project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

DI-Gozd (Digital Forest Inventory)
DI-Gozd (Digitalna Inventarizacija Gozda)

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Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Slovenia
Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Slovenia
Currently showing page content in native language where available


Digitally transform selected forest management processes, through the development of new innovative digital tools, databases, technologies and connections that will:
- digitize and accelerate selected monitoring, planning and organizational processes of forest management activities
- validated by end-users will strengthen the ecosystem in the forest-timber value chain of Kočevje
- through the organization of events, the training of various stakeholders in the forest-timber chain, preparing publications, transferring knowledge to practice and disseminating project results, facilitate better forest management and ensured the sustainability of forest yield and all its functions.


The design, development and validation of innovative digitized tools:
- mobile application for inventorying forest conditions.
- business information system for monitoring, planning and optimization of forest management (database, GIS, web application, interfaces, analytics).
Preparation and implementation of presentations, workshops and demonstrations of project results, preparation of a manual and implementation of a practical test by forest owners - end users, for the purposes of knowledge transfer.
Training of agricultural subject in the field of forest management.
The preparation of a marketing and market entry plan and the dissemination of project results through media.


The design, development and validation of innovative digitized tools:
- mobile application for inventorying forest conditions.
- business information system for monitoring, planning and optimization of forest management (database, GIS, web application, interfaces, analytics).
Preparation and implementation of presentations, workshops and demonstrations of project results, preparation of a manual and implementation of a practical test by forest owners - end users, for the purposes of knowledge transfer.
Training of agricultural subject in the field of forest management.
The preparation of a marketing and market entry plan and the dissemination of project results through media.


Zasnova, razvoj in validacija inovativnih digitaliziranih orodij:
- mobilna aplikacija za inventarizacijo stanja v gozdu.
- poslovno informacijski sistem za spremljanje, načrtovanje in optimizacijo gospodarjenja z gozdovi (podatkovna baza, GIS, splet. aplikacija, vmesniki, analitika).
Priprava in izvedba predstavitev, delavnic in demonstracij projektnih rezultatov, izdelava priročnika in izvedba praktičnega preizkusa pri lastnikih gozdnih površin - končnih uporabnikih, za namene prenosa znanja.
Usposabljanje kmetijskih gospodarstev na področju gospodarjenja z gozdom.
Priprava načrta trženja in vstopa na trg in širjenje rezultatov projekta preko medijev.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SI06RDNP001 Program razvoja podeželja RS za obdobje 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Jugovzhodna Slovenija
Other geographical location
Podravska, Osrednjeslovenska

€ 348629.64

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Kočevski les d.o.o.

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Abelium d.o.o.

    Project partner

  • Albin Likar

    Project partner

  • Boštjan Janež

    Project partner

  • CtrlArt d.o.o.

    Project partner

  • Davor Papež

    Project partner

  • Gozdarske storitve, Marko Kalič s.p.

    Project partner

  • Jože Zidar

    Project partner

  • Klemen Paulič

    Project partner

  • Podjetniški inkubator Kočevje

    Project partner

  • Tomaž Žagar

    Project partner

  • Univerza v Ljubljani

    Project partner

  • Valentin Tekavec

    Project partner