project - Research and innovation

Connecting COnsumers and producers to REbalance farmers’ position through AmbassaDOrs trainings
Conectar a consumidores y productores para reequilibrar la posición de los agricultores a través de formaciones para embajadores

Ongoing | 2021 - 2024 Belgium
Ongoing | 2021 - 2024 Belgium
Currently showing page content in native language where available


COCOREADO is a project designed to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains and as a supplier for public procurement. Based on the multi-actor approach and a deep understanding of agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS), the project applies a three-fold approach to maximize impact, relying on ambassadorship, good practices, and a focus on youth. COCOREADO will foster opportunities for young people in rural areas to co-create innovative solutions that overcome current hurdles for farmers and respond to consumer needs, while improving the conditions for sustainable public procurement of local and seasonal food.


COCOREADO pretende reequilibrar la posición del agricultor como actor individual, como actor clave en las cadenas de suministro de alimentos y como proveedor para la contratación pública. Basado en el enfoque de múltiples actores y en los sistemas de conocimiento e innovación agrícolas (SCAI), el proyecto aplica un triple enfoque para maximizar el impacto, apoyándose en los embajadores, las buenas prácticas y un enfoque en los jóvenes. Fomentará las oportunidades para que los jóvenes de las zonas rurales creen conjuntamente soluciones innovadoras que superen los obstáculos actuales para los agricultores y respondan a las necesidades de los consumidores.


COCOREADO starts with the collection of innovative initiatives that enhance the position of the farmers and improve their connection with consumers. Good practices will be assessed for their replicability and translated into educational materials. Furthermore, user-friendly decision support tools with high potential will be made accessible. Communication and dissemination of good practices and tools will focus on farmers, rural communities, policy makers, actors in the food chain such as chefs and local food processors.


COCOREADO parte de la recopilación de iniciativas innovadoras que mejoran la posición de los agricultores y su conexión con los consumidores. Se evaluarán las buenas prácticas para ver si son reproducibles y se traducirán en materiales educativos. Además, se pondrán a disposición de los usuarios herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones de fácil manejo y gran potencial. La comunicación y la difusión de las buenas prácticas y las herramientas se centrarán en los agricultores, las comunidades rurales, los responsables políticos y los agentes de la cadena alimentaria, como los cocineros y los transformadores locales de alimentos.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Arr. Leuven

€ 2999250

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

20 Practice Abstracts

Consumers want to eat more local and healthy food, but they lack the time to make their groceries in the local shops. What if there was a virtual platform connecting consumers with local farmers and food artisans? Good news: it already exists… in Poland! Founded in 2013, Lokalny Rolnick has a network of farmers, and it serves 120000 customers with fresh, organic and local food. Customers self-organize local action groups and pick the goods in several selling points across the main Polish cities.

Wondering about the positive outcomes? Farmers and consumers are more closely connected. They share the same vision of providing and accessing local, quality and organic food production at affordable prices. It is up to the farmer to set the price on which the products are sold through the platform. The platform charges exclusively for marketing and logistical fees. Farmers receive up to 80% of the selling price and they share the risks with the platform owners in case of failures. As a result, the position of the farmer in the food chain is strengthened.

Roklany Rolky has a strong potential of replicability and scaling up as long as there is demand from consumers and the availability of a network of farmers to meet it. This project is innovative in the sense that it uses technology to bring like-minded people together. It boosts food literacy of consumers on the origin of food, empowering local communities and creating social dynamism.

I consumatori vogliono mangiare cibo locale e salutare. Tuttavia non hanno molto tempo a disposizione per fare la spesa presso i produttori locali. E se esistesse una piattaforma virtuale che unisca I consumatori con gli agricoltori e produttori di cibo locale? Ecco una buona notizia: esiste già…in Polonia! Creata nel 2013, Lokalny Rolnick ha un network di 140 agricoltori e fornisce a 120 000 consumatori cibo fresco, biologico e locale. I clienti auto-organizzano gruppi di acquisto locale, fanno l’ordine e ritirano la spesa in vari punti delle città polacche.

E gli impatti positivi? Innanzitutto I produttori e consumatori sono piu’ collegati. Condividono la stessa visione di un sistema alimentare locale, di qualità e biologico a prezzi accessibili. Il produttore stabilisce il prezzo di vendita dei suoi prodotti. La piattaforma aggiunge i costi legati al marketing e alla logistica. I produttori ricevono come ricavo fino all’80% e condividono con la piattaforma i rischi in caso di problemi o perdite del raccolto. In definita, la posizione dell’agricoltore nella filiera alimentare viene rafforzata.

Roklany Rolky è un’iniziativa con grande potenziale di replicabilità. Il progetto è innovativo poichè utilizza la tecnologia per unire persone con la stessa visione del sistema alimentare. Promuove una conoscenza e consapevolezza sull’origine del cibo, potenzia le comunità locali e crea dinamismo sociale.

A historical market in Āgenskalns district in Riga is transformed into a sustainable, inclusive and multifunctional urban food hub. The food hub combines a diverse set of activities: a food market, a co-creation kitchen, catering services, a youth station, educational activities, cultural and social events, etc. Among the goals of the food hub are boosting local food economy and economic performance of local producers and improving health and wellbeing of the wider community in the neighbourhood and Riga city.

Āgenskalns food hub improves economic and social position of farmers by providing them market infrastructure, a point of sale and access to consumers. Up to 70 local farmers and artisanal producers are involved in the food hub. Through its food-related social and educational activities, and direct links between farmers and consumers, the food hub also raises consumer awareness and knowledge about local food products and promotes sustainable consumption.

The food hub is being implemented in a public-private-people partnership. Āgenskalns food hub operator cooperates with a range of public, private and non-governmental partners to propose sustainable and innovative solutions at the hub that address needs of businesses, residents and the city development.

Vēsturiskais Āgenskalna tirgus Rīgā ir pārveidots ilgtspējīgā, iekļaujošā un daudzfunkcionālā pilsētas pārtikas centrā. Tajā apvienotas daudzveidīgas aktivitātes: pārtikas tirgus, kopienas virtuve, ēdināšanas pakalpojumi, jauniešu stacija, izglītojoši, kultūras un sociāli pasākumi u.c. Pārtikas centra mērķos ietilpst vietējās pārtikas ekonomikas un vietējo ražotāju, jo īpaši lauksaimnieku, pārtikas amatnieku un mazo un vidējo ražotāju stiprināšana, kā arī Āgenskalna apkaimes un Rīgas pilsētas iedzīvotāju labklājības uzlabošana.

Āgenskalna tirgus uzlabo vietējo lauksaimnieku ekonomisko un sociālo stāvokli, nodrošinot tiem tirgus infrastruktūru, tirdzniecības vietu un piekļuvi patērētājiem. Pārtikas centrā ir iesaistīti ap 70 vietējie lauksaimnieki un pārtikas amatnieki. Īstenojot ar pārtiku saistītas sociālas un izglītojošas aktivitātes un stiprinot tiešo saikni starp lauksaimniekiem un patērētājiem, Āgenskalna tirgus arī uzlabo patērētāju informētību un zināšanas par vietējiem pārtikas produktiem un veicina ilgtspējīgu patēriņu.

Āgenskalna pārtikas centrs tiek attīstīts publiskā, privātā un pilsoniskā sektora partnerībā. Āgenskalna tirgus vadītāji sadarbojas ar vairākiem publiskiem, privātiem un nevalstiskiem partneriem, lai piedāvātu ilgtspējīgus un inovatīvus risinājumus tirgū, kas risina uzņēmumu, iedzīvotāju un pilsētas attīstības vajadzības.

Major concerns in agriculture are providing a livelihood for farmers, feeding the growing population and protecting the environment. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an alternative that offers a solution. It’s a partnership between the participant and the farmers, whereas the participant pays a fixed contribution, thus participating in the potential risks but also in the potential abundance.

Plukboerderij GRONDIG produces (small) fruit, vegetables, eggs and natural meat in an ecological way. They work with 430 adult equivalents on the land. Participants harvest for personal use.

The consumers are directly connected to the producers, they support local farms, create less waste and help to build a community. Through intensive communication via mail and in the field, the farmers are always close by. Knowledge is exchanged in all directions at all levels and efforts are made to build communities.

Plukboerderij GRONDIG is replicable in other regions and has potential to scale up. They expand their network, by working together with other businesses (restaurant, bakery, …). And are also work on nature management, the farmers look over the grazing in a nature conservation.

Grote uitdagingen in de landbouw zijn onder andere het voorzien in het levensonderhoud van boeren, het voeden van de groeiende wereldbevolking en beschermen van het milieu. Community supported agriculture (CSA) is een partnerschap tussen de consumenten en de boeren waarbij de deelnemer voor het groeiseizoen een CSA-(aan)deel van de boer(en) koopt. De deelnemer betaalt aan het begin van het jaar een vaste bijdrage zodat de boer inkomenszekerheid heeft. De deelnemers nemen dus deel aan de potentiële risico's, maar ook aan de potentiële overvloed. Sommige CSA zijn beperkt tot groenten en fruit, maar anderen bieden eieren, vlees, melk, kaas, vis... Plukboerderij GRONDIG produceert (klein)fruit, groenten, eieren en natuurlijk vlees op een ecologische manier. Ze werken met 430 volwassen equivalenten op het land.

De CSA verbindt consumenten en boeren op verschillende manieren. De drie boeren van Plukboerderij GRONDIG betrekken de deelnemers bij beslissingen van de CSA, alhoewel de eindbeslissing bij de boeren ligt. Het veld is 24/7 geopend en deelnemers oogsten voor eigen gebruik. Dankzij intensieve communicatie via mail en op het veld zijn de boeren altijd dichtbij. De consumenten zijn direct verbonden met de boeren, steunen de lokale boerderij, creëren minder afval en helpen een gemeenschap op te bouwen.

Plukboerderij GRONDIG is repliceerbaar in andere contexten in binnen –en buitenland en het potentieel om op te schalen. Enerzijds breiden ze hun netwerk uit, door samen te werken met andere initiatieven (zoals cateraars, restaurant, bakker en scholen). Anderzijds ook bezig met natuurbeheer.

Our global food system disconnects consumers from the production of their food, both physically and mentally. ØsterGRO creates a point of connection and a relationship between producer and consumer.

ØsterGRO is an organic rooftop farm and part of a larger network of urban food initiatives (figures 1 and 2). It is organized according to the principles of community-supported agriculture (CSA). This model, and the larger network it is part of, increases the economic security for the farmer.

The opportunity to volunteer at the farm and the personal relationships that develop between consumers and producers connect the citizens to the food they might otherwise take for granted.

Bringing food production into our cities through an urban CSA can benefit both the producers and consumers. By implementing urban farming initiatives, consumers’ knowledge and connection to the food can be enhanced, enabling them to make more sustainable choices. The CSA model itself provides economic security for small-scale farmers, and the increased connection between the consumers and the food can contribute to creating a consumer preference for sustainable production.

An important lesson from the ØsterGRO case is that the economic feasibility of innovative urban food initiatives can be greatly enhanced by forming networks. By combining a number of CSA schemes and other activities, such as restaurants, the economic stability of the whole system can be ensured.

Vores globale fødevaresystemer afkobler forbrugerne fra produktionen af det mad de spiser, både fysisk og mentalt. ØsterGRO skaber en forbindelse og et forhold mellem produktion og forbrug.

ØsterGRO er et økologisk taglandbrug som er en del af et større netværk af fødevareinitiativer i byen (figur 1 og 2). Det er organiseret som et fællesskabsbaseret landbrug. Den model, samt det større netværk landbruget er en del af, giver øget økonomisk sikkerhed. Muligheden for at være frivillig på taglandbruget, og det personlige forhold der udvikler sig, skaber en forbindelse til produktionen af fødevarer, som ellers ofte bliver taget for givet.

Både forbrugere og producenter drager fordel af, at fødevareproduktion også finder sted i byen. Ved at implementere initiativer som bylandbrug, øges forbrugernes viden om og forbindelse til fødevarer, og det giver baggrund for, at træffe mere bæredygtige valg. Et fællesskabsbaseret landbrug giver økonomisk tryghed til små landbrug, og det at forbrugeren er mere forbundet med fødevareproduktionen kan bidrage til at skabe præferencer for bæredygtig fødevareproduktion.

En vigtig erfaring fra ØsterGRO er, at det økonomiske aspekt af innovative fødevaretiltag i byerne kan styrkes markant ved at samle dem i netværker. Ved at kombinere fælleskabsbaserede landbrug og andre initiativer, såsom restauranter, kan den økonomiske stabilitet sikres.

For many regions, developing, managing and gaining visibility for their local products and services, as well as their local food producers and processors, is a major challenge. The creation of a collective brand like Taste Laško promotes and connects rural development with local products. The brand system connects local farms/producers with enterprises and provides direct distribution channels from farm to fork or from field to plate.

STIK Laško together with the Municipality of Laško, KGZ unit Laško and Thermana Laško connects local producers, coordinates activities (Day of open door), promotes (social media) and sells the offer certified with the Taste Laško brand in its outlets. By organising trainings and events, the connection between the producers themselves and the consumers is further strengthened. The Taste Laško brand is well accepted by the local population, which is reflected in the increase in the purchase of local products by restaurants, households, public institutions and the local market. The brand is also well received by local farmers/businesses, who see it as an opportunity to improve their economic situation and of the local community.

The added value of the initiative lies in the possibility of increasing the choice of better quality, safer food, local dishes, products and services, which can be scaled-up by extending the certification of the offer to additional experiences and events, etc. The members of the Taste Laško network are committed to take part in strategic development, innovative ways of transferring knowledge, experience and skills, research activities and tenders. A dedicated team can replicate the Taste Laško brand and its core idea in other countries and other environments.

Za mnoge regije so razvoj, upravljanje in pridobivanje prepoznavnosti lokalnih proizvodov in storitev ter lokalnih pridelovalcev in predelovalcev hrane velik izziv. Oblikovanje kolektivne blagovne znamke, kot je Okusiti Laško, spodbuja razvoj podeželja in z njim lokalnih proizvodov. Sistem blagovne znamke povezuje lokalne kmetije/proizvajalce s podjetji in zagotavlja neposredne distribucijske poti od vilic do vilic oziroma od njive do krožnika.

STIK Laško skupaj z Občino Laško, KGZ Laško in Thermano Laško povezuje lokalne pridelovalce, koordinira aktivnosti (Dan odprtih vrat), promovira (družbena medija) in prodaja ponudbo, certificirano z blagovno znamko Okusi Laško v svojih prodajnih mestih. S organizacijo izobraževanj in dogodkov se dodatno krepi povezava med samimi pridelovalci in potrošniki. Lokalno prebivalstvo blagovno znamko Okusiti Laško dobro sprejema, kar se kaže v povečanem nakupu lokalnih proizvodov pri gostincih, gospodinjstvih, javnih ustanovah in na lokalnem trgu. Blagovno znamko dobro sprejemajo prav tako lokalni kmetje/podjetniki, ki v njej vidijo priložnost za izboljšanje svojega gospodarskega položaja in s tem tudi posledično položaja lokalne skupnosti.

Dodana vrednost pobude je možnost večje izbire kakovostnejše in varnejše hrane, lokalnih jedi, izdelkov in storitev, ki jo je mogoče razširiti z razširitvijo certificiranja ponudbe na dodatna doživetja in dogodke itd. Člani mreže Okusiti Laško se skupaj zavzemajo za skupni strateški razvoj, inovativne načine prenosa znanja, izkušenj in veščin, skupne raziskovalne dejavnosti in razpise. S pomočjo ustrezne ekipe lahko blagovno znamko Okusiti Laško in njeno osnovno idejo repliciramo tudi v drugih državah in drugih okoljih.

The aim of the scheme is to work with a forward thinking processor and retailer to attract Wales YFC members who produce lamb to become suppliers and to keep Young Farmers at the forefront of the industry. Ultimately the initiative is about creating a sustainable supply chain to help support the future of rural Wales. The aim is to make it easier for young famers to get their produce on the market and to ensure they are paid a premium price for it.

The Wales YFC Lamb Initiative is a partnership between Dunbia (Llanybydder)(a large scale red meat processor) , Sainsbury’s (a UK supermarket chain) and Wales Young Farmers Club (Wales YFC). The partnership provides the opportunity for Wales YFC members to supply their Welsh lamb to Welsh Sainsbury’s stores at a premium price all year round. Lamb is supplied to the scheme by young farmers as members of Wales YFC. Payments are then made by Dunbia within 14 days. The scheme creates an income stream for the movement, as Sainsbury’s directly contribute 40p per lamb sold, on top of the price the supplier receives, to Wales YFC. 10p of which goes to the local County Federation.

There are no contracts or restrictions to access empowering young farmers to be able to sell produce all year round with easy access to the market. The farmers are given a lot of support throughout the process including training in the scheme. Dunbia arranges haulage at collection centers throughout Wales if required and have an open-door policy that welcomes members who wish to see their lambs being processed. The lamb initiative is innovative in its simplicity and would be replicable in other regions for other products providing there was a club or organisation willing to support the scheme.

Steven has several objectives: to obtain a better and fairer price for the sold products, to make his income more stable and less affected by volatility, to become less dependent on one product and increase diversification, to empower local farmers and connect them with consumers and to gain more visibility for locally created products.

Steven recognizes the importance of strengthen the position of the primary producers in the value chain. For this reasons, he decided to reinforce the bond with the local community and he tried to make himself less vulnerable to volatility. Through vending machines, he offers high-quality products directly to the end consumers and, in fact, the prices are less volatile than actual market prices, providing him a relatively stable revenue.

He also co-operates with a local miller and baker in order to create higher valued end products, which are sold via vending machines too. This is an example of local closed production system, and allows him and the other actors to have a fair and good income.

Steven sells a percentage of his production via vending machines, located in front of his farm. Next to his own products, he also buys and sells the ones of his neighboring farmers. Customers can also consume the products in front of the farm and interact with him. In addition, he invests in communication, especially on Instagram and Facebook, where consumers can give feedback and are updated about the activities Steven is doing in the farm.

Selling products via vending machines could be an attractive option for EU farmers, which usually proves relatively easy to start. There is also some potential to scale up, but it is limited by the variety of sold products and the area in which these products are grown/produced.

Steven heeft verschillende doelstellingen met zijn bedrijf. Hij wil een eerlijke prijs voor zijn producten. Hij streeft naar een stabiel inkomen en wil ook minder afhankelijk worden van één product. Hij wil diversifiëren, en lokale boeren inspireren om de kloof tussen boer en burger te dichten en lokale producten meer zichtbaarheid geven.

Steven erkent het belang van het versterken van de positive van de landbouwer in de keten. Om die reden, kiest hij ervoor de band met de lokale gemeenschap te versterken en zichzelf minder kwetsbaar te maken voor externe schokken in het voedselsysteem. Via automaten biedt hij producten aan van hoge kwaliteit. Zijn prijs is daarbij heel wat minder volatiel dan de prijs op de markt.

Boer Steven investeerde, samen met een bakker uit de regio, in lokaal brood waarvoor hij het graan aanlevert. Op die manier verbetert hij ook de positive van andere actoren in de keten.

Boer Steven verkoopt een deel van zijn productie via verkoopsautomaten op zijn bedrijf. Hij verkoopt niet alleen zijn eigen producten maar ook producten van andere boeren in de streek. Er staat ook een bank op zijn bedrijf, waar consumenten kunnen genieten van de producten. Boer Steven communiceert onder meer via Instagram and Facebook. Hij toont via sociale media zijn activiteiten op het bedrijf, en staat open voor feedback van de consumenten. Verkoopsautomaten op een bedrijf kunnen een interessante optie zijn voor heel wat Europese boeren. Het is relatief eenvoudig om op te starten. Het heeft ook potentieel voor opschaling, maar is beperkt door het regionale aanbod.

Ekoalde is an association that organises the marketing of organic products from Navarre at fair prices.

Ekoalde has a dual vocation: to provide a service to its members and to offer a wide range of products to consumers at fair prices. In this way, shorter value chains are encouraged, and the value of organic products produced and processed in Navarra is promoted.

The case of Ekoalde is easily replicable and necessary in any territory in order to articulate the supply and demand of locally sourced organic products. Likewise, Ekoalde can grow without incurring large investments. The previous year, it grew considerably by winning a tender to supply school canteens in Navarre. Other growth paths are also being explored through the inclusion of products that require refrigeration (which are more expensive to store) in order to cover a larger part of the demand and reach a larger number of consumers. It is a completely new initiative in Navarre that contributes to the viability of the primary sector by dignifying the work of local producers.

Ekoalde es un centro logístico que organiza la comercialización de productos ecológicos navarros a precios justos.

Ekoalde tiene 2 objetivos: dar servicio a sus personas asociadas en cuanto a distribución, logística y venta de sus productos y proporcionar productos ecológicos de Navarra a precios justos. De esta manera, se fomentan cadenas de valor más cortas y se promueve el valor de los productos ecológicos producidos y procesados en Navarra.

El caso de Ekoalde es fácilmente replicable y necesario en cualquier territorio para poder articular la oferta y demanda de productos ecológicos de origen local. Asimismo, Ekoalde tiene capacidad para crecer sin incurrir en grandes inversiones. El año anterior, sin ir más lejos, creció de manera considerable al acceder a una licitación para proveer a los comedores escolares de Navarra. También se están explorando vías de crecimiento a través de la inclusión de productos que necesitan refrigeración (cuyo almacenamiento es más costoso) para cubrir una mayor parte de la demanda y alcanzar un mayor número de consumidores.

Es una iniciativa completamente novedosa en Navarra que contribuye a la viabilidad del sector primario dignificando el trabajo de las personas productoras locales.

Dairy farmers have always joined forces and joined cooperations to valorise their milk. Still, being member of a cooperation is no guarantee for a fair milk price. Most large cooperations are run by non-farmers and only at the highest level a limited number of large farmers have some influence on the decisions made. Fairecoop started a new cooperation managed by farmers and for farmers, focused on a fair price for local farmers. They buy milk from the members and process it to end products that are sold in regular retail stores under the Fairebel brand. Note that not all members of the cooperation actually supply milk to the cooperation. The cooperation negotiates with the retailers and aims to obtain a fair price for the end product so that every actor in the supply chain can get a fair income. For every liter of milk sold the supplier receive a premium of 0,1€.

The cooperation is owned by farmers, but they also connect with consumers. Firstly, via their products, the farmers promote the Fairebel brand by telling the story. Secondly consumers can also buy (limited) shares in the cooperation.

Faircoop introduces a cooperation that is owned by farmers. At the same time, they attempt to bridge the gap towards consumer via their own brand. There is definitely a potential to scale up. They started their cooperation with milk, then dairy products and later also fruit and meat became part of the project. There is also a potential to replicate Faircoop since it’s part of the European Milk Board (EMB).

Melkveehouders hebben altijd al de handen in elkaar geslagen om melk te valoriseren, alhoewel lid zijn van een coöperatie geen garantie is voor een eerlijke melkprijs. Fairecoop is een samenwerking, beheerd door boeren en voor boeren. Fairecoop koopt melk in bij de leden en verwerkt deze tot eindproducten die onder het merk Fairebel in reguliere winkels worden verkocht. De focus ligt op een eerlijke prijs voor lokale boeren. De coöperatie onderhandelt met de retailers en heeft als doel een eerlijke prijs voor het eindproduct te verkrijgen, zodat elke actor in de keten een eerlijk inkomen krijgt. Merk op dat niet alle leden van de coöperatie daadwerkelijk melk leveren aan de coöperatie.

De coöperatie is eigendom van boeren, maar ze zijn ook direct verbonden met consumenten op twee verschillende manieren. Ten eerste gaan de boeren via hun producten naar de winkels en promoten ze hun Fairebel-merk door hun verhaal te vertellen en consumenten te laten proeven. Ten tweede kunnen consumenten ook aandelen kopen in de coöperatie en kunnen niet meer dan 10 aandelen kopen. Alleen boeren kunnen elk tot 50 aandelen kopen en hebben meer macht binnen de coöperatie.

Faircoop introduceert een coöperatie die eigendom is van boeren en tegelijkertijd proberen ze de kloof naar de consument te overbruggen via het Fairebel-merk. Er is een potentieel om op te schalen omdat Fairecoop startte met melk en later ook fruit en vlees. Er is ook een potentieel om Faircoop te repliceren, omdat het deel uitmaakt van de European Milk Board (EMB), die eerlijke melk op de Europese markt wil brengen, vertegenwoordigd in 6 landen.

Landare is a consumers association of organic products in Navarra.

Landare is a non-profit organization with the aim of giving its members access to healthy, organic food at affordable prices. Landare is committed to local products and direct contact with farmers, which allows the establishment of fair and mutually beneficial exchange relations.

Landare is a consumers association for ecological products. The board (which represents the different members of the association), visits the farms that supply the products. This way, consumers not only understand the production process, but also know the working conditions of the workers, their contribution to the local economy, and care for the environment. The purchase of fresh products is made directly from the producer, without intermediaries. Between 10-20% is added to the producer's price for the maintenance of expenses (establishment and personnel) of the association. Since its foundation in 1992 with 15 members, its growth has been exponential up to 4,000 members today.

Landare es una asociación de consumidores de productos ecológicos de Navarra.

Landare es una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es proporcionar el acceso a alimentos saludables y ecológicos a precios asequibles a sus asociados. Landare esta comprometida con los productos locales y en contacto directo con las personas productoras, creando una relación beneficiosa para ambos.

Landare es una asociación de consumidores de productos ecológicos. La junta directiva (que representa a los distintos miembros de la asociación), visita las explotaciones que suministran los productos. De este modo, los consumidores no sólo entienden el proceso de producción, sino que también conocen las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores, su contribución a la economía local y el cuidado del medio ambiente. La compra del producto fresco se hace directamente al productor, sin intermediarios. Al precio del productor se le añade entre un 10 y un 20% para el mantenimiento de los gastos (locales y personal) de la asociación. Desde su fundación en 1992 con 15 miembros, su crecimiento ha sido exponencial hasta los 4.000 miembros de hoy.

Small specialty farms often struggle to get their goods to a large section of consumers and consumers who want to purchase these goods cannot do so conveniently. This scheme aims to give small farmers a large platform and marketing to reach a large consumer base and consumers a convenient way to purchase seasonal goods from a range of locations at once.

Uudenmaan Ruoka is a food hub with local seasonal produce that comes straight from the food producers. Consumers choose the food they want from a range of different farms and food producers from an online platform, pay in advance and choose which hub pickup point and time to collect their goods. This makes it easy for consumers to order local and seasonal food directly from farms and have a convenient way to pick up their goods from a single location. Local farms receive an easy way to access the market and sell goods directly to consumers. Consumers may draw up a contract with a farm and commit a certain amount of money for seasonal goods. This gives the consumer a good price and allows the farm to know in advance what to produce in what quantities.

The food hub provides an online platform and the collection and distribution of goods as well as marketing and communications. The local farms sign up to be a part and supply their products as well as sell ‘contracts’ to consumers. Farmers receive much higher market and direct access to consumers while getting to set their own price for goods. Farms with a limited selection of specialty goods can be included in a larger shopping and picked up in one location making it more likely for consumers to purchase their goods. Farms receive better marketing and online presence together. The online platform is replicable for other regions so long as there is a similar variety of food producers to represent.

In late 1990s and early 2000 food scandals, such as melamine milk to horse meat, insufficient labelling etc. had awaken consumers. Food production had become extremely industrialized, food chains centralized, and farms were closing down. There was a need for even smallest farms to survive and consumers to logistically innovatively get trusted, wholesome, natural food.

There was a strong need to revive the connection between farmer/producer and consumer without middlemen. The aim being farmers to receive all the income from their products while using an inexpensive platform of orders through social media. This was the starting point of the movement known as REKO now spread around the world.

The main added value for the producer is governing the relations with the customer interface free of charge of a low-cost platform through innovative social media structure via voluntary consumer and/or producer admins, offering consumers the real “face of the producer”. Consumers have the benefit of meeting the farmers, exchanging views, and the opportunity to influence the production of the farm. The simplicity of the innovative concept is the reason it has successfully spread around the world and proven track record of replicability and considerable potential of scaling up inexpensively according to the resources the producer has, and the consumer base is willing to get involved.

1990-luvun lopulla ja 2000 luvun alussa ruokaskandaalit, melamiinimaidosta hevosenlihaan, riittämättömät pakkausmerkinnät jne. olivat valpastuttaneet kuluttajat. Ruoantuotannosta oli tullut erittäin teollista, ruoka ketjuista keskittyneitä ja maatiloja lopetti toimintaansa enenevässä määrin. Pienetkin tilat piti Saada tuottaviksi ja kuluttajille piti saada logistisesti innovatiivisella tavalla Saada luotettavaa, ravitsevaa, luonnollista ruokaa.

Kuluttajan ja viljelijän suora kontakti tuli elävöittää uudelleen. Päämääränä oli, että viljelijät saisivat kaiken tuoton tuotteistaan, käyttäessään ilmaista sosiaalisen median kauppapaikkaa. Tästä syntyi REKOna tunnettu liikehdintä, mikä on nyt levinnyt ympäri maailmaa.

Lisäarvo tuottajalle on mahdollisuus hallinnoida itse kuluttajien rajapintaa, ilmaisella tai edullisella, perustuen innovatiivisesti sosiaaliselle medialle. Kauppapaikkaa hallinnoidaan vapaaehtoisesti tuottajien ja/tai kuluttajienyhteistyöllä. Näin kuluttajat saavat suoran kontaktin tuottajaan ja tuotteet saavat “kasvot” ja kuluttajat voivat esim. vaikuttaa suoraan tilan tuotantoon. Innovatiivisen REKO- konseptin yksinkertaisuus lienee syy siihen, että malli on kopioitu ja levinnyt ympäri maailmaa ja mallissa on edullista skaalattavuuden potentiaalia, riippuen viljelijän ja tilan mahdollisuuksista ja kuluttajien halusta osallistua toimintaan.

The aim of this initiative is to resolve issues related to the marketing of local products and to take advantage of the proximity of producers and consumers in peri-urban areas. It also aims to promote new forms of short marketing chains between small producers and consumers.

This initiative works through a box-scheme, helping producers sell their produce directly to consumers and immediately obtaining a fair price for their work, while the consumers receive quality products and have direct contact with producers. This contact allows the producers to learn more about consumer demands, while at the same time, sharing knowledge about agricultural practices used in their crops, seasonal products and their production cycles.

PROVE is a self-sustainable methodology that aims to create new associative dynamics among producers. It was developed with the support of Community Initiative EQUAL and can be replicable as it has doubled the number of sites on which It has been implemented. Its objective is to keep it local, empowering small producers and taking advantage of the proximity of producers and consumers in peri-urban areas. A cluster of 3-5 farmers in each region gets together every week to organise the orders they received that week. After gathering all agriculture products, they distribute the orders to the consumers in a box-form. The farmers also have access to training and monitoring for the implementation of the methodology, with fiscal and legal support.

O objetivo desta iniciativa é resolver questões relacionadas com a comercialização de produtos locais e tirar partido da proximidade de produtores e consumidores em zonas periurbanas. Visa igualmente promover novas formas de cadeias curtas de comercialização entre pequenos produtores e consumidores.

Esta iniciativa funciona através de um esquema de cabazes, ajudando os produtores a vender os seus produtos diretamente aos consumidores e a obter desse modo um preço justo pelo seu trabalho, enquanto os consumidores recebem produtos de qualidade e têm contacto direto com os produtores. Este contacto permite aos produtores aprender mais sobre as exigências dos consumidores, ao mesmo tempo que partilham conhecimentos sobre as práticas agrícolas utilizadas nas suas culturas, a sazonalidade dos produtos e os seus ciclos de produção. between farmer/producer and consumer. How does it strengthen the position of the farmer.

PROVE é uma metodologia autossustentável que visa criar novas dinâmicas associativas entre os produtores. Foi desenvolvido com o apoio da Iniciativa Comunitária EQUAL e pode ser replicável, uma vez que duplicou o número de sítios em que foi implementado. O seu objetivo é manter-se local, capacitando os pequenos produtores e tirando partido da proximidade de produtores e consumidores nas zonas periurbanas. Um grupo de 3-5 agricultores em cada região reúne-se todas as semanas para organizar as encomendas que receberam nessa semana. Depois de reunirem todos os produtos agrícolas, distribuem as encomendas aos consumidores. Os agricultores têm também acesso a formação e acompanhamento para a implementação da metodologia, com apoio fiscal e legal.

The deciding factor behind the collaboration of the initiative was the need for fair prices for farmers/producers/consumers, the need to introduce logistical innovation, to improve the visibility of local products and to find marketing opportunities for producers to sell (fresh) agricultural products. Zelena točka is fully operational, the largest and most advanced regional short food supply chain founded by farmers with the aim of raising consumer awareness of the importance of local food.

By taking care of branding, promotion and sales, Zelena točka takes the burden of marketing off farmers, enabling them to bring their products to market and achieve higher prices. The establishment of a traceability system based on blockchain technology has taken the relationship between producers and consumers a step further. This raises awareness of producers, production methods and, above all, consumer confidence, which ultimately leads not only to the social recognition of producers but also to economic impact.

With increasing scandals in global food supply systems with fraudulent origins and ingredients, consumer awareness and demands are rising. They want to know where their food comes from, and they want to trust suppliers. The Zelena točka model can be replicated in any environment where there is an opportunity for different actors in the supply chain to work together and build a system based on fair relationships and reciprocity, and the understanding that everyone benefits from working together. The participation of Zelena točka as a Living Lab in the European Network of Living Labs (EnoLL) adds value and allows to test new technologies and new business models and to further validate and implement them in a multi-partner approach.

Odločilni dejavniki za sodelovanje in ustanovitev Zelene točke so bili potreba po pravičnejših cenah za kmete/proizvajalce/potrošnike, potreba po uvedbi logističnih inovacij, izboljšanje prepoznavnosti lokalnih proizvodov in iskanje tržnih priložnosti za proizvajalce za prodajo (svežih) kmetijskih proizvodov. Zelena točka je tako ena največjih in najnaprednejših regionalnih kratkih verig preskrbe s hrano, ki so jo ustanovili kmetje, s ciljem ozaveščati potrošnike o pomenu lokalne hrane.

Zelena točka skrbi za blagovno znamko, promocijo in prodajo, zato kmetom odvzame breme trženja, ter jim omogoči, da svoje izdelke spravijo na trg in dosežejo višjo ceno. Z vzpostavitvijo sistema sledljivosti, ki temelji na tehnologiji veriženja blokov, se odnos med proizvajalci in potrošniki še dodatno podkrepi. Omogočanje sledljivosti povečuje ozaveščenost o proizvajalcih, proizvodnih metodah in predvsem zaupanje potrošnikov, kar na koncu ne vodi le do družbenega priznanja proizvajalcev, temveč tudi do gospodarskega učinka.

Zaradi vse pogostejših škandalov v svetovnih sistemih preskrbe s hrano ter goljufivega izvora sestavin se ozaveščenost in zahteve potrošnikov povečujejo. Potrošniki želijo informacijo, od kod prihaja hrana, predvsem pa želijo zaupati dobaviteljem. Model Zelena točka se lahko replicira v vsakem okolju, kjer obstaja priložnost, da različni udeleženci v dobavni verigi sodelujejo in zgradijo sistem, ki temelji na poštenih odnosih in vzajemnosti ter razumevanju, da ima lahko vsakdo koristi od skupnega dela. Vključenost Zelene točke kot „LivingLab“ v Evropski mreži LivingLab (EnoLL), je dodana vednost, ki omogoča preizkušanje novih tehnologij in novih poslovnih modelov ter nadaljnje potrjevanje in izvajanje le teh v sodelovanju z več partnerji.

The objectives of PLNT are diverse: to provide local products with a focus on quality and sustainability, to sell high quality food directly to the consumers in the city, to inform customers on the range of crops that are available for consumption, to obtain a fair price for the products being independent for the mass market and to decrease the impact on the environment.

PLNT is aware of the need of primary producers to enhance their position in the chain. In this context, PLNT invests in the promotion of the market transparency. Consumers are increasingly interested in the origin of their food. PLNT communicates about the production and also chooses explicitly for a short supply chain. Doing so, PLNT is not a price taker but a price maker. PLNT hence has a strong negotiation power. PLNT also keeps a direct relation with costumers. This interaction takes for example place when products are delivered. Furthermore, customers are encouraged to give feedback and propose new ideas.

PLNT is a vertical farm that produces various herbs and microgreens in vertically stacked layers, making the most efficient use of the space. By controlling the environmental characteristics, PLNT assures also the optimal conditions. It is an important source of local food for the inhabitants of the city and, in addition, through this brand awareness consumer will always know where their food has been produced. The farm is looking for a more environmentally friendly substrates and for opportunities to revalorize substrates after harvest. Vertical farming is a very innovative farming system, and a growing number of vertical farms are founded in European cities, in order to satisfy the demand of locally produced food of the inhabitants.

De doelen van PLNT zijn uiteenlopend: het aanbieden van lokale producten met een focus op kwaliteit en duurzaamheid, de direct-verkoop van kwalitatieve voeding aan consumenten in de stad, het informeren van burgers over diverse gewassen voor menselijke consumptie, het verkrijgen van een eerlijke prijs onafhankelijk van prijzen op reguliere markten, en een daling van de milieu-impact.

PLNT investeert in de promotie van markttransparantie. Consumenten zijn bovendien in toenemende mate geïnteresseerde in de herkomst van hun voeding. PLNT communiceert over de productie en kiest expliciet voor de korte keten. Op die manier kan PLNT zich positioneren als prijszetter in plaats van prijsnemer. PLNT heeft een sterke positive in negotiaties. Bovendien onderhoudt PLNT ook een directe relatie met de consument. Deze interactie met consumenten vindt ondermeer plaats bij levering. PLNT krijgt daarbij feedback van de consument, die op haar beurt ook een bron is van innovatie.

PLNT is een vertical farm en produceert kruiden en microgroenten in vertikaal opgestelde lagen. Zo optimaliseert PLNT het plaatsgebruik. PLNT controleert de productieomgeving en kan zo inzetten op de realisatie van optimale condities voor de groei van de gewassen. PLNT is een belangrijke leverancier van lokale voeding voor stedelingen en dankzij de branding kan de consument ook verifiëren waar de gewassen warden geteeld. Het bedrijf onderzoekt nog meer milieuvriendelijke substraten en de mogelijkheden van valorisatie van de substraten na de oogst. Vertical farming is een zeer innovatief landbouwsysteem, dat steeds meer navolging krijgt in Europese steden. Het komt tegemoet aan de toenemende vraag voor locale voiding in de stad.

The main problem the farmer is trying to solve is how to stop selling high quality milk to a big food producer that turns it into mass consumption and not fully natural dairy products. He is looking also for a solution on how to increase his dairy products income and avoid intermediaries.

The farmer decided to invest his own funds, accumulated from another business, in the establishment of a dairy for the production of natural dairy products. He increases the herd of elite cows he raises on Natura 2000 pastures, feeds them with special blends to increase milk yield and relies heavily on his own milk. To avoid intermediaries in the chain and to ensure quality and regularity of supply, he buys his own distribution vehicles. The farm reaches the final customer in two ways: 1) directly, through its own shops, where it sells both fresh milk from the milk ATM and dairy products; 2) by cooperating with restaurants and other farmers who run on-line shops.

The control over the quality of milk, dairy products and distribution that the farmer achieves guarantees him the best position in the supply chain. In this way, the farmer offers consumers completely natural and healthy products. This business model is based on the farmer's best position in the supply chain and on the direct link between farmers and consumers. It has great potential for replication as it has been developed as a solution oriented towards the consumers’ benefit. The innovation of this case lies in the clearly defined problem, focused on the way the farmer thinks about the consumer. He wants to deliver not just food, but uncompromising quality.

Основният проблем, за който фермерът търси решение, е как да спре да продава висококачествено мляко на голям производител на храни, който го превръща в масови и не напълно естествени млечни продукти. Фермерът търси и начин да увеличи приходите си от млечни продукти и да избегне посредниците. Фермерът инвестира собствени средства, натрупани от друг бизнес, в създаването на млекопреработвателно предприятие за натурални млечни продукти. Той увеличава стадото си от елитни крави, които отглежда на пасища от Натура 2000, храни ги със специални смески за увеличаване на млеконадоя и разчита основно на собственото си мляко. За да избегне посредници и да гарантира качеството и редовността на доставките, той купува собствени превозни средства за дистрибуция. До крайния клиент достига по два начина: 1) директно, чрез собствените си магазини, в които продава както прясно мляко от млекомат, така и млечни продукти; 2) чрез сътрудничество с ресторанти и други земеделски производители, които управляват онлайн магазини.

Контролът върху качеството на млякото, млечните продукти и дистрибуцията, който фермерът постига, му гарантира най-добрата позиция във веригата за доставки. По този начин фермерът предлага на потребителите напълно натурални и здравословни продукти. Този бизнес модел се основава на най-добрата позиция на фермера във веригата на доставки и на пряката връзка между фермерите и потребителите. Той има голям потенциал за възпроизвеждане, тъй като е разработен като решение, ориентирано към ползите за клиента. Иновативността на този случай се крие в ясно дефинирания проблем, фокусиран върху начина, по който фермерът мисли за потребителя. Фермерът иска да достави не просто храна а безкомпромисно качество и продукт с натурални съставки.

A family of farmers strives for a fair market for their products and those of local farmers without the intervention of intermediaries, who often lower purchase prices for producers and increase them for consumers.

The family created an innovative online platform in a collaboration with local farmers and business companies that shortens local food supply chains. The platform is connecting about 250 employees at their workplaces with 50 local farmers through direct ordering. In addition to the online platform there is a physical farm shop that offers products of local farmers and where the farmers are the ultimate price-setters. “Private” farmers´ markets are also organized at local companies’ backyards, thus providing face-to-case connectedness between farmers and consumers.

The initiative seeks to benefit both producers and consumers. It has high potential for replicability in areas where a better connection between rural and peri-urban producers with consumers from the cities is needed. It shortens the geographical distance between the place of production and of consumption and allows higher freshness and quality of food for consumers. It could also be applied in cases where producers are looking for new marketing channels or when they are striving for a fair market for their produce. Practitioners can expect results that are not limited to a single act of exchange, but foster stable connections with local consumers, which in turn allows producers to rely on fair prices and regular income.

Семейство фермери търсят възможност за създаване на справедлив пазар за техните продукти и тези на други местни производители в два региона на страната, без намесата на посредници, които често понижават изкупните цени за производителите и ги увеличават за потребителите.

Семейството фермери, в сътрудничество с 50 местни производители и три местни компании, създава на иновативна онлайн платформа, която съкращава местните вериги за доставка на храни. Платформата свързва около 250 служители на работните им места с местните фермери чрез директни поръчки. Към онлайн платформата има и физически магазин, който предлага продукти на местни фермери и където фермерите определят окончателните цени. „Частните” фермерски пазари също се организират в дворове на местните компании, като по този начин се осигурява директна връзка между фермерите и потребителите.

Инициативата се стреми да облагодетелства както производителите, така и потребителите. Има голям потенциал за приложение в райони, където има нужда от по-добра връзка между фермери и потребителите от градовете, тъй като съкращава географското разстояние между мястото на производство и това на консумация. Може да се приложи и в случаи, когато производители търсят нови маркетингови канали или когато се стремят към справедлив пазар за своята продукция. Фермерите могат да очакват резултати, които не се ограничават до еднократен акт на размяна, а насърчават стабилни връзки с местните потребители, което от своя страна позволява на производителите да разчитат на справедливи цени и редовен доход.

The objective is to support small local producers and food businesses to have access to a market that values and supports their work and builds lasting and direct, face-to-face connection with local consumers.

About 40 farmers and food producers from the region of Varna participate in the market. The farmers and food producers are the ultimate price-setters which positively affects their income and negotiating power. Their profit is not limited to a single act of exchange, but comes from developed stable connections with local consumers, which in turn allows producers to rely on regular incomes. The market is a place not only to a trade and commercial exchange, but is a social space used as a frame for organizing various campaigns for educating consumers in the advantages of organic, biodynamic and clean agricultural products and food and promoting a culture of environmentally friendly way of life.

Farmers’ markets hold high potential for replicability in areas where there is a need to support small local producers to receive fair price for their produce and to build direct, face-to-face connection with local consumers. They are reflecting regional characteristics like farming systems, number of producers, consumers’ habits, etc. and as such hold unique features and practices that could be replicated in different contexts. Usually, farmers’ markets provide visibility and traceability of the origin of the products and serve as channels for connecting producers from peri-urban and rural areas with consumers from the city. Farmers’ markets could be also used as a space for building social and cultural proximity, providing opportunities for workshops and lectures that promote environmentally friendly production and consumption of food.

Целта на фермерския пазар е да подкрепи малките местни производители от района на град Варна в достъпа им до пазар, който предоставя справедлива цена за тяхната продукция и помага на фермерите да установят трайни връзки с местните потребители.

В пазара участват около 40 фермери и производители на храни от област Варна. Те имат свобода да определят крайните цени на продукцията си, което влияе положително върху техните доходи. Тяхната печалба не се ограничава до единичен акт на размяна, а води до изграждане на стабилни връзки с местните потребители, което от своя страна позволява на производителите да разчитат на редовни доходи от реализацията на продукцията. Пазарът е място не само за търговски обмен, но се използва като социално пространство, като място за организиране на различни кампании за обучение на потребителите в предимствата на органичните, биодинамични и чисти земеделски продукти и храни и насърчаване на култура на екологично чист начин на живот.

Фермерските пазари притежават висок потенциал за репликиране в райони, където е необходимо да се подкрепят малките местни производители, за да получат справедлива цена за своята продукция и да се изгради директна връзка с местните потребители. Тези пазари отразяват регионалните характеристики на местата, в които се провеждаг и като такива притежават уникални практики, които могат да бъдат възпроизведени в различни контексти. Фермерските пазари осигуряват не само проследимост на произхода на продуктите, но биха могли да се използват и като пространство за изграждане на социална и културна близост, предоставяйки възможности за семинари и лекции, които насърчават екологичното производство и консумация на храни.

The Fruta Feia initiative arises from the need to reverse the trends of standardisation of fruit and vegetables that have nothing to do with food safety and quality issues. This initiative aims to combat market inefficiency by creating an alternative market for "ugly" fruit and vegetables that can change consumption patterns. By selling products that are rejected by the regular distribution channels due to an unwanted shape and/or size, regardless of being grown in an organic, integrated or conventional production, and only working with local farmers, Fruta Feia encourages the consumer’s education not only on the matter of food waste, but also on the valorisation of the local production. It also ensures a fair price to farmers, while also managing to reach consumers with a much lower price than retailers (e.g supermarkets).

Fruta Feia is a financially self-sustainable initiative, which means, the income derived from the selling the boxes to the consumers is enough to cover the costs of carrying out the service and continuing to buy more products from the farmers, which otherwise wouldn’t receive any money. Every week they work directly with the producers in the region, passing by their gardens and orchards to buy the small, large or misshapen fruits and vegetables that they cannot sell. With these products, they prepare baskets of two different sizes to sell to consumers associated with the Initiative at delivery points around the country. Consumers pay an annual fee of €5 when they collect their first basket of Fruta Feia, in addition to the cost of the basket.

A iniciativa Fruta Feia surge da necessidade de inverter as tendências de uniformização de frutas e legumes que nada têm a ver com questões de segurança e qualidade alimentar. Esta iniciativa visa combater a ineficiência do mercado, criando um mercado alternativo para frutas e legumes "feios" que podem alterar os padrões de consumo.

Ao vender produtos que são rejeitados pelos canais de distribuição regulares devido a uma forma e/ou tamanho não desejados, independentemente de serem cultivados numa produção biológica, integrada ou convencional, e apenas trabalhando com agricultores locais, a Fruta Feia permite a educação do consumidor não só sobre a questão do desperdício alimentar, mas também sobre a valorização da produção local. Ao mesmo tempo garante o pagamento justo ao agricultor por produtos que de outra forma não seriam vendidos.

Todas as semanas trabalham diretamente com os produtores da região, passando nas suas hortas e pomares para comprar as frutas e hortaliças pequenas, grandes ou disformes que estes não conseguem escoar. Com estes produtos preparam cestas de dois tamanhos distintos para vender aos consumidores associados à Cooperativa em pontos de entrega espalhados pelo país. Os consumidores pagam, aquando da recolha da primeira cesta de Fruta Feia, uma quota anual de 5 €, para além do custo da cesta. A Fruta Feia é também uma iniciativa financeiramente autossustentável, ou seja, o rendimento derivado da venda dos cabazes aos consumidores é suficiente para cobrir os custos da execução do serviço e da manutenção da compra de mais produtos aos agricultores, que de outra forma não receberiam qualquer dinheiro.

To introduce a permanent change in the way how food reaches our tables and how farmers are positioned in the fsupply chain, one must engage simultaneously with social structures, values, practices, and other elements these systems ood consist of.

The objective of COCOREADO is to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains, and as a supplier for public procurement. In a nutshell, COCOREADO is working to transform the food supply chains.

One of the most interesting and important aspects is its focus on youth. The project has recruited youth ambassadors from all over Europe and taken them on board as partners in the project. The ambassadors can fully co-create the project outcomes alongside the consortium granting them an equal say in the food systems of the future, giving young people a way to identify their own needs and how best to work towards them.

COCOREADO involves both academic and close-to-farmers partners across Europe, recognising regional differences and barriers in terms of replicability of good practices and regional opportunities in terms of solutions. The consortium connects key youth actors in an environment that offers support and encouragement to undertake action. A key tool for creating such an environment is the COCOREADO Ambassador Training Programme, where ambassadors co-create solutions for the seed cases (ideas) that are both consumer-driven and conducive to improving farmers’ incomes. These solutions are based on a systemic design approach. The project supports the organisation of workshops with regional actors to further develop solutions and win-wins for producers and consumers.

Para introducir un cambio permanente en la forma en que los alimentos llegan a nuestras mesas y en la posición de los agricultores en la cadena de suministro de alimentos, hay que comprometerse con las estructuras sociales, los valores, las prácticas y otros elementos que componen estos sistemas.

El objetivo de COCOREADO es reequilibrar la posición del agricultor como actor individual, actor clave en las cadenas de suministro de alimentos innovadoras y proveedor para la contratación pública. COCOREADO trabaja para transformar las cadenas de suministro de alimentos.

Uno de los aspectos más interesantes es su enfoque en la juventud. El proyecto ha reclutado a jóvenes embajadores de toda Europa y los ha incorporado como socios del proyecto. Pueden crear resultados junto con el consorcio, lo que les permite participar en igualdad de condiciones en los sistemas alimentarios del futuro, ofreciendo a los jóvenes una forma de identificar sus propias necesidades y la mejor manera de trabajar para conseguirlas.

COCOREADO cuenta con la participación de entidades en toda Europa, reconociendo las diferencias y barreras regionales en cuanto a la replicabilidad de las buenas prácticas y las oportunidades regionales en cuanto a soluciones. El consorcio pone en contacto a los principales actores juveniles en un entorno que ofrece apoyo para emprender acciones. Una herramienta clave para crear esto es la formación a los embajadores, en el que crean conjuntamente soluciones para los casos semilla (ideas) que están orientadas al consumidor y que conducen a la mejora de los ingresos de los agricultores. El proyecto apoya la organización de talleres con actores regionales para seguir desarrollando soluciones y beneficios para productores y consumidores.

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  • Project partner