project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

DURCAT: Meeting the demand for durum wheat through local production with low environmental impact, short distribution chains and total traceability
DURCAT - Abastecimiento de la demanda de trigo duro mediante producciónn de proximidad de bajo impacto ambiental, cadenas cortas de distribución y total trazabilidad.

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Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The general objective of the DURCAT project was to contribute to introducing durum wheat into Catalonia as a new value-added alternative for the cereal sector.

The specific objectives were: 

1. Establish the productive and qualitative potential of durum wheat in Catalonia by identifying the most suitable varieties for each production area.
2. Apply innovative tools to support decision-making based on remote sensing and sensorisation, for environmentally friendly and economically sustainable quality grain production.
3. Create a short field-to-industry distribution chain integration model.
4. Assess the environmental and economic impact of the proposed production model.


El objetivo del proyecto DURCAT fue contribuir a la introducción del trigo duro en Cataluña como nueva alternativa de valor añadido para el sector cerealista.

Objetivos específicos:

  1. Establecer el potencial productivo y cualitativo del trigo duro en Cataluña identificando las variedades mejor adaptadas a cada zona.
  2. Aplicar nuevas herramientas a la toma de decisiones, basadas en la teledetección y sensorización, para producir grano de calidad de manera respetuosa con el medio ambiente y de forma económicamente sostenible.
  3. Crear un modelo integrador de cadena corta de distribución del campo hacia la industria.
  4. Evaluar el impacto medioambiental y económico del modelo de producción propuesto.



To establish the productive potential of durum wheat, agro-climatic zones where durum wheat farming might be a viable option were identified.  

A study was conducted to determine the economic viability of durum wheat cultivation in Catalonia based on production results in each agro-climatic zone in each season.

The application of innovative tools to support decision-making focused on the plots in Sucs where the behaviour in different irrigation regimes was studied.

A life cycle analysis was carried out to quantify the environmental footprint of dry pasta production using durum wheat grain grown in Catalonia, taking a complete agri-food chain approach.



Para determinar el potencial productivo del trigo duro se identificaron las zonas agro-climáticas donde  el cultivo de trigo duro puede ser una opción viable.

Se llevó a cabo un estudio per determinar la viabilidad económica del cultivo de trigo duro en Cataluña a partir de los resultados de las producciones obtenidas en cada zona agroclimática. 

La aplicación de nuevas herramientas a la toma de decisiones se centró en las parcelas localizadas en Sucs donde se probaron diferentes regímenes hídricos. 

Para la cuantificación de la huella ambiental de la producción de pasta seca obtenida de grano de trigo duro cultivado en Cataluña se analizó el ciclo de vida, con un enfoque de cadena agroalimentaria completa.




The aim of the project was to contribute to introducing durum wheat into Catalonia as a new value-added alternative for the cereal sector, by implementing a quality-oriented production model and a short distribution chain, while also addressing the Catalan pasta industry’s demand for durum wheat. The project was carried out during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 agricultural seasons. In order to establish the productive potential of durum wheat in different Catalan agro-climatic zones, under different levels of irrigation and agronomic management, production and quality of durum wheat grain from various varieties and advanced lines were evaluated for two years in various types of pilot fields. To assist in decision-making, innovative tools based on remote sensing and sensorisation were applied and a study was carried out on the environmental impact of grain production and transport under various production and agronomic management scenarios. Finally, the economic viability of durum wheat farming in different areas was determined by identifying the technical requirements for creating a short field-to-industry distribution chain with a high quality product, local production and full traceability.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 177396.57

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator