Competitive bioeconomy for a sustainable Europe
The mission of Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint-Undertaking (CBE JU) is to advance a competitive bioeconomy for a sustainable Europe.

CBE JU call attracts 125 project proposals
The mission of Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint-Undertaking (CBE JU) is to advance a competitive bioeconomy for a sustainable Europe.
In its first call for project proposals, which closed in September, a total of €120 million was available. This call invited applicants to submit project proposals across 12 different topics including “Cooperative business models for sustainable mobilisation and valorisation of agricultural residues, by-products, and waste in rural areas” and “Alternative sources for high added value food and/or feed ingredients”.

125 project proposals were received in total. Evaluation of the project proposals will take place between October and December 2022, and applicants will receive the call results by the end of February 2023 at the latest.
CBE JU is the legal and universal successor of BBI.