project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Assessment of the use of winter peas as a Mediterranean source of protein to replace soy in diets for fattening pigs
Evaluación del uso del guisante de invierno, como fuente de proteína mediterránea, para la substitución de la soja en dietas de cerdo de engorde

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1. Analyse the technical and economic viability and sustainability of using new formulas for fattening pigs, using the winter pea as a protein source.
2. Study protein and amino acid needs in the three phases of pig fattening , and determine the effect of anti-nutritional factors in peas, such as protease inhibitors in the diet, on production and the physiological parameters of locally bred pigs slaughtered at heavy weights (120-130 kg).
3. Study the effect on the quality of fresh and cured meat of replacing soy with winter peas, in terms of both the percentage of intramuscular fat and the fatty acid profile, and the volatile compounds involved in the aroma and the sensory quality of the cured product.


1. Analizar la viabilidad técnica y económica y la sostenibilidad en el uso de nuevas fórmulas para porcino en cebo, utilizando como fuente proteica el guisante de invierno.
2. Estudiar las necesidades de proteína y aminoácidos en las tres fases de engorde del cerdo , y determinar el efecto de los factores antinutritivos del guisante sobre los parámetros productivos y fisiológicos de cerdos de cruce rústico y sacrificados a pesos elevados (120-130 kg).
3. Evaluar el efecto de la sustitución de la soja por guisante de invierno sobre la calidad de la carne, fresca y curada, tanto en el porcentaje de grasa intramuscular y el perfil de ácidos grasos, como en las propiedades organolépticas.


– Formulate isoprotein, isoenergetic and isoamino acid diets using soy and peas as a protein source.
– Study the production parameters of pigs in the fattening phase.
– Assess the effects of the diets on the carcass (subcutaneous fat thickness), meat (% of intramuscular fat and fatty acid composition) and cured products (volatile compounds and sensory analysis).


- Formular dietas isoproteicas, isoenergéticas e isoaminoacídicas utilizando como fuente proteica soja y guisante.
- Estudiar los parámetros productivos del cerdo en la fase de engorde.
- Evaluar los efectos de las dietas en la canal (espesor de grasa subcutánea), en la carne (% grasa intramuscular y composición de ácidos grasos) y en los productos curados (compuestos volátiles y análisis sensorial).


There is an increasing need for high-protein raw materials for feed every year, and insufficient production levels in the European Union means that it is the world's leading importer of soybean meal, at 20.1 million tons per year. One way to minimise the risk involved in the high cost and availability of soy, and with a view to increasing self-sufficiency, is to use alternative sources of protein, such as local pulses adapted to the Mediterranean climate, which have low water requirements and environmental nitrogen fixation capacity. In this regard, the pilot project will consist of the assessment of the use of winter peas instead of soy in diets for fattening pigs with a primitive genotype, intended primarily for the production of cured meats (sausages and hams). The effect of anti-nutritional factors in peas (mainly protease inhibitors such as trypsin) on the production and quality parameters of fresh and cured meat will be studied by gradually increasing the peas during fattening (20%, 30%, and 40% at the start, during growth, and at the end, respectively).

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 203361.53

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator