project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Electrophysical Dock Control
Electrophysical Dock Control

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Electrophysical destruction offers the potential benefits of controlling docks while reducing the need for herbicides. This project will be looking at the effectiveness and financial viability of using a Zasso Electroherb machine to control docks on two dairy farms near Raglan, South Wales. The machine uses high-energy electrons to apply an electric current through the leaves of the docks causing the death of all the tissues. The main challenge for the project is to compare the effectiveness and financial viability of the Zasso Electroherb treatment against the use of herbicides in a high input dairy situation.


Mae dinistrio Dail Tafol trwy ddefnyddio triniaeth electroffisegol yn cynnig y manteision posibl o reoli dail tafol gan leihau’r angen am chwynladdwyr. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn edrych ar effeithiolrwydd a hyfywedd ariannol defnyddio peiriant Zasso Electroherb i reoli dail tafol ar ddwy fferm odro ger Rhaglan, De Cymru. Mae’r peiriant yn defnyddio electrodau llawn egni i weithredu cerrynt trydanol trwy ddail y dail tafol gan achosi i’r meinwe i gyd farw. Prif sialens y prosiect fydd cymharu effeithlonrwydd a hyfywedd ariannol y driniaeth Zasso Electroherb mewn cymhariaeth â defnyddio chwynladdwyr mewn system laeth lle mae’r mewnbwn yn fawr.


A  Zasso  Electroherb will be hired over a period of two growing  seasons to control docks by electrophysical destruction in two paddocks. Six different experimental treatments will be used and each treatment will be carried out on both farms on one field at each site. Each treatment will be replicated up to three times in strips of approximately 24m x 6m in size. Each treatment area would contain a minimum of 10 dock plants. Post-treatment a visual assessment of the level of dock control and any sign of shoot re-growth will be recorded.


Bydd peiriant Zasso Electroherb yn cael ei logi am gyfnod o ddwy flynedd i dreialu rheoli dail tafol trwy eu dinistrio yn electroffisegol. Bydd 6 triniaethau arbrofol gwahanol yn bodoli a bydd pob triniaeth yn cael ei gario allan ar y ddwy fferm mewn un cau ar y ddau safle. Bydd pob triniaeth yn cael ei dyblygu hyd at 3 gwaith mewn stripiau o tua 24m x 6m mewn maint. Bydd pob ardal triniaeth yn cynnwys o leiaf 10 dail tafol. Ar ôl y driniaeth bydd lefel y rheolaeth dail tafol yn cael ei asesu yn weledol bydd unrhyw aildyfiant yn cael ei gofnodi.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Monmouthshire and Newport

€ 46117

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Docks are a major problem in grassland systems. Infestation can reduce grass yields and utilisation and have only 65% of the feed value of grass. The use of herbicides to control docks can have a negative effect on clover in pasture and implications for the wider catchment ecosystem if used incorrectly. A reduction in the use of herbicides in grassland would be of benefit in terms of water and soil quality and preserving biodiversity.

Electrophysical destruction offers the potential benefits of controlling docks while reducing the need for herbicides. This project will be looking at the effectiveness and financial viability of using a Zasso Electroherb machine to control docks on two dairy farms near Raglan, South Wales. The machine uses high-energy electrons to apply an electric current through the leaves of the docks causing the death of all the tissues.

The electrical treatment is applied using a tractor-mounted system and is powered by the PTO. The boom which hold the set of electrodes has a width of 3-6m. The electrodes must make contact with the dock plant for control, so the boom will be on a flexible height system.

A machine will be hired over a period of two years to trial control of docks by electrophysical destruction. The main challenge for the project is to compare the effectiveness and financial viability of the Zasso Electroherb treatment against the use of herbicides in a high input dairy situation.

Mae dail tafol yn broblem fawr mewn systemau glaswelltir. Gall y dail leihau cynnyrch glaswellt a’r defnydd ohono a dim ond 65% o werth porthianol glaswellt sydd ynddo. Gall defnyddio chwynladdwyr i reoli dail tafol gael effaith negyddol ar feillion mewn porfa ac oblygiadau ar gyfer yr ecosystem ehangach os cânt eu defnyddio yn y dull anghywir. Byddai gostyngiad yn y defnydd o chwynladdwyr mewn glaswelltir o fantais o ran ansawdd dŵr a phridd a chynnal bioamrywiaeth.

Mae eu dinistrio trwy driniaeth electroffisegol yn cynnig y manteision posibl o reoli dail tafol gan leihau’r angen am chwynladdwyr. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn edrych ar effeithiolrwydd a hyfywedd ariannol defnyddio peiriant Zasso Electroherb i reoli dail tafol ar ddwy fferm odro ger Rhaglan, De Cymru. Mae’r peiriant yn defnyddio electrodau llawn egni i weithredu cerrynt trydanol trwy ddail y dail tafol gan achosi i’r meinwe i gyd farw.

Rhoddir y driniaeth drydanol trwy ddefnyddio system wedi ei gosod ar dractor ac mae’n cael ei gyrru gan y PTO. Mae cynhwysydd sy’n dal yr electrodau yn 3-6m o led. Rhaid i’r electrodau gyffwrdd y planhigyn dail tafol i’w reoli, felly bydd y cynhwysydd ar system uchder hyblyg.

Bydd peiriant yn cael ei logi am gyfnod o ddwy flynedd i dreialu rheoli dail tafol trwy eu dinistrio yn electroffisegol. Prif sialens y prosiect fydd cymharu effeithlonrwydd a hyfywedd ariannol y driniaeth Zasso Electroherb mewn cymhariaeth â defnyddio chwynladdwyr mewn system laeth lle mae’r mewnbwn yn fawr.

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Project coordinator

  • Will John

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • David Peter Evans

    Project partner

  • Francis Dunne

    Project partner

  • Robert Jones

    Project partner