project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Bioferti+: Production of a tailor-made pelletised bio-fertiliser for woody crops as a waste recovery strategy for composted manure and other organic b
Bioferti+: Producción de un bio-fertilizante peletizado hecho a medida para cultivos leñosos como estrategia de valorización de estiércol compostado y otros subproductos orgánicos

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- Waste recovery of cattle manure and other organic waste.
- Increase the biological and physical-chemical quality of agricultural soils.
- Promote an agriculture and livestock sector that contributes to climate change mitigation.
- Promote an agriculture and livestock sector that is more resilient to climate change.
- Create new business models based on the circular bioeconomy.
- Generate new jobs in rural environments based on the circular bioeconomy.
- Raise awareness in the livestock sector to improve the management of livestock manure and in the agricultural sector to use organic fertilisers instead of mineral fertilisers.


- Valorización de las deyecciones ganaderas de vacuno y otros residuos orgánicos.
- Aumentar la calidad biológica y fisicoquímica de los suelos agrarios.
- Promover un sector agro-ganadero que contribuya a la mitigación del cambio climático.
- Promover un sector agro-ganadero más resiliente al cambio climático.
- Crear nuevos modelos de negocio basados en la bioeconomia circular.
- Generar nuevos puestos de trabajo en entornos rurales basados en la bioeconomia circular.
- Sensibilizar al sector ganadero para mejorar la gestión de las deyecciones ganaderas y al sector agrícola para utilizar fertilizantes orgánicos en detrimento de los fertilizantes minerales.


Activity 1. Optimisation of the composting process to obtain products with fertilising capabilities                                                                                                                                  Activity 2. Formulation and production of tailor-made bio-fertilisers (TMF) for vines and apple trees
Activity 3. Fertilisation trials on test vineyards and apple orchards                                                                                                                                                                                Activity 4. Technical, economic and environmental feasibility study of the developed system                                                                                                                                              Activity 5. Transfer and dissemination of results


Actividad 1. Optimización del proceso de compostaje para la obtención de productos con capacidad fertilizante                                                                                                    Actividad 2. Formulación y producción de bio-fertilizantes hechos a medida (TMF) para el viñedo y manzano                                                                                                            Actividad 3. Pruebas de fertilización en campos experimentales de viña y manzana                                                                                                                                                            Actividad 4. Estudio de viabilidad técnica, económica y ambiental del sistema desarrollado Actividad 5. Transferencia y difusión de resultados


The main objective of the project is to convert a composting plant into one that produces high-quality
pelletised tailor-made fertilisers (TMF) from cattle manure to be used in the fertilisation of woody crops,
such as vines and apples.

To achieve this objective, the project will use the cow manure compost produced in a composting plant in
Osona. Once matured, sieved and dried, it is then formulated into the tailor-made fertiliser. The TMF will be
formulated based on the needs of each crop, which will not only be determined by the crop itself, but will
also take into account other aspects such as the type of production (organic, integrated and conventional),
the characterisation of the soil and the climatic conditions of the region, among other things. This means
that, using cattle manure compost as a basis, other materials will be incorporated in order to balance the
nutritional input of the fertiliser to the nutritional needs of the target crop. Subsequently, the TMF will be
transported to a pelletising plant where the TMF pellets will be manufactured.

The pelleting process offers an economically competitive benefit in terms of transport, and also represents
an advantage from a practical point of view for farmers, since it allows them to use the machinery that they
already use for chemical fertilisation. This also ensures that the fertilisation process is much more precise.
Finally, because pellets decompose gradually, the soil and the crop are fertilised over a long period of time.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 194207.18

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Màrius Simon Monrós

    Project coordinator