project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Decreasing swine dysentery using plant extracts in feed
Reducción de la disentería porcina mediante el uso de extractos vegetales en la alimentación

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Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The key objective is to establish a dysentery control protocol in the pig fattening phase, by using plant extracts when feeding the pigs.
Specific objectives:
• To perform research into products based on natural extracts to be used in pig fattening feed production.
• To study different natural extracts for their application in animal feed, including assessment of their palatability and the animals’ acceptance of feed containing the extracts.
• To assess the extracts’ effectiveness for dysentery control.
•To analyse the results in relation to the economic cost of introducing plant extracts to animal feed.
•To transfer and disseminate the results throughout the pig industry.


El objetivo principal es establecer un protocolo de control de disentería porcina en la fase de cebo, mediante el uso de extractos vegetales en la alimentación.
Objetivos específicos:
• Búsqueda de productos en base a extractos naturales para su uso en la elaboración de pienso.
• Estudiar diferentes extractos naturales para su aplicación en la alimentación, así como la palatabilidad y aceptación por parte de los animales.
• Valorar la eficacia en el control de la disentería.
• Analizar los resultados y valorar el coste económico, en relación a los resultados obtenidos, de la introducción de extractos vegetales en la alimentación.
• Transferir y divulgar los resultados del proyecto al sector.


Plant extracts in the form of a mixture of essential oils, added to feed at relatively low doses, allow a better conversion rate and increased growth rates in pig fattening.
The good performance showed that reducing the losses by 20%, the conversion ratio by 9 grams, the Average Daily Gain by 42 grams, as well as the medication costs. Looking the results obtained it can be concluded that:
The extract containing carob seeds, thyme and chicory allows a significant improvement in production, as well as good sanitary behaviour.
From an economic view, the use of this extract allows a reduction of the costs per kilo of production, due to productive improvements and fewer sanitary problems.


Los extractos vegetales, compuestos de aceites esenciales, utilizados con dosis en piensos bajas, permiten un mejor índice de conversión e incrementar las ratios de crecimiento en el engorde porcino.
Han demostrado un buen comportamiento; reducen las bajas en un 20 %, el índice de conversión en 9 gramos, la ganancia media diaria en 42 gramos, así como los costes de medicación.
Los resultados durante el desarrollo concluyen:
El extracto que contiene semillas de algarroba, tomillo y achicoria permite una mejora productiva importante y un buen comportamiento sanitario.
El uso de este extracto permite reducir los costes de producción, debido a las mejoras productivas y los menores problemas sanitarios.


The aim of this project is to carry out a study to reduce the use of antibiotics in fattening pig feed by means of therapeutic alternatives such as plant extracts and thus eradicate infections of swine dysentery, one of the gastrointestinal tract diseases with the greatest economic impact on the pig sector and the most difficult to eradicate.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 243721.9

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Dolors Puyol Miró

    Project coordinator

Project partners


    Project partner