project - Research and innovation

QuantiFarm - Assessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditions

Project identifier: 2022HE_101059700_QuantiFarm
Ongoing | 2022 - 2026 Bulgaria, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Serbia, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Ongoing | 2022 - 2026 Bulgaria, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Serbia, Switzerland, United Kingdom


The QuantiFarm project focusses on supporting the further deployment of digital agriculture technologies solutions (DATSs) as key enablers for enhancing the sustainability (economic, environmental, social) performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. It will achieve this by establishing a framework for assessing the impact and effectiveness of DATSs
in agriculture and developing innovative tools, services and recommendations for farmers, advisors and policy makers.

Following a multi-actor approach, QuantiFarm builds the project activities around 30 Test Cases (TCs) which span over 20 countries in 10 (of the 11) Biogeographical regions across Europe, capturing multiple geo-political and financial settings. All 30 TCs take place in commercial farms of different types, sizes, ownership and operating conditions from 7 agricultural sectors. Different aspects of these TCs will be examined in the context of different work packages (WPs).

The TCs’ actors will be engaged in participatory observation activities to offer valuable input and actively support the behavioral analysis (WP1), the establishment of the Assessment Framework (WP2) and the co-design of an innovative Toolkit for farmers, advisors and policy makers(WP3). The lean multi-actor approach used in the testing activities to evaluate the QuantiFarm Toolkit and validate the Assessment Framework by testing the various DATs in real life conditions, across 3 iterations/growing seasons (WP4). The outcomes will be transformed into policy recommendations (WP5) and will feed the QuantiFarm DIA that will help build the capacities of farmers’ advisors in DATs. Finally, a WP on dissemination, ecosystem building and exploitation (WP6), will guarantee the wider dissemination and knowledge transfer in a multi-actor context of the outputs of the project. QuantiFarm includes 32 partners, 12 of them representing farmers and advisors.


  1. Establish a network of AKIS actors and commercial farms and use them as Test Cases to assess DATS under real conditions
  2. Engage the actors in participatory research activities to conduct a thorough analysis of farmers’ motivations in terms of the uptake of DATSs
  3. Design a Framework for assessing the costs, benefits and sustainability impacts of DATSs
  4. Provide a qualitative and quantitative assessment of each DATSs tested in the TCs, using the Assessment Framework
  5. Create a Digital Toolkit for Farmers, Advisors and Policy Makers, to provide access to the assessment results and support decision-making
  6. Provide capacity building for advisors and design innovative advisory services for farmers, to support DATS selection and use and to enhance agriculture’s sustainability performance and competitiveness.
  7. Support Policy Makers by delivering policy recommendations and a Policy Monitoring Tool, towards the design of efficient policy measures for the uptake of DATSs.


Bridging the gap between farmers and DATSs

QuantiFarm focusses on supporting the further deployment of DATS as key enablers for enhancing the sustainability performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. To achieve this goal, QuantiFarm aims to establish an Assessment Framework measuring the impact and effectiveness of DATS in agriculture through innovative tools, services and recommendations for farmers, advisors and policy makers:

  • Behaviour Analysis Methodology

    A set of key determinants of adoption and perception of DATS including values, motivations and knowledge of DATS for agriculture as well as an overview of why, when, how and who adopt DATS. Data will be collected from farmers, advisors and policy stakeholders.

    For: Policy makers and regulators, and public/private advisors.

    Impact: Decision support tool for strengthening capacity building around DATS and policy building to facilitate their uptake.

  • Assessment Framework​

    Governance mechanisms for the comprehensive and independent assessment of costs, benefits, and sustainability gains (economic, environmental, social) of DATS (>30) tested under real-life conditions. 

    For: Farmers, cooperatives, farm advisors and extension service providers, private advisors, CAP management authorities 

    Impact: Evidence-based decision support tool for selecting and using the most suitable set of DATS at the farm level or for individual production steps.

  • QuantiFarm Toolkit​

    A set of decision support tools, including a recommender system, cost-benefit calculators, and a benchmarking tool derived from testing and validation of DATS and their costs, benefits and sustainability on site over 3 growing seasons

    For: Farmers, cooperatives, advisors, certification bodies, DIHs, DATS providers, regulators, policy makers

    Impact: A flexible, evidence based decision support tool for adopting, benchmarking, compliance checking, monitoring DATS

  • QuantiFarm Digital Innovation Academy​

    Comprehensive training program including EU -wide training workshops, national webinars, and demo events to broaden understanding of DATS- their potential benefits, costs, impacts.

    For: Advisors, agricultural training providers, researchers and farmer organisations, DIHs

    Impact: Strengthen the capacity of advisors to provide Innovative advisory services on DATS to farmers and in turn make the best selection and use of DATS

  • Policy Monitoring Tool​

    A customizable tool for assessing the impacts of DATS on sustainability as well as for monitoring and evaluating policies and interventions at the farm, regional and national level

    For: Regulators and policy makers, CAP governing bodies, accredited certification bodies

    Impact: Policy monitoring support using the most relevant EU and in-situ parcel data, and regional sustainability indicators

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon Europe (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Type of Horizon project
Multi-actor project
Project acronym
CORDIS Fact sheet
Project contribution to CAP specific objectives
  • SO1. Ensuring viable farm income
  • SO2. Increasing competitiveness: the role of productivity
  • SO3. Farmer position in value chains
  • Environmental care
  • Vibrant rural areas
  • Protecting food and health quality
  • Fostering knowledge and innovation
Project contribution to EU Strategies
  • Reducing the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides and/or use of more hazardous pesticides
  • Fostering organic farming and/or organic aquaculture, with the aim of increased uptake
  • Reducing the use of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture
  • Improving management of natural resources used by agriculture, such as water, soil and air
  • Protecting and/or restoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services within agrarian and forest systems

EUR 7 397 382.50

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

EUR 7 397 382.50

EU contribution

Any type of EU funding.



Project email

Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner

  • LUKE

    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner

  • CopaCogeca

    Project partner

  • CEMA

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • ITACyL

    Project partner


    Project partner

  • KUL

    Project partner


    Project partner


    Project partner

  • FLOX limited

    Project partner

  • Augmenta

    Project partner


    Project partner