project - Research and innovation

ENABLING: Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth
ENABLING: Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth

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The thematic network promoted by ENABLING will bring a substantial injection of innovation in the production, pre-processing and provision of biomass into Bio-based Products and Processes, across Europe. The project aims to tackle the knowledge-fragmentation around the European bio-based Industry by improving and systematising collaboration among different stakeholders. Key actors interested by the initiative are those operators working as suppliers of biomass streams, the processing and transformation industry and other types of stakeholders connected with the biomass production and transformation processes (service providers, innovation brokers, logistics and others)


See objective in English


In order to create a coherent and useful framework of knowledge for favouring innovation uptake by practioners, the project will identify and share best practices able to show the valorisation and applicability of biomass streams for Bio-Based Products (BBPs) production. First actions will entail the characterisation, mapping and industrial application of biomass sources across participating countries mainly. This will be a preparatory activity for the identification and analysis of the best practices with the aim of sharing them through webinars, coaching and innovation brokerage activities as to arise awareness, foster stakeholder’s engagement and favoure innovation uptake.


The project intends to respond to the needs, felt by practitioners across Europe, of improving collaboration and business opportunities between operators that generate biomass streams, (farmers) and the processing and transformation industry (the Bio-Based Industry - BBI).

In the last decade, biomass production has mainly generated input for bioenergy and biofuels, in sectors characterised by large industrial players and low labour intervention. On the other hand, the bio-materials and bio-plastics processes require higher and specialised labour, representing a significant potential for diversification (especially in rural areas) and job creation.

Most of the agricultural businesses involved in the production of biomass for the Bio-based products (BBPs) have operated according to bilateral relationships with their industrial counterpart. The lack of optimised value chains tends to penalise small rural business and tends to hinder economic development on both sides.

The ENABLING initiative is based on the consortium’s vision that the biomass for BBPs value chains can enhance economic growth, lead to a sound management of natural resources and positively contribute to job-creation in the regions and countries where they can be deployed.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 1997640

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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32 Practice Abstracts

Vulcolor attends to the increasing demand for natural colourings in the foodstuffs industry and produc-es extracts, organic fruit juice concentrates and natural fruit juice concentrates from berry fruits (mainly elderberry - sambucus nigra).

The main products are fruit juice concentrates and colouring extracts. Vulcolor fruit juice concentrates and colouring extracts contain the natural red colouring substance of berry fruits. In the production of concentrates, the natural water content of the fruit juice is extracted through vaporisation. The Brix con-tent of the concentrate varies according to the quantity to be extracted.

The production process also produces a large quantity of elderberry pomace, which was initially treated as waste, but in the course of time has been recognised as a valuable raw material for the food industry, but above all for the cosmetics industry, which oil, extracted from the kernels, is used in skin care prod-ucts.

A further product is a material for juice fining, which is a registered soil additive for organic farming.

Farmers are having the security, that their product is bought by a strong company at a good price. Fur-thermore, there is an advantage in logistics, since the company is located in the centre of the largest eld-erberry area in Europe.

Critical to the successful of this practice is the location of the company and of the production plant, which are located in the centre of the largest elderberry area in Europe and make transport distances short. Furthermore, there is a demand for the residues of the elderberry, which was considered as a waste before and now a resource for the current industries.

Vulcolor bedient die steigende Nachfrage nach natürlichen Farbstoffen in der Lebensmittelindustrie und stellt Extrakte, Bio-Fruchtsaftkonzentrate und natürliche Fruchtsaftkonzentrate aus Beerenfrüchten (hauptsächlich Holunder - Sambucus nigra) her.

Die Hauptprodukte sind Konzentrate sowie färbende Extrakte. Die Konzentrate und Extrakte enthalten den natürlichen roten Farbstoff der Beerenfrüchte. Bei der Herstellung von Konzentraten wird dem Fruchtsaft durch schonendes Eindampfen der natürliche Wassergehalt entzogen. Der Brixgehalt des Konzentrats variiert nach der zu extrahierenden Menge.

Bei der Herstellung fällt auch eine große Menge Holundertrester an, der anfangs als Abfall behandelt wurde, aber im Laufe der Zeit als wertvoller Rohstoff für die Lebensmittelindustrie, vor allem aber für die Kosmetikindustrie erkannt wurde.Das aus den Kernen gewonnene Öl wird in Hautpflegemitteln verwendet.

Ein weiteres Produkt ist ein Material zur Saftschönung, das als Bodenhilfsstoff für den ökologischen Landbau registriert ist.

Die Landwirte haben die Sicherheit, dass ihr Produkt von einem starken Unternehmen zu einem guten Preis gekauft wird. Außerdem gibt es einen Vorteil in der Logistik, da das Unternehmen im Zentrum des größten Holunderanbaugebietes Europas liegt.

Entscheidend für den Erfolg dieser Praxis ist der Standort des Unternehmens und der Produktionsstätte im Zentrum des größten Holunderanbaugebietes Europas. Dadurch sind die Transportwege kurz. Darüber hinaus besteht eine Nachfrage nach den Rückständen der Holunderbeere, die früher als Abfall, heute jedoch als Ressource für weitere Industrien betrachtet werden.

ZVNDER develops innovative products from a tree fungus. The fibres of the mushroom were originally used as "tinder" for lighting fires. Later in the 18th century, the velvety material weave was used for textiles and wound dressings. Today the craft is almost extinct, but the fabric is still produced in Transylvania, Romania.

The tree fungus – “Fomes Fomentarius” is a parasite, a decomposer and a well-known plant. It grows on weakened deciduous trees and decomposes their wood components. ZVNDER produces vegan materi-als and textiles from this raw material with modern technologies and the inclusion of traditional pro-cessing methods.

The material is procured in Romanian Transylvania, a region with large forest areas and a high occur-rence of scale sponges. Accordingly, tinder sponge processing has been practiced for generations and ZVNDER relies on the many years of knowledge and the unique qualitative processing of the family businesses based there. The local foresters harvest the fungi manually and dry it for up to one year. It is then peeled and further processed by hand. The trees on which the fungi grow for up to thirty years are also cared for to ensure a successful harvest for a long period of time. No chemicals are used in the en-tire production process. Each business cannot deliver more than 20kg of weave per year, so there are natural limits to business growth.

The businesses receive certificates for collecting the tree fungus. As a result, the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms can be harvested with care and species conservation can be ensured. In addition, the resi-dues generated during processing are used, for example, as smoked goods in beekeeping.

ZVNDER entwickelt innovative Produkte aus einem Baumpilz. Die Fasern des Pilzes wurden ursprüng-lich als Zunder verwendet. Später im 18. Jhd. wurde das samtige Material Trama für Textilien und Wundauflagen verwendet. Heute ist das Handwerk fast ausgestorben, aber der Stoff wird noch immer in Rumänien hergestellt. Fomes fomentarius ist ein Parasit und eine bekannte Pflanze. Er wächst auf ge-schwächten Laubbäumen und zersetzt deren Holzbestandteile. ZVNDER produziert mit modernen Technologien und unter Einbeziehung traditioneller Verarbeitungsmethoden aus dem Rohstoff vegane Textilien.

Das Material wird im rumänischen Siebenbürgen beschafft, einer Region mit großen Waldflächen und hohem Baumpilzvorkommen. Die Zunderschwammverarbeitung wird dort seit Generationen praktiziert und ZVNDER stützt sich auf das langjährige Wissen und die einzigartige qualitative Verarbeitung der dort ansässigen Familienunternehmen. Die örtlichen Förster ernten die Pilze per Hand und trocknen sie bis zu einem Jahr. Die Bäume, auf denen die Pilze bis zu 30 Jahre lang wachsen, werden ebenfalls gepflegt, um eine erfolgreiche Ernte über einen langen Zeitraum zu gewährleisten. Im gesamten Produk-tionsprozess werden keine Chemikalien verwendet. Bei der Ernte kann nicht mehr als 20 kg Kilogramm Trama pro Jahr/ pro Unternehmen geliefert werden, daher gibt es natürliche Grenzen für ein Geschäfts-wachstum.

Die Unternehmen erhalten Zertifikate für das Sammeln des Baumpilzes. Dadurch können die Frucht-körper der Pilze mit Sorgfalt geerntet und der Artenschutz sichergestellt werden. Darüber hinaus wer-den die bei der Verarbeitung entstehenden Rückstände beispielsweise als Rauchwaren in der Bienen-zucht verwendet.

HOMEcap coffee capsule consists of the innovative material “Golden Compound green” made of sun-flower seed hulls, a mineral filler and BioPBS™. The hulls of sunflower seeds are a waste product from the extraction of sunflower seeds, while BioPBS™ is a starch-based and biodegradable plastic. The in-novative HOMEcap product, consists of the “Golden Compound green” capsule and an environmentally friendly cellulose-based lid that needs no additional glue for sealing the capsule. Extra barrier packaging is unnecessary due to excellent oxygen transmission rates of the overall material composition, thus saving further waste. The whole product completely degrades on the home compost within 12 months.

Starch (sugar polymer) from corn plants is used in the production of BioPBS™. Given the ready availa-bility of corn in terms of production and processing in Europe, its sugar molecules are used as raw mate-rial. The valuable proteins of the plant are not used and can be further processed, for example as animal feed. Hence, there is no conflict with the food industry and a double income for corn producers is gen-erated.

Other farmers can specialise in or complement their production (processes) with sunflower seeds and providing opportunities for business diversification.

A critical factor for the success of this practice is the geographical position, as production of sunflower seeds in Europe is high (9.9 million tonnes), there are less costs concerning the import/transport and lo-gistic of the biomass feedstock.

Die HOMEcap-Kaffeekapsel besteht aus dem innovativen Material „Golden Compound Green“ aus Sonnenblumenkernschalen, einem Mineralfüllstoff und BioPBS™. Die Schalen sind ein Abfallprodukt die aus der Entfernung der Sonnenblumenkerne verbleiben, während BioPBS™ ein auf Stärke basie-render und biologisch abbaubarer Kunststoff ist. Das innovative Produkt HOMEcap besteht aus der Kapsel „Golden Compound Green“ und einem umweltfreundlichen Deckel auf Zellulosebasis, der zum Verschließen der Kapsel keinen zusätzlichen Klebstoff benötigt. Eine zusätzliche Verpackung ist aufgrund der hervorragenden Sauerstoffübertragungsraten der gesamten Materialzusammensetzung nicht erforderlich, wodurch weiterer Abfall eingespart wird. Das gesamte Produkt wird auf dem heimischen Kompost innerhalb von 12 Monaten vollständig abgebaut.

Stärke (Zuckerpolymer) aus Maispflanzen wird zur Herstellung von BioPBS™ verwendet. Aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit von Mais, für die Produktion und Verarbeitung in Europa werden seine Zuckermoleküle als Rohstoff verwendet. Die wertvollen Proteine der Pflanze werden nicht verwendet und können bei-spielsweise als Tierfutter weiterverarbeitet werden. Somit besteht kein Konflikt mit der Lebensmittelin-dustrie und es wird ein weiteres Einkommen für die Maisproduzenten generiert. Landwirte können sich auf die Produktion/ Prozesse spezialisieren oder diese um Sonnenblumenkerne ergänzen und somit ihr Geschäftsprofil erweitern.

Ein entscheidender Faktor das erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodell ist die geografische Lage, da die Produktion von Sonnenblumenkernen in Europa hoch ist (9,9 Mio. t) und weniger Kosten für den Import / Trans-port sowie die Logistik des Biomasse-Ausgangsmaterials anfallen.

The VITIVALO project aims to recycle viticultural waste and viticultural nurseries on the Savoie Mont Blanc territory in order to offer an alternative to the practice of burning it in the open air. This project, launched in June 2017, is directly linked to a national environmental issue of air quality and agricultural waste management.

The first beneficiaries of this project will be wine professionals and wine nurseries, thanks to the creation of new ways of recovering their waste that they can no longer burn in the open air. The development of new practices in their activities, more in line with the environmental expectations of citizens, also allow them to communicate on this aspect.

Waste management and recovery companies are also very involved in the project, particularly for the col-lection and transport of this waste. The logistical organization that will be put in place will be part of the industry's economic model.

Finally, exchanges with several cosmetic and nutraceutical companies were established to develop the ac-tivity. Indeed, the challenge was to have local businesses to limit transport with an economic and envi-ronmental impact in the sector.

The VITIVALO project involves a number of important partners, making it possible to ensure the me-dium-term development of a real sector of territory, which associates the upstream (viticulturalists and nurserymen viticultural via their professional unions, French Institute of Vine and Wine), with down-stream (cosmetics and nutraceutical companies which have shown a strong interest in these bio-based molecules).

Le projet VITIVALO vise à recycler les déchets viticoles et les pépinières viticoles sur le territoire Savoie Mont Blanc afin de proposer une alternative à la pratique de la combustion en plein air. Ce projet, lancé en juin 2017, est directement lié à un enjeu environnemental national de qualité de l'air et de gestion des déchets agricoles.

Les premiers bénéficiaires de ce projet seront les professionnels du vin et les pépinières, grâce à la créa-tion de nouvelles manières de valoriser leurs déchets qu'ils ne peuvent plus brûler à l'air libre. Le déve-loppement de nouvelles pratiques dans leurs activités, plus en phase avec les attentes environnementales des citoyens, leur permet également de communiquer sur cet aspect.

Les entreprises de gestion et de valorisation des déchets sont également très impliquées dans le projet, notamment pour la collecte et le transport de ces déchets. L'organisation logistique qui sera mise en place fera partie du modèle économique de l'industrie.

Enfin, des échanges avec plusieurs sociétés cosmétiques et nutraceutiques ont été instaurés pour déve-lopper l'activité. En effet, l'enjeu était d'avoir des entreprises locales pour limiter les transports avec un impact économique et environnemental dans le secteur.

Le projet VITIVALO implique un certain nombre de partenaires importants, permettant d'assurer le développement à moyen terme d'un véritable secteur de territoire, qui associe l'amont (viticulteurs et pépiniéristes viticoles via leurs syndicats professionnels, Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin) et l’aval (sociétés de cosmétiques et nutraceutiques qui ont montré un fort intérêt pour ces molécules biosour-cées).

Recent convergence of biotechnological and design tools has stimulated an emergence of new design practices utilizing natural mechanisms to programme matter in a bottom-up approach. In this project, the fibrous network of mycelium - the vegetative part of fungi - is employed to produce sustainable alterna-tives for synthetic foams as board materials for buildings.

The use of mushroom mycelium as a “glue” to combine wood waste for producing bio-composites is unique, depicting a clear effect on material density, water absorbency, and the compressive strength of the final bio-composite. The new composite material is biodegradable. It will be used as replacement to synthetic materials that are not degradable and cause waste problems.

The use of mushroom mycelium can combine the cellulosic materials of the wood waste and therefore the final product will be commercial. It can solve waste disposal and benefit farmers and forest owners by using waste to a commercial product.

For the bio-composite sector, it will produce a product that is cheaper and can be used in the market. It demonstrates implications for mycelium-based composites for circular design and architectural applica-tions. It shows that in order to produce desirable designs and performance within an inclusive circular approach, parameters such as material composition and fabrication conditions should be considered ac-cording to the target function of the final product throughout the design process.

Woodcast is a fabric-like material made from woodchips and biodegradable polymer. It is used to splint injured bodyparts, as a substitute for castings.

Casting can be done with your bare hands and without masks, ventilation hoods or water baths.

The chips used in Woodcast are mainly from Finnish aspen and these must be certified for medical purposes.

The fabric is produced by fine-chipping the wood. Then the chip mass is heated up, spores from cryptogams are removed and it is combined with bioplastic. Woodcast is produced in one, two or four millimetres thicknesses and it is used in hobbies crafting as well.

Woodcast can be burned to bioenergy after use, or it can be disposed of as compostable waste.

Woodcast’s plastic components are listed in the European Directive 2002/72/EC for plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.

The safety of all Woodcast products has been tested in accordance with ISO 10993, the standard criterion for evaluating the biocompatibility of medical devices.

Woodcast je materiál podobný tkanině vyrobený z dřevní štěpky a biologicky odbouratelného polymeru. Používá se k zpevnění (dlahování) poškozených částí těla jako alternativa k odlitkům nebo k sádrové fixaci. Dlahování je možné provádět holýma rukama, bez ochranných masek nebo vodních lázní.

Štěpka používaná ve Woodcastu je převážně z finské osiky a musí být certifikována pro lékařské účely.

Tkanina se vyrábí jemným štěpkováním dřeva. Nasledně se hmota zahřeje, odstraní se spory výtrusných rostlin a zkombinuje se s bioplastem. Woodcast se vyrábí v tloušťkách jeden, dva nebo čtyři milimetry a kromě zdravotnictví je využitelný i v modelářství.

Woodcast může být po použití likvidován spalováním na bioenergii nebo jako kompostovatelný odpad.

Plastové součásti Woodcast jsou uvedeny v evropské směrnici 2002/72 / ES pro plastové materiály a předměty určené pro styk s potravinami.

Bezpečnost všech produktů Woodcast byla testována v souladu s normou ISO 10993, která je standardním kritériem pro hodnocení biokompatibility zdravotnických prostředků.

Sulapac provides sustainable biocomposite materials designed to replace conventional plastics in a variety of applications including luxury packaging and food contact products.

The products are bio-based and recyclable via industrial composting. The materials are processable with existing plastic product machinery, making sustainability an easy choice. The current recipes are based on wood chips and biodegradable binders. The wood ingredient comes from wood industry’s processing side streams, wood chips and wood flour, which are turned into valuable end-products. Global bioplastic packaging market is projected to be valued at € 30.2 billion in the next few years, and this is only one application range, in which Sulapac materials can be adopted.

The Sulapac portfolio also includes ready-made products, such as premium packaging for the cosmetic industry and a drinking straw.

Sulapac supports its customers throughout the customer journey, from material selection and technical support to go-to-market activities.

Stora Enso (licensor and partner) - develops and produces solutions based on wood and biomass for a range of industries and applications worldwide, leading in the bioeconomy and supporting customers in meeting demand for renewable eco-friendly products.

Sulapac poskytuje udržitelné biokompozitní materiály určené k nahrazení konvenčních plastů v různých aplikacích, včetně luxusních obalů a produktů pro styk s potravinami.

Jedná se o biologické výrobky, které jsou recyklovatelné průmyslovým kompostováním. Materiály lze zpracovat pomocí stávajících zařízení na výrobu plastových výrobků, což znamená snadnou udržitelnost výroby. Aktuální složení je dáno kombinací dřevní štěpky a biologicky odbouratelných pojiv. Dřevitá složka pochází z vedlejších produktů zpracovatelského průmyslu, dřevní štěpky a pilin, které se přeměňují na cenné konečné produkty. Předpokládá se, že celosvětový trh s bioplastovými obaly bude v příštích několika letech v hodnotě 30,2 miliard EUR, což je však pouze jedna oblast použití, ve které lze materiály Sulapac využít. Portfolio Sulapac zahrnuje také hotové výrobky, jako jsou prémiové obaly pro kosmetický průmysl a slámky na pití.

Sulapac se stará o své obchodní partnery po celou dobu procesu, od výběru materiálu a technické podpory až po aktivity spojené s prodejem cílových produktů.

Stora Enso (poskytovatel licence a partner) - vyvíjí a poskytuje řešení pro zpracování dřeva a biomasy pro řadu průmyslových odvětví po celém světě a patří k významným organizacím v oblasti biohospodářství, stejně jako při podpoře zákazníků poptávajících ekologicky šetrné produkty z obnovitelných zdrojů

Kampala Jellitone Suppliers (KJS) is coffee processor that uses firewood stoves. This has led to the need to look for different fuel sources. One of the possibilities was the production of non-carbonated fuel briquettes made from waste.

The processing of commercial crops produces large amounts of biomass residues, including rice and peanut husks, coffee pulp and corn stalks. KJS started to transform this waste into clean fuel.

The company buy agricultural waste from farmers such as rice, wheat, g-nut husks, coffee husks, etc, and process them to obtain fuel biomass briquettes for cooking, baking and roasting as an alternative to fire-wood and charcoal. This technology reduces deforestation and thus saves the environment. KJS performed various experiments with the production and use of fuel briquettes.

Local farmers provide raw materials and benefit from skills training and outreach programmes. In addition, they can valorise waste from primary production.

This practice is contributing to reduce deforestation, using the residue-based briquettes instead of fuel-wood and charcoal and which saves about 6.1 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of briquettes used, or 9,300 tonnes/year CO2. The briquettes are clean, easy to handle and reduce cooking time.

Kampala Jellitone Suppliers (KJS) je zpracovatel kávy, který používá kamna na palivové dřevo. To vedlo k potřebě hledat různé zdroje paliva. Jednou z možností byla výroba neuhelných palivových briket vy-robených z odpadu.

Zpracování komerčních plodin produkuje velké množství zbytků biomasy, včetně rýžových a arašídových slupek, kávové drtě a stonků kukuřice. KJS začala tento odpad přeměňovat na čisté palivo.

Společnost nakupuje zemědělský odpad od zemědělců, jako je rýže, pšenice, slupky z ořechů, kávové slupky atd. Z tohoto bio-odpadu zpracovává brikety na vaření jako alternativu k palivovému dříví a dřevěnému uhlí. Tato technologie omezuje odlesňování, čímž významně šetří životní prostředí. KJS stále provádí různé experimenty spojené s výrobou a použitím palivových briket.

Místní farmáři dodávají suroviny a těží z nově dostupných zkušeností a informačních programů. Kromě toho mohou valorizovat odpad z prvovýroby.

Tato praxe přispívá ke snížení odlesňování tím, že místo palivového dřeva a dřevěného uhlí se používají brikety z přebytků a odpadu, což šetří přibližně 6,1 tuny CO2 na tunu použitých briket nebo 9 300 tun CO2 za rok.

Brikety jsou čisté, snadno se s nimi manipuluje a zkracují dobu vaření.

Excessive use of plastic packaging and bags and their insufficient disposal causes increasing pollution of the surface of continents and the world's oceans. At the same time, the problem of using waste from agri-cultural production is growing. The example from Uganda shows the possibilities of using agricultural waste for the handmade production of paper bags, which can be a great alternative to environmentally-hazardous polyethylene bags.

Wastes from primary agricultural production, such as banana or pineapple residues, cotton waste and other farming residues are collected and bought from local farmers. This waste is further processed at the incubation center of the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), where handmade paper is produced from the waste. It is then used to produce end products, such as eco-bags, various types of cards, decorative papers, etc.

Local farmer groups provide raw materials and benefit from skills training and outreach programmes.

Oribags Innovations Ltd. is responsible for waste collection, processing and marketing the products, while

Uganda Industrial Research Institute provides processing facilities and technical support as well as marketing support. A special contribution to this business model is given by the Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association, which supports the initiative in terms of networking, mentoring and entrepreneurship training.

In addition to producing eco-friendly paper bags as an alternative to the environmentally hazardous polythene bags, this practice is creating employment for the local communities in the production facilities, empowering women and youth through training in paper making, jewellery manufacturing and entrepreneurship skills.

Nadměrné používání plastových obalů a tašek a jejich nedostatečná likvidace způsobují rostoucí znečištění

povrchu kontinentů a světových oceánů. Současně vzrůstají problémy spojené s využitím odpadů ze zemědělské produkce. Příklad z Ugandy ukazuje možnosti využití zemědělského odpadu pro ruční výrobu papírových tašek, která může být skvělou alternativou k ekologicky rizikovým polyetylenovým sáčkům.

Odpady ze zemědělské prvovýroby, jako jsou zbytky banánů nebo ananasu, bavlněný odpad a další

zemědělské zbytky se shromažďují a nakupují od místních zemědělců. Tento odpad se dále zpracovává v

inkubačním centru Ugandského průmyslového výzkumného ústavu (UIRI), kde se z odpadu vyrábí ruční papír. Ten se poté se používá k výrobě konečných produktů, jako jsou ekologické tašky, různé druhy karet, dekorativní papíry atd.

Místní skupiny farmářů poskytují suroviny a těží z nově dostupných zkušeností a informačních pro-gramů.

Oribags Innovations Ltd. je odpovědná za sběr odpadu, jeho zpracování a marketing výsledných produktů.

Ugandský průmyslový výzkumný ústav poskytuje zpracovatelská zařízení a technickou i marketingovou podporu. Zvláštností tohoto obchodního modelu je zapojení Asociace ugandských podnikatelek, která podporuje iniciativy v oblasti vytváření sítí, mentoringu a školení v podnikání.

One2Born decided to develop a sustainable, safe egg tray for 50 eggs that is made of corn gluten, and that holds special patented properties, which helps chicks to safely hatch at the farm instead off the hatchery. Hatching chicks have direct access to feed and water.

The innovation is an egg tray, made of corn gluten (a residue product of compound feed production) and reinforced with residue bamboo fibers (a residue of other bamboo applications). The egg tray is a sustainable and affordable replacement for the traditional recycled paper egg tray. The egg tray is edible and biodegradable in the stable once the chicks have hatched. It measures 10x5 eggs, is fully compatible with all hatchery systems, truck trolleys and every henhouse.

The innovation is two folded: 1) One2Born will use biobased materials (bamboo fibers and corn gluten) for the production of the egg trays. 2)The egg tray is specifically designed to safely transport the incubated eggs and hatch the eggs in the stable.

The businesses involved in the value chain are poultry hatching firms, that raise broilers and laying hens. The benefits for them include:

• Lower mortality rates in day-old chicks due to hatching of chicks in the stable instead of transporting live chicks;

• Reduction of costs for hatcheries and same costs throughout the supply chain for hatching eggs, thus disrupting the hatching part of the value chain;

• Decrease in the use of antibiotics;

• Better feed conversion, daily gain;

• Higher profits;

• Increased employee welfare due to better results in chick hatching.

This leads to cost savings of up to €6 ct. per chick, also due to health advantages of chicks hatching in the stable.

One2Born ontwikkelt een duurzaam, veilig eierrek voor 50 eieren die gemaakt is van maïsgluten en die speciale gepatenteerde eigenschappen heeft, waardoor de kuikens veilig kunnen uitkomen op de boerderij in plaats van in de broederij. De uitgebroede kuikens hebben direct toegang tot voer en water.

De innovatie is een eierrek, gemaakt van maïsgluten (een restproduct van de mengvoederproductie) en versterkt met restbamboevezels (een restproduct van andere bamboetoepassingen). Het eierrek is een duurzame en betaalbare vervanger van de traditionele gerecyclede papieren eierrek. Het eierrek is eetbaar en biologisch afbreekbaar in de stal zodra de kuikens zijn uitgekomen. Hij meet 10x5 eieren en is volledig compatibel met alle broederijsystemen, vrachtwagenwagens en elk kippenhok.

De innovatie is tweezijdig: 1) One2Born gebruikt biobased materialen (bamboevezels en maïsgluten) voor de productie van de eiertrays. 2) Het eierrek is speciaal ontworpen om de uitgebroede eieren veilig te vervoeren en de eieren in de stal uit te broeden.

De bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij de waardeketen zijn pluimveebroedbedrijven, die vleeskuikens en leghennen houden. De voordelen voor hen zijn onder andere:

- Lagere sterftecijfers bij eendagskuikens als gevolg van het uitbroeden van kuikens in de stal in plaats van het vervoer van levende kuikens

- Verlaging van de kosten voor de broederijen en dezelfde kosten in de hele toeleveringsketen voor broedeieren, waardoor het broedgedeelte van de waardeketen wordt beperkt;

- Afname van het gebruik van antibiotica;

- Betere voederconversie, dagelijks voordeel;

Dit leidt tot een kostenbesparing van maximaal € 6 ct. per kuiken, ook door de gezondheidsvoordelen van het uitkomen van kuikens in de stal.

Cambond offers a radical solution which consist of a low-nontoxic adhesive that can be used in the con-struction of wood panelling as well as to produce biomass composites for both construction and packaging. Cambond is made from protein containing biomass such as DDGS (distillation by-products) and algae. As such Cambond wood panels or Cambond based composites are entirely comprised of biomass and thus recycling of waste is both easy, entire, and theoretically limitless.

The resin is the result of the extraction of proteins and fats from biomass waste streams with a high protein content. They have continued to develop both this resin adhesive and a wide variety of possible commercial uses.

Cambond resin is made from distillers’ grain and/or algae. The use of distiller’s grain for a higher valued purpose if upscaled would provide a secondary income to distilleries from the sale of spent grain, there-by increasing their demand for malting grains to distil alcohol from. This would then have the effect of raising the price for malting grains such as high-quality barley, increasing the profit for farmers producing these crops.

The development and production of Cambond resin-based composites provides an additional market for agricultural co- and by-products such as cereal straw to produce these composites. The wide variety of biomass which can be used, and the large potential market could lead to a significant increase in the value of these secondary biomasses (e.g. straw, hemp etc)

The entirely biobased characteristics of Cambond based products allows for a circular economy of their products through recycling of spent panels and packaging to produce new panels and packaging.

Spinnova textile products are produced using cellulosic fibres from Agri-waste streams and FSC certified wood. The wood or agri-cellulose waste streams such as straw comes into the process as a pulp, which is then mechanically refined into a fine paste-like-material called micro fibrillated cellulose (MFC). This ultra-fine pulp then flows through Spinnova’s unique nozzle which rotates and aligns the fibres and fi-brils with the flow to create an elastic durable fibre network.

Spinnova collaborates with textile industry brands by supplying their unique cellulose fibres to these brands to produce textiles. As such these fibres act as a supplement/replacement to cotton fibres in the production of textiles. With both mixed organic cotton and Spinnova fibre products.

Using this raw material in the production of fibres allows farmers to free land and water from the need to grow cotton, thereby increasing their ability to produce other high value crops to sell, including food crops which also increases the food security of their region.

The 100% biodegradable and non-toxic nature of Spinnova’s brand partner’s textile products mean they can be composted once they reach their end of life, and could in the future through the expansion of this value chain be returned to farmer’s soils as a soil enhancer. This adds a use and thereby higher value for agri-waste biomass streams such as stubble, straw, horticultural wastes and other crop and biomass residues.

This value chain provides a sustainable and guaranteed use for farmer’s straw, thereby providing an addi-tional secure income stream in addition to the main crop, creating a circular system and allowing greater utilisation of the straw.

Cupffee is an Eco-friendly type of coffee cup created by the Bulgarian startup in 2010. It is made from natural grains which makes it consumable. It can be used for both hot and cold drinks. Cupffee is a combination of a cup and food and the product is reaching more and more countries. It is available in different cup sizes and stirrers as well and preserve best its properties before 6 months from the date of production.

The production of Cupffee is patented and received copyright in 2015. The innovation in the process is that it offers an alternative usage of grain and grain residues. Cupffee company got both the patent and copyright in 2015.

From this business model farmers reached a new market for their production. In fact, besides coffee grains Cupffee is also using bran as a raw material. The rising market for Cupffee means rising market for farmers’ production, too.

Added value of Cupffee production includes not only new opportunities such as new type of market segments, but also benefits for the environment.

Cupffee has a clear environmentally-friendly content – less harmful plastic waste, less CO2 emissions. The product includes specific properties – it is edible and after drinking your coffee you can eat the cup. The complete breakup of the cup takes 20 hours.

Cupffee е екологичен тип чаша за кафе, създаден от едноименния български стартъп през 2010 г. Той е направен от естествени зърнени продукти, което го прави годен за консумация. Може да се използва както за топли, така и за студени напитки. Cupffee е комбинация от чаша и храна, и продуктът достига до все повече страни. Предлага се като чаши с различни размери и бъркалки, и запазва най-добрите си свойства до 6 месеца от датата на производство. Производството на Cupffee е патентовано и получи авторско право през 2015 г. Иновацията в процеса е в това, че предлага алтернативно използване на зърно и зърнени остатъци. Компанията Cupffee получи патент и авторски права през 2015 г. Чрез този бизнес модел фермерите достигнаха до нов пазар за своето производство. Всъщност, освен кафените зърна, Cupffee използва и трици като суровина. Нарастващият пазар за Cupffee означава нарастващ пазар и за продукцията на фермерите. Добавената стойност на производството на Cupffee включва не само нови възможности като нов тип пазарни сегменти, но и ползи за околната среда. Cupffee има ясно екологично съдържание - по-малко вредни пластмасови отпадъци, по-малко емисии на CO2. Продуктът включва специфични свойства - ядивен е и след като изпиете кафето си, можете да изядете чашата. Пълното разграждане на чашата протича за 20 часа.

Tomil Herb Ltd. was created for the production of herbal tablets following the recipes of his predeces-sors who were engaged with herbs and medicinal plants for more than 120 years.

This business model allows to use Bulgarian natural plants and medicine herbs as a basis for the produc-tion of pharmaceutical products.

The company produces over 50 herbal products, each of them with strong curative effect for treating different diseases. The company has its own factory in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria, equipped with the most mod-ern European machines and packing lines.

The automated production cycle and the best herbs of Bulgaria allow Tomil Herb Ltd. to offer products with sustainable high quality for 15 years already. The products result in strong curative effect and no un-desired side effects.

Farmers produce, collect, and sell the plants to the processing industry. This value chain is expanding their list of plant growing opportunities; Farmers have got the possibility to substitute highly distributed plants with new ones and to use set aside land for its production.

Highly specialised staff works in the factory of Pazardzhik, equipped with the most modern European machines and packing lines in the pharmaceutical industry. The storage and transportation are per-formed by the producer. Most important factors are both the geographical position of Bulgaria, assuring abundance of natural plants with strongly manifested medicinal properties, and the experience of the ethnic medicine in healing with herbs.

Tomil Herb Ltd. е създаден от д-р Тошков за производство на билкови таблетки по рецептите на прародителите му, които са се занимавали с билки и лечебни растения повече от 120 години. Този бизнес модел позволява да се използват български растения и лечебни билки като основа за производството на фармацевтични продукти. Компанията произвежда над 50 билкови продукта, всеки от които със силен лечебен ефект за лечение на различни заболявания. Компанията разполага със собствена фабрика в Пазарджик, България, оборудвана с най-модерните европейски машини и опаковъчни линии. Автоматизираният производствен цикъл и най-добрите билки в България позволяват на Tomil Herb Ltd. да предлага продукти с устойчиво високо качество вече 15 години. Продуктите имат силен лечебен ефект без нежелани странични ефекти. Фермерите произвеждат, събират и продават растенията на преработвателната промишленост. Тази стойностна верига разширява техните възможности за отглеждане на растения; Фермерите имат възможност да заменят широко разпространените растения с нови и да използват пустееща земя за производството им. Във фабриката в Пазарджик работи висококвалифициран персонал. Съхранението и транспортирането на продукцията се извършват от производителя. Най-важните фактори са географското положение на България, осигуряващо изобилие от естествени растения със силно проявени лечебни свойства, както и опитът на народната медицина в лечението с билки.

Cluster "HEMP" was founded in 2015 year. Its main purpose is breeding industrial hemp - unfairly neglected plant species in Vojvodina region. The number of interested farmers in breeding industrial hemp is increasing permanently. The initiative is contributing to raise the competitiveness of the farmers and helping to the preservation of ecological stability, job creation and investment in agriculture.

Hemp cultivation is also fostering modern production of industrial hemp every day to find new use of these versatile plant, so far over 20,000 products.

The business model sees the cooperation of farmers and other specialists interested in hemp growth and production of articles from it. Their efforts are united by the cluster Konoplja (Hemp) and represent the interests of all its members.

Cultivating hemp preserves nature, enrich the air, and produce large amounts of green mass for food, fibre and products for other purposes.

On the other hand, the intensification of growing industrial hemp is requiring the development of larger processing capacities.

The benefit for farmer is expanding the list of plant growing opportunities. Farmers have the possibility to substitute highly distributed plants with new ones and to use set aside land for its production.

Клъстер „Конопля“ (Коноп) е основан през 2015 година. Основната му цел е отглеждане на индустриален коноп - несправедливо пренебрегван растителен вид в региона на Войводина. Броят на заинтересованите фермери за развъждане на индустриален коноп постоянно се увеличава. Инициативата допринася за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на фермерите и спомага за запазването на екологичната стабилност, създаването на работни места и инвестициите в земеделието. Отглеждането на коноп също насърчава модерното производство на конопената индустрия, за да се намери ново приложение на тези растения, до момента използвани като суровина за над 20 000 продукта.

Бизнес моделът се състои в сътрудничество на фермери и други специалисти, заинтересовани от отглеждането на конопа и производството на изделия от него. Усилията им са обединени от клъстера, който представлява интересите на всичките си членове. Отглеждането на коноп съхранява природата, обогатява въздуха и произвежда големи количества зелена маса за храна, фибри и продукти за други цели. От друга страна, интензификацията на отглеждането на индустриален коноп изисква развитието на по-големи производствени мощности. Ползата за фермера е разширяването на списъка с възможности за отглеждане на растения. Фермерите имат възможност да заменят силно разпространените растения с нови и да използват запустяла земя за производството им.

The business model focusses on the production and retail of stone pine articles. This includes the full exploitation of all side stream resources (including wood shavings, sawdust and pine oil in combination with other materials like glass, textiles or semi-precious gems) as well as on individualizing the products in design.

Up to a few years ago, the main application for stone pine wood was in the furniture industry and for sauna construction. In some regions of the alps it was also used for construction and roofing.

A part of the innovation lies in the extension of utilization to the wellness sector. Stone pine wood is used for decoration objects with the specific aroma, to which also the distilled oil can be added, but also as fillings for pillows and seat rests.

All parts of the tree can be used and the waste from wood processing has become a valuable resource for providing other products.

The stock of Swiss stone pine that is stocking up in the Tyrolean productive forest has a volume of about 2.6 million cubic metres. A sustainable harvest of the wood does not endanger this valuable resource. On the contrary, old forest stands can be rejuvenated through the correct use of this tree species. This is valuable and desirable for protective reasons. The mixture of old and young forest areas with thick and thin trees is more stable against the various influences of nature.

New products create also more demand for the stone pine and thus are mobilizing unused stocks, leading to better income for farmers and forestry communities.

Das Geschäftsmodell konzentriert sich auf die Produktion und den Einzelhandel von Zirbenholzar-tikeln. Dazu gehört die volle Ausnutzung aller Stoffnebenströme (einschließlich Holzspäne, Sägemehl und Kiefernöl in Kombination mit anderen Materialien wie Glas, Textilien oder Halbedelsteinen) sowie die Individualisierung der Produkte im Design.

Bis vor wenigen Jahren wurde Zirbenholz vor allem in der Möbelindustrie und im Saunabau eingesetzt. In einigen Regionen der Alpen wurde es auch für den Bau und die Bedachung verwendet.

Ein Teil der Innovation liegt in der Ausweitung der Nutzung auf den Wellnessbereich. Zirbenholz wird für Dekorationsgegenstände mit dem spezifischen Aroma verwendet, denen auch das destillierte Öl zugesetzt werden kann, aber auch als Füllung für Kissen und Sitzauflagen.

Alle Teile des Baumes können genutzt werden und die Abfälle aus der Holzverarbeitung sind zu einer wertvollen Ressource für die Bereitstellung anderer Produkte geworden.

Der sich im Tiroler Nutzwald ansammelnde Zirbenbestand hat ein Volumen von rund 2,6 Millionen Kubikmetern. Eine nachhaltige Ernte des Holzes gefährdet diese wertvolle Ressource nicht. Im Ge-genteil, alte Waldbestände können durch die richtige Nutzung dieser Baumart verjüngt werden. Dies ist wertvoll und aus Schutzgründen wünschenswert. Die Mischung aus alten und jungen Waldflächen mit dicken und dünnen Bäumen ist stabiler gegen die verschiedenen Einflüsse der Natur.

Neue Produkte schaffen auch mehr Nachfrage nach der Zirbelkiefer und mobilisieren so ungenutzte Bestände, was zu einem besseren Einkommen für Land- und Forstwirtschaft führt.

The idea for Organoid Technologies started around ten years ago during the process of developing inflatable directional gates for the Red Bull Air Race.

The process entailed this "inflatable" know-how to produce "freely formed" elements from natural fibres such as wood chips, reed or straw.

An important impulse was the successful application for a PreeSeed funding and later a Seed funding by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH.

The original idea is to use the patented process to design large areas, from carports to buildings, every-thing would be possible.

The platform technology has now developed into a very successful business segment, with fragrant surfaces made of many different natural materials such as rosebuds, lavender stems or cornflower blossoms. Around 500 different raw materials are now available for processing.

Farming in high alpine regions is very different from farming in flat lands. It is not only focussed on food (mainly dairy) production, but has also a function of landscape protection from natural dangers. The supply of an industry with high herbal flower contents is creating a new income branch for the farms, since dairy prices are steadily lowering. This stabilizes the viability of alpine farming.

Several factors contributed to the success of this business model such as the participation in the “founders' competition adventure X”, preparation of a patent application, support for the foundation of a com-pany by CAST - Center of Academic Spin-offs Tyrol, successful application for a PreeSeed grant and later a Seed grant by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH, as well as elaboration of business areas that can be marketed faster than the original idea.

Vulcolor bedient die steigende Nachfrage nach natürlichen Farbstoffen in der Lebensmittelindustrie und stellt Extrakte, Bio-Fruchtsaftkonzentrate und natürliche Fruchtsaftkonzentrate aus Beerenfrüchten (hauptsächlich Holunder - Sambucus nigra) her.

Die Hauptprodukte sind Konzentrate sowie färbende Extrakte. Die Konzentrate und Extrakte enthalten den natürlichen roten Farbstoff der Beerenfrüchte. Bei der Herstellung von Konzentraten wird dem Fruchtsaft durch schonendes Eindampfen der natürliche Wassergehalt entzogen. Der Brixgehalt des Konzentrats variiert nach der zu extrahierenden Menge.

Bei der Herstellung fällt auch eine große Menge Holundertrester an, der anfangs als Abfall behandelt wurde, aber im Laufe der Zeit als wertvoller Rohstoff für die Lebensmittelindustrie, vor allem aber für die Kosmetikindustrie erkannt wurde.Das aus den Kernen gewonnene Öl wird in Hautpflegemitteln verwendet.

Ein weiteres Produkt ist ein Material zur Saftschönung, das als Bodenhilfsstoff für den ökologischen Landbau registriert ist.

Die Landwirte haben die Sicherheit, dass ihr Produkt von einem starken Unternehmen zu einem guten Preis gekauft wird. Außerdem gibt es einen Vorteil in der Logistik, da das Unternehmen im Zentrum des größten Holunderanbaugebietes Europas liegt.

Entscheidend für den Erfolg dieser Praxis ist der Standort des Unternehmens und der Produktionsstätte im Zentrum des größten Holunderanbaugebietes Europas. Dadurch sind die Transportwege kurz. Darüber hinaus besteht eine Nachfrage nach den Rückständen der Holunderbeere, die früher als Abfall, heute jedoch als Ressource für weitere Industrien betrachtet werden.

Giesswein is Europe's largest producer of 100% virgin wool clothing. The main products are shoes, apparel and blankets. The company treats wool fabrics differently than other companies, focusing specifi-cally on treatment of wool and sustainable wool use. This creates unique fabrics made of 100% merino-wool.

The processing of wool takes a lot of time than the production of conventional textiles. This process is more complex, but you get a much more functional product.

To produce the Merino wool end product, high-quality virgin wool from the Merino sheep is used. In contrast to normal sheep’s wool, Merino wool’s fibers are much finer - in fact, they’re only half as thick.

These products absorb and can carry away more moisture - and can keep you warmer - than other wool. In the footwear industry, 20% of cut material is pure waste and is lost forever. We've found a new way to process our wool while producing 0% waste.

The company is buying only wool from certified mulesing-free sheep. This alternative do, however, present significant time and financial burdens to farmers. Yet, the company is paying better prices for wool from non-mulesing, which allows them to produce in a non-harmful way, without having the disad-vantages of less income.

The main drivers for a successful development of this business model are, on one hand, the constant company-internal research regarding wool processing, and, on the other hand a growing demand for nat-ural materials in footwear.

Giesswein ist Europas größter Hersteller von Bekleidung aus 100% Schurwolle. Die Hauptprodukte sind Schuhe, Bekleidung und Decken. Das Unternehmen behandelt Wollstoffe anders als andere Un-ternehmen und konzentriert sich speziell auf die Behandlung von Wolle und deren nachhaltige Nutzung. Dadurch entstehen einzigartige Stoffe aus 100% Merinowolle.

Die Wollverarbeitung nimmt mehr Zeit in Anspruch als die Herstellung herkömmlicher Textilien. Der Prozess ist komplexer, aber das Produkt ist viel funktioneller.

Zur Herstellung des Endprodukts wird hochwertige Schurwolle vom Merinoschaf verwendet. Im Gegen-satz zu normaler Schafwolle sind die Fasern der Merinowolle viel feiner - sie sind nur halb so dick.

Die Produkte können mehr Feuchtigkeit aufnehmen und abtransportieren - und somit mehr Wärme halten - als andere Wolle. In der Schuhindustrie sind 20% des geschnittenen Materials reiner Abfall und für immer verloren. Hier wurde ein neuer Weg gefunden, Wolle zu verarbeiten und dabei 0% Abfall zu produzieren.

Das Unternehmen kauft nur noch Wolle von zertifizierten Schafen ohne Mulesing. Diese Alternative ist jedoch mit erheblichen zeitlichen und finanziellen Belastungen für die Landwirte verbunden. Das Un-ternehmen zahlt jedoch bessere Preise für die Wolle von Mulesing-freien Schafen, was den Landwirten ermöglicht, auf eine nicht schädliche Weise zu produzieren, ohne die Nachteile eines geringeren Ein-kommens zu haben.

Die Haupttreiber für eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung dieses Geschäftsmodells sind zum einen die ständige firmeninterne Forschung im Bereich der Wollverarbeitung und zum anderen eine wachsende Nachfrage nach natürlichen Materialien in Schuhen.

Currently, around 5 billion disposable razors are used and disposed in household waste worldwide every year. This means that up to 100,000 tons of different types of plastic are produced, processed and even-tually incinerated. ecoSHAVE is the first sustainable disposable razor and saves up to 75% plastic compared to standard disposable razors. This meets a growing demand of customers for environmentally friendly products.

Together with partners, the company has managed to develop a unique manufacturing process for disposable razors in 18 months. With a high-tech raw material, the company has succeeded in replacing a large part of the plastic in disposable razors with wood residues from sustainable forestry. This keeps the price for the consumer the same. The ECO razor can even be disposed in household waste and signifi-cantly reduces CO2 emissions.

The product is already available in the market. A large part of the plastic in the disposable razor is replaced by wood residues from sustainable forestry. The wood fibres come from certified, renewable wood resources and are a by-product of paper production. The new compound material reduces the plastic component by 75%.

One of the main benefits for foresters is that wood is one of the main resources for the biobased industry. The more the demand, the better are also the prices, especially for wood from sustainable forestry. Since the prices have been volatile in the last decade (with a variability of +- 10%), a steady demand can contribute to better prices and thus to an appropriate income for the farmers.

Derzeit landen weltweit jährlich etwa 5 Milliarden Einwegrasierer im Hausmüll. Das bedeutet, dass bis zu 100.000 Tonnen verschiedener Kunststoffarten hergestellt, verarbeitet und schließlich verbrannt werden. ecoSHAVE ist der erste nachhaltige Einwegrasierer der im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Ein-wegrasierern bis zu 75% Kunststoff einspart. Damit wird er einer wachsenden Nachfrage der Kunden nach umweltfreundlichen Produkten gerecht.

Gemeinsam mit Partnern ist es dem Unternehmen gelungen, innerhalb von 18 Monaten ein einzigartig-es Herstellungsverfahren für Einwegrasierer zu entwickeln. Mit einem Hightech-Rohstoff gelang es dem Unternehmen , einen großen Teil des Kunststoffs im Einwegrasierer durch Holzreste aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft zu ersetzen. Dadurch bleibt der Preis für den Verbraucher gleich. Der ECO-Rasierer kann sogar im Hausmüll entsorgt werden und reduziert den CO2-Ausstoss deutlich.

Das Produkt befindet sich bereits auf dem Markt. Die verwendeten Holzfasern stammen aus zer-tifizierten, nachwachsenden Holzressourcen und sind ein Nebenprodukt der Papierherstellung. Das neue Verbundmaterial reduziert den Kunststoffanteil um 75%.

Einer der Hauptvorteile für Förster ist, dass Holz eine der Hauptressourcen für die biobasierte Industrie ist. Je größer die Nachfrage, desto besser sind auch die Preise, insbesondere für Holz aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft. Da die Preise im letzten Jahrzehnt volatil waren (mit einer Variabilität von +- 10%), kann eine stetige Nachfrage zu besseren Preisen und damit zu einem angemessenen Einkommen für die Landwirte beitragen.

Earlier generations have used cloths soaked with beeswax to store food. Beeofix was developed to actively contribute to reducing waste and creating an environmentally friendly, resource-saving alternative to plastic and aluminium foils.

Beeofix is handmade from upcycled cotton fabrics, regional organic beeswax, regional organic sunflower oil and tree resin from Lower Austria.

The fabrics are impregnated with organic beeswax, organic sunflower oil and tree resin to give them the desirable and practical properties of other cling films.

This special mixture also allows the beeswax cloths to "breathe”.

The product has already reached the commercialisation phase and the whole value chain sees the involvement of the following actors:

• Farmers (Beekeepers):

Providing beeswax from organic beekeeping. The excess wax is used, which is not needed in the in-house wax circuit

• Recycling industry:

The tissues are made by hand from OEKO-TEX 100 certified residual stocks from a traditional Austrian textile company. These fabrics are actually produced in Austria and would otherwise no longer find a market.

• Manufacturing company:

Making the product

• Retailers:

Selling the product. Most of them are having the focus on the market segments for organic products

Beeswax from organic production achieves a 30 to 40% higher price than wax from conventional beekeeping. Furthermore, in organic beekeeping, natural comb construction (at least 10%) is preferred, which results also in a higher yield of beeswax (but less honey) at the end of the season. Selling the wax in this case equilibrates the beekeeper’s income.

Bereits frühere Generationen haben mit Bienenwachs getränkte Tücher zur Lebensmittelaufbewahrung verwendet. Beeofix wurde als aktiver Beitrag zur Abfallvermeidung und als umweltfreundliche, ressourcenschonende Alternative zu Kunststoff- und Aluminiumfolien entwickelt.

Beeofix wird in Handarbeit aus upcycelten Baumwollgeweben, Bio-Bienenwachs, Bio-Sonnenblumenöl und Baumharz regionaler Herkunft hergestellt.

Die Gewebe werden mit diesen Stoffen imprägniert, um ihnen die wünschenswerten und praktischen Eigenschaften anderer Frischhaltefolien zu verleihen. Diese spezielle Mischung lässt die Bienenwachstü-cher auch "atmen".

Das Produkt hat bereits die Phase der Kommerzialisierung erreicht, und an der gesamten Wertschöp-fungskette sind die folgenden Akteure beteiligt:

- Landwirte (Imker):

Bereitstellung von Bienenwachs aus ökologischer Bienenzucht. Verwendung findet überschüssiges Wachs, das im internen Wachskreislauf nicht benötigt wird.

- Recycling-Industrie:

Die Gewebe werden in Handarbeit aus OEKO-TEX 100 zertifizierten Restbeständen eines traditionellen Textilunternehmens hergestellt, welche sonst keinen Markt mehr fänden.

- Produzierendes Unternehmen:


- Einzelhändler:

Verkauf des Produkts im Marktsegment für Bioprodukte

Bienenwachs aus Bio-Imkerei erzielt einen 30 bis 40% höheren Preis als Wachs aus konventioneller Imkerei. Außerdem wird in der ökologischen Bienenzucht der natürliche Wabenbau (mindestens 10%) bevorzugt. Dies führt zu einem höheren Ertrag an Bienenwachs (aber weniger Honig) am Ende der Saison. Der Verkauf des Wachses verbessert daher auch Einkommen der Imker.

Standard Bio is a science-led company that creates valuable biochar-based products from bio-waste streams in agriculture and forestry. They capture the carbon and create energy to help farmers produce more effectively while contributing positively to the climate solution by storing carbon in the soils, bring-ing carbon back to life. With competence and technology, the Standard Bio team of global scientists, engineers, and strategists came together to create state of the art bio-refineries with a proprietary design and technology involving a flameless combustion system and a rotating kiln in order to upcycle bio-waste streams and produce high-quality biochar across the temperature range as well as sustainable renewable energy.

The bio-refineries produce right quality biochar and active-chars as well as sustainable renewable energy from diverse biological sources including waste from bio-slurries, agriculture, production animals, aqua-culture, food, forestry, wood and paper factories, mining industries, and more.

Farmers, foresters and industrial players deliver biowaste to Standard Bio pilot facility in Bø. The factory produces biocarbon and biocarbon based products and sell them to farmers, municipalities/park, homegarden market and other end-users.

The final outputs are new, high quality biochar and active charcoal, that may be used as climate gas mitigation measures, animal feed supplements, soil fertilizer and soil remediation actions, and which products hold a high commercial potential.

Together with own employees, the company also works with universities, research institutes and private companies in order to develop, test and verify their products, processes and solutions.

Standard Bio er et vitenskapelig ledet selskap, som produserer verdifulle biobaserte produkter fra forskjellige bioavfallsstrømmer fra landbruket. Selskapet fanger karbon og skaper energi, hjelper bøndene til å produsere mer effektivt og samtidig bidrar de til klimaløsningen, ved å lagre karbon som biokull i jorda og bringe karbonet sakte tilbake i det naturlige kretsløpet. Med kompetanse og teknologi har Standard Bio, sammen med globale forskere, ingeniører og strateger, skapt et topp moderne bioraffineri med en egenutviklet design og teknologi. Prosessen involverer et flammeløst forbrenningssystem og en roterende ovn for oppkonsentrering av bioavfallsstrømmer til biokull ved ulike temperaturer.

Bioraffineriet produserer biokull og aktivt karbon av høy kvalitet, samtidig som det produseres bærekraftig, fornybar energi fra forskjellige biologiske kilder, som slam, avfall fra jordbruk, slakteavfall, havbruk, mat, skogbruk, tre- og papirfabrikker, gruveindustri m.m.

Bønder, skogbrukere og industrielle aktører leverer bioavfall til Standard Bio sitt pilotanlegg i Bø. Fabrikken produserer biokarbon og biokarbonbaserte produkter og selger dem til bønder, kommuner, parkanlegg, hjemmemarkedet og andre sluttbrukere.

De endelige høykvalitetsproduktene av biokull/aktivt kull selskapet produserer, kan brukes som klimatiltak, dyrefôrtilskudd, jordgjødsel og jordrensing, og produktene holder et høyt kommersielt potensial.

Selskapet sine egne ansatte jobber hele tiden med å utvikle, teste og verifisere sine produkter, sammen med universiteter, forskningsinstitutter og private selskaper.

The company HØST was established in 2000 with a public-private ownership. They have become the leading player in Norway within producing fertilizers from biological waste streams. Their annual production is more than 250.000 tons of bio and mineral residues-based growing media and crop-care products. The biofertilizer is rich in phosphorous and carbon. Requirements and regulation concerning fertilizer products in Norwegian agriculture has led to the development of a business model for exportation to especially carbon and phosphorous depleted soil areas in Asian countries, especially Vietnam.

The surplus biomass from aquaculture, sediment from land-based fish farms and smolt plants are collected, processed and recycled in an organic fertilizer production plant. The process includes sanitation through thermal drying of the sludge and marine biomass; a mineral organic fertilizer is produced and blended with other sanitated biomass from other sources (biosolid waste from biogas plants, biodegradable organic waste and industrial biowaste). The mineral organic fertilizer is packed in jumbo bags and shipped to be used in Asia, more specific Vietnam. The agricultural soil in Vietnam is short in organic carbon and lacking phosphorous. The HØST fertilizer has a perfect mix of the organic and inorganic nutrients needed.

The benefit for the fish framers is that they can deliver their fish sludge to a well-functioning value chain that make use of these residues, getting paid 250 NOK pr. ton fish waste delivered at the factory in Mekjarvik.

The company is experiencing an increase in demand for its fertilizer due to change in regulation for the use of bio-based fertilizer in Norway, and the rise of costs of fossil based mineral fertilizers.

Selskapet HØST ble etablert i år 2000, med et offentlig-privat eierskap. De har blitt den ledende aktøren i Norge for produksjon av jordforbedringsmiddel fra biologiske avfallsstrømmer fra havbruksnæringen. De produserer årlig mer enn 250.000 tonn biobaserte gjødselprodukter. Biogjødsla de produserer er rik på fosfor og karbon. Krav og reguleringer av gjødselprodukter for bruk i norsk landbruk har ført til utviklingen av en forretningsmodell, der de eksporterer biogjødsla til jordområder i asiatiske land, spesielt Vietnam.

Overskuddsbiomassen fra havbruk, sediment fra landbaserte oppdretts- og smoltanlegg samles, bearbeides og resirkuleres i et produksjonsanlegg for organisk gjødsel. Prosessen inkluderer rensing av biomassen gjennom termisk tørking av slammet. Den mineralorganiske havbaserte biomassen som produseres blandes med hygienisert biomasse fra biogassanlegg og annet biologisk nedbrytbart organisk avfall. Biogjødsla pakkes i jumbo sekker og sendes med skip til bruk på jordbruksjord i Vietnam og andre steder i Asia. Jordbruksjorda i Vietnam har lite organisk karbon og mangler fosfor. HØST-gjødselen har slik en perfekt blanding av de organiske og uorganiske næringsstoffene som trengs for å gi jorden der høyere avkastning.

Fordelen for fiskeoppdretterne er at de kan levere fiskeslam til en velfungerende verdikjede som benytter seg av disse restene, og får betalt 250 kroner pr. tonn fiskeavfall levert på fabrikken i Mekjarvik.

Selskapet ser nå en økning i etterspørselen etter gjødselen de produserer også nasjonalt, på grunn av endret reguleringer for biobasert gjødsel i Norge, og at kostnadene for fossilbasert mineralgjødsel har økt.

Mycelia is an international market player in production of mycelium for a large number of exotic cultivable mushrooms. In addition, next to their core business, they are innovating and performing a lot of research to enter new markets; biocontrol (mycelium as biological pesticide), the construction sector (mycelium as building material for high isolation), soil remediation, etc. Fungi could start playing a key-role in the biobased and circular economy! Now it is the time to use their knowledge and expertise to become better known within the biocontrol and bio stimulant sectors.

In fact, Fungi can also be used to remediate contaminated soils, to create new materials such as mycelium leather, to combat plant diseases and to process waste, creating indispensable connections with the circular economy principles. Mycelia has also a school for spawn, sterilised substrate and lignicolous mushroom producers (wood fungi). They offer lab design / individual training courses, substrate group trainings and spawn group trainings. The past 5 years mushroom growers from more than 75 countries have followed individual or group trainings.

The benefit for the farmers was already created a long time ago, as Mycelia made this new market possible on larger scale, as they provide an essential part of the mushroom cultivation.

Next to this, they provide trainings to mushroom growers and other clients, which is quite unique and attracts a lot of international farmers. In the future, if their R&D succeeds in developing new and more biological pest control solutions this will also create benefits for other sectors, such as agriculture and vegetable growers, but also in forestry and nature.

Mycelia is een internationale marktspeler in de productie van mycelium voor een groot aantal exotische kweekbare paddenstoelen. Naast hun core business is Mycelia sterk bezig met innovatie en doen ze veel onderzoek om nieuwe markten te betreden; biocontrole (mycelium als biologisch bestrijdingsmiddel), de bouwsector (mycelium als bouwmateriaal door hoge isolatiewaarde), bodemsanering, enz. Schimmels zouden een sleutelrol kunnen spelen in de biobased en circulaire economie.

Schimmels kunnen namelijk ook gebruikt worden om vervuilde bodems te saneren, nieuwe materialen zoals myceliumleer te creëren, plantenziekten te bestrijden en afval te verwerken, waardoor onmisbare verbindingen met de principes van de circulaire economie ontstaan. Mycelia heeft ook een school voor broed, gesteriliseerd substraat en ligniculeuze paddestoelenproducenten (houtschimmels). Ze bieden lab design/individuele trainingen, substraatgroepstrainingen en broed groepstrainingen aan. De afgelopen 5 jaar hebben paddestoelenkwekers uit meer dan 75 landen individuele of groepstrainingen gevolgd.

Het voordeel voor de producenten (landbouwers) is al lang geleden ontstaan, omdat Mycelia deze markt van extotische paddestoelen op grotere schaal mogelijk maakte. Mycelia verzorgt namelijk een essentieel onderdeel van de champignonteelt.

Daarnaast geven ze trainingen aan paddestoelenkwekers en andere klanten, wat vrij uniek is en veel in-ternationale boeren aantrekt. Als hun R&D er in de toekomst in slaagt om nieuwe en meer biologische bestrijdingsoplossingen te ontwikkelen, zal dit ook voordelen opleveren voor andere sectoren, zoals land- en groentetelers, maar ook in de bosbouw en de natuur.

Mycelia is a fungi propagation company, that develops, produces and commercializes mycelium products for different purposes. Mycelia rigorously keeps a large collection of strains. Of these, it produces mother cultures, mother spawn and spawn which are sold all over the world. They produce around 260 fungal species and varieties based on 35 recipes.

The company has already developed at least 10 carriers to grow, preserve and resell fungi, including parasitic fungi like Beauveria bassiana and brognartii, Metarhizium anisopliae and brunneum among many others, with some of them capable of eradicating grubs. This works as a biological pest control and was developed under subcontracting for Switzerland.

Next to their core business, they are innovating and performing a lot of research to enter new markets with focus on biocontrol (mycelium as biological pesticide).

The reason why Mycelia sees growing opportunities in this bio control agents’ market, is because the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides is continuously becoming more and more restricted, especially in Europe. Using fungi as pest control is environmentally friendly and can be very effective.

At the moment, the production of biocontrol agents is rather limited, mainly due to governmental restrictions. In the R&D department they already have many fungi ready to start producing on a larger scale as soon as the approval process is more accessible. Biocontrol agents bear enormous benefits for more sustainable farming processes and are necessary and crucial for farmers to be able to continue with their food production, as the conventional chemical pesticides and insecticides are becoming less and less available.

Mycelia is een schimmelvermeerderaar, die myceliumproducten ontwikkelt, produceert en commercialiseert voor verschillende doeleinden. Mycelia houdt rigoureus een grote collectie van stammen bij. Hiervan produceert het moederculturen, moederbroed en broed die over de hele wereld worden verkocht. Ze produceren ongeveer 260 schimmelsoorten en -variëteiten op basis van 35 recepten.

Het bedrijf heeft al minstens 10 dragers ontwikkeld om schimmels te kweken, te bewaren en door te verkopen, waaronder de parasitaire schimmels als Beauveria bassiana en brognartii, Metarhizium an-isopliae en brunneum onder vele andere, waarvan sommige in staat zijn om engerlingen uit te roeien. Dit werkt als een biologische plaagdierbestrijding en werd ontwikkeld in onderaanneming voor Zwitser-land.

Naast hun core business innoveren ze en doen ze veel onderzoek om nieuwe markten te betreden met de focus op biocontrole (mycelium als biologisch bestrijdingsmiddel).

De reden waarom Mycelia groeiende mogelijkheden ziet in deze markt is omdat het gebruik van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen en insecticiden steeds meer beperkt wordt, vooral in Europa. Het gebruik van schimmels als bestrijdingsmiddel is milieuvriendelijk en kan zeer effectief zijn.

Op dit moment is de productie van biocontrolemiddelen vrij beperkt, voornamelijk als gevolg van beperkende wetgeving. Op de R&D-afdeling zijn reeds veel schimmels klaar om op grotere schaal te produceren zodra het goedkeuringsproces toegankelijker is. Biocontrolestoffen hebben enorme voor-delen voor duurzamere landbouwprocessen en zijn noodzakelijk en cruciaal voor boeren om hun voed-selproductie te kunnen voortzetten.

BEWiSynbra RAW is a leading producer of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). In 2009 the company launched the production of BioFoam, a new patented foam that is comparable to Airpop (EPS-expanded polystyrene).

The raw material for BioFoam consists of biopolymers, which are made of vegetable materials (a renewable resource). This makes it the first foam to have an organic base, suitable to be recycled and reused. In addition, it is biodegradable and it can be industrially composted at high temperatures under the influence of moisture and bacteria. BioFoam is durable and is suitable for long-term use in virtually all technical and packaging applications.

The BioFoam® material is already used in a series of productions for the white goods sector, ice cream packaging and the pharmaceutical sector, amongst others.

Besides its own production facilities, Bewi Synbra is setting up a network of pioneering partner companies in the USA, the UK, Italy and in other European countries and is seeking coverage in strategic mar-kets.

Biofoam at the present time is the only alternative to EPS which respect two principles: it uses biobased agriculture residues only (sugarcane); it does not add any synthetic additive or catalysers during all process. Biofoam is totally biodegradable and is approved compostable according to law EN13432.

The material can be applied on numerous applications, is durable and can be used for an extended period of time. It is also applied in moulded parts, in beads (bean bags) and in (contour) cut products. This allows a wide range of technical products and packaging solutions to be made with unprecedented freedom of design.

BEWiSynbra RAW è un produttore leader di polistirene espanso (EPS). Nel 2009 l'azienda ha lanciato la produzione di BioFoam®, una nuova schiuma brevettata paragonabile al polistirene espanso (EPS).

La materia prima per BioFoam è costituita da biopolimeri, che sono fatti di materiali vegetali e quindi rinnovabili. Il BioFoam è biodegradabile e può essere compostato industrialmente (secondo la normativa EN13432) a determinate temperature e sotto l'influenza di umidità e batteri. BioFoam è durevole ed è adatto per l'uso a lungo termine praticamente in tutte le applicazioni tecniche e di imballaggio. Grazie al fatto che è un materiale durevole, questo può essere riciclato e riutilizzato più volte.

Il materiale BioFoam® è già utilizzato in una serie di produzioni tra cui il settore degli elettrodomestici, del confezionamento dei gelati e del settore farmaceutico. Dopo il suo utilizzo, i prodotti possono essere riformati in un nuovo prodotto in schiuma o riciclati in PLA solido.

Oltre ai propri impianti di produzione, Bewi Synbra sta creando una rete di aziende partner pioniere negli Stati Uniti, nel Regno Unito, in Italia e in altri paesi europei e sta cercando una copertura in mercati strategici. Biofoam attualmente è l'unica alternativa all'EPS che rispetta due principi: utilizza solo residui di agricoltura biobased (canna da zucchero); non aggiunge additivi sintetici o catalizzatori durante tutto il processo. BioFoam viene utilizzato in parti stampate, in perline (sacchetti di fagioli) e in prodotti tagliati (contorno). Ciò consente di realizzare un'ampia gamma di prodotti tecnici e soluzioni di confezionamento con una libertà di progettazione senza precedenti.

Spring Color makes products for green building and for the restoration of piece of arts, formulated with natural ingredients without petrochemicals or harmful substances in general. All the ingredients used are listed on the label and data sheet. This procedure, which is not mandatory, is a voluntary choice of Spring Color. The main products are:

- Pigments, obtained from natural lands, oxides and plants

- Binders (adhesives), obtained from milk, eggs, wax, oils, fibers and vegetable gums

- Adjuvants, essential oils, plant extracts

- other important substances are carbonates, sands, cellulose, vegetable solvents.

Spring Color is a pioneer in the green building and conservative restoration sector, where it has collected much success. There are countless interventions made on works of high historical, artistic and architectural value, in Italy and abroad (France, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Cameroon, Israel, Australia, etc.).

Many of the products are derived from the local agricultural sector such as milk and eggs, linseed oil, beeswax, vegetable resins, Canapulo and vegetable pigments. This approach allowed the Company to start new value chains and establish collaboration with local farmers that provide the raw materials to obtain sustainable and high-quality products.

Spring Color has been a pioneer in orienting the sector towards the conversion from the production of conventional mortars and paints to bio-building products free of petrochemical synthesis substances. In this process, the company suffered the loss of some old customers, but has established itself in sustainable green building becoming a reference company for private individuals, entrepreneurs and researchers active and sensitive to this sector.

Spring Color realizza prodotti per la bioedilizia e per il restauro di opere d'arte, formulati con ingredienti naturali privi di derivati petrolchimici o sostanze nocive in genere. Tutti gli ingredienti utilizzati sono dettagliatamente elencati in etichetta e nella scheda tecnica. Questa procedura, che non è obbligatoria, è una scelta volontaria di Spring Color. I principali prodotti sono:

-Pigmenti, ottenuti da terre naturali, ossidi e piante

-Leganti (adesivi), ottenuti da latte, uova, cera, oli, fibre e gomme vegetali

-Coadiuvanti, oli essenziali, estratti vegetali

-altre sostanze importanti sono carbonati, sabbie, cellulosa, solventi vegetali.

Spring Color è un pioniere nel settore della bioedilizia e del restauro conservativo; Innumerevoli sono gli interventi realizzati su opere di alto valore storico, artistico e architettonico, in Italia e in altri Paesi (Francia, Portogallo, Germania, Danimarca, Camerun, Israele, Australia).

Molti dei prodotti derivano dal settore agricolo locale come latte e uova, olio di lino, cera d'api, resine vegetali, canapulo e pigmenti vegetali. Questo approccio ha permesso all'Azienda di avviare nuove filiere e di instaurare collaborazioni con agricoltori locali che forniscono le materie prime per ottenere prodotti sostenibili e di alta qualità.

Spring Color è stata pioniera nell'orientare il settore verso la conversione dalla produzione di malte e pitture convenzionali a prodotti di bioedilizia privi di sostanze di sintesi petrolchimica. In questo pro-cesso l'azienda ha subito la perdita di alcuni vecchi clienti, ma si è affermata nella bioedilizia sostenibile diventando un'azienda di riferimento per privati, imprenditori e ricercatori attivi e sensibili a questo settore.

Prespaglia ™ is a startup operating in the green building sector. It produces bio-bricks by using cereals straw combined with clay, white cement or hydraulic lime.

Prespaglia has managed to valorize the Cereal Straw that represents one of the by-products more available in Southern Italy, particularly in Apulia Region. By exploitation of Cereal Straw, it developed eco-friendly material for the building sector, which contributes to reducing GHG and improving people's quality life.

The Modular Eco-brick is principally made by using straw, clay and hydraulic lime ensuring highest thermo-acoustic levels of insulation and perspiration for a healthier environment. Eco-Brick is entirely made up of renewable, recyclable and biodegradable materials.

Furthermore, these precast modules, have got interlocking connection structure, able to facilitate their installation.

Cereal farmers might see strengthened their revenues by straw sale, which residues is not more considered waste but as a new high added value resource. During last year, straw supply for eco-bricks was around 10 tons. Prespaglia is demonstrating the relevance of improving sustainable chains in the bio-building sector using residual biomass (straw) from cereal crops, one of the most abundant rural residues not only in Southern Italy but worldwide.

Prespaglia™ è una startup che opera nel settore della bioedilizia. Produce bio-mattoni utilizzando paglia di cereali unita ad argilla, cemento bianco o calce idraulica.

Prespaglia è riuscita a valorizzare un residuo agricolo, la paglia, che rappresenta uno dei sottoprodotti maggiormente disponibili nel Sud Italia, in particolare nella Regione Puglia. Sfruttando la paglia di ce-reali, ha sviluppato materiale ecologico per il settore edile, che contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di gas serra e a migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone.

L'Eco-mattone modulare è realizzato principalmente utilizzando paglia, argilla e calce idraulica, una miscela che garantisce i massimi livelli termoacustici di isolamento e traspirazione per un ambiente più sa-no. Eco-Brick è interamente costituito da materiali rinnovabili, riciclabili e biodegradabili.

Inoltre, questi moduli prefabbricati, hanno una struttura di collegamento ad incastro, in grado di facilitarne l'installazione.

I coltivatori di cereali potrebbero integrare i loro redditi con la vendita di paglia, che passerebbe così da un rifiuto a essere considerate una risorsa ad alto valore aggiunto. Lo scorso anno, la fornitura di paglia per mattoni ecologici è stata di circa 10 tonnellate. Prespaglia sta dimostrando l'importanza di migliorare le filiere sostenibili nel settore della bioedilizia utilizzando biomassa (paglia) da colture cerealicole, uno dei residui rurali più abbondanti non solo nel Sud Italia ma nel mondo.

Valuing the experience of many years in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector and the common passion for environmental sustainability, the founders of Officina Naturae has been able to produce exclusive or-ganic and eco-friendly cosmetics and detergents with an ethical and low-impact production cycle.

The ingredients derived from raw materials of plant or mineral origin, exclude petrochemical or animal origin and synthetic substances with harmful action.

Raw materials include Brassica oil for detergent surfactants and Quince for functional extracts collected from national and local productions, whenever possible, to favour the short supply chain principle.

Another raw material used in the process is the “Chiuri Butter” which is bought from Nepal through fair trade agreements.

Local organic farmers are also involved in this business model, in particular for the supply of quinces which is used for product lines dedicated to children.

Some of the final products derived from these raw materials include: anti-redness cream for children, body oils (children, mothers); toothpastes, mouthwashes, baby cleansers (shower gel, shampoo, tooth-pastes); solar; home cleaning (citric acid, fabric softener, laundry, bleaching, stain remover, dishes, rinse aid, dishwasher, descaler, multipurpose detergent, degreaser).

The company has strongly focused on promoting a sustainable production approach and all products are approved by the specification “EcoBioControl”.

Valorizzando l'esperienza pluriennale nel settore chimico-farmaceutico e la comune passione per la so-stenibilità ambientale, i fondatori di Officina Naturae hanno saputo produrre cosmetici e detergenti bio-logici esclusivi ed eco-compatibili con un ciclo produttivo etico e a basso impatto.

Gli ingredienti, derivati da materie prime di origine vegetale o minerale, escludono quelli di origine petrolchimica o animale e sostanze di sintesi ad azione nociva.

Le materie prime comprendono Olio di brassica carinata per tensioattivi detergenti e mela cotogna per estratti funzionali reperiti, ove possible, da produzioni nazionali e locali per favorire il principio della filiera corta.

Un'altra materia prima utilizzata nel processo è il “Burro di Chiuri” che viene acquistato dal Nepal attraverso accordi di commercio equo.

Anche gli agricoltori biologici locali sono coinvolti in questo modello di business, in particolare per la fornitura delle mele cotogne utilizzate per le linee di prodotto dedicate ai bambini.

Alcuni dei prodotti finali derivati da queste materie prime includono: crema anti-rossore per bambini, oli per il corpo (bambini, mamme); dentifrici, collutori, detergenti per neonati (bagnoschiuma, sham-poo, dentifrici); crème solari; pulizia domestica (detersivi per piatti e bucato, ammorbidente, candeggio, smacchiatore, prodotti per lavastoviglie, ecc.).

L'azienda si è fortemente concentrata sulla promozione di un approccio produttivo sostenibile e tutti i prodotti sono approvati dalla specifica “EcoBioControl”.

Pepe&Con created an innovative process to create Mosaic made of sustainable resin films to be applied in building walls. The resin film is perfectly suited to the texture of the wall target, corners or bends, where traditional mosaics could not be supported.

The resin obtained from a mix of raw materials of plant origin mixed with natural minerals, in addition to being biobased, is 100% recyclable.

The collaboration between farmers, architects and construction industry together with the involvement of the public administrations resulted crucial for the success of this business model.

The production of the resins starts from the use of soybean oil, which is currently mainly of foreign origin (USA, Argentina, Brazil, China, etc.). In the future, the company intends to increasingly supply itself with vegetable oils from local agricultural supply chains. As of today, part of the soybean already comes from a farm located in Apulia region.

An important result of Pepe & Con's activity will be a greater use of high-tech bioproducts in the construction sector, creating a close link with sustainable agricultural supply chains.

The company received a total funding of 1.5million from the Apulia Region (INNONETWORK 2017 funds) to carry out the MOSAICOS project "Interactive eco-sustainable mosaics".

In the sector of composite biomaterials, finished products have a high added value and good market outlets because they are economically sustainable. In fact, the chemistry of biopolys is extremely important compared to that of biopolymers because it has as its destination a market niche that guarantees interest-ing profits compared to bioplastics for disposable products.

Pepe&Con ha creato un processo innovativo per creare dei Mosaici fatti di pellicole di resina sostenibili da applicare alle pareti degli edifici. Il film di resina si adatta perfettamente alla trama del muro, angoli o curve, dove i mosaici tradizionali non potevano essere supportati.

E' ottenuta da un mix di materie prime di origine vegetale mescolate a minerali naturali, oltre ad essere biobased, è anche riciclabile al 100%.

La collaborazione tra agricoltori, architetti e industria edile, unita al coinvolgimento delle pubbliche amministrazioni è risultata determinante per il successo di questo modello di business.

La produzione delle resine parte dall'utilizzo dell'olio di soia, che attualmente è prevalentemente di origine estera (USA, Argentina, Brasile, Cina, ecc.). In futuro l'azienda intende rifornirsi sempre più di oli vegetali provenienti dalle filiere agricole locali. Ad oggi, parte della soia proviene già da un'azienda agricola situata in Puglia.

Un risultato importante dell'attività di Pepe&Con sarà un maggiore utilizzo di bioprodotti ad alta tecnologia nel settore delle costruzioni, creando uno stretto legame con filiere agricole sostenibili.

L'azienda ha ricevuto un finanziamento totale di 1,5 milioni dalla Regione Puglia (fondi INNONET-WORK 2017) per realizzare il progetto MOSAICOS "Mosaici interattivi eco-sostenibili".

Nel settore dei biomateriali compositi i prodotti finiti hanno un alto valore aggiunto e buoni sbocchi di mercato perché economicamente sostenibili. La chimica dei biopolioli è estremamente importante ri-spetto a quella dei biopolimeri perché ha come destinazione una nicchia di mercato che garantisce interessanti profitti rispetto alle bioplastiche per prodotti usa e getta.

Foundry Alfe Chem has a background of over 30 years of experience in research and development of raw materials and high-performance compounds. The company has created plant-based and biocompati-ble lubricants in addition to other biobased chemical auxiliaries of vegetable origin in order to offer customers alternatives with less impact on the environment and on the health of operators. The production is divided in two lines mainly:

1. Green Line: lubricants of vegetable origin formulated with bases and additives compatible with the environment, derived from renewable and biodegradable raw materials;

2. Ecofood: line of ecological products compatible with food-hygiene regulations, formulated for the food sector and for other specific uses.

The vegetable raw material originates from: brassica oils, sunflower, tobacco, rapeseed, canola and others. In addition, glycerin, esters and fatty acids from vegetable residues are also used in the process.

Biobased lubricants offer the triple advantage of using renewable raw materials, easily biodegradable and much less toxic than petrochemical ones, both for the environment and for end users.

By measuring the difference in emissions between a bioproduct manufactured in Foundry Alfe Chem and an analogue prepared by the petrochemical industry, a reduction of 30% is observed. Furthermore, the use of vegetable and renewable raw materials leads to a 20% reduction in the cost of production.

Foundry Alfe Chem ha oltre 30 anni di esperienza nella ricerca e sviluppo di materie prime e composti ad alte prestazioni. L'azienda ha realizzato lubrificanti di origine vegetale ed ecocompatibili oltre ad altri ausiliari chimici biobased di origine vegetale per offrire ai clienti alternative a minor impatto sull'ambiente e sulla salute degli operatori. La produzione si divide principalmente in due linee:

1. Green Line: lubrificanti di origine vegetale formulati con basi e additivi compatibili con l'ambiente, derivati da materie prime rinnovabili e biodegradabili;

2. Ecofood: linea di prodotti ecologici compatibili con le normative igienico-alimentari, formulata per il settore alimentare e per altri usi specifici.

La materia prima vegetale proviene da: oli di colza, girasole, tabacco, canola e altri. Inoltre, nel processo vengono utilizzati anche glicerina, esteri e acidi grassi da residui vegetali.

I lubrificanti biobased offrono il triplice vantaggio di utilizzare materie prime rinnovabili, facilmente biodegradabili e molto meno tossiche di quelle petrolchimiche, sia per l'ambiente che per gli utenti finali.

Misurando la differenza di emissioni tra un bioprodotto fabbricato in Foundry Alfe Chem e un analogo preparato dall'industria petrolchimica, si osserva una riduzione del 30%. Inoltre, l'utilizzo di materie prime vegetali e rinnovabili porta ad una riduzione del 20% dei costi di produzione.

FIUSIS starts operating in 2010 as a 1 MWe cogeneration plant that produces about 8 million kWh of electricity and heat through the energy conversion of 10,000 t/year of olive tree pruning. In addition to energy, it produces wood pellets and aims to create an agricultural soil fertilizer from the ashes generated by the plant.

The strength of FIUSIS, which makes it similar to a biorefinery, lies in the fact that it has been able to create a supply chain of biomass perfectly integrated into the territory. To this end, Fiusis offers a free collection and transfer service for pruning from more than 2,000 farms.

This prevents farmers from burning pruning in the field, thus reducing widespread and uncontrolled emissions. From the recovery of the thermal waste of the plant, virgin forest wood is dried to be des-tined for a line dedicated to the production of high-quality pellets for stoves (1,000 kg/day).

FIUSIS is also activating research aimed at recovering the ashes produced by the combustion of biomass to produce fertilizers according to the law.

To carry out its activities, the FIUSIS plant has created work for about 33 employees, both direct and indirect, in addition to the tangible benefit it generates to farmers (more than 2,000 companies involved) in terms of reducing the management costs of residual biomass. The short supply chain is guaranteed by an agreement already signed with the CIA (Italian farmers' confederation) of Lecce.

The FIUSIS plant, thanks to its technology, has recorded emissions levels well below the authorized limits in these years of operation. Considering the neutral CO2 impact of wood, emissions between 4.5 and 8 million kg of fossil CO2 are avoided every year.

FIUSIS nasce nel 2010 come impianto di cogenerazione a biomassa da 1 MWe di potenza e produce annualmente circa 8 milioni di kWh di elettricità e anche calore dall’uso esclusivo di potature di ulivo, 10.000 t/y. Oggi, oltre all'energia, produce pellet di legno e mira a creare un fertilizzante per il suolo agricolo dalle ceneri generate dall’impianto.

Il punto di forza di FIUSIS, che lo rende simile ad una bioraffineria, sta nel fatto di aver saputo creare una filiera di biomasse perfettamente integrata nel territorio. A tal fine FIUSIS offre un servizio gratuito di raccolta e trasferimento per la potatura da oltre 2.000 aziende agricole.

Ciò evita che gli agricoltori brucino le potature in campo, riducendo così le emissioni diffuse e incontrollate. Dal recupero dei cascami termici dell'impianto, si essicca il legno di bosco vergine destinato alla produzione di pellet di alta qualità per stufe (1.000 kg/giorno).

Per valorizzare le ceneri prodotte dalla combustione di biomasse FIUSIS sta attivando ricerche finalizzate alla produzione di fertilizzanti a norma di legge.

Per svolgere la propria attività, lo stabilimento di Fiusis ha dato lavoro a circa 33 dipendenti, sia diretti che indiretti, oltre al beneficio tangibile che genera agli agricoltori (oltre 2.000 aziende coinvolte) in termini di riduzione dei costi di gestione della biomassa residua. La filiera corta è garantita da una convenzione già siglata con la CIA (Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori) di Lecce.

Grazie alla sua tecnologia, FIUSIS ha registrato livelli di emissioni ben al di sotto dei limiti autorizzati in questi anni di esercizio. Considerando l'impatto neutro di CO2 del legno, si evitano ogni anno emissioni comprese tra 4,5 e 8 milioni di kg di CO2 fossile.

Italy is the seventh largest citrus producing country in the world, third in the Mediterranean basin, with 3 million tons of citrus fruit produced annually, 50% of which in Sicily. The transformation of Italian citrus fruit generates over 600 thousand tons of by-product (citrus pulp).

Following the results in the extraction of active components from blood oranges, in 1997, the BIONAP company was founded with the aim to produce chemical formulations extracted from cultivated and residual agricultural biomass. These formulations are marketed internationally by industries operating in the field of nutraceuticals, cosmetics and even veterinary medicine.

Since the study of the properties of the blood orange, Bionap has achieved its first success, the "Red Orange Complex": a standardized extract in powder obtained from the juice of three varieties of blood or-anges exclusively available in the area around the Etna volcano. Red Orange Complex is used for the formulation of dietetic-nutritional products and anti-aging or after-sun cosmetics.

The agricultural sector plays a double role, both as suppliers of incoming organic matrices and as users of the residues from Bionap's production; They constitute, in fact, an important source of nutrients for the soil. Bionap is committed to improving the agricultural land, therefore, bringing the production residues back to the countryside. Local farmers are primary actors of this short supply chain and constantly involved in the activities of Bionap. The close collaboration between BIONAP and the local farms has led to a significant improvement in the quality of agricultural soils, an increase in biodiversity and an increase in organic production.

L'Italia è il settimo Paese produttore di agrumi al mondo, terzo nel bacino del Mediterraneo, con 3 milioni di tonnellate di agrumi prodotti ogni anno, di cui il 50% in Sicilia. La trasformazione degli agrumi italiani genera oltre 600mila tonnellate di sottoprodotto (pastazzo).

A seguito dei risultati nel processo di estrazione di componenti attivi dalle arance rosse, nel 1997, è stata venne fondata BIONAP, un'azienda che produce formulati chimici a partire da biomasse agricole coltivate o residuali. Queste formulate sono commercializzati a livello internazionale da industrie che operano nel campo della nutraceutica, cosmetica e anche della medicina veterinaria.

Dallo studio delle proprietà dell'arancia rossa, Bionap ha ottenuto il suo primo successo, il "Complesso Arancia Rossa": un estratto standardizzato in polvere ottenuto dal succo di tre varietà di arance rosse presenti esclusivamente nella zona intorno al vulcano Etna. Red Orange Complex viene utilizzato per la formulazione di prodotti dietetico-nutrizionali e cosmetici antietà o doposole.

Il settore agricolo gioca un doppio ruolo, sia come fornitore di matrici organiche in entrata, sia come utilizzatore dei residui della produzione dell’azienda. BIONAP si impegna a migliorare il terreno agricolo, riportando sui campi i residui della loro produzione. Gli agricoltori locali sono attori primari di questa filiera corta e costantemente coinvolti nelle attività di BIONAP. La stretta collaborazione tra BIONAP e le aziende agricole locali ha portato a un significativo miglioramento della qualità dei suoli agricoli, un aumento della biodiversità e della produzione in biologico.

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