project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Application of available online satellite photo services within the possibilities and needs of domestic food producers
Primjena dostupnih online servisa satelitskih fotografija u okviru mogućnosti i potreba domaćih proizvođača hrane

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Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
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Identify, analyze and apply the most optimal online solutions to support farmers in the field of satellite technologies. The goal is to realize the project idea of identifying the most appropriate online solutions based on use satellite photography technology and their implementation in the environment of relatively smaller domestic food producers in the field of plant production - more specifically in the segments of farming, fruit growing and viticulture.


Identificirati, analizirati te primijeniti najoptimalnija online rješenja podrške poljoprivrednim proizvođačima iz domene satelitskih tehnologija. Cilj djelovanja operativne skupine jest realizacija projektne ideje identificiranja najprikladnijih online rješenja baziranih na korištenju tehnologija satelitskih fotografija te njihove implementacije u okruženje relativno manjih domaćih proizvođača hrane u području biljne proizvodnje - konkretnije u segmentima ratarstva, voćarstva i vinogradarstva.


The implementation of the project will be realized through 3 phases. In first we will analyze the market of potential providers of online satellite photography services (public and private). In parallel, farmers record data via an online diary in real time - works and weather events.

In the second phase, more detailed testing of the solution will be approached - the possibility of connecting to other systems, localization options, personification, embeddability and price.

In the third phase, the integration of the solution into the Agroklub is approached for the needs of further testing and analysis of possibilities and wider application.


Implementacija projekta realizirati će se kroz 3 faze. U prvoj će se analizirati tržište potencijalnih pružatelja usluga online servisa satelitskih fotografija (javnih i privatnih). Paralelno poljoprivrednici bilježe podatke putem online dnevnika u realnom vremenu - radovi i meteo događaji. 

U drugoj fazi pristupiti će se detaljnijem testiranju rješenja - mogućnosti povezivanja s drugim sustavima, opcije lokalizacije, personifikacije, ugradivosti te cijene.

U trećoj se fazi pristupa integraciji rješenja u Agroklub za potrebe daljnjeg testiranja i analize mogućnosti te šire primjene.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014HR06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Osječko-baranjska županija
Other geographical location
Vukovarsko-srijemska županija, Požeško-slavonska županija

€ 190380.13

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

In the first year of the SatelitFoto @ AgroHR project, a detailed analysis of the market of satellite photography service providers (with application in agriculture) was made. Finally, the expert jury selected 5 services that were determined for further analysis. Additionally (and parallel with other activities) we recorded details of all activities in the project plantations of farmers involved in the project (farmer (Omazić), fruit grower (Bašić), winegrower (Gerstmayer)). Recorded activities were compared with satellite records, in terms of checking the possibility of daily use of these tools and services. We have divided the tools into groups: from public and free low-resolution (10cm pixels) to high-end private investors (50cm pixels). On the other hand, we compared the work of Internet services that offer satellite imagery and other types of information: meteorological data from the same sites, information on farm management, as well as those that offer different application interfaces for further connections etc. We studied indexes in applications as well as other practical aspects of use: data loading capabilities and additional application functionalities. All that with the aim of giving recommendations for use, but also choosing the final tool for integration into the Agroklub.

U prvoj godini provedbe projekta SatelitFoto@AgroHR napravljena je detaljna analiza tržišta pružatelja usluga satelitskih fotografija s primjenom u poljoprivredi, te je na koncu stručni žiri odabrano 5 servisa koji su određeni za daljnju analizu primjene. Dodatno i paralelno, u prvoj godini vodili smo online detalje evidencije o svim aktivnostima u projektnim nasadima poljoprivrednika uključenih u projekt (ratar (Omazić), voćar (Bašić), vinogradar (Gerstmayer)), a kako bi iste komparirali sa satelitskim zapisima, u smislu provjere mogućnosti svakodnevnog korištenja tih alata i servisa. Alate smo podijelili u skupine, od javnih i besplatnih manje razlučivosti (10m pixell) do onih privatnih investitora visokih mogućnosti (50 cm pixell). S druge strane komparirali smo i rad internetskih servisa koji uz slikovne zapise sa satelita nude i druge vrste informacija - meteorološke podatke istih lokaliteta, informacije o upravljanju farmama, kao i one koji nude različita aplikacijska sučelja za daljnja povezivanja i slično. Izučavali smo indekse u primjeni kao i druge praktične strane korištenja - mogućnosti učitavanja podataka i dodatnih aplikativnih funkcionalnosti. Sve sa ciljem kako bismo dali preporuke za korištenje, ali i odabrali finalni alat za integraciju u Agroklub. 

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Project coordinator

  • Mario Relatić

    Project coordinator