project - Research and innovation

ALTERFOR Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management
ALTERFOR Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest management

Ongoing | 2016 - 2020 Sweden
Ongoing | 2016 - 2020 Sweden
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The main goal of ALTERFOR is to provide improved and new approaches in forest management that are robust enough to address the challenges of the 21st century. These challenges range from uncertainties of climate change and the complex dynamics of evolving global markets to the pressures for increased use of bioenergy. In ALTERFOR, researchers and stakeholders from the public, private, and civil society sectors explore alternative approaches for forest management in ten case study areas throughout Europe. The alternative FMMs aim to provide the desired combination of environmental, economic, social, and cultural benefits, and to reduce vulnerabilities at stand to landscape levels.


See objectives in English


To achieve its goals, ALTERFOR examines alternative forest management models (FMMs) that are robust in their capacity to deliver ecosystem services and reduce socio-ecological risks. In addition, ALTERFOR assesses the impact of different FMMs in terms of resultant combinations of ecosystem services on the European and landscape level. Finally, ALTERFOR facilitates the implementation of desired FMMs in different case study areas in Europe and thereby improves cross-national knowledge transfer.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Uppsala län

€ 3,999,998.75

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

9 Practice Abstracts

Forests within the Gölcük Case Study Area (Case Study Area, CSA)

provide many goods and services such as timber production,

recreation, water production, chestnut production (NWFP),

biodiversity and soil conservation. The vast majority of the CSA

is owned and managed by the state forest enterprise, which is

responsible for protecting forest resources and develops a naturefriendly

holistic approach for the management of forest resources

for multi-purpose sustainable outcomes. Different interventions

have been implemented and different management models have

been used, especially based on the tree species and conservation

approach, to achieve desired objectives by the state forest enterprise.

However, there was no mechanism to compare future outputs of

conducted and alternative forest management models with the help

of defined criteria under different scenarios. In collaboration with the

General Directorate of Forestry, the project team analysed the main

ecosystem services and displayed long-term effects of alternative

and current forest management approaches. The conducted

research is important for timber processing companies that directly

influence the production activities within the CSA, for handmade

chair producers who generally demand 3-4-years old Chestnut

shoots and local people collecting chestnut (NWFP) in the state

forest. The knowledge obtained in the project can help to planning

investments or taking forest management decisions considering

ecological aspects also by other important stakeholders. Currently,

thirteen water-bottling plants supply fresh water to the residences;

over fifty recreational areas serve as picnic areas and fish farms rent

land from the state forest enterprise. A nature protection institution

is responsible for planning, managing and improving the protected

areas within the CSA.

Gölcük orman ekosistemleri; odun üretimi, rekreasyon, su üretimi,

odun dışı orman ürünleri, biyolojik çeşitlilik ve toprak koruma gibi

çok ayıda ürün ve hizmeti topluma sunmaktadır. Çalışma alanında

yer alan ormanların mülkiyetinin büyük bölümü; ormanların

korunması, doğaya yakın işletilmesi ve bahsedilen ürün ve

hizmetlerin süreklilik ilkesi çerçevesinde çok amaçlı planlanmasından

sorumlu Gölcük Devlet Orman İşletmesi’ne aittir. Dolayısıyla, istenilen

amaçlara ulaşabilmek amacıyla, orman ekosistemlerinde yapılacak

müdahalelere ve alınacak kararlara paydaşların da görüşlerini alarak

Gölcük Devlet Orman İşletmesi karar vermektedir. Bununla birlikte,

ormanda yapılacak müdahalelerin gelecekte oluşacak ürün ve

hizmetler üzerindeki etkisini göstermeye veya karşılaştırmaya yönelik

elimizde bir mekanizma maalesef bulunmamaktadır. Bu projede,

Orman Genel Müdürlüğü ile birlikte, halihazırda kullanılmakta

olan silvikültürel yaklaşımlarla, alternatif olarak kullanılabilecek

devamlı orman silvikültürel yaklaşımının farklı iklim değişikliği

senaryoları altında, orman ekosistem hizmetleri üzerindeki etkileri

araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırma sonucunda elde edilecek bulgular; üretim

faaliyetlerini doğrudan etkileyen orman ürünleri işleyen fabrikalar,

üç-dört yaşında Kestane sürgünlerini kullanan el yapımı sandalye

üreten bambucular ve ticari amaçla Kestane meyvesi toplayıcılığı

yapan yerel halk tarafından oldukça önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır.

Bunun yanında ekolojik olarak değerlendirildiğinde ise, elde edilen

ekosistem çıktılar, diğer etkili paydaşlar olan; ülke genelinde temiz

su ihtiyacını sağlayan on üç su şişeleme tesisi, Gölcük Devlet Orman

İşletmesinden uzun dönemli kiralama yoluyla oluşturulan piknik

alanı ve balık çiftliği olarak hizmet veren ellinin üzerindeki rekreasyon

alanı ile korunan alanların planlanması, yönetilmesi ve geliştirilmesi

konularından sorumlu Doğa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Müdürlüğü

tarafından alınacak kararlarda yardımcı olabilecektir.

The overall research goal of the ALTERFOR project is to provide improved and new approaches in forest management that are robust enough to address the challenges of the 21st century. As the ten current Forest Management Models applied in the Case Study Area Podpolanie face challenges ranging from uncertainties of climate change and the complex dynamics of evolving global markets pressure, the TUZVO team proposed two alternative models – a model

of mixed management concepts and a model of flexibly aged forests.

he modelling results revealed that differences in provisioning of ecosystem services under various scenarios while considering multiple influences are very small after 100 years. Especially differences among management concepts in comparison with today’s situation are small. Climate change, which was modelled via differences in multi-criterial values, has a greater impact. Based on the results it is expected that there will be improved wood production, regulatory services and biodiversity in the future. In contrast, reduction in provisioning water, in carbon sequestration and in recreation is expected. This tendency was general and thus predictable across all scenarios. Finally, the results revealed that changes in the nature protection and in the forest ownership structure will have zero impact on provisioning of ES in the tested time span.

Important actors in the CSA Podpolanie are forest and nature conservation authorities, forest owning municipalities, small-scale forest owners, a few largescale forest owners, various regional or local associations, non-governmental organizations, recreationists who use forests for biking or hiking, hunters, and a few timber processing companies. The state-owned enterprise Forests of the Slovak Republic, branch Kriváň, is the most important forestry player

in the CSA Podpolanie, managing almost 23 000 ha of forest land in the CSA (76%). Considering preliminary results and their discussion with stakeholders at two workshops, the further research steps of the TUZVO team will focus on optimization of ecosystem services provision under effect of considerably increased nature protection and more extreme behavior of the forest owners. The potential of the ALTERFOR project solution is to present alternative approaches to the forest management planning as well as to modernize the concept of ecosystem services provided by forests along with approaches for

their assessment and quantification.

Celkovým výskumným cieľom projektu Alterfor je poskytnúť lepšie a nové prístupy v obhospodarovaní lesov, ktoré sú dostatočne robustné na riešenie výziev 21. storočia. Keďže desať súčasných modelov hospodárenia, bežne aplikovaných v oblasti experimentálneho územia Podpoľanie čelí viacerým výzvam - od neistôt súvisiacich so zmenou klímy až po komplexnú dynamikou tlaku na globálnych trhoch, tím TUZVO navrhol dva nové, alternatívne modely hospodárenia - model zmiešaných hospodárskych koncepcií a model flexibilného lesa vekových tried.Výsledky modelovania odhalili, že rozdiely v poskytovaní ekosystémových služieb v rôznych scenároch s ohľadom na viaceré vplyvy sú po 100 rokoch hospodárenia relatívne malé. Najmä vplyv zmeny koncepcie hospodárenia v porovnaní so súčasnou situáciou je malý. Väčší vplyv má zmena klímy, ktorá sa prejavuje rozdielom vo viacerých multikriteriálnych hodnotách. Na základe

výsledkov sa očakáva, že v experimentálnom území bude pravdepodobne v budúcnosti zlepšená produkcia dreva, regulačné služby a biodiverzita.Na rozdiel od toho sa očakáva zhoršenie zásobovania vodou, sekvestrácia uhlíka a rekreácia. Táto tendencia bola všeobecná a preto predvídateľná vo všetkých scenároch. Výsledky tiež odhalili, že zmeny v rozsahu ochrany prírody

a v štruktúre vlastníctva lesa budú mať nulový vplyv na zabezpečenie ES v testovanom časovom rozpätí.

Dôležitými aktérmi v experimentálnom území Podpoľanie sú orgány lesného hospodárstva a ochrany prírody, obecné a spoločenstevné lesy, štátne lesy, rôzne regionálne alebo miestne združenia, mimovládne organizácie, rekreanti, ktorí využívajú lesy na cykloturistiku alebo pešiu turistiku, poľovníci a niekoľko

spoločností na spracovanie dreva. Štátny podnik Lesy Slovenskej republiky, závod Kriváň je najvýznamnejším aktérom, ktorý spravuje takmer 23 000 ha lesnej pôdy (76%). Po zohľadnení predbežných výsledkov a ich prediskutovaní so zástupcami cieľových skupín na dvoch workshopoch, v ďalšom výskume sa výskumný team TUZVO sústredí na optimalizáciu poskytovania ekosystémových služieb v podmienkach zvýšených požiadaviek na ochramu prírody a extrémnejšieho správania vlastníkov lesov.Potenciál riešenia projektu ALTERFOR potom spočíva v prezentácii alternatívnych prístupov k plánovaniu obhospodarovania lesov ako aj modernizácii koncepcie ekosystémových služieb poskytovaných lesom spolu s

prístupmi k ich hodnoteniu a kvantifikácii.

The research focuses on the analysis of trade-offs between ecosystem

services to support landscape-level forest management planning under

climate change scenarios. It builds from specific methodologies to

estimate the value of ecosystem services indicators as well as on models

to simulate stand-level prescriptions. This information is used by Pareto

frontier approaches to help stakeholders select ecosystem services

bundles as well as the forest programs needed to provide them.

In the Case Study Area of Vale do Sousa (CSA), most forest holdings

are small and decisions are often made at holding or stand level thus

precluding the benefits from joint landscape management. The most

evident potential benefit from a landscape level management approach

is the decrease of its vulnerability to wildfires while maintaining an

adequate level of wood production.

The forest owners association and the forest owners are the direct

beneficiaries from a landscape level management approach.

Nevertheless, forest industries also benefit from a reduction of

wood supply risk. The provision of other ecosystem services, such

as biodiversity and soil protection, will benefit society as a whole by

directly addressing the concerns of environmental NGO’s and public

administration in the CSA.

In participatory processes including workshops, stakeholders may

take advantage of the integrated functionality of decision support

tools to analyze trade-offs between ecosystem services and achieve

a consensual landscape-level solution to the CSA managementplanning

problem. The tool lists the stand-level prescriptions in that

solution thus providing valuable information to the forest owner. This

information is influential to developing multi-objective plans that

address wood supply, vulnerability to wildfires as well as the provision

of other ecosystem services under climate change scenarios. It is further

influential to addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation


A investigação foca-se na análise de trade-offs entre serviços de

ecossistema apoiando o planeamento da gestão florestal à escala

da paisagem em cenários de alteração climática. Esta análise

baseia-se em metodologias específicas para a estimar o valor dos

indicadores dos serviços de ecossistema bem como em modelos

para simular as intervenções florestais ao nível dos povoamentos.

Na área de estudo das ZIF do Vale do Sousa, a maioria das

propriedades são de pequena dimensão e as decisões de gestão

são realizadas de forma individual, dificultando a obtenção dos

benefícios de uma gestão conjunta da paisagem. O exemplo mais

evidente dos potenciais benefícios de uma gestão à escala da

paisagem é a diminuição da sua vulnerabilidade aos incêndios

florestais, mantendo um nível adequado de produção de madeira.

A associação de produtores florestais e os proprietários florestais

são os beneficiários directos de uma gestão ao nível da paisagem.

No entanto, as indústrias florestais também beneficiam de um

menor risco na obtenção de madeira. A produção de outros

serviços de ecossistema tais como a biodiversidade e a proteção

do solo vão beneficiar a sociedade em geral, correspondendo às

preocupações das ONG’s de ambiente e das entidades estatais que

actuam na área de estudo.

Através de processos participativos realizados em Workshops,

as partes interessadas usufruem de um sistema integrado de

suporte à decisão para analisar os trade-offs e chegar a uma

solução consensual para o problema do planeamento à escala

da paisagem. Este sistema, identifica as intervenções florestais

correspondentes à solução escolhida, fornecendo assim

informação relevante para o proprietário florestal. Esta informação

é determinante para o desenvolvimento de planos multi-objectivo

que consideram a produção de madeira, a vulnerabilidade aos

incêndios florestais bem como o fornecimento de outros serviços

de ecossistema para diferentes cenários de alteração climática.

É assim, também, determinante para o desenvolvimento de

estratégias de adaptação e mitigação das alterações climáticas.

The research deals with the question how future proof Dutch

forest management is. The Dutch forest sector will face many

(new) challenges in the decades to come – such as climate change,

the increasing demand for biomass for energy, the changing

demands from society – and the central question is how our future

forest management could look like. The research, first of all,

explored current forest management practices in the Netherlands.

Secondly, together with stakeholders from the Dutch sector

(including experts in the field of forestry such as forest managers,

policy makers, scientists, researchers, and consultants), different

possible new forest management approaches were established:

three single-ecosystem oriented forest management approaches

(biomass, quality timber, recreation) and two multifunctional

approaches (climate hedging and N2000). Additionally, the effects

of game were included as an important aspect in all approaches,

as this was considered to be very relevant for the success or

failure of all of these approaches. Stakeholders also discussed the

drivers underlying the choices of forest managers as regards their

future management. Particularly the vision, mission and strategy

of the forest manager were seen as extremely important, next to

three dominant drivers: policies, subsidies, and environmental

factors (climate change, N-deposits). The new forest management

approaches were evaluated for their output in terms of Ecosystem

Services and compared with the ES provision of current forest

management practices in order to make comparison possible, and

for different possible scenarios to test for robustness. However,

due to modelling issues resulting in an over- and underestimation

of some of the ES indicators, no reliable answers on the long-term

evaluation of the approaches can be provided yet. This is the focus

of the research in the last part of the project

Het onderzoek richt zich op de vraag hoe toekomstbestendig

het Nederlandse bosbeheer is. Met de vele (nieuwe) uitdagingen

die de Nederlandse bossector te wachten staat – zoals

klimaatverandering, de toenemende vraag naar biomassa voor

energie en maatschappelijke veranderingen, is het de vraag hoe ons

toekomstig bosbeheer er uit zou moeten zien. In de eerste fase van

het onderzoek is het huidige bosbeheer in Nederland onderzocht.

In de tweede fase zijn, in samenwerking met stakeholders uit de

sector (waaronder beheerders, beleidsmakers, onderzoekers en

consultants), verschillende mogelijke alternatieve vormen van

bosbeheer opgesteld: drie vormen van bosbeheer met een specifieke

focus op één van de Ecosysteem Diensten (biomassa, kwaliteitshout

en recreatie) en twee multifunctionele vormen van bosbeheer

(klimaatbestendig beheer en N2000). In alle vijf is ook expliciet de

effecten van wild opgenomen, omdat dit door de stakeholders als

bepalend voor het succes of falen van een bosbeheervorm werd

ervaren. Stakeholders hebben ook geëvalueerd welke factoren ze als

invloedrijk zien als het gaat om beslissingen over het toekomstige

bosbeheer. Als belangrijkste werden missie, visie en doelstellingen

genoemd. Andere invloedrijke factoren zijn beleid, subsidies en

omgevingsfactoren (klimaatverandering, N-emissies). De nieuw

geformuleerde bosbeheervormen zijn vervolgens geëvalueerd op

basis van hun resultaten in termen van ES met als doel vergelijking

met het huidige beheer mogelijk te maken. Daarnaast zijn

verschillende scenario’s doorgerekend om de bosbeheervormen op

hun robuustheid te testen. Vanwege modelleringsproblemen is het

nog niet mogelijk betrouwbare uitspraken te doen over de langetermijn

uitkomsten van de verschillende vormen van het bosbeheer.

Hieraan zal in het laatste jaar van het project worden gewerkt.

The research focused both on building methodological

framework to assess the performance of current and

alternative forest management models taking into

consideration different futures and validating several forestry

alternatives important for Lithuania nowadays. First, we

simulated forest resource development and forest use under

conditions of several climate mitigation scenarios, assuming

that current forest management practices are continued.

The main findings were that the increased efforts for

climate change mitigation correlated positively with profits

from forestry activities, while the reduction of biodiversity

values was smaller despite the changes in growth and

harvesting intensity. Then, we thoroughly investigated the

potential influence of alternative management approaches

on long-term sustainability of forestry in terms of balance

of ecosystem services from forested landscapes. As the

management alternatives, we considered more adaptive

approaches in choosing the rotation ages, increasing the

share of deciduous tree species in spruce dominating

forests and the costs and benefits of increasing the areas

with no active forest management. Even though the study

was conducted on a relatively small area representing less

than 4% of the country’s area, direct participation of a key

forestry actor in Lithuania – the state company “State forest

enterprise”– enabled both the visibility of our findings

and the transferability of our approaches. To sum up, the

ALTERFOR team demonstrated that modern forestry might

be able to ensure both the sustainability of ecosystems and

maximization of the contribution forests make to the welfare

of people and the country.

Šiuo tyrimu siekėme dviejų tikslų – sukurti dabar naudojamų

bei norimų pasiūlyti miškininkavimo metodų patikros

metodinius principus, kurie atsižvelgtų į neišvengiamai

besikeičiančias ateities sąlygas, o taip pat įvertinti šiuo

metu Lietuvai svarbias miškininkystės alternatyvas. Pirma,

buvo sumodeliuota miško išteklių ir miškininkystės raida

esant įvairiems klimato kaitos ir žmonijos pastangų tai

kaitai sušvelninti scenarijams bei darant prielaidą, kad

dabartinė miškininkavimo praktika ateityje nekinta.

Pademonstravome, kad klimato kaitos švelninimo pastangos

yra atperkamos didesniu pelnu iš miškininkystės veiklos,

nepaisant mažesnio prieaugio bei kirtimų, o tuo pačiu

sulėtėja su biologine įvairove susijusių vertybių mažėjimas.

Po to kruopščiai įvertinome kai kurių miškininkavimo

alternatyvų potencialią įtaką ilgalaikiam miškininkavimo

tvarumui, kurį išreiškėme miško teikiamų ekosisteminių

paslaugų paketo balansu. Nagrinėtos miškininkavimo

alternatyvos sietos su adaptyvių miško kirtimo amžių

pasirinkimu, lapuočių dalies eglės dominuojamuose

medynuose didinimu ar potencialių Europos Bendrijai

svarbių buveinių plėtojimu. Nors tyrimai apėmė tik 4%

Lietuvos teritorijos, faktas, kad projekte dalyvavo VĮ

Valstybinių miškų urėdija, padarė mūsų tyrimų rezultatus

tiek matomais, tiek ir žinomais diegimo praktikoje prasme.

Apibendrinant, ALTERFOR komanda pademonstravo, kad

šiuolaikinis miško ūkis gali ne tik užtikrinti ekosistemų

dinaminį tvarumą, tačiau ir išplėsti miško įnašą į piliečių bei

šalies gerovę.

The Italian case study for the ALTERFOR project consists of the Eastern Veneto forest areas belonging to the Lowland Forest Association (Associazione Forestale di Pianura, AFP). The area hosts mainly oak-hornbeam forests, both relict and recent ones, and coastal pine forests, all together stretching over some 300 ha. Forests stand close to semi-urban areas, highly visited/used by both tourists and locals. Research activities analysed current forest management models and identified -with the support of stakeholders- the main current and desired ecosystem services, with the aim to develop appropriate management solutions. Considering intrinsic features, location and the type of users, the study area is particularly appropriate for management solutions aimed to conservation of natural values (species and habitat biodiversity) and the provision of many cultural ecosystem services by offering recreation opportunities to a broad range of users. Though possible, timber production does not represent the main objective of forest management. Potential future management solutions have been identified and discussed via interviews, workshops and events with stakeholders that highlighted the need to develop silvicultural models based on selective harvesting, aimed to ensure a balanced coexistence of nature conservation and other functions. Within this perspective, management models will be oriented to renaturalization goals (in terms of species composition, forest structure, etc.) and the will to ensure planned and safe forest use conditions for multiple users. Besides strictly silvicultural aspects, the promotion of innovative management models sensu lato has emerged as a key issue, looking at new cooperation opportunities among different actors (private and public ones) and ways to value territories and their resources, with positive impacts on local communities and other beneficiaries, while ensuring a multifunctional forest management.

Il caso studio italiano del progetto ALTERFOR è rappresentato dai

boschi del Veneto Orientale rientranti nell’Associazione Forestale di

Pianura (AFP). Si tratta per lo più di querco-carpineti planiziali, in parte residuali e in parte di recente creazione, e di pinete litoranee, per una superficie complessiva di poco inferiore a 300 ha. Tali boschi si trovano in aree semi-urbane, a ridosso di zone ad altissima frequentazione

da parte di turisti e residenti. Le attività di ricerca hanno analizzato i

modelli di gestione attuali del bosco e individuato -con il contributo

dei portatori di interesse- i principali servizi ecosistemici attuali

e desiderati, al fin di sviluppare soluzioni gestionali adeguate. In

ragione delle caratteristiche intrinseche, della collocazione e del

conseguente tipo di fruizione, l’area di studio si presta in particolare

alla gestione a fini di conservazione di valori naturalistici (biodiversità

di specie e habitat) e costituisce una risorsa importante dal punto di

vista dei servizi culturali, offrendo opportunità di ricreazione e svago

a un elevato numero di utenti. La produzione di legname, ancorché

possibile, non costituisce il principale obiettivo gestionale. Possibili

soluzioni gestionali future sono stati individuate e discusse attraverso

interviste, workshop ed eventi con portatori di interesse, nel corso

dei quali è emersa la necessità di attuare modelli selvicolturali basati

su tagli selettivi, finalizzati ad assicurare un’equilibrata coesistenza di

funzioni di conservazione e di valorizzazione. In tal senso la gestione

sarà orientata a una rinaturalizzazione delle aree (in termini di

composizione specifica, struttura, ecc.) e alla possibilità di assicurare

una fruizione pianificata e sicura. Al di là degli aspetti strettamente

selvicolturali, è inoltre emersa la necessità di promuovere modelli

gestionali innovativi in senso lato, che guardino cioè a forme di

collaborazione tra attori diversi (pubblici e privati) e alla promozione

di forme di valorizzazione del territorio e delle sue risorse con

ricadute positive dirette sulle comunità locali e sui beneficiari esterni,

mantenendo un giusto equilibrio tra le diverse funzioni del bosco.

The ALTERFOR project in Ireland focused on assessing future impacts of climate change and dynamic timber prices on western peatland forests, and on developing adaptive, alternative forest management models for these forests. The case study area (CSA), located in country Galway, is dominated by Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantations on blanket peat. The forest is mainly owned by Coillte (the Irish state forestry board) and is surrounded by land with protected status. These designations restrict the use of fertiliser, resulting in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Douglas) now being the only option for reforestation of blanket peats. Climate change will impact the growth of most commercially valuable species negatively, but it will increase lodgepole pine growth on peatlands. The impact of higher wood prices, resulting from an expanding bioeconomy to limit climate change, will make low-productivity sites marginally profitable, leading to intensified forest management. Stakeholders consulted in the CSA are Coillte, the Forest Service, private forest owners, ECC sawmill, National Parks and Wildlife Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, local angling clubs, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, and Teagasc (the state agency for research and advisory for agriculture and forestry). The new management models were developed with Coillte after stakeholder consultations and focus on planting lower densities of lodgepole pine. Some lower densities will facilitate biomass production on marginal sites and even lower densities will establish semi-open open forests on poor sites, allowing native species to regenerate naturally. Reducing stockings result in more profitable forestry and less adverse impacts on water quality as harvesting intensity is reduced. The project has facilitated discussion between stakeholders about what the future western peatland forest landscape may look like, what their preferences are, and what is feasible with regards to forest policy, economics and the biophysical site conditions.

The ALTERFOR project in Ireland focused on assessing future impacts of climate change and dynamic timber prices on western peatland forests, and on developing adaptive, alternative forest management models for these forests. The case study area (CSA), located in country Galway, is dominated by Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantations on blanket peat. The forest is mainly owned by Coillte (the Irish state forestry board) and is surrounded by land with protected status. These designations restrict the use of fertiliser, resulting in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Douglas) now being the only option for reforestation of blanket peats. Climate change will impact the growth of most commercially valuable species negatively, but it will increase lodgepole pine growth on peatlands. The impact of higher wood prices, resulting from an expanding bioeconomy to limit climate change, will make low-productivity sites marginally profitable, leading to intensified forest management. Stakeholders consulted in the CSA are Coillte, the Forest Service, private forest owners, ECC sawmill, National Parks and Wildlife Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, local angling clubs, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, and Teagasc (the state agency for research and advisory for agriculture and forestry). The new management models were developed with Coillte after stakeholder consultations and focus on planting lower densities of lodgepole pine. Some lower densities will facilitate biomass production on marginal sites and even lower densities will establish semi-open open forests on poor sites, allowing native species to regenerate naturally. Reducing stockings result in more profitable forestry and less adverse impacts on water quality as harvesting intensity is reduced. The project has facilitated discussion between stakeholders about what the future western peatland forest landscape may look like, what their preferences are, and what is feasible with regards to forest policy, economics and the biophysical site conditions.

The German team simulated tree and forest growth both in the 100.000

ha large region Augsburg Westliche Wälder (Bavaria) and in the 100.000 ha large region Lieberose/Schlaubertal (Brandenburg) for the next hundred years in order to support forest management. Three alternative calculations show different impacts on ecosystem services by (1) multifunctional forestry, (2) maximizing timber production and

(3) untouched forest development in these case study areas. For both

areas, one of the main findings is that existing structure of species and age largely determine the ecosystem services produced by the forests. OneHundred years with different management practices would be too short to change the ecosystem basket substantially. Another important result is that in case of multifunctional forestry, twenty percent of the biological potential for timber production is not used. Finally, in the region in Brandenburg, untouched forests would increase the risk of fire damages.

The project team organised workshops in the case study areas and invited different forest-related actors. Forestry stakeholders and representatives from natural conservation organisations discussed the modeling results in two groups, in an atmosphere of high trust. Public and private forest owners appreciated multifunctional forestry due to the high stability and continuous supply with ecosystem services including income from timber sales. They were willing to sacrifice twenty percent timber harvest that they could produce in a more dynamic but still sustainable manner. Set asides with no management at all were strictly rejected by forest owners. In contrast to the forest owners, representatives of the nature conservation sector welcomed the alternative calculation of untouched forest development. This would mean increased biodiversity and CO₂ provision in the next one hundred years, mainly resulting from a higher share of untouched forests.

Die je 100.000 ha umfassenden Fallstudienregionen Bayern,

Augsburg Westliche Wälder und die Region Brandenburg Lieberose /

Schlaubetal modellierten zum ersten Mal die Entwicklung des Waldes

in den nächsten 100 Jahren. Drei alternative Szenarien zeigen die

Auswirkungen auf die Ökosystemleistungen: (1) Multifunktionale

Forstwirtschaft, (2) Maximale Holzproduktion und (3) Natürliche

Waldsukzession. Das Hauptergebnis für beide Regionen ist, dass die

Ausgangsstruktur des Waldes, abhängig etwa von den vorhandenen

Baumarten und deren Alter, die Ökosystemleistungen der Wälder für

die nächsten hundert Jahre weitgehend bestimmt. Für fundamentale

Änderungen durch alternative Waldbauverfahren sind hundert Jahre

ein zu kurz bemessener Zeitraum. Ein anderes wichtiges Ergebnis

zeigt, dass multifunktionale Waldbewirtschaftung würde mit einem

Verzicht von zwanzig Prozent an möglicher nachhaltiger Holznutzung

einhergehen. Natürliche Waldentwicklung wiederum erhöht das

Brandrisiko in der Region Brandenburg erheblich.

An den Workshops nahmen staatliche Akteure, Interessengruppen

und Waldeigentümer teil. Die Trennung in Akteure des Forst- und

solche des Naturschutzsektors erleichterte eine konstruktive

Diskussion zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. Öffentliche und private

Waldeigentümer unterstützen das Szenario der multifunktionalen

Forstwirtschaft aufgrund ihrer hohen Stabilität und ausgewogenen

Ökosystemleistungen, einschließlich regelmäßiger Erträge aus

dem Holzverkauf. Sie wären bereit auf zwanzig Prozent höhere

Erträge zu verzichten, die eine maximal ausgelastete, aber dennoch

nachhaltige Holzproduktion ermöglichen könnte. Stilllegungsflächen

im Wald werden von forstlichen Akteuren abgelehnt. Akteure des

Naturschutzes begrüßten das Szenario, in dem die Biodiversität

durch zwanzig Prozent Sukzessionsflächen erhöht werden konnte

und für die nächsten hundert Jahre auch CO2 durch Zuwächse im

Wald gebunden wird.

The research focused on finding management methods better

equipped to efficiently balance wood production and biodiversity

conservation in Southern Sweden. Our case study area Kronoberg

County has 13,700 small-scale forest owners and a landscape

perspective is often lacking. In collaboration with the County

Administrative Board (CAB), ALTERFOR scientists simulated

that long-term effects of important conservation measures that

could prospectively be integrated in the CABs work with green

infrastructure in Sweden. On the other hand, active climate change

mitigation will most likely increase the future demand for wood. To

meet this challenge, while at the same time protecting substantial

areas for biodiversity, the timber production needs to increase.

Together with the forest owner association Södra the research

team has found alternatives that, when used simultaneously, can

increase the growth by 30%. These findings were actively discussed

in workshops with forestry actors in the county that through their

advisory services play a great role in shaping forest management

practices. Increasing the share of broadleaves was identified as

the most important focus area for biodiversity. The suggested

measures include retaining border zones rich in broadleaves;

establishing mixed forests; and plantations of oak. The easiest way

to increase production is to invest in better forest regeneration with

the current methods. Fertilization, exotic tree species and clones

of spruce are other possible alternatives, however, associated

with higher implementation barriers. To sum up, the ALTERFOR

team identified a number of stand level measures that, in due

proportions on landscape level, will enable an efficient balancing

between timber production and biodiversity.

Vår forskning har fokuserat på att hitta skötselmetoder som är

bättre utrustade för att effektivt balansera virkesproduktion och

bevarandet av biologisk mångfald i södra Sverige. Vår fallstudie

Kronobergs län har 13,700 privata skogsägare och här saknas

det ofta ett landskapsperspektiv. I samarbete med länsstyrelsen

så simulerade ALTERFOR forskare de långsiktiga effekterna

av viktiga bevarandeåtgärder som i framtiden kan integreras i

länsstyrelsens arbete med grön infrastruktur i Sverige. Å andra

sidan, aktivt arbete med att motverka klimatförändringarna

kommer troligen att öka den framtida efterfrågan på virke. För

att kunna möta denna utmaning och samtidigt kunna skydda

betydande arealer för biologisk mångfald så måste man öka

tillväxten. Tillsammans med skogsägarföreningen Södra så har

vi tagit fram alternativ, som tillsammans kan öka tillväxten med

30 %. Dessa resultat diskuterades under workshops med skogliga

aktörer i länet som genom sina rådgivningsinsatser har stor

påverkan på skogsskötseln. Att öka mängden löv identifierades

som det viktigaste fokusområdet för den biologiska mångfalden.

Våra föreslagna åtgärder inkluderar att lämna lövrika kantzoner

vid avverkning, etablera blandskog och plantera ek. Det enklaste

sättet att öka produktionen är att investera i bättre föryngringar

med dagens vedertagna metoder. Gödsling, exotiska trädslag och

kloner av gran är andra möjliga alternativ, som dock är förknippade

med högre implementeringsbarriärer. Sammanfattningsvis, vi

har identifierat ett antal åtgärder på beståndsnivå, som i rätt

proportioner på landskapsnivå kan möjliggöra en mer effektiv

balansering av virkesproduktion och bevarandet av den biologiska


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