Composting is a robust and validated alternative for the self-management of organic solid waste, but its practice is not widespread in the wine sector. This aerobic process degrades and stabilises organic matter until a humus-like soil is obtained. Applying composting for the self-management of waste generated in wine cooperatives would provide the direct benefit of using compost as an organic fertiliser in the vineyards themselves, for both conventional and organic crops. This would cut emissions and costs related to transporting this waste, decrease the use of inorganic and organic fertilisers, close the organic matter cycle and foster actions to boost the circular economy, where waste is treated as a resource. It also contributes to increasing organic matter in soils, which improves water retention, a fundamental aspect for better adapting these crops to climate change.
The main objective of this project is to close the carbon cycle in the wine sector by optimising co-composting to sanitise and stabilise the waste and by-products obtained from grape harvesting, wine processing and wastewater treatment for subsequent application as a biofertiliser/organic soil conditioner. This pilot project aims to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of organic waste self-management in this sector, encouraging farmers and winegrowers to use organic fertilisers from this waste, thereby closing the organic matter cycle.
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal cerrar el ciclo del carbono en el sector vitivinícola mediante la optimización del co-compostaje para higienizar y estabilizar los residuos y subproductos obtenidos de la vendimia, el procesado del vino y el tratamiento de aguas residuales para su posterior aplicación como biofertilizante/enmienda orgánica. A través de este proyecto piloto se podrán demostrar los beneficios ambientales y económicos relacionados con la autogestión de residuos orgánicos de este sector, y de esta forma, alentar a los agricultores y viticultores a utilizar fertilizantes orgánicos procedentes de estos residuos, cerrando el ciclo de la materia orgánica.
Activity 1. Physical-chemical and biological characterisation of waste and preliminary composting trials
Activity 2. Development of the pilot prototype
Activity 3. Pilot plant installation and commissioning
Activity 4. Demonstration-scale co-composting process
Activity 5. Assessment of pathogenic fungal spore elimination (Plasmopara viticola) during the composting process
Activity 6. Study of soil fertilisation, initial plant vigour and mesocosm incubation
Activity 7. Technical, economic and environmental feasibility study of the system developed
Activity 8. Participation in tasks for disseminating results
Actividad 1. Caracterización físico-química y biológica de los residuos y pruebas preliminares de compostaje
Actividad 2. Desarrollo del prototipo piloto
Actividad 3. Instalación de la planta piloto y puesta en marcha
Actividad 4. Proceso de co-compostaje a escala demostrativa
Actividad 5. Evaluación de la eliminación de esporas de hongos patógenos (Plasmopara viticola) durante el proceso de compostaje
Actividad 6. Estudio de fertilización del suelo, del vigor inicial de la planta e incubaciones en mesocosmos
Actividad 6. Estudio de fertilización del suelo, del vigor inicial de la planta e incubaciones en mesocosmos
Actividad 8. Participación en tareas de difusión de resultados
Project details
- Main funding source
- Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
- Rural Development Programme
- 2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
- Main geographical location
- Barcelona
EUR 151982.69
Total budget
Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.
Project keyword
Project coordinator
Màrius Simon Monrós
Project coordinator