project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Development and verification of new methods, technologies and solutions in the process of production of agricultural plant stem cells, creating an inn
Jaunu metožu, tehnoloģiju un risinājumu izstrāde un pārbaude Latvijas lauksaimniecības augu cilmes šūnas iegūšanas procesā, radot inovatīvu risinājumu to tālākai integrācijai dzeramajā ūdenī

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Latvia
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Latvia
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Creating innovative solution that allows to find the most effective and economical technology for the production of the plant stem cells and their further use in drinking water thus creating a favorable effect on human body. The research will serve as a basis for developing  an absolutely innovative product with high added value – drinking water, enriched with plant stem cells (functional drink), originating only from the local raw materials.


Inovatīva risinājuma radīšana, kas ļauj noskaidrot efektīvāko un ekonomiski lietderīgāko augu cilmes šūnu iegūšanas tehnoloģiju un augu cilmes šūnu izmantošanu dzeramajā ūdenī, radot labvēlīgu ietekmi uz cilvēka organismu, uz kā bāzes tiks izstrādāts absolūti inovatīvs augstas pievienotas vērtības produkts – augu cilmes šūnu saturošs dzeramais ūdens (funkcionālais dzēriens), kura izcelsme balstīta uz vietējām izejvielām.


Two plant stem cell production technologies will be verified and compared in a laboratory – isolation of plant stem cells at the laboratory and extraction of plant stem cells from vas parts of plants. Quantitative and qualitative comparison of these technologies will be performed as part of the research. The goal of the research is to verify and prove the effect and a favorable impact of plant stem cell extracts on human body, its compounding and potential integration with drinking water, to obtain nutritional value of drinking water enriched with plant stem cells. As a result, the ultimate goal is to develop a new product – drinking water, enriched with plant stem cells.  


Tiks pārbaudīts un laboratoriski salīdzināts divas augu cilmes šūnas iegūšanas tehnoloģijas - augu cilmes šūnu izdalīšanu laboratoriski un augu cilmes šūnu ekstrahēšanu no augu vasas daļām, ar mērķi salīdzināt šīs tehnoloģijas kvantitatīvi un kvalitatīvi. Pārbaudīt un pierādīt augu cilmes šūnu ekstraktu iedarbību un labvēlīgo ietekmi uz cilvēka organismu, tā savienojumu un potenciālo integrāciju ar dzeramo ūdeni, noskaidrot ūdens uzturvērtību. Izstrādāt jaunu produktu - dzeramo ūdeni bagātinātu ar augu cilmes šūnām.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014LV06RDNP001 Latvia - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Latgale, Pierīga

€ 397571.33

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • SIA "Nordic Food"

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

    Project partner

  • SIA " "Rasa Botanicals""

    Project partner

  • SIA "ILM"

    Project partner

  • Ūdrīšu pagasta zemnieku saimniecība "KURMĪŠI"

    Project partner