The project objective is to adopt innovative approaches to add value to the Blackstairs hill farming system whilst simultaneously improving habitat condition.
The Blackstairs Farming Futures (BFF) EIP pilot proposes to develop and trial four innovations:
A Results Based Agri-Environment Payment Scheme for upland habitats and commonage land.
An effective commonage governance model for Ireland.
Habitat management for red grouse and wider upland biodiversity by commonage farmers in the Blackstairs.
4. Wider community engagement in the environment, culture and tradition of farming in the Uplands.
The project objective is to adopt innovative approaches to add value to the Blackstairs hill farming system whilst simultaneously improving habitat condition.
The Blackstairs Farming Futures (BFF) EIP pilot proposes to develop and trial four innovations:
A Results Based Agri-Environment Payment Scheme for upland habitats and commonage land.
An effective commonage governance model for Ireland.
Habitat management for red grouse and wider upland biodiversity by commonage farmers in the Blackstairs.
4. Wider community engagement in the environment, culture and tradition of farming in the Uplands.
The project activities are:
Results Based Element - Rewarding good habitat condition on semi-natural habitats using a scoring system based on results indicators.
Complementary Actions – trialling best practice techniques where needed to improve habitat quality to including targeted fencing; Bracken control; Targeted grazing aids; Scrub Management; Invasive species control; Possible re-introduction of cattle; Managed burning programme; Nest protection; Improved access; protection and enhancement of cultural features.
Training and awareness-raising - Available to all potential participants and farm advisors on an on-going basis; wider public engagement and dissemination.
The project activities are:
Results Based Element - Rewarding good habitat condition on semi-natural habitats using a scoring system based on results indicators.
Complementary Actions – trialling best practice techniques where needed to improve habitat quality to including targeted fencing; Bracken control; Targeted grazing aids; Scrub Management; Invasive species control; Possible re-introduction of cattle; Managed burning programme; Nest protection; Improved access; protection and enhancement of cultural features.
Training and awareness-raising - Available to all potential participants and farm advisors on an on-going basis; wider public engagement and dissemination.
The Blackstairs Mountains SAC extends to 5,000 ha of open mountain on the border of counties Carlow and Wexford. It contains 17% of Ireland’s European Dry Heath habitat. Research carried out for the Blackstairs Farming Group in 2015 confirmed only c. 50% reduction in farm holders under the age of 44 in Electoral Districts surrounding the Blackstairs Mountains. Data on farm viability indicates a high proportion of unsustainable farms in the Blackstairs area. This combination of an aging farmer population and low farm incomes pose a threat to the achievement of favourable status of the semi-natural habitats and associated species in the Blackstairs Mountains SAC. The project objective is to adopt innovative approaches to add value to the Blackstairs hill farming system whilst simultaneously improving habitat condition.
Additional information
The expected results and practical recommendations from the project are:
High quality peatland habitats with enhanced carbon sequestration
Maintenance and improvement of associated semi-natural habitats
Improved habitat conditions for red grouse and other upland bird species
Increased resilience to climate change
Improved water quality
Improved soil quality
A developed RBAPS which can be applied to other similar upland peat habitats
A workable model for commonage governance and management in Ireland
An empowered, engaged and innovative hill farming community seeking to develop other projects of common interest to sustain their community and way of life
Greater awareness of the value of hill farming and of biodiversity on the mountain
Wider social cohesion and community benefit
Improved upland farm viability
A range of guidelines will be produced from the project providing practical recommendations on all of these results to support replication.
Project details
- Main funding source
- Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
- Rural Development Programme
- 2014IE06RDNP001 Ireland - Rural Development Programme (National)
- Main geographical location
- South-East (IE)
EUR 1 500 000.00
Total budget
Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.
Project keyword
- Arable crops
- Organic farming
- Agro-ecology
- Crop rotation/crop diversification/dual-purpose or mixed cropping
- Equipment and machinery
- Fodder and feed
- Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)
- Greenhouse crops
- Landscape/land management
- Pest/disease control in plants
- Pest/disease control in animals
- Biodiversity and nature
- Competitiveness/new business models
- Farm diversification
1 Practice Abstracts
The Blackstairs Mountains and hinterlands are experiencing socio-economic decline. An aging farmer population and low incomes from existing hill farming outputs are leading to an increased risk of land abandonment. The intervention rationale in the Blackstairs is based on the need to reduce the threats to the achievement of favourable status of semi-natural habitats and associated species of conservation concern including iconic species such as red grouse and other upland birds. Blackstairs Farming Futures proposes to develop a new revenue stream for commonage farmers in the Blackstairs Mountains for the delivery of eco-system services through active participation in habitat management of semi-natural habitats for red grouse and wider upland biodiversity. Interventions will be designed in a way that provides co-benefits for water and biodiversity through maintenance and enhancement of water quality and water regulation in the catchment
The Blackstairs Mountains and hinterlands are experiencing socio-economic decline. An aging farmer population and low incomes from existing hill farming outputs are leading to an increased risk of land abandonment. The intervention rationale in the Blackstairs is based on the need to reduce the threats to the achievement of favourable status of semi-natural habitats and associated species of conservation concern including iconic species such as red grouse and other upland birds. Blackstairs Farming Futures proposes to develop a new revenue stream for commonage farmers in the Blackstairs Mountains for the delivery of eco-system services through active participation in habitat management of semi-natural habitats for red grouse and wider upland biodiversity. Interventions will be designed in a way that provides co-benefits for water and biodiversity through maintenance and enhancement of water quality and water regulation in the catchment
Project coordinator
Blackstairs Farming Group
Project coordinator
Project partners
Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
Project partner
J P Byrne & Co
Project partner
Project partner