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Assessing the climate mitigation potential of CAP Strategic Plans: insights on a new quantitative methodology
A new study has been published offering a first quantified estimation of the CAP interventions' potential contribution to GHG emission reduction and removals. The report focused on 18 Member States, corresponding to 19 CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). A study covering the EU-27 is planned to be published in the first quarter of 2025.
- Evaluation

Networking insights: geographical cluster meetings
Get a glimpse of the main topics discussed at the latest National Networks (NNs) geographical cluster meetings, where NNs exchange, learn, and collaborate based on their geographical proximity.
- CAP Implementation

A promising start for our new Thematic Groups
More support for young farmers and improving the uptake of biodiversity measures are the main topics discussed at our new Thematic Groups. Learn more about the first discussions and the next steps.
- CAP Implementation

Hybrid renewable energy systems solutions for increased farm resilience
Interreg Atlantic Area project builds sustainable agriculture through renewable energy.
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

Increasing competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability through EU CAP Network activities
Circularity, generation renewal, use of farm data, digitalisation, biodiversity management, soil/nutrient management, crop diversification, energy… All these themes are relevant to increasing resilience, sustainability, and competitiveness in farming.
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

Award winning rural cooperation projects from LEADER
This year's European LEADER Congress included an ELARD awards ceremony showcasing cooperation projects, which attracted a high-quality collection of LAG entries. Find out more about the winners here.
- CAP Implementation

LAGs learn from producer organisations' best practices
Local Action Group representatives attended the EU CAP Network’s 4th meeting of the Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain to network with stakeholders involved in local food systems.
- CAP Implementation

Young LEADER Forum impacts
LAG Manager Matthias Wagner from Germany shares his insights and experiences about using LEADER to help support young people’s rural ambitions in the Leipziger Muldenland LAG territory.
- CAP Implementation

Slovenia’s simplified community-led local development
Simplification and harmonisation between EU funds have helped LEADER succeed in Slovenia. The main enabling factor is a common national legal framework, which this article explains more about.
- CAP Implementation

LEADER success stories across the CAP
LEADER can co-fund a variety of projects supporting many different CAP objectives and this article shows the scope of LEADER's rural development potential.
- CAP Implementation