project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Alternative to traditional postharvest fungicide treatments applied in apple and pear production
Alternativa a los tratamientos fungicidas tradicionales aplicados en postcosecha de manzana y pera

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The aim of the project is to search for alternatives to postharvest fungicide treatments. In particular, (i) to establish the effectiveness of different strategies of chemical and biological fungicides applied in the field, (ii) to develop methodologies for improving prophylaxis in packing houses and (iii) to analyse the potential of different treatments for reducing and/or eliminating residues in fruit.



El objetivo principal del proyecto es buscar alternativas a los tratamientos fungicidas de postcosecha. Concretamente (i) determinar la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de fungicidas químicos y biológicos aplicadas en campo, (ii) desarrollar metodologías que mejoren la profilaxis de las centrales hortofrutícolas, (iii) estudiar el potencial de diferentes tratamientos para reducir y/o eliminar los residuos en la fruta.



The actions to be carried out correspond with the following specific objectives:
1.    Evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies of chemical and/or biological fungicides applied during preharvest and the pesticide residues found in the fruits.
2.    Assess the effectiveness of disinfectant products for rooms, surfaces and containers of fruit storehouses, and the residues found in the fruit being in contact with the tested products.
3.    Assess the effectiveness of the treatments for reducing and/or eliminating fruit residues.
4.    Develop guidelines of good practices for the two species and varieties.
5.    Organize courses and conferences for technical staff.



Las acciones que se desarrollarán corresponden a los objetivos específicos del proyecto:
1 Evaluar la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de fungicidas químicos i/o biológicos aplicados en precosecha de manzana y pera, y analizar si dejan residuos en la fruta
2. Evaluar la eficacia de productos desinfectantes de ambientes, superficies y envases de las centrales hortofrutícolas y analizar la presencia de residuos en la fruta en contacto con los productos ensayados
3. Evaluar la eficacia de tratamientos para reducir i/o eliminar residuos de la fruta
4. Elaborar una guía de buenas prácticas para las diferentes especies y variedades 
5. Realizar cursos y jornadas específicas de formación



InThe fruit sector represents 15,5% of the agricultural production in Catalonia, being pear and apple very important species. During their storage in cold chambers, weight loses due to alterations are between 4% and 6%, of which 50% are due to rot caused by fungi. Nowadays, the most usual method for controlling postharvest diseases is postharvest chemical fungicide application through a shower system (drenxer). This treatment increases residues of pesticides in fruit and environmental problems.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Lleida

€ 144098.89

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator