Transnational Cooperation
TNC Factsheet - Lithuania
This page provides information on rules and eligibility criteria relating to transnational cooperation (TNC) projects in Lithuania.
Page contents
This Factsheet describes the rules for LEADER TNC in Lithuania.
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General information
- Local Action Groups (LAGs) could start TNC activities at the beginning of 2024.
- TNC themes and priorities in the Local Development Strategy (LDS) are defined by the Local Action Groups, as part of their LDS.
- TNC budget in the LDS is defined by the LAGs as part of their LDS up to a certain limit defined at the Member State level.
- Calls for TNC projects are defined by the LAGs and launched according to their own schedule.
- Average (planned) time for official approval for the TNC projects selected by the LAGs: 1-3 months.
- Guidelines on transnational cooperation in LEADER/CLLD for the 2023-2027 programming period are only available in Lithuanian.
Detailed information about eligibility criteria
Types of eligible territory and stakeholders
- Types of territory that can be covered in a TNC project include rural and non-rural territories, both in the EU and in third countries.
- Types of eligible partners in a TNC project can include
- LAGs (rural territory, EU MS)
- local public or private partners (non-LAG) active within a LAG territory
- other public-private partnerships (rural territory, EU)
- other public-private partnerships (non-rural territory, EU)
- other partners (e.g. partners from third countries (non-EU)
- Types of stakeholders eligible for preparatory support for TNC projects only include LAGs.
- The existence of a lead partner is one of the eligibility criteria for a TNC project.
Detailed eligibility criteria
- Eligibility criteria for preparatory actions: there is no specific requirement regarding the eligibility criteria for preparatory actions. In Lithuania, LAGs can use the LDS (running costs) budget for preparatory actions.
- Eligibility criteria for TNC projects:
- a justified need of the project partners
- an indication of the overall objective and objectives of the project. The overall objective of the project and the expected results must be clear, achievable, measurable and verifiable
- the activities envisaged in the project must be implemented and/or developed in the territories of the applicant and the project partners
Eligible actions and costs
- Costs eligible related to the following actions for preparatory support:
- meetings
- participation in events
- preparation of publications
- study visits
- training
- joint products
- joint services
- joint events
- website development
- marketing and promotion
- local actions directly linked to the TNC project (for example, local events or capacity building for relevant local stakeholders, etc.)
- Eligible costs for TNC projects:
- share of common costs related to joint publication and/or website
- rental of venue for meetings and events
- translation fees
- interpreters' fees
- fees of consultancy and expert services
- catering
- accommodation
- travel
- purchase of equipment for the purposes of the project
- costs related to dedicated project staff (e.g., joint project manager)
- expenditure related to local actions directly linked to the TNC project
- Non-eligible costs for TNC:
- acquisition costs of real estate
- acquisition costs of second-hand goods
- acquisition costs of fixed assets
- The use of simplified cost options (SCOs) for TNC:
- SCOs can be used for preparatory support for TNC. LAGs can use the LDS budget (running costs) to cover the costs of preparatory actions, while the simplified cost options (SCO) are applicable to the running costs of the LDS. The SCO has been chosen in accordance with Article 83(2)(b) of the Regulation (EU) 2021/2015.
Required documents to be submitted with an application for a TNC project
- joint activity agreement;
- documents proving that the project partner(s) are implementing the LDS;
- documents proving that the project partner(s) has / have submitted a grant application(s) for the implementation of the cooperation projects;
- documents proving the reasonableness of the planned costs (e.g. commercial offers, procurement documents).
Financial information
- Maximum amount of support for one TNC project: EUR 30 000
- Maximum rate of public support for TNC projects:
- 100% for preparatory actions for TNC projects
- 100% for TNC projects.