in the ewe’s production cycle:Weaning – matingMating – end of third month of pregnancyFinal two months of pregnancyFeeding period lambing- weaning (lactation)Replacement ewe nutrition Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) produced a ewe nutrition timeline designed to help farmers understand the nutritional requirements of their ewes throughout the year using condition scoring to ensure their requirements are being met. Nutritional software catered to Sheep nutrition is limited in the UK, Feedbyte® is the only rationing tool available in the UK that offers a sheep package and it is charged on an annual licence fee. However, altough 'Feeding the ewe' provides a lot of information, it is not always particularly farmer friendly. Feedbyte Rationing software is not free to use and training would be required.

This solution presents are series of resources available in the UK which set out the ewe nutritional requirements, simplifying feed planning. provides nutritional guidance on key periods in the ewe’s production cycle:Weaning – matingMating – end of third month of pregnancyFinal two months of pregnancyFeeding period lambing- weaning (lactation)Replacement ewe nutrition Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) produced a ewe nutrition timeline designed to help farmers understand the nutritional requirements of their ewes throughout the year using condition scoring to ensure their requirements are being met. Nutritional software catered to Sheep nutrition is limited in the UK, Feedbyte® is the only rationing tool available in the UK that offers a sheep package and it is charged on an annual licence fee. However, altough 'Feeding the ewe' provides a lot of information, it is not always particularly farmer friendly. Feedbyte Rationing software is not free to use and training would be required.

Quanitifying grass can be difficult and cannot be done just by eye. However the use of the sward stick and platemeter tools can help. With a sward stick and board:- a ruler and compression board measure grass heights, the ruler contains a conversion table from cm to kg/dry matter per hectare; With a platemeter:- A manual or electronic device is used to calculate the density of the sward and converts it to a kg/dry matter per hectare measurement. Walk the field in a W-shape taking your board and sward stick or Platemeter. Simply implement by putting the board on the sward to compress the grass, put the sward stick against and take the reading. The more times you measure in the field the better the average. The sward stick has 5 different calibrations. Spring, late spring, summer, autumn, winter take the reading at the time of year measured. Optimum grazing zone is 8cm and 4cm for sheep with lambs at foot. The platemeters do the measurements for you, most electronic platemeters require 30 plonks (measurements) per field to give you the average. Depending on the model, some save the result automatically and others you have to manually record.Sward stick and platemeters measure grass supply in kg of dry matter and from that value we can find out how much of grass can meet the demand of stock. Being able to quantify grass in kg dry matter allows the correct stocking rate to be set and accurate feed budgeting to occur. Measuring grass also helps improve grassland management practices.

Quanitifying grass can be difficult and cannot be done just by eye. However the use of the sward stick and platemeter tools can help. With a sward stick and board:- a ruler and compression board measure grass heights, the ruler contains a conversion table from cm to kg/dry matter per hectare; With a platemeter:- A manual or electronic device is used to calculate the density of the sward and converts it to a kg/dry matter per hectare measurement. Walk the field in a W-shape taking your board and sward stick or Platemeter. Simply implement by putting the board on the sward to compress the grass, put the sward stick against and take the reading. The more times you measure in the field the better the average. The sward stick has 5 different calibrations. Spring, late spring, summer, autumn, winter take the reading at the time of year measured. Optimum grazing zone is 8cm and 4cm for sheep with lambs at foot. The platemeters do the measurements for you, most electronic platemeters require 30 plonks (measurements) per field to give you the average. Depending on the model, some save the result automatically and others you have to manually record.Sward stick and platemeters measure grass supply in kg of dry matter and from that value we can find out how much of grass can meet the demand of stock. Being able to quantify grass in kg dry matter allows the correct stocking rate to be set and accurate feed budgeting to occur. Measuring grass also helps improve grassland management practices.

The aim of the TST is to reduce anthelminthic resistance by only treating animals which need it. An algorithm (“Happy Factor”) calculates the individual animal target weight every month, based on its previous weight and the amount of grass available to eat during that period. The treatment of animal is based on the animal reaching its individual target weight or not. At handling time, the animal weight is compared to its calculated target weight: a) if its weight > its target weight, animal does not get treated; or b) if its weight < its target weight, animal gets treatment, and the treated animal also gets a dose adjusted to its weight (small lamb – small dose, big lamb – full dose). Expected benefits: The animal growth is not compromised by the lack of treatment, the resistance to anthelmintic treatment is slowed down, the amount of product used, and time spent treating the animals can be reduced by up to 40%.There are however some prerequisites:- The animal needs to be weighed regularly, ideally with an EID crate with a Tru-Test weigh head- The grass availability needs to be measured regularly- The lambs’ weights need to be sent to researchers to obtain the target weights, but there is a TST farmer-friendly platform that is currently being developed to make the algorithm directly accessible to farmers.

The aim of the TST is to reduce anthelminthic resistance by only treating animals which need it. An algorithm (“Happy Factor”) calculates the individual animal target weight every month, based on its previous weight and the amount of grass available to eat during that period. The treatment of animal is based on the animal reaching its individual target weight or not. At handling time, the animal weight is compared to its calculated target weight: a) if its weight > its target weight, animal does not get treated; or b) if its weight < its target weight, animal gets treatment, and the treated animal also gets a dose adjusted to its weight (small lamb – small dose, big lamb – full dose). Expected benefits: The animal growth is not compromised by the lack of treatment, the resistance to anthelmintic treatment is slowed down, the amount of product used, and time spent treating the animals can be reduced by up to 40%.There are however some prerequisites:- The animal needs to be weighed regularly, ideally with an EID crate with a Tru-Test weigh head- The grass availability needs to be measured regularly- The lambs’ weights need to be sent to researchers to obtain the target weights, but there is a TST farmer-friendly platform that is currently being developed to make the algorithm directly accessible to farmers.

On 4 November 2021, in Cuzance (Lot region), the 3rd French national workshop of the EuroSheep project brought together 28 participants - farmers, technicians, veterinarians and researchers. From a pre-selection of innovative solutions among the 92 identified during the 2nd stage of the project, which ended last June, the participants selected the 10 most interesting, which they would like to see adapted or tested in French farms. In the coming months, these solutions will be evaluated on their economic, environmental and social aspects.
The solutions chosen by the group are 
- Inclusion and management of Sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) medik.) in forage systems
- Use of portable IR technology to assess forage value
- Renewal ewe lamb management strategy for 1 year old lambing
- Renewal animal management tool
- Progressive weaning protocol for lambs
- Booklet on how to recognise lameness
- Use of targeted-selective treatment for ewe lambs
- Recommendations for interpretation of urea concentration in ewe's milk
- Foot bath recommendations, design and use
- Clostridia and pasteurella management and vaccination

Then, 8 tips and tricks to be implemented to facilitate nutrition or health management were identified to be shared with our European neighbours during the 4th international workshop next June.
In the afternoon, a visit was made to the Gaec de Négelle, pilot farm in the Robustagno EIP Operational Group.

Le 4 novembre 2021, à Cuzance dans le Lot, le 3e atelier national du projet EuroSheep a réuni 28 participants éleveurs, techniciens, vétérinaires et chercheurs. A partir d’une présélection de solutions innovantes parmi les 92 identifiées lors de la 2e étape du projet qui s’est achevée en juin dernier, les participants ont sélectionné les 10 plus intéressantes, qu’ils souhaiteraient voir adapter ou tester dans des élevages français. Dans les prochains mois, ces solutions seront évaluées sur leurs aspects économiques, environnementaux et sociaux.
Les solutions choisies par le groupe sont : 
• Inclusion et gestion du Sulla (Sulla coronaria (L.) medik.) dans les systèmes fourragers
• Utilisation d’une technologie IR portative pour évaluer la valeur des fourrages
• Stratégie de gestion des agnelles de renouvellement pour un agnelage à 1 an
• Outil de gestion des animaux de renouvellement
• Protocole de sevrage progressif pour agneaux
• Livret expliquant comment reconnaître la boiterie
• Emploi d’un traitement ciblé-sélectif pour les agnelles
• Recommandations pour l’interprétation de la concentration d’urée dans le lait de brebis
• Recommandations, conception et utilisation du pédiluve
• Gestion et vaccination contre les clostridies et les pasteurelles

Ensuite, 8 trucs et astuces à mettre en place pour faciliter la conduite de l’alimentation ou de la santé ont été identifiés pour les partager avec nos voisins européens lors du 4e atelier international en juin prochain.
L’après-midi a été l’occasion d’une visite d’élevage au Gaec de Négelle, chez Adrien et René Barre, élevages pilotes dans le Groupe Opérationnel Robustagno.

On the 25th November 2020, both H2020 Thematic Network projects EuroSheep and Euraknos held an online meeting to cross-exchange experience and knowledge. The EuroSheep partners and 2 Euraknos partners participated to the activity. The main theme was on 'assessing communication needs in a thematic network - which tools for which needs'. Three interactive sessions were held between the participants: 1) sharing and dissemination; 2) good practices for dissemination; 3) measuring impacts. Amongst the good practices for dissemination, the idea of having farmers presenting the project and results was highlighted. Regarding impacts, having a series of podcasts showing the start, maintenance and final results of projects was mentioned as a worthy vehicle for uptake. Likewise, the idea of having ratings or 'similar' solutions on the knoweldge reservoirs was identified by participants as ideas worth pursuing. Finally, agriculture knowledge transfer in time of Covid was discussed, with special mention to the NEFERTITI and FarmDemo projects. Overall the cross-exchange was fruiful and will help EuroSheep in its dissemination activities. These cross-exchanges between H2020 Thematic Networks are useful activities to feed on and share experience across European projects.

On the 25th November 2020, both H2020 Thematic Network projects EuroSheep and Euraknos held an online meeting to cross-exchange experience and knowledge. The EuroSheep partners and 2 Euraknos partners participated to the activity. The main theme was on 'assessing communication needs in a thematic network - which tools for which needs'. Three interactive sessions were held between the participants: 1) sharing and dissemination; 2) good practices for dissemination; 3) measuring impacts. Amongst the good practices for dissemination, the idea of having farmers presenting the project and results was highlighted. Regarding impacts, having a series of podcasts showing the start, maintenance and final results of projects was mentioned as a worthy vehicle for uptake. Likewise, the idea of having ratings or 'similar' solutions on the knoweldge reservoirs was identified by participants as ideas worth pursuing. Finally, agriculture knowledge transfer in time of Covid was discussed, with special mention to the NEFERTITI and FarmDemo projects. Overall the cross-exchange was fruiful and will help EuroSheep in its dissemination activities. These cross-exchanges between H2020 Thematic Networks are useful activities to feed on and share experience across European projects.

To prepare the first TransNational WorkShop in the best conditions, due to the covid situation and the obligation to organise it online with a short duration, EuroSheep organised a preparatory workshop the 18th November 2020. This European Scientific and Technical Working Group gathered 35 experts (scientists, veterinarians, advisors) from the 8 countries of the consortium. The objectives of this meeting were to analyse the results of the survey on the needs and issues for the European and Turkish stakeholders and to prepare the presentation of those needs during the TNWS. This workshop was also a first international event fostering exchange between stakeholders from each country.
Scientists and advisors exchanged during a 3 hours workshop on issues and needs of farmers regarding sheep health, sheep nutrition and management to better understand those needs regarding the contexts of sheep production in the different countries. They prepared the elements to be presented during the TNWS that took place the 16th December 2020.

Pour préparer le premier atelier international dans les meilleures conditions, au regard de la situation sanitaire et de l'obligation de l'organiser en ligne avec une durée courte, EuroSheep a organisé un atelier préparatoire le 18 novembre 2020. Ce groupe de travail scientifique et technique européen a réuni 35 experts (scientifiques, vétérinaires, conseillers) des 8 pays du consoritum. Les objectifs de cette réunion étaient d'analyser les résultats de l'enquête sur les besoins et les enjeux pour les éleveurs européens et turcs et de préparer la présentation de ces besoins lors de l'atelier international. Ce roupe de travail était également un premier événement international créant de l'échange entre les acteurs de chacun des pays du projet.
Les scientifiques et les conseillers ont échangé pendant un atelier de 3 heures sur les questions et les besoins des éleveurs en matière de pilotage de la santé et de l'alimentation des troupeaux ovins afin de mieux comprendre ces besoins suivant les contextes de production dans les différents pays. Ils ont préparé les éléments qui ont été présentés lors du l'atelier international EuroSheep du 16 décembre 2020.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way Spanish farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. In Spain, a total of 122 people answered, being the contribution of farmers and contracted workers 58% of the total participants, followed by veterinarians, 30%, and to a lesser extent advisers, 7%, and teachers and students. The information sources used and in descending order were: 1) training courses for professionals, 2) veterinarians, 3) peer to peer, 4) web pages on agricultural issues, 5) congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, 6) advisers, technicians, consultants, 7) agricultural press, 8) scientific articles, 9) sheep shows and agricultural events, 10) commercial, sales technicians, 11) social networks, 12) discussion groups, 13) farm open days. However there are differences between professional profiles. Thus, while for farmers the most used channels are 1) between farmers, 2) veterinarians, and 3) training courses, for consultants the most important channel is from veterinarians. In turn, veterinarians mentioned courses for professionals and congresses, workshops and seminars. This information is extremely important in order to prepare the dissemination of the project, with the aim that the material reaches the highest number professionals working in the sheep sector in Spain.

El consorcio europeo EuroSheep realizó una encuesta online en mayo-julio de 2020 en la que se solicitaba a los profesionales del sector que contestaran sobre los canales de comunicación más habitualmente utilizados. En España, respondieron un total de 122 personas, siendo la aportación de ganaderos y trabajadores asalariados el 58% del total de participantes, seguido por los veterinarios, 30%, y en menor medida asesores, 7%, y profesores y estudiantes. Las fuentes de información utilizadas y por orden descendente fueron : 1) cursos de formación para profesionales, 2) veterinarios, 3) entre ganaderos, 4) páginas web sobre temas agrarios, 5) congresos, jornadas, seminarios, talleres, 6) asesores, técnicos, consultores, 7) Prensa agraria, 8) artículos científicos, 9) Ferias de ganado ovino y agrícolas, 10) comerciales, técnicos de ventas, 11) redes sociales, 12) grupos de discusión, 13) Jornadas de puertas abiertas en granjas. Si bien es cierto que hay diferencias entre perfiles profesionales. Así, mientras que para los ganaderos las más utilizadas son 1) entre ganaderos, 2) veterinarios, y 3) cursos de formación, para los asesores la vía más importante es la de los veterinarios. A su vez, para los veterinarios son los cursos para profesionales y los congresos, jornadas y seminarios. Esta información es sumamente importante de cara a preparar la difusión del proyecto, con el objetivo de que el material llegue al mayor número de profesionales españoles que trabajan en el sector ovino.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium on the main needs regarding flock and sheep management. A total of 122 people responded to the survey in Spain, from which 53 farmers were related to the dairy sector and 16 to the meat sector. Farmers represented the diversity of production systems existing in Spain, although the semi-intensive and semi-extensive systems were the majority (38 and 28%, respectively) followed by transhumant flocks (16%), extensive (12%) and supervized grazing (6%). Regarding the productivity of the flocks, they covered a wide range, but most of the dairy flocks (71%) were over 200 l / sheep, and 29% were between 200 and 250 l / sheep. In terms of the number of lambs produced per ewe, 42% of the flocks produce between 1.21 and 1.40 lambs per ewe, but there are differences between the meat and dairy farms: 64% of the meat flocks are in the range of 1.01-1.20, and dairy flocks, 46% in the majority range. The 5 most important needs identified are: management of the facilities (ventilation, temperature, space ,.), flock health plan, management of outdoors welfare, feeding distribution management and formulation of the ration. The results were shared within the international consortium, in order to identify solutions, tips and tricks and best practices to be proposed to solve the needs identified by Spanish farmers.

El consorcio europeo EuroSheep realizó una encuesta en línea en mayo-julio de 2020. Un total de 122 personas contestaron a la encuesta sobre necesidades respecto al manejo de los rebaños, de entre ellos 53 ganaderos trabajaban en el sector leche y 16 en el de carne. Los productores representan al total de los sistemas de producción existentes, si bien los sistemas semi-intensivo y semiextensivo son los mayoritariamente representados, 38 y 28%, respectivamente, seguido de los rebaños transhumantes 16%, extensivos 12% y pastoreados 6%. Respecto a la productividad de los rebaños de los encuestados, abarcan un amplio abanico de resultados, pero la mayor parte de los rebaños lecheros, 71% superan los 200 l/oveja. y el 29% de los rebaños están entre 200 y 250 l/ovejas. En términos de número de corderos producidos por oveja, el 42% de los rebaños producen entre 1,21 y 1,40 corderos por oveja, pero existen diferencias entre los rebaños de carne y leche, el 64% de los rebaños de carne están en el rango de 1,01-1,20, y los rebaños lecheros, el 46% en el rango mayoritario. Las 5 necesidades más importantes identificadas son: manejo de las instalaciones (ventilación, temperatura, espacio,.), plan sanitario del rebaño, gestón del bienestar exterior, manejo de la distribución del alimento y formulación de la ración. Los Los resultados se pusieron en común con los del consorción internacional, donde se deberán proponer soluciones, trucos y/o buenas prácticas que permitan resolver las necesidades identificadas por los ganaderos españoles.

The European consortium EuroSheep conducted a survey in May-July 2020 targeting sheep farmers and other stakeholders, with a total of 122 respondents in Spain answering to the main needs regarding sheep health management. The contribution of farners and salaried workers represented 58% of the total participants, followed by veterinarians, 30%, and to a lesser extent advisers, 7%, and others. Respondents were asked to rank in decreasing order of importance the top 5 health problems for a) adult ewes and replacement lambs, and b) lambs. For adult sheep and replacement lambs, the top 5 needs are: clostridial diseases, mastitis, internal parasites, respiratory problems and lameness. In the case of lambs, the main difficulties have been: neonatal diseases, coccidiosis, respiratory problems, sudden death of the lambs and other internal parasites. In the needs reflected in the sheep, there are slight differences between farmers; for dairy sheep farmers, mastitis and lameness are very important, whereas for meat producers, external parasites are more relevant. Regarding the case of lambs, farmers agreed on the needs independent on the farming orientation. The results were shared within the EuroSheep international consortium, where solutions should be proposed to the problems identified by Spanish farmers.

El consorcio europeo EuroSheep realizó una encuesta en línea en mayo-julio de 2020. Un total de 122 personas contestaron a la encuesta sobre necesidades de salud del rebaño. La aportación de ganaderos y trabajadores asalariados representó el 58% del total de participantes, seguido por los veterinarios, 30%, y en menor medida asesores, 7%, y otros. Se pidió a los encuestados que clasficaran en orden de importancia, de mayor a menor, los 5 principales problemas de salud para a) ovejas y corderas de reposición, y b) cordeos. Para las ovejas y la reposición, las 5 necesidades más importantes son: las enfermedades clostridiales, las mamitis, los parásitos internos los problemas respiratorios y las cojeras. En el caso de los corderos las máximas dificultades reseñadas han sido: las enfermedades del neonato, la coccidiosis, los problemas respiratorios, la muerte súbita de los corderos y otas parasitosis internas. En las necesidades reflejadas en las ovejas, existen ligeras diferencias entre ganaderos; en leche, mamitis y cojeras son muy importantes y en carne, los parásitos externos cobran mayor relevancia; mientras que en el caso de los corderos el consenso es total. Los resultados se pusieron en común con los del consorción internacional, donde se deberán proponer soluciones, trucos y/o buenas prácticas que permitan resolver las necesidades identificadas por los ganaderos españoles.

The European consortium EuroSheep conducted an online survey in May-July 2020. A total of 122 people responded in Spain to the requirements regarding sheep nutrition . The contribution of farmers and salaried workers represented 58% of the total participants, followed by veterinarians, 30%, and to a lesser extent advisers, 7%, and others. Respondents were asked to rank in decreasing order of importance to the top 5 feeding requirements for a) sheep, b) lambs and c) replacement lambs. For sheep, the 5 most important needs are: higher knowledge about nutritional needs, pasture and grazing management, the forage / concentrate ratio in the diet, the nutritional value of the forage and the conservation of the forage produced. For lambs, they were: better knowledge of nutritional requirements, lamb performance targets from birth to weaning , post-weaning management and adaptation to the new feeding regimen, the efficiency of concentrate feeding, and ad libitum concentrate feeding systems. Finally, for replacement lambs, the priorities are: knowledge of the nutrition requirements of the replacement lambs in the different stages of development, setting growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, the nutrition needs for the 1st lactation and the sub-optimal development of ewes that lambed young. The results reflect slight differences between the meat and dairy sheep sector, and are the result of the different feeding resources and practices they use. The results were shared within the EuroSheep international consortium, where solutions should be proposed to the problems identified by Spanish farmers.

El consorcio europeo EuroSheep realizó una encuesta en mayo-julio de 2020, a la que respondieron un total de 122 personas en España sobre las necesidades de alimentación del rebaño. La aportación de ganaderos y trabajadores asalariados representó el 58% del total de participantes, seguido por veterinarios (30%), y asesores (7%), y otros. Se pidió a los encuestados que clasficaran en orden decreciente de importancia los 5 principales problemas de alimentación para a) ovejas, b) cordeos y c) corderas de reposición. Para las ovejas las 5 necesidades más importantes son: el conocimiento sobre necesidades nutricionales, el manejo de pastizales y pastoreo, la relación forraje/concentrado en la dieta, el valor nutricional del forraje y la conservación del forraje producido. Para los corderos: el conocimiento sobre las necesidades nutricionales, los objetivos de crecimiento de los corderos hasta el destete, el manejo postdestete y adaptación al nuevo régimen de alimentación, la eficiencia de la alimentación con concentrado, y los sistemas de alimentación con concentrado ad libitum. Finalmente para las corderas de reposición las prioridades son: el conocimiento sobre las necesidades nutricionales en diferentes etapas de crrecimiento, los objetivos de crecimiento y necesiddades nutricionales para lograr el primer parto con 1 año de edad, las necesidades nutricionales para la 1ª lactación y el desarrollo deficiente de las ovejas que han parido jóvenes. Los resultados reflejan ligeras diferencias entre el sector carne y leche, y son derivadas del tipo de alimentación que utilizan. Los resultados se pusieron en común en el consorció internacional, donde se deberán proponer soluciones a los problemas identificados por los ganaderos españoles

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management.. These results are helpful to inform the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many hungarian stakeholders as possible can be reached.

Az EuroSheep konzorciuma által 2020. május-júniusban végzett felmérés a gazdák, érdekelt felek információ gyűjtési szokásit vizsgálta, elemezte a juhok takarmáynozásával, egészségügyével és a menedzsment témakörökben. Ezek az eredmények fontosak a projekt tudáscsere- és terjesztés stratégiájához, annak érdekében, hogy minél több magyar érdekelthez eljusthassanak az információk.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. The 5 most important needs based on the hungarian participants answers were, 1) flock health plan; 2) anthelminthic management; 3) outdoor welfare management; 4) sheep shed management; 5) feeding/distribution management. Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in Hungary.

Egy online felmérés készült 2020. május és július között a gazdák és egyéb szakemberek igényeinek feltárásának érdekében a juh ágazat menedzsmentjével kapcsolatban. Az 5 legfontosabb probléma, a magyar résztvevők válaszai alapján a következő témakörökben jelentkezett: 1) a nyáj állattegészségügyi terve; 2) parazita elleni kezelések; 3) hodályon kívüli technológia; 4) hodályon belüli technológia; 5) takarmányozási problémák.Ezen az eredmények és ismeretek alapján fognak a projekt keretein belül megoldásokat, tippeket és trükköket javasolni a konzorcium összes országából a magyar gazdák valós igényeinek kielégítésére.

Following the online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) the lambs. Based on the hungarian participants answers the 5 most important needs for the ewe and replacement were 1)internal parasites, 2)lameness, 3)external parasites, 4)lack of suitable veterinary or advisory services and 5)digestive disorders. For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were 1)internal parasites, 2)neonatal diseases, 3)acute death, 4)sores and blisters, and 5)coccidiossis. This exercise was important for the project, and will allow the consortium to propose solutions and tips and tricks to the hungarian farmers, that correspond to their particular needs.

Az EuroSheep konzorciuma által 2020. május-júliusban kiadott felmérés alapján azonosításra kerültek a gazdák és egyéb szakemberek juh egészségüggyel kapcsolatos igényei. A válaszadókat arra kérték, hogy rangsorolják, a legfontosabbtól, a legkevésbé fontosig az 5 fő állategészségügyi kihívást a) a felnőtt juhoknál és növendékeknél, valamint b) a bárányoknál. A magyar résztvevők válaszai felnőtt és növendék állatok esetében az 5 legfontosabb probléma a 1)belső élősködők, 2)sántaság, 3)külső élősködők, 4)a megfelelő állatorvosi ellátás és tanácsadói hálózat hiánya, valamint 5)az emésztési zavarok voltak. Kifejezetten a bárányok esetében a válaszadók problémái a 1)belső élésködők, 2)a fitalkori megbetegedések, 3)Clostridium okozta hirtelen halál, 4)varas szájfájás és 5)a Kokcidiózis voltak. Ez a felmérés fontos volt a projekt szempontjából, hiszen ez alapján fog tudni a konzorcium megoldásokat, tippeket és trükköket javasolni kifejezetten a magyar gazdák igényeinek megfelelően.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. Based on the hungarian answers the 5 most important needs for the ewes were the 1)knowledge of ewe nutrition requirements, 2)grassland and grazing management, 3)forage feed value, 4)consere forage production and 5)minerals and vitamins supplementation. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were the 1)lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, 2)concentrate feed efficiency, 3)knoweldge of lamb nutrtion requirements, 4)growth targets for fattening lambs and 5)post-weaning management. Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were 1) growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, 2) weaning transition management, 3) grazing management, 4)knowledge of nutrition requirements in different stages of development and 5) forage and grass availability. These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level, which, in turn, will propose collectively solutions and tips and tricks to the hungarian farmers, accordingly to their particular needs.

Az EuroSheep konzorcium által 2020. május-júliusban végzett onlline felmérés keretén belül a gazdák és egyéb szakemberek juh takarmányozással kapcsolatos igényei kerültek felmérésre. A válaszadókat arra kérték, hogy rangsorolják az 5 fő takarmányozási problémát a legfontosabbtól a legkevésbé fontosig az a)az anya juhoknál, b)bárányoknál és c)toklyóknál. A magyar résztvevők válaszai alapján anya juhoknál az 5 legfontosabb igény a következő témakörökben merült fel: 1)az anya juhok takarmány szükségletének ismerete, 2)gyep-és legelőgazdálkodás, 3)szálastakarmány minősége, 4)szálastakarmány termelés és 5)az ásványianyag és vitamin kiegészítés. A bárányoknál az 5 legfontosabb probléma a következő: 1)a bárány növekedési teljesítménye a születéstől a választásig, 2)takarmányhasznosítás, 3)bárányok takarmányigényének ismerete, 4)hízlalási végcél, vágóhídi kor és testtömeg és a 5)választást követő takarmányozás. Végezetül pedig az 5 fő probléma a toklyóknál: 1) megfelelő fejlettségi szint elérése az első ellésre egy éves korra 2) választáskori takarmányváltás 3) legelőgazdálkodás 4) tápanyagigény pontos ismerete a fejlődés különböző fázisaiban és 5)elegendő mennyiségű szálastakarmány és gyep. Ezek az azonosított problémák összegyűjtésre kerülnek a konzorcium szintjén, ahol együttesen javaslatokat, valamint tippeket és trükköket fognak javasolni a magyar gazdáknak, a saját szükségleteik alapján.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way Italian farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Out of 179 respondents, 43% were farmers, 39% were advisors or vets and the other 18% were researchers, teachers, students or others. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance for farmers: 1) consultants and advisors, 2) vets, 3) open days, 4) farming websites, 5) farming press, 6) congress, seminars and workshops, 7) professional learning, 8) peer-to-peer, 9) social media, 10) discussion groups, 11) agricultural shows, 12) Scientific press, 13) technical sales. Some differences were found according to the respondents' profiles but not so important. For example for advisors and vets the 3 main sources were: consultants and advisors, professional learning and vets. These results are helpful to inform about the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many Italian stakeholders as possible can be reached.

Il sondaggio online condotto nel maggio-luglio 2020 dal consorzio EuroSheep ha valutato il modo in cui gli allevatori italiani e altri professionisti ottengono le loro informazioni sulla nutrizione, la salute e la gestione degli ovini. Su 179 intervistati, il 43% erano allevatori, il 39% erano consulenti o veterinari e l'altro 18% erano ricercatori, insegnanti, studenti o altro. Nel complesso, le principali fonti di informazione sono state, in ordine di importanza per gli allevatori: 1) consulenti e tecnici, 2) veterinari, 3) giornate aperte, 4) siti web dell'agricoltura, 5) stampa agricola, 6) congressi, seminari e workshop, 7 ) apprendimento professionale, 8) peer-to-peer, 9) social media, 10) gruppi di discussione, 11) fiere agricole, 12) stampa scientifica, 13) venditori tecnici. Alcune differenze sono state riscontrate in base ai profili degli intervistati, ma non così importanti. Ad esempio, per consulenti e veterinari le 3 fonti principali erano: consulenti e tecnici, formazione professionale e veterinari. Questi risultati sono utili per informare sullo scambio di conoscenze del progetto e la strategia di disseminazione, in modo da raggiungere il maggior numero possibile di stakeholder italiani.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs of Italian farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 179 people responded, 43% (77) were farmers (owners or farm workers). Over 90% of farmers were dairy sheep farmers and 82% of them were from semi-extensive or semi-intensive systems. The most represented breed was sarda breed (90%). 
The most represented flock size classes were: 101-200 animals (22%); 501-1000 animals (20%); 201-300 animals (19%), 301-400 (13%). The 5 most important needs about sheep farm management were, as ranked by the farmers: 1) flock health plan, 2) ration formulation - based on forage availability, quality, 3) outdoor welfare management, 4) Anthelmintic management, 5) Sheep shed management.
Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in Italy.

Nel periodo maggio-luglio 2020 è stato condotto un sondaggio online per acquisire le esigenze degli allevatori italiani e di altri professionisti in materia di gestione degli ovini. Hanno risposto 179 persone, il 43% (77) erano allevatori (proprietari o lavoratori agricoli). Oltre il 90% degli allevatori intervistati avevano ovini da latte e l'82% delle risposte proveniva da sistemi semi-estensivi o semi-intensivi. La razza più rappresentata era la razza Sarda (90%). Le classi di dimensione del gregge più rappresentate sono state: 101-200 animali (22%); 501-1000 animali (20%); 201-300 animali (19%), 301-400 (13%). Le 5 esigenze più importanti sulla gestione dell'allevamento ovino erano, secondo la classificazione degli allevatori: 1) piano sanitario del gregge, 2) formulazione della razione - basata sulla disponibilità di foraggio, qualità, 3) gestione del benessere all'aperto, 4) gestione antielmintica, 5) stalla per pecore gestione. Sulla base di questi risultati e conoscenze, il progetto fornirà soluzioni pratiche e suggerimenti, da tutti i paesi del consorzio, per rispondere alle reali esigenze degli agricoltori in Italia.

The online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 by EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management. A total of 179 people from Italy responded, of them 77 farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) lambs. For the ewe and replacement, the most important needs were: 1) mastitis (eg Clinical or subclinical, high somatic cell count), 2) lameness (e.g. footrot, CODD, scald, etc.), 3) Internal parasitism (e.g. Liver Fluke, Dicrocelium, Estrongilidos, Moniezia, Haemonchus, Coccidiosis, Cryptosporidiosis, worms, etc.), 4) Clostridial disease (e.g. pulpy kidney, braxy, blackleg), 5) respiratory problems (eg pneumonia, coughing). For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were, in order of importance: 1) neonatal diseases, 2) other internal parasitism, 3) coccidiosis, 4) acute death of lambs, 5) lameness. These needs will be the basis for the development of solutions and tips and tricks to propose to Italian farmers in order to face their particular needs.

Il sondaggio online è stato condotto nel maggio-luglio 2020 dal consorzio EuroSheep per acquisire le esigenze degli allevatori e di altri professionisti in materia di gestione della salute degli ovini. Hanno risposto 179 persone provenienti dall'Italia, di cui 77 allevatori. Agli intervistati è stato chiesto di classificare, dal più importante al meno importante, i 5 principali problemi di sanità dell’allevamento riguardanti a) le pecore adulte e la rimonta e b) gli agnelli. Per le pecore adulte e la rimonta, le esigenze più importanti erano: 1) mastiti (es. Clinica o subclinica, elevato contenuto di cellule somatiche), 2) zoppie (pedaina, dermatiti contagiose, etc.), 3) Parassitismo interno (es. Fascioliasi, Dicrocelium, parassiti gastro-intestinali, vermi bronco-polmonari, Echinococcosi, Cineurosi, Estrosi.), 4) Gastro-enterotossemie e/o altre patologie da Clostridi, 5) problemi respiratori (es. secrezioni nasali, tosse, respirazione alterata, polmonite, adenomatosi, Pasteurellosi…..). Per gli agnelli in particolare, i bisogni degli intervistati erano, in ordine di importanza: 1) malattie neonatali (diarrea, setticemia, Escherichia coli, gastroenteriti, rotavirus, etc.) , 2) altri parassitismi interni (parassiti gastro-intestinali, Cryptosporidiosi, vermi dello stomaco, Nematodirosi, Cisticercosi epatica, Tenie, ecc.), 3) coccidiosi, 4) morte acuta degli agnelli, 5) zoppie (pedaina, dermatiti contagiose, ecc.). Queste esigenze saranno alla base dello sviluppo di soluzioni e suggerimenti da proporre agli agricoltori italiani per far fronte alle loro particolari esigenze.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Out of the 179 people from Italy who replied, 43% (77) were farmers (owners or farm worker). Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the most important needs were: 1) the knowledge of nutrition requirements, 2) forage:concentrate ratio in the diet, 3) urea levels in milk - unbalanced energy/protein ratio in the diet, 4) protein concentration in the diet (concentrate + forage), 5) grassland and grazing management. For the lambs, the most important issues were: 1) post weaning management: adaptation to new feeding regime, 2) knowledge of nutrition requirements, 3) lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, 4) concentrate feed efficiency: weight gain/kg concentrate, 5) ad libitum concentrate systems. Finally, the most relevant issues for replacement animals were: 1) knowledge of nutrition requirements in different stages of development, 2) nutrition requirements for 1st lactation, 3) growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, 4) weaning transition management, 5) sub-optimal development of ewes that lambed young. The results emphasized the nature of the Italian sheep farming systems, with the predominance of grassland based dairy systems (more than 90% of participants). These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level, which, in turn, will propose collectively solutions and tips and tricks to the Italian farmers, in accordance to their particular needs.

Il sondaggio online EuroSheep condotto nel maggio-luglio 2020 ha valutato le esigenze degli allevatori e altri professionisti italiani per l’alimentazione degli ovini. Su 179 risposte, il 43% (77) erano allevatori. Agli intervistati è stato chiesto di classificare, dal più importante al meno importante, i 5 principali problemi sulla nutrizione per a) pecore adulte, b) agnelli e c) rimonta. Per le pecore, i bisogni più importanti sono: 1) conoscenza dei fabbisogni nutritivi, 2) rapporto foraggio:concentrato nella dieta, 3) livelli di urea nel latte - rapporto energia/proteine sbilanciato nella dieta, 4) concentrazione di proteine nella dieta, 5) gestione dei prati e del pascolo. I bisogni più importanti per gli agnelli sono: 1) gestione post svezzamento: adattamento al nuovo regime alimentare, 2) conoscenza dei requisiti nutritivi, 3) obiettivi di accrescimento degli agnelli dalla nascita allo svezzamento, 4) efficienza alimentare del concentrato : aumento di peso/kg concentrato , 5) sistemi di somministrazione del concentrato ad libitum. Infine, le questioni più rilevanti per la rimonta sono: 1) conoscenza dei requisiti nutritivi nelle diverse fasi di sviluppo, 2) requisiti nutritivi per la prima lattazione, 3) obiettivi di crescita per il primo parto a 1 anno di età, 4) gestione della transizione allo svezzamento, 5) sviluppo subottimale delle pecore che hanno partorito giovani. I risultati hanno evidenziato la natura dei sistemi di allevamento degli ovini in Italia, con la predominanza di sistemi per ovini da latte al pascolo. Le problematiche individuate saranno raccolte a livello di consorzio, che, a sua volta, proporrà soluzioni e suggerimenti pratici agli allevatori italiani, in base alle loro particolari esigenze.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Out of 212 Turkish respondents, 113 were farmers and 99 were either scientists, vets, advisors, lecturers or students. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance, 1) social media, 2) peer-to-peer, 3) discussion groups, 4) open days, 5) scientific publications, 6) Vets, 7) agricultural web sites, 8) professional learning, 9) technical sales, 10) congress, seminar 11) agricultural shows and 12) professional learning. However, there were differences according to the respondents' profiles, with the farmers 5 most favoured sources of information being discussion groups, peer-to-peer, agricultural web sites, farming press and social media. Conversely, the other respondents 5 most preferred sources were scientific publications, congress/seminars/workshops, peer-to-peer, professional learning, and discussion groups. These results are helpful to inform the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy so that as many Turkish stakeholders as possible can be reached.

EuroSheep konsorsiyumu tarafından Mayıs-Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında yetiştiricilerin ve diğer uygulayıcıların koyun besleme, sağlığı ve sürü yönetimi konuları hakkındaki bilgi alma yöntemlerini değerlendirmek amacıyla çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'den anketi yanıtlayan 212 kişiden 113'ü yetiştiricilerden, 99'u da bilim insanı, veteriner, danışman, öğretim görevlisi veya öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Genel olarak, temel bilgi kaynaklarını önem sırasına göre, 1) sosyal medya, 2) yüz yüze, 3) tartışma grupları, 4) açık günler, 5) bilimsel yayınlar, 6) veterinerler, 7) tarımsal web siteler, 8) mesleki öğrenme, 9) teknik satış, 10) kongre, seminer 11) tarım gösterileri ve 12) mesleki öğrenme süreçleri oluşturmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, katılımcıların profillerine göre bilgi alma yöntemlerinde farklılıklar bulunmakta olup, yetiştiricilerin en çok tercih ettiği 5 bilgi kaynağı tartışma grupları, yüz yüze, tarım web siteleri, el broşürleri ve sosyal medya olarak tespit edilmiştir. Aksine, diğer yanıt verenlerin en çok tercih ettiği 5 bilgi kaynağı, bilimsel yayınlar, kongre / seminerler / çalıştaylar, yüz yüze, profesyonel öğrenme ve tartışma grupları larak tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, proje kapsamında mümkün olduğunca çok sayıda Türk paydaşa ulaşılabilmesi için bilgi alışverişi ve yaygınlaştırma stratejisine bilgi sağlamaya yardımcı olacaktır.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 212 people from Turkey responded, of them 113 farmers. The respondents covered the range of systems in Turkey, with 49% being extensive, 30,1% and 20,7% being semi-extensive and semi-intensive, respectively. Flock size varied from 15 to 3500 animals, but most of the respondents had either between 15-150 or 150-250 animals. The 5 most important needs were, as ranked by the farmers, 1) sheep and shed management; 2) lamb management, 3) anthelmintic management 4) biosecurity, and 5) flock health plan. Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in Turkey.

EuroSheep konsorsiyumu tarafından Mayıs-Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında yetiştiricilerin ve diğer uygulayıcıların sürü yönetimi konusundaki ihtiyaçlarını tespit etmek amacıyla çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'den ankete toplam 212 kişi katılmış olup bunların 113'ünü yetiştiriciler oluşturmaktadır. Ankete katılanların, sırasıyla % 49'ü ekstansif, % 30,1'i yarı ekstansif ve % 20,7'si yarı entansif yetiştiricilik yapmakla birlikte bu dağılım Türkiye'deki yetiştiricilik sistemi dağılımını temsil etmektedir. Anket sonucunda sürü büyüklüğü 15 ila 3500 baş hayvan arasında değişiklik göstermekle birlikte, ankete katılanların çoğunda 15-150 veya 150-250 baş hayvan varlığının söz konusu olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ankette yetiştiriciler; 1) koyun ve ahır yönetimi; 2) kuzu yönetimi, 3) antelmintik yönetim ve 4) biyogüvenlik ve 5) sürü sağlığı planını en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara ve bilgilere dayalı olarak proje kapsamında Türkiye'deki çiftçilerin gerçek ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermek için tüm konsorsiyum ülkelerinden pratik çözümler, ipuçları ve püf noktaları önerilecektir.

Following the online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management, a total of 212 people from Turkey responded, of them113 were farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) the lambs. For the ewe and replacement, the 5 most important needs were internal parasites, external parasites, respiratory disorders, poor body condition and abnormal behaviour. For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were, in order of importance, respiratory problems, neonatal diseases, acute death of lambs, coccidiosis and sores and blisters on the nose, lips. This exercise was important for the project, and will allow the consortium to propose solutions and tips and tricks to the Turkish farmers, that correspond to their particular needs.

EuroSheep konsorsiyumu tarafından Mayıs-Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında yetiştiricilerin ve diğer uygulayıcıların koyun sağlığı yönetimi konusundaki ihtiyaçlarını tespit etmek amacıyla çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'den ankete toplam 212 kişi katılmış olup bunların 113'ünü yetiştiriciler oluşturmaktadır. Ankete katılanlardan önem sırasına göre a) Anaçve damızlığa seçilecek koyunlar ve b) kuzular için 5 temel sağlık sorununu sıralamaları istenmiştir. Anaçve damızlığa seçilecek koyunlar için; iç parazitler, dış parazitler, solunum bozuklukları, kötü vücut durumu ve anormal davranış en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Kuzular için; solunum problemleri, yenidoğan hastalıkları, kuzuların akut ölümü, koksidiyoz ve burun ve dudaklarda yaralar ve kabarcıklar en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Anket sonunda belirlenen bu sorunlar proje için önemli olakla birlikte, konsorsiyum düzeyinde Türk çiftçiler için belirlenen ihtiyaçlara uygun çözümler, ipuçları ve püf noktaları önerilecektir.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Out of the 212 people from Turkey who replied, 113 were farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the 5 most important needs were the protein concentration in the diet, forage feed value, forage crops, conservation of forage production and lack of suitable advice. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were growth target for fattening lambs, post-weaning management, concentrate feed efficiency, lamb performance targets from birth to weaning and ad libitum concentrate systems. Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were Sub-optimal development of ewes that lambed young, growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, Weaning transition management, Forage and grass availability – quantity and Nutrition requirements for 1st lactation. The results indicated strong links with the Turkish common production systems, predominantly with extensive and semi-intensive production systems. These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level which in return will proposed solutions, tips and tricks for the Turkish farmers with regards to their identified needs.

EuroSheep konsorsiyumu tarafından Mayıs-Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında yetiştiricilerin ve diğer uygulayıcıların koyun beslenmesine ilişkin ihtiyaçlarını tespit etmek amacıyla çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'den ankete toplam 212 kişi katılmış olup bunların 113'ünü yetiştiriciler oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcılardan a) Anaç koyunlar, b) kuzular ve c) damızlığa seçilecek koyunlar için önem sırasına göre 5 ana beslenme konusunu sıralamaları istenmiştir. Koyunlar için; yemdeki protein konsantrasyonu, otun besin değeri, yem bitkileri, yem bitkilerinin korunması ve uygun tavsiyelerin olmaması en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Kuzular için; besi kuzuları için büyüme hedefi, sütten kesim sonrası yönetim, konsantre yem verimliliği, doğumdan sütten kesime kadar kuzu performans hedefleri ve ad libitum konsantre sistemleri en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Son olarak, damızlığa seçilecek koyunlar için; erken yaşta kuzulayan koyunların gelişimi, 1 yaşındaki 1. kuzulama için büyüme hedefleri, sütten kesime geçiş yönetimi, yem bitkisi ve ot mevcudiyeti, 1. laktasyon için besin madde miktarı ve beslenme gereksinimleri en önemli 5 ihtiyaç olarak sıralanmıştır. Sonuçlar, Türkiye'deki yaygın üretim sistemlerinin, ağırlıklı olarak ekstansif ve yarı entansif üretim sistemleri olduğunu göstermiştir. Belirlenen bu sorunlar daha sonra konsorsiyum düzeyinde değerlendirilecek ve Türk çiftçileri için belirlenen ihtiyaçlar ile ilgili çözümler, ipuçları ve püf noktaları önerilecektir.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the way assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. A total of 126 people from Greece responded, of them 68% of dairy-sheep farmers and farm workers, 9% of veterinarian practitionners, 8% of zootechnician/advisors and 13% of researchers. Respondents were asked to choose until 10 sources of information and to rank them from 1 to 10 by order of importance (1 being the most important source of information). For farmers and farm workers, the 5 most important sources of information were : Veterinarian practitioners (#1), advices from other farmers (#2), private or public zootechnicians (#3), farming websites (#4) and farming press (#5). Social media and farming shows were also important sources of information for farmers. For the other respondents (mainly vet, advisors and researchers), sources of information were ranked as follows : scientific papers (#1), congress seminars and workshops (#2), farming websites (#3), private or public zootechnicians (#4) and professional learning (#5). These findings will help in defining Eurosheep communication strategy in order to ensure an efficient dissemination of information and knowledge.

Μία διαδικτυακή έρευνα με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό του τρόπου με τον οποίο οι κτηνοτρόφοι και οι εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές λαμβάνουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη διατροφή των προβάτων, την υγεία και τη διαχείρισή τους, πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά την περίοδο Μαΐου-Ιουλίου 2020. Συνολικά συμμετείχαν 126 ενδιαφερόμενοι από την Ελλάδα, 68% ήταν προβατοτρόφοι και εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές, 9% κτηνίατροι, 8% ζωοτέχνες/τεχνικοί σύμβουλοι και 13% ερευνητές. Από τους ερωτώμενους ζητήθηκε να επιλέξουν έως και 10 πηγές ενημέρωσης και να τις κατατάξουν από το 1 έως το 10 κατά σειρά σημαντικότητας (1 η σημαντικότερη πηγή ενημέρωσης). Για τους κτηνοτρόφους και τους εργαζόμενους σε εκτροφές, οι 5 σημαντικότερες πηγές πληροφόρησης ήταν: κτηνίατροι (#1), συμβουλές από άλλους κτηνοτρόφους (#2), ζωοτέχνες (δημόσιου/ιδιώτες) (#3), ιστοσελίδες σχετικά με κτηνοτροφία-γεωργία (#4) και εφημερίδες/περιοδικά σχετικά με κτηνοτροφία-γεωργία (#5). Τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα και οι εκπομπές σχετικά με την κτηνοτροφία αποτελούσαν επίσης σημαντικές πηγές πληροφόρησης για τους κτηνοτρόφους. Οι υπόλοιποι συμμετέχοντες (κυρίως κτηνίατροι, ζωοτέχνες και ερευνητές) επέλεξαν ως πηγές πληροφόρησης τις παρακάτω: επιστημονικά άρθρα (#1), συνέδρια, σεμινάρια και τεχνικές συναντήσεις (#2), ιστοσελίδες σχετικά με την κτηνοτροφία και τη γεωργία (#3), ζωοτέχνες (δημοσίου/ιδιώτες) (#4) και επαγγελματική κατάρτιση (#5). Αυτά τα ευρήματα θα διευκολύνουν τον καθορισμό της επικοινωνιακής στρατηγικής του Eurosheep, ώστε να εξασφαλιστεί η αποδοτική διάδοση πληροφοριών και γνώσεων.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs and issues of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 126 people from Greece responded, of them 68% of dairy-sheep farmers and farm workers, 9% of veterinarian practitionners, 8% of zootechnician/advisors and 13% of researchers. Dairy-sheep farmers and farm workers represented a diversity of farming systems (from extensive transhumant systems to indoors systems), and a diversity flock sizes and breeds (local breeds, exotic breeds and crosses). Respondents were asked to choose until 5 issues and to rank them from 1 to 5 by order of importance (1 being the most important issue). Farmers and farm workers ranked the most important issues of management as follows : sheep shed management (#1), outdoor welfare management (#2), flock health plan (#3), feeding management and feed distribution (#4) and ration formulation (#5). The other respondents gave similar importance to issues related to feeding management, flock health plan and sheep shed management, but also included milking machine management in their 5 most important issues. These results confirmed that several needs on sheep nutrition and health need to be adressed through on-farm practical solutions in Greece, in addition to housing, milking and grazing conditions.

Μία διαδικτυακή έρευνα με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό των κύριων αναγκών/προκλήσεων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι κτηνοτρόφοι και λοιποί εμπλεκόμενοι σχετικά με τη διαχείριση των εκτροφών προβάτων, πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά την περίοδο Μαΐου-Ιουλίου 2020. Συνολικά συμμετείχαν 126 ενδιαφερόμενοι από την Ελλάδα, 68% ήταν προβατοτρόφοι και εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές, 9% κτηνίατροι, 8% ζωοτέχνες/τεχνικοί σύμβουλοι και 13% ερευνητές. Οι κτηνοτρόφοι και οι εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές προβάτων αντιπροσώπευαν μεγάλο εύρος παραγωγικών συστημάτων (από εκτατικά μετακινούμενα έως εντατικά συστήματα), εκτροφές διαφορετικών μεγεθών και φυλών (εγχώριες και ξένες φυλές καθώς και διασταυρώσεις τους). Από τους συμμετέχοντες ζητήθηκε να επιλέξουν έως 5 ζητήματα που τους απασχολούν και να τα κατατάξουν με σειρά σημαντικότητας από 1 έως 5 (1 το σημαντικότερο). Η διαχείριση των καταλυμάτων (#1), η διαχείριση των εξωτερικών συνθηκών ευζωίας (#2), το πρόγραμμα διαχείρισης της υγείας στην εκτροφή (#3), η διαχείριση της διατροφής και ο τρόπος χορήγησης (#4) και η σύνθεση των σιτηρεσίων (#5), προσδιορίστηκαν ως οι κύριες ανάγκες/προκλήσεις για τους κτηνοτρόφους και τους εργαζόμενους σε εκτροφές. Οι υπόλοιπες κατηγορίες συμμετεχόντων απέδωσαν αντίστοιχη σπουδαιότητα σε ζητήματα σχετικά με τη διαχείριση της διατροφής, το πρόγραμμα διαχείρισης υγείας και τη διαχείριση των καταλυμάτων, ωστόσο συμπεριέλαβαν και τη διαχείριση της μηχανικής άμελξης στις 5 κυριότερες ανάγκες/προκλήσεις. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα επιβεβαίωσαν την ανάγκη αντιμετώπισης πολλαπλών προκλήσεων σχετικά με τη διατροφή και την υγεία των προβάτων, μέσω πρακτικών λύσεων στις Ελληνικές εκτροφές, σε συνδυασμό με τον έλεγχο των συνθηκών στέγασης, άμελξης και βόσκησης.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs and issues of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health. A total of 126 people from Greece responded, of them 68% of dairy-sheep farmers and farm workers, 9% of veterinarian practitioners and 13% of researchers including researchers specialized in sheep health. Respondents were asked to choose until 5 issues and to rank them from 1 to 5 by order of importance (1 being the most important issue). For ewes and replacement ewes, the most important health issues were, as ranked by respondents : clinical and subclinical mastitis (#1), clostridial diseases (#2), respiratory disorders (#3), lameness (#4) and internal parasitism (#5). For lambs, neonal diarrheas and acute deaths before 10 days of age were ranked first (#1), followed by acute deaths without diarrheas associated with clositridial diseases (#2), respiratory problems (#3), coccidiosis (#4) and general symptoms as pain, discomfort and non-eating lambs (#5). Prevention of diseases and disorders identified as most important issues in the survey should be given specific attention, and preventive measures provided to farmers should consider the management of diet and diet distribution, but also the indoors and outdoors farming conditions for the different animal categories.

Μία διαδικτυακή έρευνα με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό των κύριων αναγκών/προκλήσεων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι κτηνοτρόφοι και λοιποί εμπλεκόμενοι σχετικά με την υγεία των προβάτων, πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά την περίοδο Μαΐου-Ιουλίου 2020. Συνολικά συμμετείχαν 126 ενδιαφερόμενοι από την Ελλάδα, 68% των οποίων ήταν προβατοτρόφοι και εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές, 9% κτηνίατροι και 13% ερευνητές (συμπεριλαμβανομένων ειδικών στην υγεία των προβάτων). Από τους συμμετέχοντες ζητήθηκε να επιλέξουν έως 5 ζητήματα που τους απασχολούν και να τα κατατάξουν με σειρά σημαντικότητας από 1 έως 5 (1 το σημαντικότερο). Τα σημαντικότερα ζητήματα σχετικά με την υγεία των ενήλικων προβατίνων και των προβατίνων αντικατάστασης, όπως κατατάχθηκαν από τους συμμετέχοντες, ήταν: κλινική και υποκλινική μαστίτιδα (#1), στρουμπάρα/εντεροτοξιναιμία (#2), αναπνευστικά προβλήματα (#3), χωλότητες (#4) και ενδοπαράσιτα (#5). Για τα αρνιά, η διάρροια των νεογέννητων και οι αιφνίδιοι θάνατοι λόγω σηψαιμίας κατατάχθηκαν στην πρώτη θέση (#1), με τους αιφνίδιους θανάτους χωρίς διάρροιες (#2), τα αναπνευστικά προβλήματα (#3), την κοκκιδίωση (#4) και γενικά συμπτώματα (πόνος, δυσφορία, άρνηση κατανάλωσης τροφής) να ακολουθούν (#5). Η πρόληψη των ασθενειών και των διαταραχών που αναγνωρίστηκαν ως οι σημαντικότερες ανάγκες/προλήψεις στην έρευνα, θα πρέπει να τύχουν ιδιαίτερης προσοχής, με την παροχή προληπτικών μέτρων προς τους κτηνοτρόφους σχετικά με τη διαχείριση της διατροφής και τις εσωτερικές/εξωτερικές συνθήκες εκτροφής για ζώα διαφορετικών παραγωγικών κατηγοριών.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs and issues of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. A total of 126 people from Greece responded, of them 68% of dairy-sheep farmers and farm workers, 8% of zootechnician/advisors and 13% of researchers including researchers specialized in nutrition. Respondents were asked to choose until 5 issues and to rank them from 1 to 5 by order of importance (1 being the most important issue). The lack or improper knowledge of animal nutrititional requirements was ranked first (1#) for the three animal categories (adult ewes, lambs, replacement). The other important need and issues varied accross animal categories. For ewes, there were feed quality including grass quality (#2), milk composition i.e. fat and proteins content (#3), forage/concentrate ratio in the diet (#4) and protein concentration in the diet, including forage and concentrate (#5). For lambs, it concerned growth targets (#2) and performance targets from birth to weaning (#3), but also artificial rearing (#4) and post weaning management (adaptation to new feeding regime, #5). For replacement ewes, important issues were nutritional requirements for first lactation (#2), growth targets for first lambing at 1 year of age (#3), sub-optimal developments of ewes that lambed young (#4) and weaning transition management (#5). These initial findings underline the major need to provide farmers an essential knowledge about animal needs and the formulation of proper nutrition plan according to age and physiological status. The national workshop with respondents of diverse professional profiles aims to identify potential overlaps between issues and to enrich the outcomes of the survey.

Μία διαδικτυακή έρευνα με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό των κύριων αναγκών/προκλήσεων σχετικά με τη διατροφή των προβάτων πραγματοποιήθηκε την περίοδο Μαΐου-Ιουλίου 2020. Συμμετείχαν 126 ενδιαφερόμενοι από την Ελλάδα, 68% προβατοτρόφοι και εργαζόμενοι σε εκτροφές, 8% ζωοτέχνες/τεχνικοί σύμβουλοι και 13% ερευνητές (συμπεριλαμβανομένων ειδικών στη διατροφή). Από τους συμμετέχοντες ζητήθηκε να επιλέξουν έως 5 ζητήματα και να τα κατατάξουν με σειρά σημαντικότητας από 1 έως 5 (1 το σημαντικότερο). Οι ελλείψεις στη γνώση των διατροφικών αναγκών αποτέλεσε το κύριο ζήτημα και για τις τρεις παραγωγικές κατηγορίες (ενήλικες προβατίνες, αρνιά, ζώα αντικατάστασης) (#1). Οι υπόλοιπες κύριες ανάγκες διέφεραν μεταξύ των κατηγοριών. Για τις ενήλικες προβατίνες: η ποιότητα των ζωοτροφών συμπεριλαμβανομένης της χλωράς νομής (#2), η σύσταση του γάλακτος (#3), η αναλογία συμπυκνωμένων/χονδροειδών ζωοτροφών στο σιτηρέσιο (#4) και η περιεκτικότητα πρωτεΐνης στο σιτηρέσιο (συμπυκνωμένες και χονδροειδείς τροφές) (#5). Για τα αρνιά: οι στόχοι ανάπτυξης (#2) και αποδόσεις από τη γέννηση έως τον απογαλακτισμό (#3), ο τεχνητός θηλασμός (#4) και η διαχείριση μετά τον απογαλακτισμό (προσαρμογή σε νέο πρόγραμμα διατροφής), #5). Για τα ζώα αντικατάστασης: οι διατροφικές απαιτήσεις κατά την 1η γαλακτική περίοδο (#2), οι στόχοι ανάπτυξης για ζώα που γεννάνε πρώτη φορά σε ηλικία ενός έτους (#3), η ανεπαρκής ανάπτυξη προβατίνων που γεννάνε σε νεαρή ηλικία (#4) και η διαχείριση της μεταβατικής περιόδου κατά τον απογαλακτισμό (#5). Τα αποτελέσματα αναδεικνύουν την ανάγκη παροχής κατάλληλων γνώσεων προς τους κτηνοτρόφους για την κατάρτιση σιτηρεσίων ανάλογα με την ηλικία και τη φυσιολογική κατάστασή των ζώων.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Out of 216 French respondents, 97 were farmers, 72 were advisors, 22 were vets and 25 were either scientists, lecturers or students. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance, 1) farming press, 2) consultants and advisors, 3) professional learning, 4) vets, 5) scientific articles, 6) farming websites, 7) peer-to-peer, 8) congress seminars and workshops, 9) discussion groups, 10) social media, 11) open days, 12) agricultural shows and 13) technical sales. However, there were small differences according to the respondents' profiles, with the farmers 5 most favoured sources of information being consultants and advisors first, then vets, farming press, peer-to-peer and then professional learning. Conversely, for the advisors the most important is farming press and the vets' most important source is scientific articles. These results are helpful to inform the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many French stakeholders as possible can be reached.

L'enquête en ligne diffusée entre Mai et Juillet 2020 par le consortium EuroSheep a recueilli les moyens utilisés par les éleveurs et les autres acteurs de la filière ovine pour s'informer sur l'alimentation, la santé ou le pilotage des troupeaux. Sur 216 répondants français, 97 sont des éleveurs, 72 sont conseillers, 22 sont vétérinaires and 25 sont soit chercheurs, enseignants ou étudiants. En moyenne pour toutes ces professions, les principales sources d'information sont, par ordre d'importance, 1) la presse agricole, 2) les techniciens/conseillers, 3) les formations professionnelles, 4) les vétérinaires, 5) les articles scientifiques, 6) les sites web agricoles, 7) les homologues (éleveur à éleveur), 8) les congrès/séminaires/ateliers, 9) les groupes de discussion, 10) les réseaux sociaux, 11) les journées portes ouvertes en fermes, 12) les salons et foires agricoles et 13) les technico-commerciaux. Cependant, on constate de légères différences dans ce classement en fonction des profils des répondants, avec par exemple pour les éleveurs les 5 sources d'information privilégiées étant les conseillers/techniciens en premier, puis les vétérinaires, la presse agricole, aurpès d'homologues et enfin les formations professionnelles. Pour les conseillers, la source la plus importante est la presse agricole alors que les vétérinaires penchent plutôt pour les articles scientifiques. Ces résultats sont très utiles pour préparer la stratégie de dissémination et de diffusion du projet, afin qu'un maximum d'acteurs français soient touchés.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 216 people from France responded, of them 97 farmers. The respondents covered the range of systems in France, with 58% being semi-intensive, 14% for both semi-extensive and intensive and 9% and 4% being extensive and shepherded, respectively. Flock productivity also covered a large scale with most dairy respondents either between 301-350 l/ewe or >401 l/ewe (5 of each), and most meat respondents between 1.21-1.40 lamb/ewe (22), then 1.41-1.60 lamb/ewe (19). The 5 most important needs were, as ranked by the farmers, 1) sheep shed management, 2) anthelmintic management, 3) feeding / distribution management, 4) flock health plan and 5) outdoor welfare management for meat farmers and pest and predator control and milking management for dairy farmers. Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in France.

Une enquête en ligne a été diffusée entre Mai et juillet 2020 pour recenser les besoins des éleveurs et autres professionnels de la filière en termes de pilotage des troupeaux ovins. Un total de 216 personnes résidant en France ont répondu, dont 97 éleveurs, laitiers et allaitants confondus. Les répondants couvrent une large diversité de systèmes en France,avec 58 % des élevages en système semi-intensif, 14 % pour chacun des systèmes semi-extensif et intensif et 9 % et 4 % pour les systèmes extensif et pastoral exclusif, respectivement. En termes de productivité du troupeau, les élevages des répondants couvrent également une large échelle avec, concernant les laitiers, une majorité d'entre eux soit entre 301 et 350 l/brebis soit >401 l/brebis (5 pour chaque), et pour les éleveurs allaitants une majorité entre 1.21 et 1.40 agneau/brebis (22 éleveurs), puis 19 dans la tranche 1.41-1.60 agneau/brebis. Les 5 besoins les plus importants identifiés ont été, classés dans cet ordre par les éleveurs notamment, 1) l'aménagement des bâtiments et l'ambiance, 2) la gestion du parasitisme, 3) la gestion de l'alimentation/la distribution, 4) le plan de santé du troupeau et 5) la gestion du bien-être à l’extérieur pour les éleveurs allaitants et le contrôle des nuisibles et des prédateurs et la gestion du matériel de traite pour les éleveurs laitiers. En se basant sur ces résultats et sur les connaissances existantes, le projet va fournir des solutions pratiques et des trucs et astuces, venant de tous les pays du consortium EuroSheep, pour répondre aux besoins réels des éleveurs français.

Following the online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management, a total of 216 people from France responded, of them 97 farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) the lambs. For the ewe and replacememt, the 5 most important needs were internal parasites, lameness, mastitis, external parasites and respiratory problems. For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were, in order of importance, neonatal diseases, coccidiosis, acute death, other internal parasites and respiratory problems. This exercise was important for the project, and will allow the consortium to propose solutions and tips and tricks to the French farmers, that correspond to their particular needs.

Suite à l'enquête enligne diffusée entre Mai et Juillet 2020 par le consortium EuroSheep pour recenser les besoins des éleveurs et autres professionnels de la filière en termes de gestion de la santé des ovins, un total de 216 personnes ont répondu en France, dont 97 éleveurs. Il a été demandé aux répondants de classer, du plus important au moins important, les 5 principaux problèmes de santé concernant a) les brebis et agnelles de renouvellement, et b) les agneaux. Pour les brebis et le renouvellement, les 5 plus importants besoins qui sont ressortis sont les parasites internes, les boiteries, les mammites, les parasites externes et les problèmes respiratoires. Pour les agneaux spécifiquement, les besoins des répondants sont, par ordre d'importance, les maladies néonatales, les coccidioses, la mort subite, les autres parasites internes et les problèmes respiratoires. Cet exercice était important pour le projet, et permettra au consortium de proposer des solutions et des trucs et astuces aux éleveurs français, qui correspondent effectivement à leurs besoins.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Out of the 216 people from France who replied, 97 were farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewes, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the 5 most important needs were the knowledge of ewe nutrition requirements, grassland and grazing management, forage feed value, minerals and vitamins supplementation and good mix for multi species swards. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were the lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, post-weaning management, knoweldge of lamb nutrition requirements, growth targets for fattening lambs and concentrates feed efficiency (weight gain/kg concentrate). Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, nutrition requirements for 1st lactation, nutrition requirements in different stages of development, weaning transition management and sub-optimal development of ewes that lambed young. The results were quite similar between dairy and meat stakeholders and emphasize the priority for farmers to succeed in replacement animals management to ensure their future career. These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level, which, in turn, will propose collectively solutions and tips and tricks to the French farmers, in accordance to their particular needs.

L'enquête en ligne diffusée entre Mai et Juillet 2020 par le consortium EuroSheep a recueilli les besoins des éleveurs et autres professionnels en termes d'alimentation des ovins. Sur les 216 répondants français, 97 sont des éleveurs. Il a été demandé aux répondants de classer, du plus au moins important, les 5 principaux problèmes d'alimentation rencontrés pour a) les brebis, b) les agneaux et c) le renouvellement. Pour les brebis, les 5 besoins les plus importants sont la connaissance des besoins alimentaires des animaux, le pilotage des prairies et du pâturage, la valeur alimentaire des fourrages, la complémentation en minéraux et vitamines et le choix des mélanges pour prairies multi-espèces. Pour les agneaux, on retrouve la croissance de la naissance au sevrage, la conduite post-sevrage et la gestion de la transition alimentaire, la connaissance des besoins alimentaires, la performance des agneaux en finition et l'efficience alimentaire des concentrés. Enfin, les 5 plus importants enjeux pour le renouvellement sont les objectifs de croissance pour une première mise bas à 1 an, les besoins alimentaires en première lactation, la connaissance des besoins aux différents stades de développement, la conduite de la transition au sevrage et le développement sous-optimal des agnelles qui ont mis bas jeunes. Les résultats ont été similaires entre les acteurs des filières laitière et allaitante et mettent en avant la priorité pour les éleveurs de réussir l'élevage des femelles de renouvellement pour assurer leur future carrière. Les enjeux identifiés ont été compilés au niveau du consortium international qui, en retour, proposera collectivement des solutions et des trucs et astuces aux éleveurs français, en accord avec leurs besoins.

Eurosheep, an EU/international Thematic Network (grant agreement No. 863056) on sheep production, is designed to stimulate exchange of knowledge, best practice and innovation, with the objective of increasing flock profitability. From May to July 2020, an online survey was circulated to stakeholders involved in sheep production in all Eurosheep countries (Ireland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the UK); language used was country specific. One of the questions asked was to ‘rank in order of importance the main information sources that you use to get information on flock nutrition and health’. A score was assigned to each of the 13 choices: the first choice (most important) was scored 13 to the thirteenth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of the main sources of information was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The main sources of information on flock health and nutrition for: 1) Irish farmers were peer to peer, farming press, technical advisors/consultants, farming websites, farm open days, scientific papers, sheep/agricultural shows, social media (eg facebook, twitter, youtube), seminars/conferences/workshops, professional learning and technical sales personnel; and for other stakeholdes were technical advisors/consultants, farming press, professoinal learning, peer to peer, farm open days, discussion groups,scientific papers, veterinarians, semminars/workshops/conferences, social media, farming websites, sheep/agricultural shows and technicial sales personnel. These results will be pivotal in developing Eurosheep's knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy.

Eurosheep, an EU/international Thematic Network (grant agreement No. 863056) on sheep production, is designed to stimulate exchange of knowledge, best practice and innovation, with the objective of increasing flock profitability. From May to July 2020, an online survey was circulated to stakeholders involved in sheep production in all Eurosheep countries (Ireland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the UK); language used was country specific. One of the questions asked was to ‘rank in order of importance the main information sources that you use to get information on flock nutrition and health’. A score was assigned to each of the 13 choices: the first choice (most important) was scored 13 to the thirteenth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of the main sources of information was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The main sources of information on flock health and nutrition for: 1) Irish farmers were peer to peer, farming press, technical advisors/consultants, farming websites, farm open days, scientific papers, sheep/agricultural shows, social media (eg facebook, twitter, youtube), seminars/conferences/workshops, professional learning and technical sales personnel; and for other stakeholdes were technical advisors/consultants, farming press, professoinal learning, peer to peer, farm open days, discussion groups,scientific papers, veterinarians, semminars/workshops/conferences, social media, farming websites, sheep/agricultural shows and technicial sales personnel. These results will be pivotal in developing Eurosheep's knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy.

Eurosheep undertook a survey, from May to July 2020, to identify what were the main management needs/challenges of sheep production. The survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding management issues in sheep production. A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important management needs/challenges identified by Irish stakeholders were flock health plan, anthelmintic resistance, sheep-shed management, outdoor welfare (shelter, shade) and lamb management. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the ewe and lamb health needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

Eurosheep undertook a survey, from May to July 2020, to identify what were the main management needs/challenges of sheep production. The survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding management issues in sheep production. A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important management needs/challenges identified by Irish stakeholders were flock health plan, anthelmintic resistance, sheep-shed management, outdoor welfare (shelter, shade) and lamb management. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the ewe and lamb health needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

From May to July 2020, a survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding health of ewes/replacements (12 options) and lambs (10 options). A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important health needs/challenges identified by Irish stakeholders were1) For ewes: lameness, internal parasites, clostridial diseases, external parasites and mastitis; 2) For lambs: lameness, internal parasites, accute death of lambs, joint ill, neonatal diseases and coccidosis. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the ewe and lamb health needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

From May to July 2020, a survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding health of ewes/replacements (12 options) and lambs (10 options). A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important health needs/challenges identified by Irish stakeholders were1) For ewes: lameness, internal parasites, clostridial diseases, external parasites and mastitis; 2) For lambs: lameness, internal parasites, accute death of lambs, joint ill, neonatal diseases and coccidosis. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the ewe and lamb health needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

From May to July 2020, a survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding nutrition of adult sheep (12 options), lambs (10 options) and replacements (9 options). A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important nutrition needs identified by Irish stakeholders were1) For ewes: Grassland and grazing management, knowledge of nutrient requirements, minera and vitamin supplementation, forage feed value and conserved forage production; 2) For lambs: grazing management, lamb performance birth to weaning, knowledge of nutrient requirements, growth targets for fattening lambs and post weaning management; 3) For repplacements: grazing management, knowledge of nutrient requirements, growth targets for lambing at 1 year of age, nutrient requirment for first lactation, and forage and grass availability. Some issues such as multi species swards were not identified as an important needs/issues by Irish sheep stakeholders. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

From May to July 2020, a survey was circulated online to stakeholders, in their own language, involved in sheep production in the Eurosheep countries, including Ireland. The respondents were asked to rank, in order of importance, a maximum of five main challenges/needs regarding nutrition of adult sheep (12 options), lambs (10 options) and replacements (9 options). A score was assigned as follows: the first choice (most important) was scored 5 to the fifth choice (least important) scored 1. The final rank of challenges/ needs was based on the sum of the scores. A total of 1163 surveys were completed of which 163 were from Ireland (125 farmers; 38 other stakeholders). The five most important nutrition needs identified by Irish stakeholders were1) For ewes: Grassland and grazing management, knowledge of nutrient requirements, minera and vitamin supplementation, forage feed value and conserved forage production; 2) For lambs: grazing management, lamb performance birth to weaning, knowledge of nutrient requirements, growth targets for fattening lambs and post weaning management; 3) For repplacements: grazing management, knowledge of nutrient requirements, growth targets for lambing at 1 year of age, nutrient requirment for first lactation, and forage and grass availability. Some issues such as multi species swards were not identified as an important needs/issues by Irish sheep stakeholders. EuroSheep will identify appropriate solutions to the needs/issues of Irish stakeholders and thus improve sheep profitability.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Out of 100 UK respondents, 71 were farmers and 29 were either scientists, vets, advisors, lecturers or students. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance, 1) discussion groups, 2) vets, 3) congress, seminars and workshops, 4) farming press, 5) peer-to-peer, 6) consultants and advisors, 7) open days, 8) professional learning, 9) technical sales, 10) social media, 11) agricultural shows and 12) farming websites. However, there were differences according to the respondents' profiles, with the farmers 5 most favoured sources of information being discussion groups, vets, peer-to-peer, congress/seminars/workshops and farming press. Conversely, the other respondents 5 most preferred sources were congress/seminars/worshops, vets, professional learning, farming press and discussion groups. These results are helpful to inform the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many UK stakeholders as possible can be reached.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Out of 100 UK respondents, 71 were farmers and 29 were either scientists, vets, advisors, lecturers or students. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance, 1) discussion groups, 2) vets, 3) congress, seminars and workshops, 4) farming press, 5) peer-to-peer, 6) consultants and advisors, 7) open days, 8) professional learning, 9) technical sales, 10) social media, 11) agricultural shows and 12) farming websites. However, there were differences according to the respondents' profiles, with the farmers 5 most favoured sources of information being discussion groups, vets, peer-to-peer, congress/seminars/workshops and farming press. Conversely, the other respondents 5 most preferred sources were congress/seminars/worshops, vets, professional learning, farming press and discussion groups. These results are helpful to inform the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many UK stakeholders as possible can be reached.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 100 people from the UK responded, of them 71 farmers. The respondents covered the range of systems in the UK, with 38% being extensive, 26% and 27% being semi-extensive and semi-intensive, respectively. Flock size varied from 20 to 5500 animals, but most of the respondents had either between 20-200 or 401-600 animals. The 5 most important needs were, as ranked by the farmers, 1) flock health plan; 2) anthelminthic management, 3) lamb management, and 4) & 5) equally: biosecurity management and feeding or feed distribution management. Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in the UK.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep management. A total of 100 people from the UK responded, of them 71 farmers. The respondents covered the range of systems in the UK, with 38% being extensive, 26% and 27% being semi-extensive and semi-intensive, respectively. Flock size varied from 20 to 5500 animals, but most of the respondents had either between 20-200 or 401-600 animals. The 5 most important needs were, as ranked by the farmers, 1) flock health plan; 2) anthelminthic management, 3) lamb management, and 4) & 5) equally: biosecurity management and feeding or feed distribution management. Based on these results and knowledge, the project will provide practical solutions and tips and tricks, from all the consortium countries, to answer the real needs of the farmers in the UK.

Following the online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management, a total of 100 people from the UK responded, of them 71 farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) the lambs. For the ewe and replacememt, the 5 most important needs were internal parasites, lameness, external parasites, mastitis and clostridial diseases. For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were, in order of importance, internal parasites, joint ill, neonatal diseases and acute death, and lameness. This exercise was important for the project, and will allow the consortium to propose solutions and tips and tricks to the UK farmers, that correspond to their particular needs.

Following the online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by EuroSheep consortium to capture the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep health management, a total of 100 people from the UK responded, of them 71 farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues regarding a) ewe and replacement, and b) the lambs. For the ewe and replacememt, the 5 most important needs were internal parasites, lameness, external parasites, mastitis and clostridial diseases. For the lambs specifically, the respondents' needs were, in order of importance, internal parasites, joint ill, neonatal diseases and acute death, and lameness. This exercise was important for the project, and will allow the consortium to propose solutions and tips and tricks to the UK farmers, that correspond to their particular needs.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Out of the 100 people from the UK who replied, 71 were farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the 5 most important needs were the knowledge of ewe nutrition requirements, grassland and grazing management, forage feed value, minerals and vitamins supplementation and protein concentration in the diet. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were the lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, grazing management, knoweldge of lamb nutrtion requirements, growth targets for fattening lambs, and post-weaning management. Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were 1) growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, 2) nutrition requirements for 1st lactation, 3) grazing management, 4) nutrition requirements in different stages of development and 5) forage and grass availability. The results emphasised the nature of the UK sheep farming systems, with the predominance of grassland based meat systems. These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level, which, in turn, will propose collectively solutions and tips and tricks to the UK farmers, in accordance to their particular needs.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the needs of farmers and other practitioners regarding sheep nutrition. Out of the 100 people from the UK who replied, 71 were farmers. Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the 5 most important needs were the knowledge of ewe nutrition requirements, grassland and grazing management, forage feed value, minerals and vitamins supplementation and protein concentration in the diet. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were the lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, grazing management, knoweldge of lamb nutrtion requirements, growth targets for fattening lambs, and post-weaning management. Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were 1) growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, 2) nutrition requirements for 1st lactation, 3) grazing management, 4) nutrition requirements in different stages of development and 5) forage and grass availability. The results emphasised the nature of the UK sheep farming systems, with the predominance of grassland based meat systems. These identified issues will then be collected at the consortium level, which, in turn, will propose collectively solutions and tips and tricks to the UK farmers, in accordance to their particular needs.

The online survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium assessed the way farmers and other practitioners get their information on sheep nutrition, health and management. Overall, the main sources of information were, in order of importance 1) technical advisors and consultants, 2) farming press, 3) vets, 4) peer to peer, 5) professional learning, 6) congress, seminars and workshops, 7) open days on farm, 8) scientific articles, 9) discussion groups, 10) farming websites, 11) social media, 12) technical sales personnel. However, there were differences according to the professional profile of the respondent. Therefore, and generally speaking, according to farmers, the 5 most favoured sources of information were: vets, technical advisors or consultants, peer-to-peer (from other farmers), farming press and open days on farm. In particular dairy sheep farmers, seem to prefer accessing information through face to face communication channels, such as the direct advice provided by advisory services, veterinarians or on-farm events. However, meat sheep farmers cited farming press as the main source of information, just as advisors did. Regarding the other stakeholders, the 5 most preferred sources were scientific articles, congresses, seminars or worshops, professional learning, and technical advisors or consultants. These results will be crucial to design the project knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy, so that as many stakeholders as possible can be reached.…

La encuesta realizada en mayo-julio de 2020 en el marco del proyecto EuroSheep permitió evaluar las principales fuentes de información para ganaderos y otros agentes sobre nutrición, salud y manejo de las ovejas. En general, las principales fuentes de información fueron, en orden de importancia 1) asesores técnicos y consultores 2) prensa agrícola, 3) veterinarios, 4) entre colegas de profesión; 5) aprendizaje profesional (cursos, etc.) 6) congresos, seminarios y talleres, 7) jornadas de puertas abiertas en granjas, 8) artículos científicos, 9) grupos de discusión, 10) páginas web agroganaderas, 11) redes sociales, 12) personal técnico de ventas. Sin embargo, hubo diferencias según el perfil profesional del encuestado. Así, para los ganaderos, las 5 principales fuentes de información son: veterinarios, asesores técnicos o consultores, de otros ganaderos, publicaciones agroganaderas y jornadas de puertas abiertas en granjas. Los ganaderos de ganado ovino lechero parecen preferir los canales de comunicación directos (cara a cara), como el proporcionado por los servicios de asesoramiento, los veterinarios o las jornadas abiertas en otras explotaciones. Sin embargo, los ganaderos de ovino de carne citaron la prensa agrícola como la principal fuente de información, al igual que lo hicieron los asesores. Respecto al resto de agentes, las 5 fuentes preferidas fueron las publicaciones científicas, congresos, seminarios o talleres, formación profesional y asesores o consultores técnicos. Estos resultados serán cruciales para diseñar la estrategia de intercambio y difusión de conocimientos del proyecto, de modo que se pueda llegar al mayor número posible de agentes interesados.

Regarding the needs about management practices, there were a total of 1246 valid surveys (91.2% of the total) collected within the survey carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep project. The respondents covered the range of systems existing in Europe, UK and Turkey: 61% of the respondents were involved in meat farming systems (mainly from Ireland, France, Hungary, UK and Turkey) and 32% in dairy sheep (mainly from Greece, Italy, and Spain). Due to the low amount of surveys considered initially as dual purpose (only 7%), and taking into account that a number of them came from Greece (22), Spain (7), and Italy (6), it was agreed to consider them within the category of Dairy for the purposes of the project. 11.15% of the stakeholders are related to shepherded flocks, 10.3% are extensive, 12.6% are semi-extensive, 55.9% are semi-intensive and 10.1% are permanently housed intensive systems. The sheep shed management (e.g. ventilation, temperature, space/ewe,…) and the flock health plan (e.g. strategy to avoid contamination, vaccination, health treatments, culling of ewes, shed disinfection, closed flock, common grazing, …) were clearly recognized by all the stakeholders as the two more relevant management practices. Then, the issues related to the control of helmintic parasites (e.g. faecal egg count, anthelmintic resistance, grazing management), the outdoor welfare of the sheep (e.g. shelter, shade, water availability, etc.), and the feeding distribution management (e.g. concentrate and forages, total mixed rations, etc.) were also pointed out by all the stakeholders.…

En cuanto a las necesidades sobre las prácticas de manejo, hubo un total de 1246 encuestas válidas (91,2% del total) recogidas en mayo-julio de 2020 por el proyecto EuroSheep. Los encuestados cubrieron la diversidad de sistemas existentes en Europa, Reino Unido y Turquía: el 61% de los encuestados estaban involucrados en sistemas de carne (principalmente de Irlanda, Francia, Hungría, Reino Unido y Turquía), el 32% en ovino lechero (principalmente de Grecia, Italia, España y en Francia), y el 7% de doble propósito. El 11,15% de los participantes estaban relacionados con sistemas pastoreados, el 10,3% con extensivos, el 12,6% con semi-extensivos, el 55,9% con semi-intensivos, y el 10,08% con sistemas intensivos estabulados permanentemente. La gestión del establo (por ejemplo, ventilación, temperatura, espacio / oveja, ...) y el plan sanitario del rebaño (por ejemplo, estrategia para evitar contaminaciones o entrada de patógenos, vacunación, tratamientos sanitarios, sacrificio de ovejas, desinfección del establo, mantenimiento del rebaño cerrado con autoreposición, pastoreo en zonas comunales, ...) fueron claramente reconocidos por todos los agentes como las dos prácticas de manejo más relevantes. Luego, todos los agentes citaron las cuestiones relacionadas con el control de los parásitos helmínticos ( recuento de huevos en heces, resistencia a tratamientos , manejo del pastoreo), el bienestar de las ovejas en zonas al aire libre (acceso a refugio o sombra, disponibilidad de agua, etc.) y la gestión de la distribución de la alimentación (concentrados y forrajes, raciones mixtas totales, etc.).

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium. There were 1182 valid surveys to assess the needs on health. The contribution of farmers, shepherds or farm workers represented 57% of the participants, followed by advisors or consultants (12%). Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main health issues for a) the ewe and the replacement lambs, and b) the lambs. For the ewes and replacement lambs, health issues related to internal parasites was recognized as the main priority, mainly according to the opinion of farmers, advisors, and vets, whereas scientists considered that problems related to mastitis were slightly more important. They were followed by lameness (2nd), clostridial disease (3rd), mastitis (4th) and respiratory disorders (5th). In fact, advisors and farmers agree upon the higher relative importance of internal parasites and lameness. However, whereas farmers consider that clostridial disease, and even respiratory disorders are more important than mastitis, according to the opinion of advisors, mastitis rated in the third position, followed by respiratory disorders and external parasites. Regarding lambs, neonatal diseases were recognized by all the stakeholders as the main priority, followed by coccidiosis, the acute death of lambs, internal parasites and respiratory disorders. Since these are general results achieved from a diversity of stakeholders and sheep farming systems from Europe, it is crucial to deepen into the specificity of each country, region and farming system, and particularly into the needs expressed by farmers and shepherds.

El consorcio EuroSheep realizó una encuesta online en mayo-julio de 2020, y se lograron 1182 encuestas válidas para evaluar las necesidades en salud. La contribución de ganaderos, pastores o trabajadores representó el 57% de la participación, seguido de los asesores o consultores (12%). Se pidió a los encuestados que clasificaran, en orden descendente de importancia, los 5 principales problemas de salud para a) la oveja y las corderos de reposición, y b) los corderos. Para ovejas y corderas de reemplazo, los problemas relacionados con los parásitos internos se reconocieron como la principal prioridad, principalmente según la opinión de ganaderos, asesores y veterinarios, mientras que los científicos consideraron que los problemas relacionados con la mastitis eran un poco más importantes. Les siguieron las cojeras (2º), enfermedades por clostridios (3º), mastitis (4º) y trastornos respiratorios (5º). De hecho, asesores y ganaderos coincidieron en la mayor importancia relativa de los parásitos internos y la cojera. Sin embargo, los ganaderos consideran que los clostridios, e incluso trastornos respiratorios, son más importantes que la mastitis; los asesores consideran que la mastitis se ubica en 3ª posición, seguida de trastornos respiratorios y parásitos externos. En cuanto a los corderos, todos los agentes reconocieron las enfermedades neonatales como la principal prioridad, seguidas de la coccidiosis, la muerte aguda de los corderos, los parásitos internos y los trastornos respiratorios. Estos son resultados generales obtenidos de una diversidad de agentes y sistemas ovinos de Europa; es preciso profundizar en la especificidad de cada país, región y sistema de producción.

An online survey was carried out in May-July 2020 by the EuroSheep consortium. There were 1163 valid surveys to assess the needs on nutrition. The contribution of farmers, shepherds or farm workers represented 57% of the participants, followed by advisors or consultants (12%). Respondents were asked to rank, from most important to least important, the 5 main nutrition issues for a) the ewe, b) the lambs and c) the replacement. For the ewes, the 5 most important needs were the knowledge of nutrition requirements, the management of grasslands and grazing practices, the feeding value of the forage, the minerals and vitamins supplementation and protein concentration in the diet. For the lambs, the 5 most important issues were the knoweldge of lamb nutrition requirements, lamb performance targets from birth to weaning, growth targets for fattening lambs, the post-weaning management and the concentrate feed efficiency. Finally, the 5 most relevant issues for replacement animals were the nutrition requirements in different stages of development, nutrition requirements for 1st lactation, grazing management, growth targets for 1st lambing at 1 year of age, the sub-optimal development of ewes that lambed young, and the weaning transition management. Since these are general results achieved from a diversity of stakeholders and sheep farming systems from Europe, it is crucial to deepen into the specificity of each country, region and farming system, and particularly into the needs expressed by farmers and shepherds.…

En el proyecto EuroSheep se realizó una encuesta online en mayo-julio de 2020, y se obtuvieron 1163 encuestas válidas para evaluar las necesidades en materia de nutrición. La contribución de los ganaderos, pastores o trabajadores en rebaños representó el 57% de la participación, seguido de asesores o consultores (12%). Los encuestados tenían que clasificar, en orden descendente de importancia, los 5 principales problemas de nutrición para a) las ovejas, b) los corderos y c) la reposición. Para las ovejas, las 5 necesidades más importantes fueron un mayor conocimiento de las necesidades nutricionales, el manejo de pastizales y prácticas de pastoreo, el valor alimenticio del forraje, la suplementación de minerales y vitaminas, y la concentración proteíca de la dieta. Para los corderos, los 5 temas más importantes fueron el conocimiento de las necesidades de nutrición del cordero, los objetivos de crecimiento del cordero desde el nacimiento hasta el destete, los objetivos de crecimiento para los corderos de engorde, el manejo post-destete y la eficiencia de la alimentación concentrada. Los 5 temas más relevantes para las corderas de reposición fueron el conocimiento de las necesidades nutricionales durante las diferentes etapas de desarrollo, los requisitos nutricionales durante la 1ª lactación, el manejo del pastoreo, los objetivos de crecimiento para lograr el 1er parto al año de edad, el desarrollo subóptimo de las ovejas que parieron jóvenes, y el manejo de la transición al destete. Estos son resultados generales obtenidos de una diversidad de agentes y sistemas ovinos de Europa; es preciso profundizar en la especificidad de cada país, región y sistema de producción, y en particular en las necesidades expresadas por ganaderos y pastores.

The EuroSheep website ( is now live and available in the 6 languages of the project, namely English, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and Hungarian, as well as in Romanian. All the previous knowledge reservoir posts (>800) from SheepNet have been transferred to the EuroSheep website and are also available there. This will allow continuity in both projects. The EuroSheep website consists in 5 main areas: Home, Article categories, News & Events, About EuroSheep and Contact Us. The Article categories section is subdivided into 5 main topics: Improve Health, Manage Nutrition, Improve Flock Management, Dairy and Meat, to reflect the overarching themes and production covered by the EuroSheep project. About EuroSheep presents the Sheep industry in Europe and Turkey, the EuroSheep partners, the Sheep networks involved in the project, the EuroSheep communications, links to other EU projects and a series of useful links. The News & Events will allow farmers and other stakeholders to be aware of events in their countries and register their interest in participating to workshops. Finally, now that EuroSheep has identified the main farmers' issues regarding sheep health, nutrition and management, solutions are being inventoried. These will be soon published on the EuroSheep website.

The EuroSheep website ( is now live and available in the 6 languages of the project, namely English, French, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and Hungarian, as well as in Romanian. All the previous knowledge reservoir posts (>800) from SheepNet have been transferred to the EuroSheep website and are also available there. This will allow continuity in both projects. The EuroSheep website consists in 5 main areas: Home, Article categories, News & Events, About EuroSheep and Contact Us. The Article categories section is subdivided into 5 main topics: Improve Health, Manage Nutrition, Improve Flock Management, Dairy and Meat, to reflect the overarching themes and production covered by the EuroSheep project. About EuroSheep presents the Sheep industry in Europe and Turkey, the EuroSheep partners, the Sheep networks involved in the project, the EuroSheep communications, links to other EU projects and a series of useful links. The News & Events will allow farmers and other stakeholders to be aware of events in their countries and register their interest in participating to workshops. Finally, now that EuroSheep has identified the main farmers' issues regarding sheep health, nutrition and management, solutions are being inventoried. These will be soon published on the EuroSheep website.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Institut de l'Elevage

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Institut de l'Elevage

    Project partner

  • Scotland's Rural College

    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner

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    Project partner

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    Project partner

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