project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Determining the optimal harvest time for yellow Golden Delicious and red Gala apple cultivars to satisfy consumers and adapt to new preservation techn
Determinación del momento óptimo de recolecta de manzana amarilla “Golden” y roja del grupo “Gala” para satisfacer el consumidor y adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías de conservación - PICKBEST

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• Establish harvesting parameters that maximise consumer satisfaction, including new trends based on the technical pathway set by new technologies (1-MCP pre- and post-harvest, dynamic atmosphere and new cultivars)
• Develop tools to determine optimal harvesting time based on established harvesting parameters:
    o Semi-automated starch index determination using image analysis and AI (machine learning) algorithms
    o Adjusting the DA-meter to the new harvesting parameters
    o Developing a visual scale with the appropriate shade of red for harvesting highly coloured Gala cultivars


• Establecer parámetros de cosecha que maximicen la satisfacción del consumidor, incluyendo las nuevas tendencias, bajo el itinerario técnico marcado por las nuevas tecnologías 
• Desarrollar herramientas para determinar el momento óptimo de cosecha basado en los parámetros de cosecha establecidos:
    o Determinación semiautomática del índice de almidón a partir del análisis de imágenes y algoritmos de IA (aprendizaje automático)
    o Ajuste del DA-meter a los nuevos parámetros de cosecha
    o Desarrollo de una escala visual del tono rojo adecuado para la cosecha de clones de “GALA” de alta coloración


  • Action 1. Establishing harvesting parameters that maximise consumer satisfaction, including new trends based on the technical pathway set by new technologies (1-MCP pre- and post-harvest, dynamic atmosphere and new cultivars).
  • Action 2. Establishing new, reliable and easy-to-implement maturity measurement parameters for technicians and harvesters, adapted to the new harvesting criteria for Gala apples. 
  • Action 3. Dissemination, training and transfer. A dissemination action will be carried out for the results transfer and training will be given for harvesters to provide them the technical knowledge for the fruit sector. 


  • Acción 1. Establecer los parámetros de cosecha que maximicen la satisfacción del consumidor, incluyendo las nuevas tendencias, bajo el itinerario técnico marcado por las nuevas tecnologías (1-MCP pre y post cosecha, atmosfera dinámica y nuevos clones). 
  • Acción 2. Establecer nuevos parámetros de medición del estado de madurez fiables y de fácil implementación para técnicos y recolectores, que se adapten a los nuevos criterios de cosecha de la manzana Gala. 
  • Acción 3. Difusión, formación y transferencia. Se realizará una actuación de difusión para la transferencia de los resultados, así como la formación a los recolectores para facilitar el conocimiento técnico adquirido, al sector frutícola. 


Consumers’ apple preferences have changed over time. In particular, there is a move toward a yellower skin for the Golden Delicious cultivar and a redder colouring for the Gala cultivar. These demands mean the trend is towards a crop with more mature characteristics than two decades ago. In addition, the introduction of 1-MCP technology applied pre- and post-harvest has made it possible to maintain the quality of the climacteric fruit during storage and prolong its commercial life. At the same time, new preservation technologies have been established using dynamic atmosphere systems that reduce the range of difference in the fruit and extend the preservation period while maintaining quality. This background has led to the detection of the need to establish new pre- and post-harvest parameters and dynamic atmosphere conservation techniques suitable for the new consumption trends, using Golden Delicious and Gala as study varieties.
The project also includes the development of tools for technical advisors, producers and harvest workers, to decide on when to harvest once the optimal parameters for satisfying consumers’ demands have been obtained.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 130380

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator