Annual Work Programme 2023-2024

Our Annual Work Programme (AWP) serves as a valuable resource, providing insight into the breadth and scope of the EU CAP Network's activities.

Horizon projects
Horizon projects
Horizon projects

The AWP enables interested individuals and stakeholders to get insights about ongoing projects and gain a deeper understanding of the plans for the current year (July to July).

It includes valuable information regarding our governance bodies, our thematic work, our editorial offer and upcoming events. The AWP also includes all the details for being an active part of the network. 

We invite you to browse through our Annual Work Programme for 2023-2024 to discover how the European CAP Network is advancing sustainable agriculture and rural development within the EU.


Annual Work Programme

Assembly and permanent subgroups

The EU CAP Network governance is based on an Assembly and a Steering Group.

Three Subgroups of the Assembly will focus on thematic work with CAP stakeholders and EU Member States’ administrations regarding CAP Strategic Plans Implementation, Innovation and Knowledge exchange, and LEADER and territorial development.

Upcoming Governance Events

Activities & Resources

Presented according to the general objectives of the CAP

Annual work programme

CAP General Objectives

  • Objective 1: to foster a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector ensuring long-term food security
  • Objective 2: to support and strengthen environmental protection, including biodiversity, and climate action and to contribute to achieving the environmental and climate-related objectives of the Union, including its commitments under the Paris Agreement
  • Objective 3: to strengthen the socio-economic fabric of rural areas

Activities related to Objective 1

Activities objective 1
  Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation
Thematic Work
  • Thematic Group on CAP Strategic Plans: Monitoring Committees
  • Focus Group 51 on crops associations including milpa and protein crops
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessing CAP income support interventions’
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessment of sectoral support’
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessment of the contribution to farm productivity’
  • Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-food supply chain
  • Policy Insights articles
  • Good Practice Examples
  • Factsheet ‘Recovery of abandoned agricultural lands’
  • Press articles
  • Videos
  • Good Practice Workshop Report ‘How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP’

Activities related to Objective 2

Activities objective 2
  Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation
Thematic Work
  • Thematic Group on Design and implementation of Eco-schemes
  • Thematic Group on Green Architecture
  • Focus Group 50 on regenerative agriculture for soil health
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessment of results-based interventions’
  • Workshop on circular water management
  • Workshop on reversing pollinators decline
  • Good Practice Workshop - ‘Assessment of carbon farming’
  • Projects Brochure
  • Good Practice examples
  • Policy Insights articles
  • Brochure on circular water management
  • Agrinnovation magazine ‘linking rural areas with natural (circular) resources’
  • Factsheet ‘Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape’
  • Factsheet on pesticide reduction or food security under climate change
  • Newsletter with focus on bees
  • Videos
  • Press articles
  • Complementary research on quantification of rough estimates of CAP contributions to climate mitigation
  • In-depth appraisals of evaluations related to SO4

Activities related to Objective 3

Activities related to Objective 3 table
  Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation
Thematic Work
  • Thematic Group on Rural Skills
  • Thematic Group on Farmers' Mental Health
  • Focus Group 52: on competitiveness and resilience of mountain areas
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessing the added value of LEADER’
  • Workshop on LEADER and multi-funded CLLD
  • Younger LEADER Forum
  • Workshop on boosting women-led innovation in farming and rural areas
  • Good Practice Workshop ‘How to assess the LEADER added value’
  • Good Practice Workshop - ‘Assessment of generational renewal (including gender)’
  • Quarterly LEADER Newsletter
  • Good Practice examples
  • Policy Insights articles
  • Factsheet on social farming
  • Factsheet on animal welfare
  • Thematic newsletter on animal welfare
  • CAP evaluation expert insights: LEADER

Cross-cutting activities

Cross-cutting activities
  Focus on Implementation Focus on Innovation Focus on Evaluation
Thematic Work
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Use of factors of success in evaluation’
  • Thematic Working Group - ‘Assessment of results-based interventions’
  • Workshop on the durability of investments
  • Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards(ARIA) Ceremony
  • Workshop ‘National networking for innovation’
  • Conference and Award celebrating Operational Groups
  • Brokerage event ‘Accelerating the innovation process through Horizon Europe multi-actor projects’
  • Seminar on skills and life-long learning
  • Ad-hoc national experts meetings
  • Good Practice Workshop - ‘Assessment of simplification and administrative burden for farmers’
  • Projects Brochure ARIA2023
  • Good Practice examples
  • Policy Insight articles
  • Brochure on Horizon Europe calls 2024
  • Brochure on Operational Groups & Funding
  • Thematic newsletter on Operational Groups
  • Good Practice Workshop Report ‘Addressing data gaps to evaluate CAP Strategic Plans’
  • Assessment of the Progress in Implementing the evaluation plans of RDP 2014-2022
  • Synthesis of ex-ante evaluations of CAP post 2020
  • Study on outcomes achieved by EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects
  • CAP Evaluation Newsletter
  • Catalogue of CAP interventions

Upcoming Events

Practical Information & contacts

Website transition – Practical Information

  • Following the launch of the EU CAP Network, this website was launched. Consequently as of April 2023, the ENRD and EIP-AGRI websites are no longer updated.
  • Some features and databases are still being transitioned to the EU CAP Network website and currently only partially available on the previous websites.
Name Status
Publications database (including ENRD, EIP-AGRI, and Evaluation Helpdesk publications) Already Available! Read our publications here.
Good Practices database Already Available! 50 reports are published on a quarterly basis. Find out more about Good Practice here.
Catalogue of CAP interventions Available on the EC website at this link.
LAG directory Being transitioned. The most updated version may be consulted here.
Operational Groups database Already Available! Find out more here.
Multi-actor projects database Being transitioned. The most updated version may be consulted here.
Funding opportunities database  Being transitioned.
Evaluation Knowledge Bank  Being transitioned. The most updated version may be consulted here.


English language

EU CAP Network - Annual Work Programme

(PDF – 17.46 MB)