project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Additive-free cured hams
Jamón sin aditivos

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


• Develop a cured ham without additives which is safe for human consumption.
• Study how the production process of cured ham affects the evolution of the bacterium C. botulinum under various conditions.
• Determine the working conditions that prevent the development of the bacterium C. botulinum and the generation of its toxin.
• Improve the company's competitiveness with the new product line.
• Provide a response to the market with a commitment to natural products.
• Expand the range of clients and enter new domestic and international markets with the new product range.



  • Desarrollar un jamón curado sin aditivos seguro para el consumo humano.
  • Estudiar en diferentes condiciones como afecta el proceso productivo del jamón curado sobre la evolución de la bacteria C.botulinum.
  • Establecer las condiciones de Trabajo que impidan el desarrollo de la bacteria C.botulinum y la generación de su toxina.
  • Mejorar la competitividad de la empresa con la nueva línea de productos.
  • Dar respuesta al mercado que apuesta por productos naturales.
  • Ampliar el abanico de clientes y entrar en nuevos mercados nacionales e internacionales a través de la nueva gama de productos.



a. Coordinate the project. This includes a definition of the process validation method and a literature search.
b. Simulate the process in predictive microbiology
c. Develop an isolated drying pilot plant
d. Define and select the batch of samples that will participate in the study
e. Select and acquire various strains of C. botulinum
f. Perform the challenge test in 4 stages.
g. Define the new packaging design.
h. Promote the new product at markets and events of interest and disseminate the results achieved through the EAI.



  1. Coordinar el proyecto. Incluye definir el método de validación del proceso y búsqueda bibliográfico
  2. Simular el proceso en microbiología predictiva
  3. Desarrollar una planta piloto de secado aislada
  4. Definir y seleccionar el lote de muestras que participaran en el estudio
  5. Seleccionar y adquirir diferentes cepas de C.Botulinum
  6. Challenge test en 4 etapas
  7. Definir nuevo diseño packaging
  8. Promocionar el nuevo producto a mercados y eventos de interés y hacer divulgación de los resultados alcanzados a través de la AEI



The project to be carried out by Pernils Llémena, SA consists of obtaining an additive-free cured ham, which maintains the same level of food safety as conventional hams.
The safety of cured ham has historically been based on the slightly acidic pH of the meat combined with the use of sodium chloride and nitrifiers. This combination prevents the development of bacterial flora, and in particular the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and the formation of its toxin, which is responsible for botulism, a serious illness that can be fatal.
In order to eliminate nitrifiers and ensure the safety of the product, the company will carry out a study on the evolution of the Clostridium botulinum bacterium while the ham is processed under various conditions, in order to confirm the appropriate processing methodology.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 28449.08

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator