project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Bovine livestock waste recovery and reuse
Valorización de residuos y recuperación material de deyecciones ganaderas de vacuno

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The main objective of the project is the development and optimisation of the cattle manure biodrying process with the aim of obtaining a biofuel suitable for use in conventional biomass boilers.
The submitted project will contribute to achieving the EU’s climate/energy 20/20/20 targets, which include the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (with respect to 1990), the increase to 20% of the use of renewable energy, and the increase of energy efficiency by 20%, and it will also contribute to the correct management of excess livestock waste, above all in areas classified as Nitrate Vulnerable Zones.


El principal objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo y optimización del proceso de biosecado de estiércol de
vacuno con el fin de obtener un biocombustible apto para ser utilizado en calderas convencionales de
El proyecto presentando contribuirá a alcanzar el objetivo 20/20/20 en clima / energía de la UE que
incluye la reducción de las emisiones GEI en un 20% (respecto a 1990), la utilización de un 20% de
energías renovables y el incremento de la eficiencia energética en un 20% y también contribuirá a la
correcta gestión de excedentes de deyecciones ganaderas, sobre todo en zonas clasificadas como
vulnerables por Nitratos.


The following actions will be carried out in order to achieve the aforementioned objectives:
• Partial transformation of a compost trench into a biodrying reactor.

Optimisation of the biodrying process (control system, mixes, residence time, etc.).
• Mono-combustion and co-combustion tests in conventional biomass boilers.
• Assessment of boiler energy recovery and efficiency, and of emission control.
• Environmental, technical and economic assessment of the process.


Para alcanzar los objetivos mencionados anteriormente se realizarán las siguientes actuaciones:
• Transformación parcial de una trinchera de compostaje en un reactor de biosecado.
• Optimización del proceso de biosecado (sistema de control, mezclas, tiempo de residencia, etc.).
• Pruebas de mono-combustión y co-combustión en calderas convencionales de biomasa.
• Evaluación de la recuperación energética y la eficiencia de la caldera y control de emisiones.
• Evaluación ambiental, técnica y económica del proceso.


In recent years the livestock population has significantly increased in Catalonia, while the useful agricultural surface area has decreased. Therefore, in high-density livestock areas it is necessary to develop and implement technologies that enable excess livestock excrement that cannot be safely used as fertiliser to be reused.
An option for the use of this excrement is the application of the biodrying process for energy recovery. Biodrying as applied in the livestock industry is an innovative process that yields a biofuel (LHV > 2,500–3,500 kcal/kg) that can be used in conventional biomass boilers. Biodrying is similar to composting, but its final objective is different. While the aim of composting is to maximise the stability of organic waste through the mineralisation of organic carbon, that of biodrying is to use the metabolic heat produced by the biological activity to remove water from the waste matrix in the shortest time possible, minimising the degradation of carbon and preserving the majority of the heat value of the matrix. La Fageda Foundation in conjunction with the BETA Technology Centre will carry out the first pilot test on a semi-industrial scale to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of the biodrying and energy recovery process in situ in a biomass boiler, contributing to the implementation of circular economy strategies at Fageda’s premises.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 115000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator